Isis101's Journal

Isis101's Journal


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3 entries this month

My Views on Vampires and Fashion.

02:43 Jan 17 2009
Times Read: 1,079

While sitting at my desk, pondering on who the other killer - or killers - might be, I let my mind wander to a frivilous item...why is it that when people visualize vampires, they usually see us as 'Gothic' in appearance? It is true that among the current fledglings and 'wannabes' the Gothic look is more or less de rigueur. But what many do not know is that most vampires - especially those of advanced years and breeding - wear designer and custom-made clothing to reflect our wealthy lifestyles.

On occasion, I will wear 'Gothic' fashion - usually when I am stalking or hunting renegades. It can be fun and different for me. However, one has to consider that if one is a vampire of great age, one should have been intelligent enough to accumulate wealth over the centuries...why would such an accomplished vampire feel compelled to shop at Hot Topic?



For me, I will continue to wear Armani, Lauren, Chanel, and Dior any day!

...I am shaken from my musings when David suddenly bursts into the library, shouting "Isis - come quick! We have a problem!" I get up from my desk immediately. I notice that he is barefoot, wearing worn jeans, and a black t-shirt that proclaims in red letters: I'm Rick James, Bitch!

© MFH 2009



21:51 Apr 23 2009



Jan 16 2009

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I really needed a lugh tonight Isis and that last part got me lol



Feb 06 2009

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I love it - LOL - I love you sis - always spot on...


The Meeting.

00:11 Jan 13 2009
Times Read: 1,134

The more I re-read and mused over that news article, the angrier and more agitated I became. I decided to call Ankh-Re and settle it once and for all. The fiend's first response to my call was "Hi baby - what a pleasant surprise". I ignored his sultry tone and demanded that he come over right away.

Ankh-Re laughed. "Oh my. My mistress appears to be angry with me. Should I bring some toys for you to discipline me with?"

'Ankh-Re, dammit!" I shouted. "Get your ass over here NOW!"

He continued to laugh, which angered me more. "You're kinda' turning me on, hon. I love it when you get all aggro."

I remained mute. I silently counted to ten to regain my composure. Finally Ankh-Re spoke - in a more subdued tone.

"Okay Isis...what in the hell is going on?"

I replied "We cannot discuss this over the phone. You need to come here immediately!"

Forty-five minutes later, Ankh-Re arrived. Anna ushered him into the kitchen, where I was making myself a cup of mint tea.

"Would you like anything to eat or drink?" I asked. I received a flash of his mind, and caught myself grimacing. "I meant food." I hissed.

Ankh-Re smiled, then said "Well then, no - I'm fine. What the hell is going on, woman?"

He grabbed a chair, turned it backwards, then sat down, watching me intently. I noticed that he was dressed completely in black leather, so he obviously rode his bike over.

"You got here pretty quickly - where are you residing?' I asked.

Ankh-Re frowned. "You know that I have a loft in the city...you want to explain why I had to rush over here, please?"

I glared at him for a few seconds, then slammed the newspaper article down on the kitchen table in front of him. His face remained impassive as he read.

"Well?" I spat out.

"Well what, Isis? I'm not responsible for four deaths. I left my tally at one, and took care of the matter. If anything, you should be pointing a finger at yourself. If I'm not mistaken, you have two kills."

"The priest was a mistake" I snapped. "Anyway, I did not drain him dry."

"Oh yeah...right. I'll remember that - you broke his neck instead" came the sarcastic reply.

"How can I tell if you are telling me the truth, Ankh-Re? You are blocking me" I said. "Do you not know how dangerous and careless this is?"

"I know exactly what time it is, woman!" snapped Ankh-Re. "And since you don't believe me, I give you leave to enter my mind, love."

...Which I did. To my shock - and relief - I realized that Alanna Rayne was his only kill. We both looked into each other's eyes and silently asked: If each of us only had one kill, who committed the other two?

© MFH 2009




Bay Area murders baffle police.

23:48 Jan 11 2009
Times Read: 1,165

Oh damn...this was on the second page of my morning paper:

In as many months, there have been three disturbing deaths in three different locales throughout the San Francisco Bay Area. While there seems to be no connection between the victims, they all share the same cause of death by exsanguination - the extreme loss of blood.

There was a similar case last April in the town of Los Puertos where a man was found with his throat torn open, completely drained of blood. Authorities first assumed that the man's death was the result of a wild animal attack, but now they believe that the death - along with the more recent ones - may be caused by a serial killer. The case is still under investigation.

People are advised to be very cautious of their surroundings, to keep children and pets indoors, and to report any unusual persons or activites to the police immediately.

Okay... the guy with the torn throat was my doing; I bet that that god-damned Ankh-Re was responsible for the rest, Alanna Rayne included...!

© MFH 2009



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