GlorifiedxSinner's Journal

GlorifiedxSinner's Journal


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3 entries this month

18:19 Mar 12 2020
Times Read: 445

Look at me closely, say this isn’t what the paradise looks like. When you make me feel like a garden of your love, I feel like the storage of your lies. Every sip of those words, there are thorns stinging on my neck. Draining my empty rapture. Playing with my feelings. Like a little kid picking the best part of me, tearing apart the petals until my skin is no longer sealed from storms. Burning ices, the melting fire in your camouflage eyes. Someone says I am worthy of something better, but ripping down on my bones, I would show my scars and they would open and can easily bleed it again. I say I wouldn’t jump into the falls, either it can break or drown me, but I always do it anyway. I never care about colors that fading away. Hurt might make my life useful. Sometimes facing what hurts, lessons are dripping down my brain, being processed by my heart, absorbs by my soul. This is not a vacation place in your life. I’m not a paradise. Maybe I like a home that you can feel the comfort of tired silhouette, through darkness, brightness, confusion, I’ll make you feel your smile grows more than what you’ve thought of me as a garden. You made me cry as the sprinkler for my root that lost its breath. You tried so hard to make me a perfect image for people around us, but I don’t want perfection, maybe If you would be true to yourself. Don’t build my universe in your hands, pick me up and build up my feet through your care, if it’s real. Hurt me like I would find myself, just stop hurting me until I lost myself. I’ll never going to be your beautiful place, I’m worried to be messed up and never be good in your eyes anymore. Tell me someday someone’s going to be with me because I am the safest place, no matter how close or far I am.




18:18 Mar 12 2020
Times Read: 447

The earth, the sun and the moon conspired to create you. Your existence is a deliberate work of art. You are no accident, no mistake. The wind, the air and the oceans worked together to birth you. You are comprised of particles from galaxies unknown, remnants of kings and queens before you, the breath of a goddess, the tears of a warrior and the blood of a revolutionary. You are not here by mistake, in fact the world would be different, imbalanced without you. You do not have the right to fight what the universe has created, do not doubt it and do not dull it. Do not water down your rich spirit to appease those who are empty or half-full. You are here to move mountains, to make change in the world, may it be the world in its entirety or the world of a single person. You are not here to please others, your mind was not coated in brilliance to be used by another, your body was not sewn together in strength to please another person. Your voice was not fabricated with thunder and lightning to be spoken over by anyone. You are not pretty, you are not delicate and you are not fragile. You are mighty, you are fearsome and you are deafening. Let the world and those who try to defeat you, tremble in the shadows of your thunderous presence.




18:17 Mar 12 2020
Times Read: 449

Life is a bloody battle between your mind and your body; Sometimes a life long war. Two entities contradicting one another, a struggle of profound passion, Your heart caught in the crossfire. Your mind endeavouring to convince you that your body is unloveable, undesirable, unworthy. Your mind is not rotten it has simply been poisoned by a world of people who profit off of your ability to find beauty in them but not within yourself. Through the struggle-some process of learning how to love yourself, You must remember the way your body fought for you even whilst you tried to destroy it. The way your heart continued to beat even when you wished deeply that it wouldn’t. The way your skin covered your bones like a blanket when you wished it would simply disappear. The way your body acted as a shell, protecting your mind, your heart and your soul while you singlehandedly tried to break it. Let the scars that you bare serve as a medal; you have overcome the struggle to self destruct. The wrinkles on your face a reminder that you have endured years of this battle and yet here you stand. There will come a time that you will realize you are on the same team, an armistice proclaimed; a total ceasefire. You will listen to your heart beating within the walls of your chest, You will realize that it is the anthem of your existence, You will take a deep breath and sing along to it. There is nothing more natural on this earth than a human being, simply… being.



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