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Health Care Ghimmitude

08:43 Aug 07 2009
Times Read: 716

Health Care Ghimmitude

posted at 5:40 pm on August 4, 2009 by Legal Insurrection

The fight over nationalized health care is at the heart of a larger societal battle over the role of the individual. At stake is whether individual health care choices will be subservient to the state’s larger health care interest by forcing the individual to submit to state control of the most personal aspects of one’s life in exchange for health care security and benefits.

I call this system “Ghimmitude.”

Unlike the system of Dhimmitude, this has nothing to do with religion. But the concept of a recognized alignment of power between two groups (here, the state and the individual) based on recognized control by one group (here, the state) is similar.

Ghimmitude is not based solely on the handout of government benefits, although that is part of it. Rather than focusing on people trying to get something for nothing, which has taken place since the beginning of time, the system of Ghimmitude requires that in exchange for getting something for nothing the individual give up some measure of freedom.

While the final details of the Democratic health restructuring plans are not complete, the alignment of power is clear. A draft Bill released by the House contains an elaborate system of penalties, fines and taxes meant to compel compliance by individuals and individual employers with an elaborate system of health care mandates based on what is best for the nation.

The mandates as of now are only broad strokes, with the details to be worked out in regulations by a politically appointed Commissioner. Although not yet part of the Bill, it is likely that many of the critical and politically difficult health care reduction (i.e. cost-cutting) decisions will be outsourced to a politically-appointed, unimpeachable panel. The key concept throughout the Bill and other Democratic proposals is compulsion and a loss of control by the individual for the greater good.

We accept the loss of some freedom for the greater good in many aspects of our lives. Submitting to a screening at the airport is one example. But intimate health care decision-making traditionally has been an exception.

The irony is that those most willing to submit to government power on health care issues are those least likely to submit on other personal freedoms. The same people who scream bloody murder at the thought of the NSA intercepting phone calls between likely al-Qaeda operatives in the U.S. and a cave in Northwest Pakistan without judicial approval, are at the forefront of the health care Ghimmitude movement. In exchange for being given free health care benefits, such people are willing to have their medical records turned over to the state, and to have an unelected and unimpeachable commission decide who shall live and who shall die by virtue of deciding which medical procedures and medicines are cost effective for the nation.

While the proponents of government-controlled health care look forward to the day when they can turn their medical records over to the state, they guard their phone records with religious zeal.

Ghimmitude: “A peaceful surrender to the state in exchange for health care security and benefits, based on accepting the inferiority of the individual and individual rights.”



19:40 Aug 07 2009

This is exactly what scares me about this system and this term of politicians... I am raising a high medical needs child, and I do not like the idea of her medical being denied due to "what is best for the nation" because that will likely mean her in a wheelchair instead of hip surgery and no metabolic formula because she already has a permanent brain injury due to doctor error.


You next? Your parents? Grandparents?

12:09 Aug 06 2009
Times Read: 727

Get used to this if the new health care bill is passed.



22:34 Aug 06 2009

I think that says more about America than universal health care.


New Nightmare on Elm Street

10:24 Aug 06 2009
Times Read: 729

Could go both ways....meaning could be over the top gore and stupid or it could be intense thriller. It has a different feel than the other. Looks pretty scary!




Obama is killing us off slowly

06:39 Aug 06 2009
Times Read: 734

So yea, you knew I had to finally say something about the horror being introduced into our lives. This health care reform. As I have been saying for months now, it is health care rationing. And there isn't one person that won't be affected, except those that don't go to the doctor.

Medicaid cut down by billions. If you are over a certain age, no medical help for you! So you can have the choice of dying slowly or you can kill yourself. They will help with that last option, since it's cheaper. Hell, Oregon has had that going on too.

Some people are still thinking this is all cool. Wow, really? Some are trying to latch on to the idea that it's the insurance companies putting people on buses and having them go to town hall meetings. Oh dear lord people! Get a brain. These people at town hall are regular people, like you and I. And if you notice, most are older, because they realize what's really going on and what's at stake.

Do you have a parent? Do they ever need medical care? Are you prepared to see them dying slowly in bed and YOU taking care of them or making the decision to have them euthanized? It's like Nazi Germany....getting rid of large groups of people....just quieter and slower. I'm scared for my future. I was hoping to just ignore him til 2012. That's probably what the Mayans and Nostrodamus were talking about. ;)

I had tried to just ignore Dictator O, and just ignore his parading like a peacock, playing savior and having his feet washed by adoring blind so and so's, but I couldn't ignore what was going on now. I allowed it in my head and damn, I am so livid. I need to get it out now and settle down. I've been reading on it, and watching the enraged folks of America, and it's just insane what's being proposed. Not to mention the free medical care illegals will get too. "Page 170 Lines 1-3 HC Bill: Any NONRESIDENT Alien is exempt from individual taxes. (Americans will pay) ". Oh joy, more?



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