FeverDreams's Journal

FeverDreams's Journal


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4 entries this month

Justice is better than chivalry if we cannot have both!

10:36 Feb 20 2011
Times Read: 881

In the year I have spent here I have come across many men and I can vouch when I say, not all those who speak of chivalry are gentleman and not all those who rough it out are barbarians. Chivalry is not about the way you speak or the way you dress. It’s a lifestyle! It has to be innate and it doesn’t develop overnight.

To the man who has been spreading rumours about me, of how I was lead on by mistaking your kindness for love ... I have something unladylike to say ... *stick out middle paw* ... there! You sir are not only delusional but you are an inexcusable liar! I am trying my upmost best to maintain my composure but you and your girlfriend are testing my patience. I am so close to sending your personal messages to me to your girlfriend but yet again, I was taught better than that and I am going to hang on to my end of the bargain.

After hearing of your rumours, I was so distraught but I didn’t want to confront you because it would only have brought me down to your level and that would have betrayed my morals. Let me make this very clear to you and all your entourage of fools, I was not pursing you as a love interest! I was not in love with you and thank god I wasn’t! You however did peak my interest but I was fortunate enough to realise that you were nothing but a scam artist. It broke my heart to learn that you would speak ill of me just to keep yourself out of trouble. And even after everything that has happened you can message me and start a conversation like nothing happened. That’s just plain cruel.

You can approach any of my male acquaintance here and they can tell you what kind of a lady I am. I have never ever stepped a toe out of line. I have had men from VR wanting me to be with me but never had I lead them on or behaved in appropriately with them. So you claiming that I was pursing you relentlessly despite the fact that you had a girlfriend ... that is just ridiculous and anyone who believes that are equally stupid.

You call yourself a gentleman when you are willing to tarnish a lady’s reputations in order to save your own. Well done! I hope you feel very high of yourself.

Well thank you for being a part of my virtual life ... You did spice it up ... It was unpleasantly refreshing to see a melodramatic man!



11:37 Feb 20 2011

If i ever find out who this male friend is they will get what they bargained for. because no one messes with my cubby and gets away with it..

12:13 Feb 20 2011

I consider you a friend, and as xLordxZachariasx you're alliance family. My best advice I can give is to block this asshole and ignore his ramblings if he's on here- he's worth no more of your time than you have already invested into this mess.

14:12 Feb 20 2011

A Lady. to be respected and honoured.

14:16 Feb 20 2011

Pack sticks together right?

This really pisses me off that someone would do this to you!Our sweet little Cubby DOES NOT DESERVE TO BE TREATED LIKE THIS!Let me find out who this person is,right along side with papa Dan,i'll make sure they never mess with you again!I swear people are so stupid and will do anything just to get attention from someone like you Cubby,just ignore them babygirl!

14:19 Feb 20 2011

Your friends know you and your values. This person cannot tarnish your image in our eyes. All he does is show himself as the fool he truly is.

15:16 Feb 20 2011

Knowing what I do, I will swear that the rumors are false. I hate that insecurity and fear lead to this spreading of falsehoods. Cubby behaved respectfully at all times including the friendship mentioned above.

As for the ones spreading this nonsense, I know you and you know me. I am very disappointed in you, both of you. I am warning you now. Leave FeverDreams alone. Stop it right here and now like adults or my next steps will not be lady-like nor kind. I love you but you are behaving poorly and need to be reminded that how you treat people is a better judge of your character than how many friends you have and who they are.


16:34 Feb 20 2011

I have known you long enough to say you are a lady and if someone says different they can come to me and talik.

16:38 Feb 20 2011

I know this charming young lady fairly well. And I can attend to her good reputation. anybody who would soil that rep for the own ego. is a cad and will answer to me and my blade.

20:23 Feb 20 2011

Unlike the others, I do not know you. But just from reading this I can tell that you are above and beyond most. You are angry yet make it a point to keep names and specifics out of this.

Admiral and very ladylike....Kudos to you!


Privacy Issues!!!

15:44 Feb 11 2011
Times Read: 945

So today Harley messaged me that a google search on his VR name resulted in his photos being displayed. Then I also noticed that another member was talking about the same issue. So I decided to check it out for myself ... and to my horror ... there I was!

My photo was in the google search results ... I feel very uncomfortable about the whole thing. Not only did my photo turn up ... even my protection came up ... and the most uncomfortable part was that the search result contained other explicit pictures.

The affected members are bringing this up to the admins and hopefully they’ll be able to fix this problem as soon as possible.


If you are reading this ... please go google your VR name and see if you are facing the same issue.

And if you think it’s a breach of our privacy please help post in the main forum thread “privacy issues” ...

Here’s the link ...

Click Here



16:22 Feb 11 2011

Don't be ridiculous. If you post images onto the internet you are exposing yourself to being googled.

If you don't want to be googled, don't post anything onto the internet.

16:26 Feb 11 2011

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16:29 Feb 11 2011

Google also gives access to our Coven Threads I noticed...

16:58 Feb 11 2011

I found this out several years back when I posted in some online forums and found the posts on google.

00:07 Feb 18 2011

try googlong your email address, now that's interesting.



15:38 Feb 08 2011
Times Read: 958

... compiled over 2 days ...

Q : Are you talking about me?

A : I talk about alota crap everyday ... now be specific!

Q : Are you going to steal my boyfriend?

A : Only if he is covered in precious gems.

Q : Will you cyber with me?

A : Do I need to tongue the screen?

Q : Are you a home wrecker?

A : I kicked open a door once ... does that count?

Q : Are you a lesbian?

A : If you are the last guy on earth ... hell yeah!

Q : I want to be a vampire. Will you help me?

A : Sure ... but you bring your own glitter.

Q : Oh you are Asian ... do you speak English? (this idiot asked me this question after 6 msgs)

A : nope ... wads English?

why me!!!



15:44 Feb 08 2011

This made my day since I needed a good laugh.


Psychology 101

14:25 Feb 06 2011
Times Read: 1,005

Please stay away from me. I might be a horrible person. After a recent VR episode I have realised that I might not be the nice friendly cubby after all. Fluffy whittle cubby might have lost her innocence!

I have actually judged someone and the worst part is that I can’t un-judge the person. It’s like spilled words that one can never reclaim. The perception I have of this person can’t be amended. The verdict is in. I’m officially a horrible person!

... but then ... today I spoke to a couple of friends and they say it normal to judge. We are humans after. Even though it makes sense ... I still feel terrible about myself ...

The following is a conversation I had with a good friend katanax ... *whispers* ... and yes ladies he is single and super sweet ... you should look him up. A cute boy with some bad ass bikes! The loveliest hair ever!!! Ok Danath ... I’ve said all the things you wrote down for me ... now where’s the 50 dollars you promised me *chuckles*

Fever Dreams says

nuuu .... sad

Danath says


Fever Dreams says

cos I fink imma bad person

Danath says

Now why would you think a thing like that?

Fever Dreams says

cos ... I judged someone ...

*slaps hand* bad fever!!!

Danath says

meh, we learn from experience.

If something looks like a spade it usually is a spade

Fever Dreams says

well I judged a girl as a slut cos she is acting like one

but others love her for god knows wad reason!

Danath says

heh you should design a bumper sticker "Sluts are people too" Meh, we all have more than one quality.... I could be judged as a geek and some people might not like it, but there’s more to me than that

Fever Dreams says

so I am being bad?

Danath says

nah. Just focussing on one aspect of a person’s personality you don't understand or agree with. You can't relate I suppose and because you can't you see it as a negative.

It's normal and natural. Welcome to being a human

Fever Dreams says

*throws herself into your arms and cries*



Danath says

lol! You're totally not

Fever Dreams says

yes I am!!!

Danath says

If you were horrible you'd be perfectly happy with being a bitch. The fact you're so upset is totally contrary to that

Fever Dreams says

really? I don’t know ...

now I bet all my friends think I’m a bad person

Danath says

No they won’t I don’t

If you do get any hassle its for the exact same reason - they're acting negatively about an aspect of your personality that they don’t understand.

Ahhh, psychology

Fever Dreams says

so ... I’m only seeing the 'slut' side of her?

Danath says

Possibly not, but you're focussing on it cause negatives influence us in decision making more than positives. That’s why the news runs so many doom and gloom stories


Fever Dreams says

wad you said totally made sense!!!!

Danath says

So you're not horrible.

You're awesome and just like the rest of us.

You have your own set of personality traits. Some will like them, some will love them, others, not so much of either

That’s life

Fever Dreams says

how bout u?

do you like my traits

be honest

Danath says

Everything I've seen so far - absolutely

sweet, thoughtful, kind, a bit flirty and sassy. What’s not to like?

Fever Dreams says

even though now that you know by deep dark secret?

I’m a judger!

Danath says

Haha. Subconsciously, everyone is.

Even those who work for charities and stuff, they know what drug addicts are capable of - so even if they're nice to them, they are always on guard ready in case anything happens.

See. It's all in the mind. It's also why we act differently around others we want to like us

Fever Dreams says

okie I need to stop talking to you


Danath says

Welcome back fever

Fever Dreams says

lol ....


Ok some the conversation was edited for *ah hem* for privacy...



14:30 Feb 06 2011

hugs ya - Nope your not a horrible person, not in my book.

14:45 Feb 06 2011

nope. Not a bad person at all, just human. A lovely journal entry here *bows*

Whether we like to think it or not, we are all judgmental and that is our defense mechanism, they way we have of keeping ourselves 'safe' from folk who have different 'values', 'attributes', customs' etc. It is as simple as that, nothing more and nothing less. If we weren't judgemental, we'd be in a lot of trouble a lot of the time because our defenses would be down and allsorts of undesireables would be within range. LOL

17:27 Feb 06 2011

Every one is guilty of a certain amount of judging but its knowing and admiting when you was wrong that redems you.

02:20 Feb 07 2011

I don't know you fever but Danath is right judging others is just a part of human nature, we are brought up listening to our elders judge people so we believe its what is done.

The fact you feel bad about it shows your a compassionate person. So tell you what I do when I judge someone and feel bad for it, I then stop myself and think of something good about them that I can see, to counter-act the negative thinking. :) It will make you feel better in the long run :)

15:55 Feb 07 2011

I support you my friend . Yes, you are human and we all judge at times. It doesn't make you a bad person.

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