FoxFire17's Journal

FoxFire17's Journal


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sophia and mikels

12:24 Feb 16 2007
Times Read: 550

Sophia and Mikel

In a world that was dark and full of people. As the night turned to day and day turned to night, people started to disappear. Soon enough there were only five or less around. Others seemed to have joined the new club.

As time came around for a full moon, you could hear howling all around the two towns. No one wanted to talk with those who weren’t in the club.

Sophia got a good look at the merchandise that was sold in the market place and grabbed two boxes then got out of town. Afterwards, she ran for three miles. She took out one of the boxes, and opened it. She followed the directions and drank what it had made. She passed out and woke up in a bed, the people who were watching her condition saw she was awake and gave her something to drink and said, “Drink this, it will help you.” Sophia didn’t know what to do. All she did was follow their instructions.

Later that night, Sophia got out of that bed and ran for miles. Until, she found that second box and made that drink, then drank it. She ran back to her town.

Nobody knew Sophia had returned. She stayed in her old apartment and slept for the next two days. As soon as someone realized Sophia had taken two boxes and returned. They started to pound on her door. As soon as Sophia answered the door, people she had seen in the beginning before they had joined the club or the cult had said, “What have you done to yourself? I don’t understand why you joined their club. Whatever you do don’t take anything for granted. Take this, it’s an antidote to what you took.”

“No. leave me alone. I don’t want to see anyone and you just make me feel worse, than I already feel.” Sophia said, when she shut the door in their faces and went back to sleep. As time would tell, she got up again and ran three miles back to those boxes. She had taken one of the boxes and read what that drink was. She saw people had gathered around her and the full moon was out. “Leave this place now.” Everyone was changing around her and she blacked out. She started to beat the crap out of everyone who had changed, she passed out. When she awoke, she was in a warm room somewhere she didn’t know. She saw people sleeping and looking bloody and beaten up. They started to wake up and Sophia asked, “Where am I and what am I doing here?” Mikel said, “You’re in your den. You are our Queen. There isn’t anyone to lead us and we are called ‘werewolves’.” Sophia said, “I’m no ‘Queen’ as you put it. I don’t even know what happened last night after I changed. I blacked out.”

“Why do you think you’re here? All we know is that ‘you’ killed our leader and had grabbed two boxes of the potion mixed it up and drank it. Even when you were given the antidote, you drank it again. You even said ‘NO’ to the antidote when it was offered to you. Have you anything to add to your accounts now?” “No. I don’t want to be here at all. How did you get me here in the first place?” Sophia said.

“We all carried you here, after you passed out and twenty or more were killed before that. It took a lot of time effort, and work, that we got you to safety because if you had stayed out there people would have taken you home and given you the antidote. Besides that you passed out the first time you drank the potion and transformed into a werewolf that was mean and didn’t want anyone that you knew or didn’t know to be hurt that was when you passed out or blacked out I don’t know which.”

Sophia seemed to have fallen asleep when the speech was over. Everyone smiled because they knew they fell asleep more times then they could count when they were new werewolves.

Everyone but Sophia got up to see who was hunting for food this evening and come with more meat than normal because news werewolves especially, new Queens would be starved and thirsty.

At times new werewolves craved more blood and meat than those who already were werewolves. At nights when werewolves were hungry, new werewolves especially females, were shy to show their true hunger.

When Sophia awakened, there was food near her and everyone had backed up ten to fifteen feet so she could eat. The smell of the blood was more than tempting than the meat.

She took a small bite of the bloody meat and began to eat like it was her last meal and polished off the pig, the horse, and the cow.

She fell asleep and nobody knew what to say other than Mikel, “She will be hungry for the next taste of blood and meat before she knows it. I’ll get some more hunting done. You clean her up and the bones are to be grounded into the potion. You got it, move it out, now.

I want my bride to stay this way forever. You got me? Now get these jobs done. She doesn’t realize what she has gotten herself into. Great speech Johnny and very lovely hunting Angel go tell Jennifer to prepare her for the next course now because if I’m correct she’ll be asleep for the next five hours.”

As soon as Mikel left, the pack started to do as he commanded. Sophia didn’t realize the consequences of her actions because some of their leader’s blood was in her meat and blood, so he could bind her to him and not run from the pack.

As soon as Mikel returned, he found Sophia was unattended to and almost ready to wake. He’d have to prepare her another meal to keep her asleep longer and prepare her for the wedding himself. He prepared a bloody meal again.

When Sophia awoke again, Mikel was by himself and laying her meal down in front of her and left her alone for this time. Sophia polished off her meal and fell asleep again.

When Mikel came back, he saw that Sophia had polished the entire meal off, then he lifted her up in his arms and kissed her on the mouth, and went into the bath that was suppose to be ready ad bathed her in solid hot water, he had prepared himself already.

Mikel carried Sophia to the alter where the minister placed a rose pendant around her neck and pour a potion made with the bones of her first few meals, his blood, and something else. Then the ceremony was over and he carried off his new wife and bride.

Mikel placed her back where she had been laid before and covered her with the pelts from the animals she had eaten in the two meals.

Sophia awoke warm and realized that there was a cover on top of her, then fell asleep again and this time she felt different because someone was beside her and it was male because it was hairy, rough, and passive as any man would be over his woman. With that thought, Sophia looked around and saw that she was in another room with one male.

Mikel started to awaken with a groan and looked for his wife because she wasn’t next to him in his bed. He found her freezing on the cold floor and sleeping too.

He didn’t know how she had gotten out of his grip on her. When Sophia woke up again, she was alone in the chamber. There was a goblet filled with something red that smelled of blood and meat that was raw. At that point Sophia remembered some important advice ‘don’t take anything for granted’.

Sophia touched nothing in front of her because she thought something was up and was suspicious of what was placed in front of her and went back to sleep.

When Mikel returned, he saw nothing had been touched or tasted. Mikel who was married to Sophia was a little concerned and asked the guard, “If Sophia had awakened within the past few hours?” “Yes, but she only looked at it and fell back asleep. I don’t know why she didn’t touch or taste anything because she would and should be hungry since she is a new wolf. I’m surprised.” “Well she may want to take a walk or something. Did she get out of my embrace last night?” “Yes, she looked around your room and got scared of you in her space if I’m correct.” The guard said. Mikel thanked him for the report. So much for breakfast he thought. At that moment Sophia started to drink from the goblet and polish off the meat that was near her and fell asleep.

Mikel noticed the dangerous glare that seemed to be growing wilder every time she ate her meals. He was now starting to feel threatened because she had that same look when she just did that.

Knowing when and what to do scared Mikel as it did him. Just then he remembered there was a full moon within a few days. He was scared at what she might do when he would take her for a mate forever. Mikel was the name he had, but was also called the leader. Who knew what to expect anymore? She didn’t even know how to hunt to save her life, unless he took her into the woods and taught her. When the first full moon was over, then he could do something about it.

The next few nights were tough because she was silent and quiet about her activities especially eating what was in front of her. Her glare became more murderous than before because of the full moon.

When Sophia awoke days later, she stood on her two legs and walked around a bit, although she did lie back down. She felt her body change and she blacked out. Mikel got to finally mate with Sophia, but she had blacked out and didn’t recall anything that could account for Mikel or the guard, or anybody.

When Sophia awoke the next morning, she felt awful and ached everywhere, felt like she was black and blue. The next thing she knew was that she was sleeping more than what she did sleep.

Sophia passed out when she was walking outside. When she woke up, she was being carried by Mikel, but passed out again. She caught the flu or something, and was tended to by Mikel and found out later that she was expecting children.

Somehow she made it through childbirth and slept a long time to find she was starving for food because of nursing her children. She didn’t know their names, but Mikel had named them Timothy, Alex Angela, and Annita.

While recovering from the childbirth, Sophia started hunting, but failed. One full moon before, a change took place in Sophia, and she ran to her old apartment one time. She swiped the antidote, and took it, then passed out. She woke up being carried back to Mikel’s den, but she still changed into a werewolf and missed her old life terribly.

No one knew what the problem was with Sophia because she had stopped eating, drinking, and was very distant to Mikel and everyone else. As time passed by, months felt like years and years felt like eons n s.

As time passed by, Sophia began to fade away. She became weak and continued, until she was weaker than one of the children, that were barely moving.

Mikel nursed Sophia back to health, but it took three long years. By that time, Sophia was eating less then Mikel. She died of a weak heart.




matt and ginna

02:22 Feb 13 2007
Times Read: 556

Matt and Ginna

A tale of two Were wolves

One evening, while Ginna was walking to her house, the moon came out. She heard something move next to her, but found herself bit on her arm. She was shocked, but let it go for the time being.

When she got home she wrapped it up and went to bed. After she fell asleep, she had a dream. The wolf the was beside her stopped and changed into a hunky looking guy. She look at him as he left her for the time and ran butt naked in front of her.

“Don’t worry about him he will be your mate and you will soon show the mark of the beast. I’m Zach and I’m here to talk with you. I sorry you had to be bitten by Matt, but it was necessary for him and you. Your mother held the werewolf gene, but it was dormant inside you and needed to be activated.” Zach said.

“Why would my mother hold the werewolf gene I didn’t know she was one. She went out every full moon. I didn’t know anything about her. I’m Ginna, but why would that gene be dormant inside of me? I eat rare steaks.” Ginna said quietly.

“Take this blood and I will see you in three days. Drink the blood and then get some sleep you will need it. It will also awaken your powers that your mother binded. She thought you shouldn’t know the truth.” Zach said. “Thank you, but why would I want to wake them up?” She said. “I’ll talk with you in three days and be up during the night at midnight. I will answer your questions then.” Zach said and kissed her on her neck and left her alone.

When Ginna drank the blood she felt something weird happen to her body. The next minute, she was falling to the ground. Someone caught her, but she was out cold in the dream realm.

Matt made the catch and picked her up. He knew that she drank the vial of blood, that Zach gave her. He placed her on his bed and made sure that she was comfortable. He kissed her cheek and laid down on the other bed in his room.

When Ginna woke up, she noticed that the power around her. Her hands were glowing and her nails were longer. How did they get so long so fast? The vial of blood was in her hand a second later. She drank it and passed out cold.

Matt tried knocking on her door, but she wouldn’t answer. He flashed inside of her house and found her sleeping. He tried to wake her, but couldn’t. he noticed the vial had been drank and knew that Zach had given her one in this world too.

He went to the couch in the living room and laid down for a while. He fell asleep. Nothing would wake Ginna up until nine p.m., when Ginna woke up she felt weird and could barely move. She was groggy and hungry, but found her way to the kitchen. She got a steak out and ate it raw, but Matt came in and tried to pick her up.

She blasted him away from her. Matt was taken by surprise, when she did that. She could barely move right now and she was still tired. She passed out. Matt looked at Ginna, but saw she had passed out. The blood still had not awakened everything.

He nails were almost claws and he didn’t want to be clawed, but he noticed that she was sleeping. He sighed as she slept. He didn’t know that she was just learning about her powers.

Just then, Willa popped in and handed him a note and left fast. The sun hit the kitchen and he read the note and it said,

“ Dear Matt,

Ginna is now just waking up or has blasted you already and passed out again. You need to back off for the next thirty minutes and let her sleep. She drank the blood in the dream realm and in the real world. Her magic is now trying to wake up. She will be strong with her magic and you need to understand that. She will be stronger in the magic department. Here’s a necklace to place around her neck. The power will be soaked up by it. Bring her to my house tonight. We will have a room ready for you.


Ok, he needed help. This was shocking news to him. Just then, Ginna’s power stopped flaring. He picked her up and flashed them to Zach’s house. She was pretty, but he hid the fact that she was trying to shift from the view of others. He knocked on the front door and waited.

When David answered the door, he showed Matt to one of the dungeons and noticed that she was starting to shift. David backed off and let him in the room. “Do you need any raw meat right now? I can get you a platter of it.” David asked. “Sure thing. I think I may need it. Its going to be a challenge with her in this state as it is.” Matt said quietly and quickly. He stepped outside the door and shut it.

“I don’t know why Zach had me bite her at all. She’s really been a pain thus far and I can barely get through to her. She’s going to drive me nuts. Is Zach up and moving?” Matt asked. “Yes, I go and get him. You need help and need it fast. I will bring a pitcher of blood too. Your going to need it.” David said and left.

Ginna watched for anything that moved. She was a werewolf now and could barely stand the room. She tried to get out of the door and found it was locked. She clawed, pushed her weight against it, and it wouldn’t budge one bit. She went to the corner and crouched down until the door would be opened.

Zach appeared in front of David and saw the distress on his face. He was holding the door closed. “What did you think she would do. I am afraid I will have to tell you this, but she is waiting for the door to be opened and crouched ready for attack. I hope you realize that.” “What blood did you give her? She should be calmer right now but she’s waiting to kill something.” Matt asked.

“I gave her dragons blood and my blood mixed together.” Zach said. “I would wonder why if I were you. She‘s too powerful for her first change. I know that I wasn’t this powerful.” Matt said and sat down. “the mixed blood was the only thing to awaken her powers. She was binded by her mother and its strong magic that had to counteract it. Her mother was one of the purest werewolves I have ever known.” Zach said and sat down next to Matt.

“What will I do now? I can’t show her my true form. I can try and submit to her but she won’t like it or know of it. Food would stop her.” Matt said. “Look, the platter is here. I hope it stops her because it’s the only one we can get together for right now.” Zach said as he stood. “It should be enough to stop her from attacking me. Thank you Zach.” Matt said as he took the tray and stepped inside of the room. The door was shut behind him.

Ginna was about to attack but stopped. He held food and she was hungry. When he placed the food down, she stopped for a second, that was all the time he needed to back away. She went to the food and gobbled it down.

When she noticed that he had moved, she started to shift back to her human form. She sat down for the time being and sighed. “Who are you suppose to be?” she asked. “I’m Matt and you are my mate. I am truly sorry that Zach was involved in this. My time has come for me to collect you.”

“And that means what to me? My powers to be awakened, and the werewolf gene to be activated. I had a life and now I can’t even go back to that life anymore. What am I suppose to do?” Ginna said, as she started to cry. “It means you are to stay with me. You may not like it, but have you been acing gym class in school? I thought you would have wandered about that. The timing was under five minutes and you didn’t even notice. You could bench press over five-hundred pounds. What did you think that was? Did you think it was good luck or just dumb luck?” Matt said.

“I thought it was a stroke of luck and nothing more. My mother didn’t even want me to go into gym. She was against it. She said I had no chance at anything for sports. I couldn’t stand for that and I passed it.” She said. Matt stared at her and shook his head. Her mother didn’t like what she was and now she proved that her mother was a bitch. What did her mother do to her.

“You need to understand that you were a werewolf and your mother didn’t want you to figure it out. She was trying to protect you. Does that say anything about how she felt about you. She was being a bitch to you. I pity you. If you could’ve grown up in a werewolf pack, you would have honed your skills as a werewolf.” Matt said.

She started to cry, but then her power flared up again. She had no control of it. Clothing appeared on her and now she was starting to attack Matt. Zach stepped in and put her to sleep for the time being. “She is really in bad shape because of her mother and can’t do anything but complain. Her mother was the former queen of the sang werewolf pack and got banished. She was the worst queen in history and became the most hated werewolf.” Zach said as she started to wake up.

“Your powers come from the most feared werewolf in history and now they are doing the same thing your mother did. Why did you grow up in I human neighborhood? Your mother was banished, but if your father knew of you, you would have knowledge of werewolf traditions, culture, and life. I pitied your father for not going after her.” Zach said as he placed a necklace around her neck.

“Why didn’t you get me when I was little then. I couldn’t believe my mother would even do that and I still don’t know why I couldn’t have grown up with my dad. She would slap me every time I asked her about him. She said that it wasn’t meant to be. I knew that wasn’t the case and she knew it too. We got into arguments all the time and now I find out the truth. I should have killed her when I had the chance. I SHOULD HAVE KILLED HER.” Ginna said, as she turned her face away from Matt and Zach.

“If you had killed your mother, your dad would’ve come for you here because I would have grabbed you up in two seconds. She died after you graduated high school and you killed her because of the fact she wouldn’t do anything for you. You almost killed her when she was binding your powers. I am sorry I didn’t get you then. You would’ve had a better life.” Zach said.

“I still don’t want to be here. I rather be back in my old life and filing another paper at the office.” Ginna said as she covered her ears. Zach pulled her hands from her ears and put her in the chair next to her. “You need to know, that you couldn’t survive in the human world for much longer. In the future, I hope you learn more about me. I never hit women and I will not start. You are no longer in the human world and you don’t exist in the human world. Your things are here and if you try to blow up anything I will not do anything to help you with your powers. Do you understand me?” Zach said close to her ear.

“I understand.” Ginna said quietly. Matt went to pick her up, but got zapped. “Zach, what do I do with her if I can’t even touch her? She won’t let me near her.” Matt said. “Ginna let your shield down. I know you don’t realize it, but you need to stop blocking Matt and everyone else from you.” Zach said. “No, why should I let someone I don’t even know touch me? I don’t even know how to control my powers.” Ginna said and sighed.

“You have read something about magic or you wouldn’t put up such a strong barrier. I know your mother had to learn how to bind you. She let you read her magic books. Now, I ask you to please put down your barrier.” Zach said in a strained voice. She put her barrier down and everything that was floating around her dropped with a thud.

Matt picked her up and noticed she wasn’t too pleased. He kissed her on the lips, then something went off inside of her. She relaxed and started to pull down on his head. An explosion went off in the room. Matt didn’t know what was happening to his body, but he didn’t care for the moment.

When he broke free of the kiss to breath some oxygen, Ginna muttered something and he was blasted away from her. She floated down to the chair and fell asleep. “Okay, what just happened Zach?” Matt asked. “I think you may have found her weakness, if I’m correct. She had an explosion go off in the room and passed out. I hate to say it, but you were just given the kiss of lust.” Zach said. “Damn, why did it feel so good. Almost like a wine that I never want to give up to anyone. I wonder what she would be like in bed. She is very feisty. I like it and its going to give me the chance to see what she is made of.” Matt said. The chair that Ginna was sleeping in turned into a king size bed and her barrier was gone.

Zach left after that and made sure that the door was locked when he left.

After threes hours of sleep, Ginna woke up and found she was in a bed. She had been curled up next to Matt and wondered why there was a bed in the room this size. She felt strange, but better than before. She was still thinking, when Matt woke up and kissed her on her lips.

She softened up and relaxed for the time being. Matt continued his kiss and started to hold her down on the bed. Her hair was all over a pillow and her hands were trying to get into his hair. Matt moved his hands down to her shoulders and held them, but at the same time he went and bit her on the neck. She shifted her form immediately, but when he saw her form, she was beautiful.

She was a wolf that would try and do everything possible to protect herself. Matt heard another explosion in the room and she sighed. She just gave up her fight and now she looked happy. She was starting to moan and groan underneath his hands.

Just then, he started to slide in her wet heat and heard her moan. She bit his neck and he shifted into his wolf form. Ginna was shocked at how Matt looked and couldn’t stop kissing him.

Matt went and tried to take her arms above her head. She was happy. Matt felt something burn his hand and howled in pain, but Ginna was hissing instead. Matt knew what had happened in a since, it happened only when you found your true love and mate.

Ginna sighed when Matt moved inside of her, then she bit his neck. Matt knew what to do and did it. She tasted like the blood he wanted for a long time, but she had stopped her bite. She was now moaning in pleasure from Matt’s bite.

After a couple of hours, Matt and Ginna fell asleep. She was holding Matt by the waist and didn’t let go, but Zach popped in and looked at Ginna’s hand. He was right, she was claimed and now he needed to marry them. It was nice to know that she was trusting everyone around her right now.

Matt woke up, but found he could barely move. He saw Zach smiling and said, “Hi, Zach. What’s up?” “I need to marry you guys now. She’s pregnant with twins.” Zach said, as he looked at Ginna. She was still sleeping, but she didn’t need to be awake for the ceremony. “How is she?” Zach asked.

“Fine, but sleeping is the only thing I can be glad for right now. She was extremely demanding.” Matt said, then he kissed Ginna on the lips. She woke up, yawned, and said, “Hi, Zach, sorry I’m still sleepy right now.” Zach looked happy right now because she was doing better than he had hoped she’d do.

“You are pregnant Ginna. I hope you like twins. You ready to be married?” Zach asked as he stepped towards her and Matt. “Yes, I am ready Zach.” Ginna said as she kissed Matt’s lips. Matt didn’t know what to say, but he kissed her lips again.

Zach stepped to the end of the bed, then said, “Do you take Matt to be your husband? Do you take Ginna to be your wife?” “We do.” “Then I now pronounce you man and wife.” Zach said and left. It seemed to Zach that Ginna was tamed and had a serious attitude adjustment within the past twenty-four hours. It was really great now.




chapter one

02:04 Feb 13 2007
Times Read: 557

Zach and Jennifer

A tale of Master Vampires

After two nights of searching, Zach spotted a young girl walking home and stopped her. She looked pretty, but he wanted to know her name. “Hi, I’m Zach Angel. I was wondering about your name.” Zach asked. “I’m Willa, but I have know clue why you would want to know me. Especially with all the talk at school and all. I’m trouble for anyone who knows me. Besides that I need to get home and get some sleep. Later.” Willa said, as she walked past him.

“Why would you be considered bad news to know? Willa, I could help you and take you away from all that. I can also bring you some peace of mind.” Zach said, as she stopped in her tracks and turned around. “Why would you help me, Zach Angel? Are you a vampire just like me? Do you have any abilities of any sorts to go with that?” Willa asked in a dry tone with hatred.

“I am that and I could help you and take you away to a world where you could be recognized for good things, not the bad. I just need you to understand that you would no longer be able to stay in this world anyway. I can feel your coming of age and your first change. So what do you have to say?” Zach asked as he stepped towards her.

Willa sighed and thought about what he said, but just then he had a hand on her shoulder and his face near her neck. She shivered, but something inside of her went A. W. A. L. She started to grow her claws without thinking, but that was only the first thing she knew of. Zach had now started to tap into her mind and unblocked everything.

“Fine, but will you please move from behind me. I seem to get a little defensive if anyone is behind me. I tend to fight more.” Willa said as she sliced his face with her nails. She was almost not in control of herself, but then she was able to put up barriers around herself.

Just then, she was blasting everything away from her. She cried and found herself caught in a hold. Zach had to hold her down and started to drink her blood, but it was so tasty. She was barely awake, when he pulled his teeth out and said in her ear, “I will give you a choice; you live with me, serve me, and I will train you to control your powers/abilities or you can die right here and now. You must answer in the next minute.” Zach said.

“I would rather live. I cannot take this world any longer anyway. I hate this life. I will do as you said and live.” Willa said quietly. Zach was happy to hear that answer and tore his wrist open and said, “Drink my blood now then.” Willa started to drink down his blood and continued for five minutes. She passed out cold then and Zach caught her.

When Zach got to his house, he placed Willa in one of the dungeons and locked the door. She was great and all but he now needed to secure his power base starting with her. Her powers had called to him and he was looking for her magic for the past week.

He went to hunt again and spotted a woman, she looked normal but wasn’t even close. She was beautiful and strong. She had powers, but he noticed that she was demon like too. It felt awful strange to want to go to her and claim her, he would get her tomorrow night and everything.

After twenty four hours of sleep, Willa woke up and found herself in a chamber of sorts, with a door. She went to the door and tried to open it, but something went off inside of her. Her teeth started to shift and she was weak. Her powers started to put up a barrier around her.

Zach popped into the room and found her on the floor. She was hungry and had some new powers opening to her, but he came to her and found her teeth out. “Drink this. It will help you out.” Zach said to her ear. She tried to open her eyes and found it hard. She was weak and helpless at the moment.

Zach knew she couldn’t move, so he lifted her up into a sitting position and poured the blood down her throat. She fell asleep again, but Zach wasn’t surprised at all. This was just the first week, he knew it was going to be better tomorrow night. She would be sleeping for the next forty-eight hours. He needed to get some blood for her and he knew the type to get her. Dragons blood was always rich and strong for new vampires.

She was no longer a sang vampire anymore. She was stronger than what he normally created. She wasn’t going to be easy for the first week. She slept for now and went to David for blood.

On the night while Zach went hunting, he saw a young looking woman walking alone and crying. She was weeping so much that he couldn’t help, but stop and look at her.

She was his type and he liked how she looked. Her dark hair flowing in the breeze. Her light dress was paper thin and her skin was looking like pale moonlight. She had green eyes and sharp, short, red nails. She had wings hidden under a dark trench coat and her ears were hidden from view.

Zach felt something from her and noticed that she was looking for something on the ground. The necklace she was wearing had a small purple stone that was set in gold, on a gold chain. It was something to behold.

She continued to walk and look down to the ground, but then she turned on him and scratched his face and flashed off. Zach didn’t know why she did that, but he had liked that. He carefully poured a little of his blood into a small vial.

He went and found where she lived, and found that it was across from his house. She was just getting to bed and had gotten cleaned up. Her nails were now a rich shade of red. He popped into her room and placed the vial there on her night stand and hid the color of his blood. He also made sure it would put her to sleep fast. She was going to be his and he wanted to get her to his place sooner rather than later. Zach left and hid from view.

When Jennifer got to her bedside, she noticed that there was a small bottle of sorts there. She picked it up and opened it up. She did smell blood, but after that she drank it. It tasted good to her, but then she passed out on her bed. Her true form was revealed and Zach was surprised to see she was a dark angel, witch, and gaining new abilities too.

Zach carefully got down from his hiding spot and lifted her up in his arms. She surpassed all he had hoped to find for his wife. He flashed them to his room and found Willa sleeping in bed and not having ready a room. He knew that she needed to sleep because she was just changed by him, but now he needed to get some blood for her too. So he placed Jennifer on his bed and got two necklaces out. He placed one with a crystal on it, around Willa’s neck, and one with a ruby on it around Jennifer’s neck.

He looked at both of them and sighed. They were going to be a handful tonight. So he started on Willa and gave her some blood and placed her in her room for the night. Jennifer was starting to wake up now, but he kissed her lips.

She moaned lightly, then placed her arms around his neck. She was content and noticed that she starting to nuzzle his neck. She found his pulse and bit him hard. She felt relief on her neck. Zach felt her bite his neck and start to drink.

He bite her neck and drank her blood. Her blood was thick and rich in taste. It was good. She stopped for the time and took her teeth out of his neck. She sighed, then relaxed. Zach felt something inside himself and felt her heart beat starting to slow down.

She passed out, then made sure her power was cut off for the time. Zach felt Jennifer fall asleep and noticed that her power was turned off. He got off of her and shut the door to his bedroom. He left the room and found Willa on the floor in the dungeon. She was trying to move and he lifted her up off the floor.

“Why did you move? I thought you were sleeping Dear. I just get you back to bed and you will sleep a lot more.” Zach said as he walked down to her dungeon. “Why did you even want me? I don’t like this place anymore than my old world.” Willa said in a tone that was drier than sand.

“I needed a major power base and you had the right power. I know that you may not know about it right now but you will come to like this place. After you start obeying me I will be happy to get you into a room in better condition, but you need to learn right now. You were about to be killed in the human world when you were going to go to bed. I knew that your power would be perfect as a base.” Zach said, as he held her tight against his chest.

Willa was now sleeping, but Zach liked her sleeping right now. Her dark hair was long and not in buns. It was free and softer because he had changed her. He eyes were now a rich shade of green and closed right now. Her figure was perfect, but what she did to keep it was a mystery to him. The only thing he had an issue with was her attitude. She wasn’t a push over like a lot of others he had created. She was a challenge.

When Zach placed Willa on the bed, in the chamber, he saw a weird mark show on her face. It was written in the language he hadn’t seen in the past three hundred years. He read what it had said, “she is the princess of the old kingdom of W. W. V. protect her and guard her well Zach.” Zach stepped back from her, then noticed that she was still sleeping.

She wasn’t suppose to be in the human world after all. Vampires and all other creatures of the night would have tried to kill her. She had survived the human world for three hundred years. It shocked him in a way that wasn’t like normal. She was after all another just like him and could be very well his sister in a way.

She was stronger than most and he liked that. He sat down on the chair behind him and went to thinking about the past three hundred years. Their father was not good to them and he ran away first. He didn’t figure out why she ran away from him too. She was in a since a long ways from home. Their mother stayed, but what surprised him was the fact she left a message in the form of a birthmark.

After a few hours, Willa woke up and found Zach staring at her face. “Why did mother send you away? I know who you are sister. I could read the mark on your face.” Zach asked in a low voice. “I don’t really don’t know who my mother was sorry, but I think you maybe losing your mind. I don’t even recall any thing for the past few years. I blacked out.” Willa said as she curled up her legs.

Zach sighed as if he knew what his mother had done. She had left that mark on her and flashed her to the human world in the time period right before her coming of age. She was lost in the world of the humans, but half of her powers were drained because of their father. She wasn’t just a little sister to him, but a priority in this life he has.

“Well, you will be moved in the better room now then. I need you to understand that I’m your brother. You were taken from our father’s armed lands and your power needs to reboot now. I’m sorry to say this but I will be training you too. Its going to take longer than I thought, but you can’t leave me at all. Do you understand that?” Zach said in a tone that was lowered.

“I understand it brother, but why would mother have sent me away anyway? I don’t even remember my home. I was adopted by a family in the human world and they took me in. I never noticed that time had passed by quickly for me at all. Everyone who took care of me, ended up dead within seventeen years. I had only changed in the very least as I grew up. No one noticed that I looked young after they were getting old and having gray hair. They all thought that I just had the genes for keeping my youthful appearance. No one questioned who I had as my mother or father, but they still would die from an accident of sorts. I have so far been in two hundred families. I was always cursed somehow. I just didn’t know it. It seemed to me that someone would try and kill me after three more nights and days.” Willa said, as she sighed in her position and started to cry.

Seeing his sister cry wasn’t normal and he didn’t even seem to like that at all. He went and placed his arms around her while she cried, but her powers started to block everything around her. She started to go back to sleep in his arms again. She fell asleep anyway, but had curled up next to Zach. He felt her calm down and fall asleep, but he didn’t realize that she was asleep until he had moved his sister to the room next to his.

She clung to him after a few minutes, but Zach wasn’t surprised to feel her cling to him. She had done the same thing right before he left from home. If she knew that she had done this before, she would’ve stopped now. She smiled for the time though and slowly he slid her arms around a big soft teddy bear instead.

Zach left his sister alone for the rest of her sleep. She was doing the same thing that she had done before. It brought a smile to his face and a feeling he could barely describe, it felt like love. He walked back to his room and found Jennifer starting to wake up again.

She was having a bad dream and he could tell it too. It seemed that she was not enjoying herself and tried to get a hold of something. She calmed down in a second and had her arms around a big teddy bear. She sighed then and relaxed all over again. So he went to his coffin and went to sleep for the day.

After twenty-four hours of sleep, Willa woke up with her arms around a huge teddy bear that was really soft and didn’t bug her one bit. She looked around in her room and found she was in a different room all together. It was similar to the one that she couldn’t remember off hand, but it was filled with all kinds of things and so much more. She saw the closet and wanted to look in it and find out what was in it.

She carefully got up and walked over to it and opened it up. She saw clothing and looked through it. She found something to wear and found jewelry to go with that. She loved everything in it and saw the shoes to go with it.

After a few minutes, a tall glass of blood appeared in her right hand. She drank it in no time and felt a lot better. She was feeling better than ever, but then Zach popped into her room. “I hope you like the room. It was yours in the palace. I think you should try to thank me now. I know how you feel about everything that’s happened in the past five days and I will be helping you with your powers. Our mother wished you not to know our father.” Zach said quietly.

“I love the room and thank you very much. Its all familiar to me now but I don’t know why though. I seem to remember everything about our mother, but she never showed me to daddy but one time. It was really bad. I can’t recall why though, but it was no problem to me. My powers were down some.” Willa said as she sat down on the bed.

“I think you were the reason I wanted to leave the palace, but mother had given me a potion and I passed out. It wasn’t normal though, I could tell. She transported me to some orphanage and then I just woke up. She told me to tell you that she would be dead by the time you found me. She said that it was for the best and our father would die within the next five years after she killed herself.” Willa said in a low voice.

“I seem to get the picture now. She has passed on and dad is gone now I see. Thank you for the message, but I know why you remember now. Do you know you can tap into memories of yourself and others?” Zach asked. “No, but it does explain why I could remember everything. I thought it was a curse to do that and I have been doing that from a distance for a long time, but I never tried it on myself before at all. That’s strange for me.” Willa said quietly.

She got up off the bed and went to the desk. She started to do something, then pull up a laptop computer out of thin air. She rebooted it up and sat down in a chair. Zach didn’t realize that Willa could do that. He sat down beside her, then noticed some files on the computer.

She double clicked on a file called memories, then hundreds of documents came up. “Where did you get that computer? I know that its about two years from being released out into the public. I just don’t understand why you would get one.” Zach said, as he started to look at the document that she pulled up.

It was the memory of their mother and a picture in the highest quality. She had painted this in school. Zach saw the picture and almost cried, she had captured their mothers image perfectly. “When did you do that sister? It looks wonderful.” Zach said almost sobbingly. “I can’t recall right at this time but let me check the date. It was just done by me. I think about thirty years ago. I should have taken care of it sooner.” Willa said quietly, as she flashed up a fancy printer and plugged it in.

“I will print you a copy of this picture. It would be better if I painted it though. I just don’t want to paint right now.” Willa said in a tone that shocked Zach. She handed him a wrapped box and said, “Dad said to give this to you. Sorry to say this but you don’t want to open this box. Its trouble to you. It will trap you too.” Willa said, as she took it from him and flashed it to a desert island.

“Daddy left me one gift, but I won’t open it. It will do the same to me, he said it was meant for me in a special way. He even tried to get me to open it in front of him. I took it, but hid it in the closet.” Willa said, as she placed the box with his.

Zach sighed in relief, as she took both gifts and hid them from the world. He hated the gifts his father gave them. “Did you open any gifts he gave you Willa? I am just wondering right now. I don’t think it is wise to keep any from him right now. Its too dangerous to have them around us.” Zach said, quickly and quietly.

He took hold of her hand and lifted it to inspect it. There was no jewelry on her hands, but a small tattoo of a dragon around her wrist. “I never got any jewelry from daddy, but I never opened any gifts from him. After I was old enough in the human world I got two tattoos. Twin dragons were the only thing I liked at the time and I placed them on my wrists. It seemed like a good place at the time.” Willa said, as she pulled her wrists away from his grasp.

“Great choice, I like them myself. You picked them out of two hundred tattoos you could’ve gotten. I did get to have fun with money in the human world I love and it was getting a tattoo or two.” Zach said in fascination. “I do want more of these dragons, but I’m not sure where I would place them though. I liked the pain, it made me remember the good times I had in my life. I want two more of these dragons. I need to get the paints, if you wish to have a painted picture of mother. I need to do something tonight besides surf the web and listen to music.” Willa said and sighed.

“I’ll get you twice as much because I want you to make two copies of the picture of mother. One will be for your room and one will be for my room. Does that sound good to you?” Zach said and smiled. “Yes, make sure you get the nail polish too. I need to do my nails soon. I hate not having them painted this color right now.” Willa said and sat down to look at the picture she printed out.

Zach left for the time being to collect the items she needed and take care of Jennifer. She was now awake and looking around the room. “Where am I?” She asked in a quiet voice. “My bedroom, I’m sorry for the time being, but would you like some blood? I do have to go and get some.” Zach asked in a light voice.

Jennifer sighed at that idea and said, “Yes, that would be great.” Zach was happy to hear that answer and flashed up a glass of blood for her. She drank in down fast, then she did the next best thing and fell back asleep. Zach was glad to see her sleep a little more and knew that his blood was very strong and heady when it was being drunk down by others of his kind.

Zach got all the supplies to Willa and saw that she was looking really hard at mothers picture. He also noticed that she had an nail file out, but she had already shortened her nails and was working on smoothing them out. She was listening to something he didn’t recognize.

“Are you ok sister?” Zach asked lightly, as she blew on her nails that were just smoothed out. “I’m fine brother, I just got some bad news that’s all. Nothing normal for me, but it happens everyday now. I have just got another inheritance and its millions again. I am happy, but I don’t want to have money like that right now.” Willa said as she started to go through the nail polish colors. She found a red that looked almost like blood, and looked through to see if there was a base coat and a top coat.

Zach looked at one of her hands and saw how her nails looked, but he saw that they were shorter and had a point. Her nails could draw anyone’s blood with a single scratch. Her nails were super smooth too. She pulled her hand back and started to work on putting a base coat on them now.

“I like how you nails are sister, but why would you keep them short. I don’t understand that at all. I got a few designer stencils too. I thought you would like them.” Zach said. “Thank you, I do have my own airbrush kit too. I never had anything to use it for before. It will come in really handy for them and not just French tip nails. Don’t worry about me brother, I will have to go and claim the money in three days. You will get all of it and everything. I have no need for it, when I have three billion dollars in about twenty banks and in stocks, bonds, and everything else. I was quite wise in doing that when I had the chance, besides that you need some money anyway. I can really tell you do and its about one-hundred and fifty million dollars, from my old family. She recently passed away from old age. I pitied her when I was around her. I knew that she did love me though.” She sighed, then went back to work on her nails.

By the time she was done with her nail, Zach liked how they looked. She knew how to wear her nail polish. “I will let you be alone for a while and when I get back, we can talk some more, but you should probably get a nap in. I know you feel a little tired.” Zach said and gave her a glass of blood and let her be by herself for the time being.

After Zach left Willa alone, he went to check on Jennifer. She was sleeping, but had covered herself up. She looked good for right now, but he needed to go to his coffin and sleep. He was worn out by watching Willa do her nails and talking with her about mother and father.

Willa started to sing, “Ring ta toe, ring ta toe,” and started to move around the bedroom. It was the song that mother had taught them when they were little. She was still dancing and sighed as she finished it. She never sang that song, but once a month now.

When Zach popped in her room, Willa was still dancing. After the song had finished, she painted the picture of mother in one minute. She worked on the second one and was done with that one just as fast. She was really good and fast, too. She handed a Zach his painting and found it was dry and was stunning to view too.

“You should be glad I was fast that time. It took me a week last time I painted the pictures of mother.” She said. She snapped her fingers and all of the portraits of mother came from out of thin air and there were at least two hundred pictures of mother.

“Here’s your picture of you, I did it, but I can’t recall why I pulled your picture out and painted it without thinking it.” Willa said, as she handed him three portraits. It seemed she did remember her brother without knowing what they did in the palace and in their bedrooms.

Zach placed the paintings down and went and kissed Willa on her lips. Willa didn’t notice that all of her paintings were getting on the wall and she was being walked backwards to her bed. Their clothing floated to the floor.

Willa moaned lightly, when Zach got a hand on her breast. She sighed without warning, but then Zach started to suckle her right breast. He was playing with the other breast with his right hand and making her nipple hard and erect. She wasn’t even protesting, when Zach started to slide inside of her vagina. She felt like she was climbing a hill, then without warning, she was falling off a cliff.

Zach kissed Willa and placed her mouth where his neck was and said, “bite my neck, Willa.” Willa bit his neck a moment later, then started to drink his blood down. She felt herself fall again and sighed. She was happy right now too, but she didn’t know why she felt different though.

When Zach got off of Willa, he laid on his side and looked at her. “Just like old times. I am surprised that its still the same with us as in the palace. Do you feel better now?” Zach asked Willa. She sighed, then said, “Yes, I do.”

When Willa got up off the bed, Zach just stared at her butt, then moved up to her spine and neck area. She was covered in hickeys, bites, and was walking funny too. It was like it was three hundred years ago, but now she would be a virgin every time she had sex. It was going to be fun for him.

After a few minutes, Willa came back in the room and had a goblet of blood, with some chocolate stars. “Why are you eating chocolate sister? I never known you to like human food before.” Zach asked, as she went back to her side of the bed. “I really didn’t like it until about five years ago, when I was given some for my birthday. I tried it with the blood I normally drank and got the taste for it then. Its really good, but it was pure heaven to me. I never knew why, but it was just the beginning of my cravings. I tried every type of chocolate out already and loved them all. You should try it.” Willa said as she drank her blood.

After a few pieces of chocolate were dipped in the blood, she fed him one, but he started to grab a few pieces of chocolate and did what she had done. Zach found himself feeling something he hadn’t felt in a long time, it was almost like he was in the palace again.

When Zach kissed Willa, she moaned and he swallowed the bloody piece of chocolate. She softened against him once more and they started to do it all over again.

After twenty-four hours, Zach woke up with Willa’s arms wrapped around his waist. She sighed in her sleep and noticed that she was healed from last night. She was sleeping, but what he noticed was that her nails were longer, and her hair was a lot longer than when he had made her. Her magic was a lot higher, than last night.

Zach tried to get up and find something really fast, but he couldn’t move without waking Willa up. Zach kissed Willa and she loosened her grip a little, but it was just enough to get to the tray. Willa tightened her grip after a minute and started to do something without even thinking about it. The tray was totally refreshed and had more blood on it than chocolate.

After ten minutes passed by, Willa started to do something totally different, her body was trying to shift. Zach moved from beside her and watched her, she was growing fur and her body was becoming a werewolf. She definitely was his sister, but he noticed that his hands were trying to do the same thing she was doing right now.

Their hands looked identical, but their claws held more power than normal. It wasn’t normal, but then again he had awakened that ability within her. The blocks she had put up were now gone and that meant that she was too powerful right now. She calmed down, but then shifted back to her normal form just as fast.

Zach went to his room and quickly made a dash for his prepared potions, but found that he only had two of the restoration potion and werewolf stopping potions. He needed to get back to work soon as he could, so he grabbed his remaining potions and raced back to Willa. She was already trying to shift again, but still sleeping.

Zach mixed the potions into two of the goblets and got Willa into a sitting position. He poured one goblet down her throat with the first potion in it, then her poured the second down her throat. She calmed down fast and relaxed again. She was going to get this potion again tonight and he needed to make the potion again.

After a few more hours of sleep, Willa tried to get up, but found she couldn’t move at all. She felt weak, but she was not shifting. She found the two empty vials on the side table and looked at them.

Zach popped in and found Willa awake, but she was tired. “Sorry about this sister, but I am working on something right now for you. You need to sleep for the next few hours.” Zach said, as he kissed her on her cheek and let her be for the time. She was going to need it soon, but the potion he was fixing for her would be ready within the hour.

Zach flashed to his room and found Jennifer up and about. She was pale and hungry. Zach felt her hunger and gave her a large goblet of blood. She was leaning against the bed though. She sighed and fell asleep again. She was in so much pain, that Zach had to lift her up into bed. The blood oath would always make anyone who took it from him hurt like no other hell on earth.

She quieted down and Zach covered her up. Zach went back to what he was doing. He found the potion ready to be bottled into the vials he had set out. He finished the bottling of the potion and started to work on the next potion. When he had all the ingredients, he made sure that it stayed that way. No way was this potion go on its own without supervision. It was prized by many and he kept it a secret to all who needed it.

When the potion was finished he placed it in vials and in one goblet. He flashed into Willa’s room and lifted her into a sitting position, then he poured the potion down her throat. She woke up and was calmer. She didn’t even notice that he was there for the moment. She was dazed, confused, then Zach kissed her cheek.

She turned around and noticed Zach looked a lot clearer to her vision. “What happened brother?” Willa asked as she leaned against Zach. “I had to make a potion and get you back to normal. You were starting to shift into a werewolf. I like that form for you or me right now. it’s a little complicated to explain anymore right now. You need to sleep and I need to restock my cabinets fast before I run out.” Zach said.

“Oh, ok. I understand, I need to get some sleep anyway. Thank you, brother. I hope you will join me later on.” Willa said, as she passed out. She fell asleep and sighed. Zach kissed her cheek and said, “I will, just give me three hours.” Zach said as he left Willa to her sleep.

Zach was done restocking his cabinets in two hours and ready to get some sleep. Willa was still sleeping as he slipped beneath her blankets and held her. She wove her hand around his midsection and sighed. She found that Zach helped her sleep, when he was near her.

Zach went to sleep after twenty minutes and felt at peace. Willa was just what he needed to get a great days sleep, but how in the world she did that was unknown to him. He was happy with her near by and felt her feel the same way too.

When Willa woke up the next night, she felt like never before, calm, collected, in balance with the world, and loved. She remembered that three hundred years ago she felt the same way. She was just happy right now.

Zach found that Willa was up and surfing the internet, he came to stand beside her and kissed her neck. “What’s happening right now Willa? Have you had any blood yet?” Zach asked in her ear softly. “Nothing right now, but something will soon. Not much blood yet, but I can take care of that soon enough, brother. I need to find out a little more information about my money and check on what is going on right now.” Willa said lightly.

“Well, I can get the blood this time. I think you need to order a few things from ‘hot topic’ right now. I am afraid that you will also need to get some ingredients too. I’ll get you a list right now.” Zach said and flashed out and in her room. She got the list and went to the web site called ‘IFP.com’ (ingredients for potions).

When Zach saw that site, he gasped and his mouth dropped. She knew about all the herbs, spices, and potions. After three minutes, she went to hot topic and got her items. She paid for everything in less than one minute and said, “I should get everything in about two days. Zach did you need anything else while I’m online? Zach?” Willa said as she yelled his name.

She sighed and just flashed up a goblet of blood. As she drank her goblet, Zach came to and just looked at her. “How do you know about IFP, it’s a trade secret to the magic potions world.” Zach asked. “I went and came across it by chance and found everything I wanted there.” Willa said as she got her nail filer out and shortened her nails.

Zach got dressed and came back with some more papers and handed them to Willa. He kissed her cheek and remembered to get her some cabinets in her room.

He snapped his fingers and the magic cabinets appeared. Willa sighed as she sipped her blood, but then Zach started to rub her shoulders. She was putty under his hands, but he didn’t care to tell her that. She knew it, but she felt safe and a lot better than before.

Zach knew how to treat his sister, but then he knew everything about her too. She was a writer without a doubt and her writing would bring in a lot of money too. She sighed and felt tired right now.

Willa passed out cold from Zach’s hands on her back and shoulders. She seemed to go to sleep around him too. She was still tired and Zach could tell too. After an hour passed, Zach noticed that Willa had fallen asleep. He turned her computer off and lifted her up in his arms.

She curled her body up to Zach’s chest and sighed. She knew nothing of the moment or anything right now. She seemed to enjoy him as before. She was sleeping a lot lately. She had claimed her money and now she was just happy.

Well, now he knew that they were working out some problems and solving some of them. She was just calming down around him and nothing could be said. Willa knew all and still lived in the human world. She would be of sound mind and much more.

When Zach had laid Willa on her bed, she wouldn’t let go of him. She was sleeping, but she knew nothing of what happened in her sleep. Zach left her be and went to tend to Jennifer. She was up and moving around.

Zach went and handed her a goblet of blood. He went to his potions room and worked on potions that Willa needed to have in her cabinets and more. He liked working with his potions as well as grabbing hers and making them for her. She was in need of some help of sorts.

The potions that were in the computer she had had baffled him. They were strange, but what he didn’t realize was the fact she didn’t keep them around as much. The potions were too powerful to have around all the time, but she had about twenty thousand potions. Some were rare and some were common, but there was one that was password protected.

Willa’s password was not easy to find, but he noticed that all of the potions she had had one type of ingredient in all of them. She wouldn’t use that ingredient as a password, but he failed again. He didn’t know what password she used for this potion at all. Oh, well, she probably didn’t want anyone to know this potion at all.

Zach was stunned to see Willa next to him a second later. “Leave the password alone brother, that’s my top secret potion I won’t let out into the worlds at all. So I would consider my actions real fast because you will have me to deal with if you don’t stop right now.” Willa said, as she sat down, just then a tear that was rolling down her face turned into a dark red pearl that was small.

Zach caught the pearl and looked at it, then looked at her. “What is this potion meant for then, is it cursed or something. I would like to know.” Zach said quietly, as he caught another of her tears turned pearls. She sighed for a few minutes, then said, “It was meant for a sudden death for father, that was if he found me. Its not your normal potion, but he did find me and I offered it to him in his drink. He just grabbed my throat and my mouth opened up, then he poured it down my throat. He only laughed at me and said that I would live and my tears would be my undoing.”

“I didn’t expect to drink it myself, but I can’t figure out what the antidote is for that potion. Its really stumped me.” Willa said, as she sighed. She was in a pickle for sure, but Zach knew that he had an antidote for her predicament. “I could help you, but can you unblock the potion please. I need to look at it and I could help you a lot more now.” Zach said softly.

“Its card. I made it simple for myself to remember because I never got one in my entire life. I always got nothing.” Willa said. She went and sat down on his sofa for the next few minutes. Zach typed in card and the next thing he knew, he saw five potions pop up on the screen.

“What was the name of the potion?” Zach asked as he looked over to Willa. “Ashanm antghyiie ahdtesd, it’s the rarest potion I had found and made. Now, when you see that, you will need to type in My Sweet. Sorry I blocked it until I knew what to do.” Willa said and flashed off to her room.

When Zach saw what was in the potion, his mouth dropped down. She had use forbidden herbs, ash, and elements. Not what he wanted to see. He needed to see to Willa fast or she would be cursed. She was so quiet about using this potion that he noticed that she made it only once.

Zach went to Willa’s room and saw that she was trying not to do anything. She was in bad shape and now that she had told him he noticed that she had a barrier around herself and she was hugging her stomach. Her face held so much pain, that he said, “bran cou toa’.” Willa went to sleep and relaxed.

Zach went and picked Willa up and flashed them into his potions room. Something was amiss in Willa’s system, but then he reread the potion and found in print so tiny ‘there’s no antidote to this potion, but I will help out when you come up with a problem. Call me Creed, and my number is 858-564-8659.’ “Damn, why didn’t I find that earlier. I need to talk with Creed now. How did that stupid son of a bitch make this potion?” Zach said under his breath.

Zach got his phone and dialed Creed’s number, but the next thing he hear was, “Hi, Zach, how are you tonight?” Creed said. “I have need for and antidote for the forbidden potion of nine deaths.” Zach said quietly. Creed’s mouth dropped open, and then he said, “I’ll be there in one minute. Just give me a moment and I can help you out a lot more.” Creed said. “Okay, I have her ready too.” Zach said and hung up.

“Damn, who used that potion? I ask you that now.” Creed said loudly to Zach. “That would be Willa, my sister, to try and kill our father. He saw through it and poured it down her throat instead. Not good, but I must say it almost worked.” Zach said as he lifted Willa up into his arms.

“I made that potion just for him too. Oh, well, what I need to know is how long its been in her system and when it was given.” Creed said, as he looked at Willa. Willa was now trying to wake up and said, “One hundred years from today in the human world, plus the moon was out and full.”

“Oh, shit, you are in bad shape.” Creed said in a low voice. Zach sighed, but now he knew what the problem was. “How long does the potion last Creed? I would like to know.” Zach said to Creed. “I don’t know and I never knew it to last more than twenty-four hours, but your father is still alive right now. He’s been building an army so powerful, that you would be killed. I need to look in my book of potions and then I can see what I can do.” Creed said.

“I found something to counteract it, but I haven’t made it before. I know what it consists of and I don’t have it. Its called wolf drown.” Creed said quickly. “I have that, but how much do you need. I have everything here for you to make that antidote.” Zach said as he held Willa to his neck. She wasn’t all to happy about the move, but sighed after a moment.

Creed was surprised that Willa was calm around her brother, but then again, he remembered that was always at the palace. He knew that Zach would find her, but he couldn’t tell Zach because it would have messed everything up. He sighed and started to work on the potion.

Creed noticed that Willa was sleeping right now, but then again she wasn’t taking any blood. He finished the potion and filled a goblet with it. He took it over to Zach and handed it to him. “You need to take it too. Zach you know you do.” Creed said and carried him one too.

Zach poured the goblet down Willa’s throat and down his throat too. He felt something inside him, but then he noticed that Willa had bitten his neck. She was drinking Zach’s blood down her throat and passed out. Zach smiled at Willa, but then Creed approached them and said, “I hope your father doesn’t decide to attach tonight because you will be weak for a bit. Willa and you need each other tonight and today. I need to go and take care of a few things now. Later, Zach.”

After Creed left, Zach popped them into Willa’s bed and slept. She was clinging after a few minutes and sighed. Zach was glad he figured out the reason she was weak. He fell asleep.




Zach and Jennifer

22:18 Feb 03 2007
Times Read: 566

A tale of Master Vampires

After two nights of searching, Zach spotted a young girl walking home and stopped her. She looked pretty, but he wanted to know her name. “Hi, I’m Zach Angel. I was wondering about your name.” Zach asked. “I’m Willa, but I have know clue why you would want to know me. Especially with all the talk at school and all. I’m trouble for anyone who knows me. Besides that I need to get home and get some sleep. Later.” Willa said, as she walked past him.

“Why would you be considered bad news to know? Willa, I could help you and take you away from all that. I can also bring you some peace of mind.” Zach said, as she stopped in her tracks and turned around. “Why would you help me, Zach Angel? Are you a vampire just like me? Do you have any abilities of any sorts to go with that?” Willa asked in a dry tone with hatred.

“I am that and I could help you and take you away to a world where you could be recognized for good things, not the bad. I just need you to understand that you would no longer be able to stay in this world anyway. I can feel your coming of age and your first change. So what do you have to say?” Zach asked as he stepped towards her.

Willa sighed and thought about what he said, but just then he had a hand on her shoulder and his face near her neck. She shivered, but something inside of her went A. W. A. L. She started to grow her claws without thinking, but that was only the first thing she knew of. Zach had now started to tap into her mind and unblocked everything.

“Fine, but will you please move from behind me. I seem to get a little defensive if anyone is behind me. I tend to fight more.” Willa said as she sliced his face with her nails. She was almost not in control of herself, but then she was able to put up barriers around herself.

Just then, she was blasting everything away from her. She cried and found herself caught in a hold. Zach had to hold her down and started to drink her blood, but it was so tasty. She was barely awake, when he pulled his teeth out and said in her ear, “I will give you a choice; you live with me, serve me, and I will train you to control your powers/abilities or you can die right here and now. You must answer in the next minute.” Zach said.

“I would rather live. I cannot take this world any longer anyway. I hate this life. I will do as you said and live.” Willa said quietly. Zach was happy to hear that answer and tore his wrist open and said, “Drink my blood now then.” Willa started to drink down his blood and continued for five minutes. She passed out cold then and Zach caught her.

When Zach got to his house, he placed Willa in one of the dungeons and locked the door. She was great and all but he now needed to secure his power base starting with her. Her powers had called to him and he was looking for her magic for the past week.

He went to hunt again and spotted a woman, she looked normal but wasn’t even close. She was beautiful and strong. She had powers, but he noticed that she was demon like too. It felt awful strange to want to go to her and claim her, he would get her tomorrow night and everything.

After twenty four hours of sleep, Willa woke up and found herself in a chamber of sorts, with a door. She went to the door and tried to open it, but something went off inside of her. Her teeth started to shift and she was weak. Her powers started to put up a barrier around her.

Zach popped into the room and found her on the floor. She was hungry and had some new powers opening to her, but he came to her and found her teeth out. “Drink this. It will help you out.” Zach said to her ear. She tried to open her eyes and found it hard. She was weak and helpless at the moment.

Zach knew she couldn’t move, so he lifted her up into a sitting position and poured the blood down her throat. She fell asleep again, but Zach wasn’t surprised at all. This was just the first week, he knew it was going to be better tomorrow night. She would be sleeping for the next forty-eight hours. He needed to get some blood for her and he knew the type to get her. Dragons blood was always rich and strong for new vampires.

She was no longer a sang vampire anymore. She was stronger than what he normally created. She wasn’t going to be easy for the first week. She slept for now and went to David for blood.

On the night while Zach went hunting, he saw a young looking woman walking alone and crying. She was weeping so much that he couldn’t help, but stop and look at her.

She was his type and he liked how she looked. Her dark hair flowing in the breeze. Her light dress was paper thin and her skin was looking like pale moonlight. She had green eyes and sharp, short, red nails. She had wings hidden under a dark trench coat and her ears were hidden from view.

Zach felt something from her and noticed that she was looking for something on the ground. The necklace she was wearing had a small purple stone that was set in gold, on a gold chain. It was something to behold.

She continued to walk and look down to the ground, but then she turned on him and scratched his face and flashed off. Zach didn’t know why she did that, but he had liked that. He carefully poured a little of his blood into a small vial.

He went and found where she lived, and found that it was across from his house. She was just getting to bed and had gotten cleaned up. Her nails were now a rich shade of red. He popped into her room and placed the vial there on her night stand and hid the color of his blood. He also made sure it would put her to sleep fast. She was going to be his and he wanted to get her to his place sooner rather than later. Zach left and hid from view.

When Jennifer got to her bedside, she noticed that there was a small bottle of sorts there. She picked it up and opened it up. She did smell blood, but after that she drank it. It tasted good to her, but then she passed out on her bed. Her true form was revealed and Zach was surprised to see she was a dark angel, witch, and gaining new abilities too.

Zach carefully got down from his hiding spot and lifted her up in his arms. She surpassed all he had hoped to find for his wife. He flashed them to his room and found Willa sleeping in bed and not having ready a room. He knew that she needed to sleep because she was just changed by him, but now he needed to get some blood for her too. So he placed Jennifer on his bed and got two necklaces out. He placed one with a crystal on it, around Willa’s neck, and one with a ruby on it around Jennifer’s neck.

He looked at both of them and sighed. They were going to be a handful tonight. So he started on Willa and gave her some blood and placed her in her room for the night. Jennifer was starting to wake up now, but he kissed her lips.

She moaned lightly, then placed her arms around his neck. She was content and noticed that she starting to nuzzle his neck. She found his pulse and bit him hard. She felt relief on her neck. Zach felt her bite his neck and start to drink.

He bite her neck and drank her blood. Her blood was thick and rich in taste. It was good. She stopped for the time and took her teeth out of his neck. She sighed, then relaxed. Zach felt something inside himself and felt her heart beat starting to slow down.

She passed out, then made sure her power was cut off for the time. Zach felt Jennifer fall asleep and noticed that her power was turned off. He got off of her and shut the door to his bedroom. He left the room and found Willa on the floor in the dungeon. She was trying to move and he lifted her up off the floor.

“Why did you move? I thought you were sleeping Dear. I just get you back to bed and you will sleep a lot more.” Zach said as he walked down to her dungeon. “Why did you even want me? I don’t like this place anymore than my old world.” Willa said in a tone that was drier than sand.

“I needed a major power base and you had the right power. I know that you may not know about it right now but you will come to like this place. After you start obeying me I will be happy to get you into a room in better condition, but you need to learn right now. You were about to be killed in the human world when you were going to go to bed. I knew that your power would be perfect as a base.” Zach said, as he held her tight against his chest.

Willa was now sleeping, but Zach liked her sleeping right now. Her dark hair was long and not in buns. It was free and softer because he had changed her. He eyes were now a rich shade of green and closed right now. Her figure was perfect, but what she did to keep it was a mystery to him. The only thing he had an issue with was her attitude. She wasn’t a push over like a lot of others he had created. She was a challenge.

When Zach placed Willa on the bed, in the chamber, he saw a weird mark show on her face. It was written in the language he hadn’t seen in the past three hundred years. He read what it had said, “she is the princess of the old kingdom of W. W. V. protect her and guard her well Zach.” Zach stepped back from her, then noticed that she was still sleeping.

She wasn’t suppose to be in the human world after all. Vampires and all other creatures of the night would have tried to kill her. She had survived the human world for three hundred years. It shocked him in a way that wasn’t like normal. She was after all another just like him and could be very well his sister in a way.

She was stronger than most and he liked that. He sat down on the chair behind him and went to thinking about the past three hundred years. Their father was not good to them and he ran away first. He didn’t figure out why she ran away from him too. She was in a since a long ways from home. Their mother stayed, but what surprised him was the fact she left a message in the form of a birthmark.

After a few hours, Willa woke up and found Zach staring at her face. “Why did mother send you away? I know who you are sister. I could read the mark on your face.” Zach asked in a low voice. “I don’t really don’t know who my mother was sorry, but I think you maybe losing your mind. I don’t even recall any thing for the past few years. I blacked out.” Willa said as she curled up her legs.

Zach sighed as if he knew what his mother had done. She had left that mark on her and flashed her to the human world in the time period right before her coming of age. She was lost in the world of the humans, but half of her powers were drained because of their father. She wasn’t just a little sister to him, but a priority in this life he has.

“Well, you will be moved in the better room now then. I need you to understand that I’m your brother. You were taken from our father’s armed lands and your power needs to reboot now. I’m sorry to say this but I will be training you too. Its going to take longer than I thought, but you can’t leave me at all. Do you understand that?” Zach said in a tone that was lowered.

“I understand it brother, but why would mother have sent me away anyway? I don’t even remember my home. I was adopted by a family in the human world and they took me in. I never noticed that time had passed by quickly for me at all. Everyone who took care of me, ended up dead within seventeen years. I had only changed in the very least as I grew up. No one noticed that I looked young after they were getting old and having gray hair. They all thought that I just had the genes for keeping my youthful appearance. No one questioned who I had as my mother or father, but they still would die from an accident of sorts. I have so far been in two hundred families. I was always cursed somehow. I just didn’t know it. It seemed to me that someone would try and kill me after three more nights and days.” Willa said, as she sighed in her position and started to cry.

Seeing his sister cry wasn’t normal and he didn’t even seem to like that at all. He went and placed his arms around her while she cried, but her powers started to block everything around her. She started to go back to sleep in his arms again. She fell asleep anyway, but had curled up next to Zach. He felt her calm down and fall asleep, but he didn’t realize that she was asleep until he had moved his sister to the room next to his.

She clung to him after a few minutes, but Zach wasn’t surprised to feel her cling to him. She had done the same thing right before he left from home. If she knew that she had done this before, she would’ve stopped now. She smiled for the time though and slowly he slid her arms around a big soft teddy bear instead.

Zach left his sister alone for the rest of her sleep. She was doing the same thing that she had done before. It brought a smile to his face and a feeling he could barely describe, it felt like love. He walked back to his room and found Jennifer starting to wake up again.

She was having a bad dream and he could tell it too. It seemed that she was not enjoying herself and tried to get a hold of something. She calmed down in a second and had her arms around a big teddy bear. She sighed then and relaxed all over again. So he went to his coffin and went to sleep for the day.

After twenty-four hours of sleep, Willa woke up with her arms around a huge teddy bear that was really soft and didn’t bug her one bit. She looked around in her room and found she was in a different room all together. It was similar to the one that she couldn’t remember off hand, but it was filled with all kinds of things and so much more. She saw the closet and wanted to look in it and find out what was in it.

She carefully got up and walked over to it and opened it up. She saw clothing and looked through it. She found something to wear and found jewelry to go with that. She loved everything in it and saw the shoes to go with it.

After a few minutes, a tall glass of blood appeared in her right hand. She drank it in no time and felt a lot better. She was feeling better than ever, but then Zach popped into her room. “I hope you like the room. It was yours in the palace. I think you should try to thank me now. I know how you feel about everything that’s happened in the past five days and I will be helping you with your powers. Our mother wished you not to know our father.” Zach said quietly.

“I love the room and thank you very much. Its all familiar to me now but I don’t know why though. I seem to remember everything about our mother, but she never showed me to daddy but one time. It was really bad. I can’t recall why though, but it was no problem to me. My powers were down some.” Willa said as she sat down on the bed.

“I think you were the reason I wanted to leave the palace, but mother had given me a potion and I passed out. It wasn’t normal though, I could tell. She transported me to some orphanage and then I just woke up. She told me to tell you that she would be dead by the time you found me. She said that it was for the best and our father would die within the next five years after she killed herself.” Willa said in a low voice.

“I seem to get the picture now. She has passed on and dad is gone now I see. Thank you for the message, but I know why you remember now. Do you know you can tap into memories of yourself and others?” Zach asked. “No, but it does explain why I could remember everything. I thought it was a curse to do that and I have been doing that from a distance for a long time, but I never tried it on myself before at all. How strange that this should happen to me now.” Willa said as she went back to the head of the bed.

Zach was surprised that she remembered everything, but then again she was still the same sister to him. She acted the same if not a little more than mature for her age. She grew up in the past few hundred years and then some. She was a lot stronger than he remembered her.

“You need to understand more



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