Forbiddenice's Journal

Forbiddenice's Journal


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8 entries this month

Thoughts in my head

15:53 Oct 16 2015
Times Read: 414

One I did the Mary Kay challenge and got 10 total strangers to say yes to trying the mary kay facial or other samples

I am thrilled to say that even though I got alot of NOs I was okay with it. I wanted to bless people and if they don't want the blessing I cannot force it on them. You know what I mean Jelly bean?

I am getting my apartment and looking forward to it. I have lived in a hotel for way too long and well I am over that hump kind of awful. Lack of sleep is for the weak not me... Lack of sleeo here brins out the worst in me.

So looking forward to getting out of this mess. :)

Making a fresh start and moving on from there. I get to go into the pool and work out place and also they have a key access only laundry room as well. SO I am liking that as well. Why? Exercise on a level I can do. I tend to be tired out from that but more excited then anything else. It will motivate me and then I have a work out partner my friend shauna.

My other friend Josie might enjoy it too.

So that will be cool. working on my core and fixing it.

I am hoping for a bathsuot so I can go swimming for I miss that kind of awful and they have all kinds of things like a doggie park and a river that if you want you can fish . Not going to but I want to see manatee if they go by that is for sure!

Watched a movie calld Crimson Peak. I liked the story and also it gave me the creeps at parts. Though easy to read tthe movie i enjoyed the cast and the fun stuff.

Even got a a skeleton key with the name of the movie.




21:10 Oct 26 2015

Know what you mean Jelly bean. I am happy that everything is coming together for you and you are getting an apartment. I so want to see 'Crimson Peak'! I love to fish!LOL!~Mina


13:19 Oct 14 2015
Times Read: 421

Listening to Tide Of Hanjiang River very soothing music for sure.

Not sure why oriental music has always soothed this beastie but it has.

My furbaby decided she was going to go outside and not do anything today with which I heard a hawk and looked up and said good morning for some reason.

hawk totem

When you have the hawk as a spirit animal, you may have an inclination towards using the power of vision and intuition in your daily life. The hawk totem provides wisdom about seeing situations from a higher perspective, using the power of observation, and focusing on the task at hand. It’s a good companion to develop spiritual awareness.

Hawk Totem Meaning

The hawk spirit animal or totem has several attributes and meanings:

Hawk is the messenger of the spirit world

Use the power of focus

Take the lead when the time is right

Power to see, clear vision

Strong connection with spirit, increased spiritual awareness

Hawk spirit animals belong to the realm of bird medicine. It carries the symbolism that comes with the ability to fly and reach the skies.

interesting for sure




16:10 Oct 11 2015
Times Read: 434

he and I are one




thought of the day

11:21 Oct 08 2015
Times Read: 445

I wouldn't consider myself Goth, but I love Gothic pieces.

Tyson Chandler

True to the saying really. I was mostly metal in the younger years. Which pissed off my mom a lot. Love art work and adore reviewing the history of the world. Gothic artwork is my favorite but not truly who I am inside. I also like the Renaissance period and yes did the SCA thing but I got over that quickly when most of my friends got married and had children and it turned into a serious family gathering rather than a fun day out of sword fighting.

My point is I am not a labeled person. I don't label others so that is my thought of the day.




おはよう ございます Ohayou gozaimasu or good morning

13:41 Oct 06 2015
Times Read: 455

おはよう ございます

Ohayou gozaimasu

or good morning

Today I saw a hawk a seagull and a crow. hmmm What the heck does that all mean?

The hawk is also a bird of prey. Having this animal as a spirit guide emphasizes your ability to lead and influence others. When the hawk is present in your life, it could signify that it's time to take more initiative and being active. Hawks symbolize the power of observation.

The seagull changes its meaning from freedom and carefree security to destruction at the hands of a loved one. It symbolizes freedom at first and then dependence. The seagull also serves as a foreshadowing device.

The crow is a spirit animal associated with life mysteries and magic. The power of this bird as totem and spirit guide is provide insight and means of supporting intentions. Sign of luck, it is also associated with the archetype of the trickster; be aware of deceiving appearances. If the crow has chosen you as your spirit or totem animal, it supports you in developing the power of sight, transformation, and connection with life’s magic.

That is all that is happening today? WOW




Happy trippy day

13:46 Oct 05 2015
Times Read: 461

“Blame it on my A.D.D.” by Sail, made me laugh for my friend said that and she had found it on you tube not finding out, that actually it is “Sail” By AWOLNATION makes you think about stuff for sure. The fact that lead singer is for the most part a tad touched, I think makes it, all the more neat. But my friend not knowing her music made me wonder if she knew this. I normally know my music and well this was not on my play list and well it had an awesome beat so I looked it up. There are unofficial videos and well that is how she found it I guess. Unofficial videos of course have flying cats in tune with the music. WOW.




top of the morning to ya

13:34 Oct 04 2015
Times Read: 468

Well, Mavis actually came up to me and ask the question.

What really is fashion? My little fashion forward girl is not like me, at all she sees I am different and so is her auntie Dhyan. So I found a nice way of putting fashion in general to her. Explaining Gothic looks,steampunk, sheek geek and such to her. She was filled with wonder and awe. An 8 year old mind is so open and clear and wild. I love that about her.





08:53 Oct 01 2015
Times Read: 485

She needs no fancy clothes to make her look sexy.

She needs no man by her side to make her feel strong.

She needs to tell no lies; her honesty is her beauty.

She’s smart in the head and courageous in the heart, confident in herself, and compassionate in her thoughts.

She is independent and able.

She is strong and she is graceful




21:13 Oct 26 2015


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