Isis101's Journal

Isis101's Journal


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9 entries this month


01:10 Aug 25 2015
Times Read: 583

I knew something was up, since I had so many exams, tests, etc. within the past three weeks.

I'm the kind of person who will generally look at the worst case scenario, so that I can prepare myself for whatever is behind Door #1 or Door #2.

With that said - I was told that I am diabetic. Okay - I can deal with that. I was also told that I need to have more tests in regards to all of the previous poking and prodding of my va-jay-jay. Great.

This morning, I was told that I have uterine fibroids. Generally, these are non-malignant, "but to be sure, Miss H------, we'll need to do a more in-depth scrape..." Scrape. Ouch. I hate it more already.

I tell the doctor that if it ends up being cancer, how soon can they just "take everything out? It's not like I need the shit" (Yes - my exact words).

"We'll go down that road if we have to. But for now, let's just see what we come up with..."

Yeah. Okay.

So now...the wait is on. Strange, but I'm not afraid, or angry.

I know that I'm jumping the gun at this point, but if I do end up with cancer, I just want to have time to complete my writing and art projects, and make arrangements for my cats.




This morning's 4.0 quake.

00:23 Aug 18 2015
Times Read: 604

Ah...nothing like being awakened and almost tossed from one's bed at 6:40 in the morning.

Surprisingly, with the rolling jolt, only one picture fell from the wall, unscathed. A few others were crooked...lol

Scared the hell out of Dust Bunny (one of my cats). Like me, the others were chill, and went on about their morning routine...eating. It took some coaxing on my part to get Dust Bunny from under the sofa, though.

With that...I hope that I won't have to go to the courthouse tomorrow for possible jury duty. There's a number I call after 5pm today, which will tell me whether to show up tomorrow or not. With my luck, I'll have to go...then get stuck on a jury panel...

Just like the last two damned times I had to call. At this point, I hope that I won't be placed on a jury for a murder trial.




08:44 Aug 25 2015

Glad you are alright.



07:51 Aug 17 2015
Times Read: 621

All of my drinks should be served this way...

 photo how i want my drinks_zps2al90dhj.jpg



13:31 Aug 17 2015

I'll take two.. or three.. or four rawr


Idiots...idiots everywhere.

01:32 Aug 07 2015
Times Read: 673

And some of you think that VR is inundated with dummies? Check this out from Amazon. Note that these are comments about a gorgeous coffee table book featuring the model David Gandy. I'm Mo1, by the way. And after my last comment, I won't bother with making anymore, as I think I've made my point...well, to anyone with half a brain, anyway. Like VR, read from the bottom up::

Mo1 second ago


We all should have some care in how we rate here, as we are suppose to be basing them on the actual contents of the books. Of course - you rate and post what you wish, within the guidelines here. I rather think that it does a disservice to the writers/creators of said books when reviewers babble on about things that have nothing to do with the book...

Your 'review' makes no logical sense. Even your comment is irrational. As for me, I have nothing to 'get over'; as for the duh or double duh...I was merely catering to your craziness. Something tells me that you should have just bought the book when it was $100, so as not to be over-the top-crazy now.

Celeste Martinez18 days ago

Report abuse

Unless you are David Gandy himself or the photographer, I couldn't see why you would care what I post as far as a review for this book. It's my opinion and my right to rate what I wish. I think it's best that you worry about your own reviews. I mean, as gorgeous and artistic as this book is, it's not like we're talking about serious world events or subjects here. Get over it! As far as duh or double duh... what are you, a 10 year old?!!

Mo18 days ago


So - let me get this right: Due to the seller posting an outrageous price, you rate the actual book one star? And what does Gandy have to do with the book's price? Duh...just...double-duh.

The Review:

5 of 13 people found the following review helpful



ByCeleste Martinezon November 28, 2012

Format: Hardcover

I am a big fan of David James Gandy. This book was available a few months ago for a $100 and thought about purchasing it then. There is no way I would buy this book for what they want for it now! This is just price gouging and any other true fans out there should protest this! Ridiculous. But still love you David! x



04:19 Aug 07 2015

If she thought the book was overpriced, no one was forcing her to buy it. LOL I see those types of comments quite a bit on consumer websites; as if they didn't know the price before they bought whatever.

03:57 Aug 10 2015

When I last looked, the whiny ho wrote "Get over yourself!"

Of course, I didn't bother to respond. Some people are so goddamn stupid. lol


Is today Monday?

01:39 Aug 05 2015
Times Read: 685

It's funny how a short convo with Magdalena here just a day or two ago triggered an idea for another short story. (And I'm looking forward to reading some of her work)!

Anyone knows what a nix/neck is? Well - I'm almost done writing about one.

Hell - I may as well write as much as I can before getting back to work for the fall semester!

(Shit - writing is also one of my hobbies that I can do for free, like reading).



03:01 Aug 05 2015

Hopefully I triggered a good idea. LOL I'd really appreciate your advice on my latest one.


The tall and the short of it...

03:03 Aug 02 2015
Times Read: 704

A recent pic of my nephew Abel, with comedian Brad Williams. Note that Abel is 6'3"...lol

Abel garcia with comedian Brad Williams photo my nephew Abel with comedian Brad_zpsoa1yxexc.jpg



06:57 Aug 02 2015

Haha! :)

01:59 Aug 07 2015

That rocks! Lol


A Kindle is on its way!

23:06 Aug 01 2015
Times Read: 715

I don't recall the last time I actually bought something 'big' that I wanted, and not needed. With the exception of a few e-books - many for free - I usually can't afford to buy what I want.

Well - I broke down earlier this week, and bought myself a goddamn Kindle! I can now transfer all of those e-books to it, without having to sit in front of my desktop, reading.

(I just hope that I won't regret the purchase later on...lol)




Summary of the summer...so far.

22:45 Aug 01 2015
Times Read: 720

As I'd stated before - I got to work the summer session. Thank God. And now - I have most of the month of August off. Time to relax, read, and continue writing. (And I got two small raises too; one state-mandated, and the other via the school district).

The weather here has been strange, to say the least. Cool days when one needs a light-weight jacket, and other days when it's hot and humid (It even rained during one of those humid days). Those who know me know that I hate anything over 75 degrees...

Recall the psycho screaming woman who lives in the apartment directly over me? Well gee, I actually met her and spoke to her on several occasions within the past few months. She is so nice...I'm wondering if she's on or needs to be on medication for whatever ails her, or gets her panties in a bunch? Just yesterday, I ran into her while taking out the trash, and she was walking a tiny Chihuahua she inherited (vie a friend's death. I might add that she is a tiny woman herself). To hear her polite, soft-spoken voice is trippy, as I've heard the yelling screaming side of her before.

Well - she's quieted down a lot lately, but I'm still keeping a polite distance.

My mom is up and down, mentally. There are times when I am afraid to call her, as she may go on about one family conspiracy theory or another. I'll call her tomorrow and take it if I have to though. She drives me nuts, but she's still my mom and I love her.

My health needs more improvement. My weight keeps raising steadily, and I look and feel like Jabba the Hut. The heart condition has improved, but the water retention...WTF? Strange that my clothes still fit, even though I'm a fat ass (well - I can no longer get into my jeans... *makes sad poopie face*). With MediCal, I'm getting the exams I need, at least. But don't get me started on that PAP smear exam. I was ready to cut that bitch. She was like a goddamn Dr. Mengele...

Anyway - waiting on results from a lot of shit.

I'm such a loner - I like it - and am into my reading and writing so much that I don't do much else. If I was interested in going out on a date, it would be with someone that I'm actually interested in. So far - I'm hiding from two different guys. One is too much into himself - can't say why, exactly - and the other one smacks of CRAZY.

So - into my hidey-hole I go.




Cowboy of the Month.

22:26 Aug 01 2015
Times Read: 722

August 2015

 photo ranch hand and barbed wire_zpsit49o9vn.jpg

This is a REAL cowboy/ranch hand...



02:27 Aug 07 2015

i need to get a ranch... now ! lol

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