Jamie's Journal

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68 entries this month

You are lovable

08:45 Dec 29 2007
Times Read: 814

You Are Lovable

Just The Way You Are!

Humaniversity Fundamentals by Veeresh

I have worked with many therapists and I have tried to put all their theories together and what it comes down to is, and this is the simplest theory I can give you:

Always Insist That You Are Good!

You might act stupid; you might think stupid; you might feel stupid; but don't let yourself be put down. You are a human being and that makes you great and lovable, whether anybody likes it or not. The moment you start to believe that you are bad, you compromise, and you might as well kill yourself.

You act stupid - so what? You think stupid; you feel stupid; you are not enlightened the way everybody else would like you to be enlightened - so what? Don't let anybody put you down.

You Are Lovable Just the Way You Are

If you ever feel that somebody is attacking that, be willing to stand up and fight for your life for that. Don't ever let anybody tell you that you are bad.

As a human being, how can you be bad? You are beautiful and you are lovable. Never let anybody take that away from you.

Every time you get confused, remember, "Who am I? Oh, Veeresh says I am lovable." Always buy that. When you are lost, you are lovable. You have to believe that, or else you will be on a negativity trip for the rest of your life. You will be trying to be better, do things better, improve yourself, and add to other people's realities.

It has to start from within.

"I am a Good Person and I am Lovable"

That is the bottom line and that is what you have to learn. Your parents may not like you. Your relationship may not like you. Your local friends may not like you because you are not good enough. You don't dress the right way. You have got the wrong moustache. You have the wrong hair. Everything is all wrong. Don't forget:

You are Lovable

If you lose that, it is all over!

Well, except a few I won't mention. But I bet they know who they are.



14:59 Jan 27 2008

sometimes its hard to look at good things when things dont go well


The three fears

08:41 Dec 29 2007
Times Read: 816

The Three Fears

| going crazy | sexual orgasm | death |

In therapy group situations, there are three fears that always come up in people: the fear of going crazy, the fear of sexual orgasm and the fear of dying.

The fear of going crazy is essentially the fear of being alone.

The fear of orgasm in essence is guilt.

The fear of death is essentially fear of the unknown.

Osho's comment on the three fears was recorded live in an interview with Veeresh in September 1985:

In these three fears humanity has lived for thousands of years. They are not personal - they are collective. They come from the collective unconscious.


^ top ^

The fear of going crazy is in everyone, for the simple reason because their intelligence has not been allowed to develop. Intelligence is dangerous to the vested interest. So for thousands of years they have been cutting the very roots of intelligence.

In Japan they have a certain tree which is thought to be a great art. It is simply murder. The trees are four hundred, five hundred years old, and six inches high. Generations of gardeners have taken care of them. The technique is: the trees are put in a pot without any bottom, and they go on cutting their roots; they don't allow their roots to go into the earth. When you don't allow the roots to go deeper, the tree simply grows old - it never grows up. It is a strange phenomenon to see that tree. It looks ancient, but it has only grown old, old, old, but it has never grown up. It has never blossomed; it has never given any fruits.

That is exactly the situation of man. His roots are cut. Man lives almost uprooted. He has to be made uprooted, so that he can become dependent on the society, on the culture, on the religion, on the state, on the parents, on everybody. He has to depend. He himself has no roots.

The moment he becomes aware he has no roots, he feels he is going crazy, he is going insane. He is losing every support, he is falling into a dark ditch, because his knowledge is borrowed, it is not his own. The respectability is borrowed; he himself has no respect for his own being. His whole personality is borrowed from some source: the university, the church, the state; he himself has nothing of his own.

Just think of a man who lives in a grand palace with everything conceivable for his luxuries. One day suddenly you make him aware that the palace does not belong to him, and that neither these luxuries belong to him. They belong to somebody else, who is coming, and he will be thrown out. He will go crazy.

So in deep therapy you will come across this point, and the person has to face it and allow it. Allow in the therapy the situation that the person can go crazy. Once he goes crazy, he will drop the fear. Now he knows what craziness is. The fear is always of the unknown.

Let him go crazy, and he will soon come down, because there is no real base to his fear. It is a fear projected by the society. The parents say, "If you don't follow us, if you disobey, you will be condemned." The Jewish god says in the Talmud, "I am a very jealous god, a very angry god." Remember that I am not nice, I am not your uncle. All the religions have been doing it.

Just go off the way which is followed by the mob and they will declare you crazy. So, everybody goes on clinging to the crowd, remaining part of a religion, a church, a party, a nation, a race. He is afraid to be left alone, and that's what you are doing when you bring him to his own depths. All that crowd, all those connections disappear: he is left alone, nobody on whom he has always depended is there. He cannot depend on his own intelligence. That is the problem. Unless he starts growing his own intelligence, he will always remain afraid of being crazy.

Not only that, the society can make him crazy any moment. If the society wants to make him crazy, if that is in their favour, they will make him crazy. In the Soviet Union it happens almost every day. I am taking the example of the Soviet Union because they do it more scientifically, methodologically. It happens everywhere all over the world, but their methods are very primitive. For example in India, if a person behaves in a way that is not approved, he is made an outcast. He cannot get any support from anyone in the town. People will not even speak to him. His own family will close the doors upon his face. The man is bound to go crazy: you are driving him crazy.

The fear has entered into very deep realms of unconsciousness. The work of therapy is to make the person free of that fear. If he is free of that fear, he is free of society, free of culture, free of religion, free of god, heaven, hell and all nonsense. All that nonsense is significant because of this fear and to make that nonsense significant the fear has been created. It is the ugliest crime one can think of. It is being done to every child around the world every moment. The people who are doing it have no bad intentions. They think they are doing something for the best of the child. Their parents have conditioned them; they are transferring the same conditioning to their children. Basically the whole of humanity stands on the verge of madness.

In deep therapy the fear grips suddenly, because the person is losing all the props, supports. The crowd is disappearing farther and farther away. He is being left alone. Suddenly there is darkness, and there is fear. He has never been trained, disciplined for being alone, and that is the function of meditation.

No therapy is complete without meditation, because only meditation can give him his lost roots, his strength of being an individual. There is nothing to fear. The conditioning is that you have to be afraid on each moment, each step. The whole of humanity lives in paranoia. This humanity could have lived in paradise; it is living in hell.

So help the person to understand that this is nothing to be worried about, there is nothing to be afraid of; it is a created fear. Every child is born fearless. He can play with the snakes with no fear. He has no idea of fear or death, or anything. Meditation brings the person back to his childhood; he is reborn. So help the person to understand why the fear is. Make it clear that it is a phony phenomenon imposed upon him, so there is no need to be worried.

In this situation you can go crazy. Don't be afraid. Enjoy for the first time you have got this situation in which you can be crazy and yet not condemned, but loved, respected. The group has to respect the person, to love the person; he needs it. He will cool down. He will come out of the fear with a great freedom, with great stamina, strength, and integrity. ^ top ^


^ top ^

The second fear is of sexual orgasm. That, too, is created by religions. All religions are existing because they have turned man against his own energies. Sex is man's whole energy, his life energy. Religious prophets and messiahs, messengers of god, they are all doing the same work in different words, different languages, but their work is the same: to make man an enemy of himself. The basic strategy is, because sex is the most powerful energy in you, sex should be condemned. Guilt should be created. Then arises a problem for the individual. His nature is sensuous, sexual, and his mind is full of garbage against it. He is in a split. Neither can he drop the mind, because dropping the mind means dropping the society, the religion, the prophet, Jesus Christ, god, everything. He is not capable to do that, unless he has become an individual and is able to be alone without any fear.

So man is afraid of sex as far as his mind is concerned, but his biology has nothing to do with the mind. The biology has not received any information from the mind. There is no communication; the biology has its own way of functioning. So the biology will drive him towards sex, and his mind will be standing there continuously condemning him. So he makes love, but in a hurry. That hurry has a very psychological reason. The hurry is he is doing something wrong, he is doing something against god, against religion. He is feeling guilty and he cannot manage to do it. So the only compromise is to do it, but be quick. That avoids the orgasm.

Now there are implications upon implications. A man who has not known orgasm feels unfulfilled, frustrated, and angry. Because he has never been in a state which nature provides freely, where he could have relaxed totally and become one with existence at least for a few moments. Because of his hurry he cannot manage the orgasm. Sex has become equivalent to ejaculation. That is not true as far as nature is concerned. Ejaculation is only a part that you can manage without orgasm. You can reproduce children, so biology is not worried about your orgasm. Your biology is satisfied if you reproduce children. They can be reproduced only by ejaculation, there is no need for orgasm.

Orgasm is a tremendous gift of nature. Man is deprived and because he is so quick in making love, the woman is deprived. The woman needs time to warm up. Her whole body is erotic, and unless her whole body is throbbing with joy, she will not be able to experience orgasm, for that there is no time. So for millions of years women have been completely denied their birthright. That's why they have become so bitchy, so continuously nagging, and always ready to fight. There is no possibility of having a conversation with a woman. You are living with a woman for years, but there is not a single conversation that you can recall, when you were both sitting together, talking about great things of life. No, all that you will remember will be fighting, throwing things, being nasty.

The woman is not responsible for it. She is being deprived of her whole possibility of blissfulness. Then she becomes negative and this has given chance to the priests. All the churches and the temples are filled up with women, because they are the losers more than men are. Man's orgasm is local. His whole body is not erotic. So his whole body does not suffer if there is no orgasmic experience, but the woman's whole body suffers.

It is good business for religions. Unless people are psychologically suffering, they will not come to the churches. They will not listen to all kinds of idiotic theologies. Because they are suffering, they want some consolation. They want some hope at least after death. In life they know there is no hope; it is finished. This gives a chance to religions to show to men and women both that sex is absolutely futile. It has no meaning, no significance. You are unnecessarily losing your energy, wasting your energy. Their argument seems to be correct, because you have never experienced anything. So by preventing the orgasmic experience religions have made men and women slaves.

Now the same slavery functions for other vested interests. The latest priest is the psychoanalyst. Now he is exploiting the same thing. I was amazed to know that almost all new priests, particularly Christians, study psychology in their theological colleges. Psychology, psychoanalysis have become a necessary part of their education. Now, what has psychology to do with the Bible? What has psychoanalysis to do with Jesus Christ? The priests are being trained in psychology and psychoanalysis, because it is clear that the old priest is disappearing, he is losing his grip over people. The priest has to be made up to date, so he can function not only as a religious priest, but also as a psychoanalyst, as a psychologist. Naturally the psychologist cannot compete with him. He has something more: religion. This whole thing has happened through the simple device of condemning sex.

So when in groups you find people afraid of orgasm, help them to understand that orgasm is going to make you saner, more intelligent, less angry, less violent, more loving. Orgasm is going to give you your roots that have been taken away from you. So don't be worried.

Mixed with the fear of orgasm is the fear that one may go crazy. If in orgasm one goes crazy, help him to go crazy. Only then will he be able to have it in its totality.

Orgasm relaxes every fibre of your mind, your heart, and your body. It is immensely important for meditation that the person has the experience of orgasm. Then you can make him understand what meditation is. It is an orgasmic experience with the whole of existence. Orgasm can be so beautiful, so beneficial, and so healthy, with a single human being; meditation is getting into oneness with the whole that surrounds you, from the smallest blade of grass to the biggest star, millions of light years away.

The question is always the first experience. Then he knows that his craziness was not craziness, but a kind of explosion of joy. That cools down and leaves him behind healthier, more whole, and more intelligent. Then the fear of orgasm is disappeared. With it he is finished with the religion, with the psychoanalysis and all kinds of nonsense for which he is paying so tremendously. ^ top ^


^ top ^

The third fear you say is of death. The first is of being alone. Much of the fear of death will be destroyed by the first experience of being alone and having no fear. The fear of death will be immediately destroyed by the experience of orgasm. In orgasm the person disappears. The ego is no more. There is an experiencing, but the experiencer is no more.

These first two steps will help to solve the third step very easily. With each step you have to go on deepening his meditativeness. Any therapy without meditation cannot help much. It is just superficial touching here and there, and soon the man will be the same again. A real transformation has never happened without meditation. These are beautiful situations as far as meditation is concerned.

Use the first to make him alone; use the second to give him courage and tell him to drop all thoughts. Just go crazily orgasmic. Don't bother what happens. We are here to take care of you. With these two steps, the third will be very easy. That is the easiest. It looks the biggest fear of man; it is not true. You don't know death, how can you be afraid of it? You have always seen other people dying, you have never seen yourself dying. Who knows, you are maybe the exception? Because there is no proof that you are going to die. Those who have died have given proof that they were mortals.

When I was in the university and learning logic from my professor, in every logic book, in every university around the world the same Aristotelian syllogism is being taught. "Man is mortal. Socrates is a man. Therefore Socrates is mortal." When I was taught that syllogism for the first time I stood up and I said, "Wait, I may be the exception. Up to now I have been the exception, why not tomorrow? About Socrates I accept the syllogism is true, because he is dead. What about me? What about you, what about all these people who are living? They have not died yet."

It is just experiencing death, people dying, in disgust, in misery, in suffering, in all kinds of pain, old age; that gives you the fear of death. Nobody has known the death of an enlightened man. How beautifully he dies, how joyously he dies. The moment of his death is of tremendous luminosity, silence, as if joy is radiating from every pore of his being. Those who are near him, those who have been fortunate to be near him will be simply surprised that death is far more glorious than life has ever been. This kind of death happens only to people who have lived totally, without fear. Who have lived orgasmically, without bothering about idiots what they are saying. They know nothing about it and they go on saying about it.

The fear of death will be the simplest out of the three. You have to solve the first two. Then you tell the person that death is not the end of life. If you meditate deeply, and reach to your innermost center, you will suddenly find an eternal life current. The bodies, there have been many. There have been many forms to your being, but you are just the same. It has not to be just a belief; it has to be made their experience.

So remember one thing: your therapy groups should not be ordinary therapy. Just somehow whitewashing and giving a man a feeling that he has learned something, that he has experienced something, and after a week or two he is the same. There is not a single person in the whole world who is totally psychoanalysed. There are thousands of psychoanalysts doing psychoanalysis. Not a single case they have been able to complete yet. For the simple reason because they have nothing to do with meditation. Without meditation you can go on painting on the surface, but the inner reality remains the same.

My therapists have to introduce meditation as the very center of therapy. Everything else should revolve around it. Then we have made therapy something really valuable. Then it is not only the need of those who are sick, or of those who are somehow mentally unbalanced, or of those who feel fears, jealousies, violence... This is a negative part of therapy. Our therapies should be that we give the person his individuality back, that we give him integrity, crystallisation, so that he never fears death. Once the fear of death disappears, all other fears are very small; they will follow it, they will simply disappear. We have to teach people how to live totally and wholly, against the teachings of all the religions. They teach renounce, I teach rejoice.




Funniest profile of the hour

08:26 Dec 29 2007
Times Read: 823

"When I die, I want to go peacefully like my Grandfather did, in his sleep -- not screaming, like the passengers in his car."




Dumbest profile of the hour, maybe night, and there have been many

07:55 Dec 29 2007
Times Read: 826

"i like blood ,i drink my own,and i like vampire ever when i was about 3and i'am a fan of killing .blood.muder,and love and drinking alchol "

No wait, it might be this one:

"listen up fuckers da name is chelsey don't miss with me or ya asses are going to get beat

here to da fuckers who i hate me i don't give a shit about u so back da fuck off bitchez

but if you get on my good side i can be really nice and real cool person to hang out with"




Nicest message of the hour

07:12 Dec 29 2007
Times Read: 828




Dec 29 2007

Hello 'one of the finest of VR personna'. How have you been?




Bandwidth test

06:19 Dec 29 2007
Times Read: 829

Speakeasy Speed Test




Borrowed from Daire

13:32 Dec 27 2007
Times Read: 840

Borrowed from Daire at typingpal.com, is the typing test. I get so nervous with tests! haha. Consider my hands are tired from typing on here all night and I am ready to leave for the night/early morn.

"During the test, you typed at a speed of 54 words/minute and made 22 errors. According to these results, you are an expert typist and should consider taking the corresponding course when you register."

22? Pfft.......I kept trying to backspace to correct them.




Read on a profile, interesting

11:57 Dec 27 2007
Times Read: 844

Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?" -Epicurus




Dumbest profile description tonight

10:58 Dec 27 2007
Times Read: 845

"message me and ask lol im not much of a talker "

Well, if they aren't much of a talker, then there's not much sense in writing them.





I know, I know.....

10:34 Dec 27 2007
Times Read: 847

I know the shoe store call from Satan for "soles" is annoying for your regulars on my journal. It is for me too. I just can't bring myself to take it off, it's just so funny.

I like when he calls trying to be all cheery and different. "Shoe store? You got any sandals?".





Wasted profile space

10:31 Dec 27 2007
Times Read: 848

"Puff the magic dragon lived by the sea"

BUT, it makes it so much easier and faster to rate these types.




Dude, the jig is up. Mini rant.

07:09 Dec 22 2007
Times Read: 858

It's funny to me when people on here are all, "I am a vampire and I am evil, blah, blah, blah, that's what vampires do, they go evil on you and make you do things you don't want to do!!!...............Oh and Merry Christmas!". I thought "vampires" don't dig the birth of Christ? *laughing* Fucking hypocrisy. So when you open your Christmas cards and you ask Santa for gifts and tell people Merry Christmas, you just remember the hypocrisy in all that.

Dude, you aren't a vampire. You are mortal. The jig is up.

Basically what I mean, is that people take it all so literally. Or when they say that same thing but here is another example. "I am a vampire and I am evil, blah, blah, blah, that's what vampires do, they go evil on you and make you do things you don't want to do!!!".......and then, "Ok, well my mom is calling and I have to go to school now." HAHA....or, "Ok, well I have to go and get to work now (in the daylight of course). Or go into the world and get bullied by someone. They come back here and wreak havoc emotionally on the victim that happens to be in their Coven or House to try to regain some sense of control in their life, by taking it from others. Asses. Sad little asses.

I was watching a special on vamps last week. In fact, it's in the database in the TV shows. Anyway, they were talking about the vampire appeal and it's basically sexual. I already knew this though, but it was good to see it explained by psychiatrists. So really, you are all a bunch of sex fiends, not nosferatu. *laughing* Oh and don't forget the control freak aspect of it. Having sexual prowess and control over others. Who doesn't want that?

The vampire king dude said people don't even drink blood, it's a psychic vamp thing, where they take your energy. People will let them take it.

Course, some freaks will do the blood thing, thinking they are more goth and vampish than others if they do. Besides being very dangerous, it seems like a waste of time. But that's me. Cest le vie. Just don't spread fucking hepititis and AIDS around. Idiot.





07:00 Dec 22 2007
Times Read: 859

Vampire database entries rated: 518 *

Ok, everything in database is rated now.

Time spent for me should already have me at Sire.

I want to open a Coven. But still not sure about how much I need to be on here to keep Sire status. That worries me. I don't want to open the damn thing and have it disbanded because my status drops a level after a few days or a week of being away. =

So how often are you Sires on and how long? Any info for me?




Ghost hunting

06:29 Dec 22 2007
Times Read: 860

I went to a house tonight that was a friend of Harmony's. She told me about it being haunted. So I wanted to check it out. I took the recorder to do some EVP work and took pictures. I got some great orbs, but so far nothing on EVP. I am listening to it as I "speak" with earbuds. Damn.

Harmony's friends think I am her sister. At least those that don't know I am here mom. Don't know how long I can get away with that, but it's fun now.

Wearing a new outfit today.

Danny got me that star necklace I wanted from Riddle's Jewelry. ;) I have discovered Alexandrite. Love that stone. Other than diamonds it's my favorite. It changes colors in different light! Much better than Opal. I can't believe I haven't found it before, as much as I love jewelry and shiny things. It's even one of my birthstones....June.

Going to mom's tomorrow. Well, her house. She won't be there of course. Or will she? Her spirit anyway.

After tomorrow the days will get longer. So glad....and I have an 18 birthday party to plan for Harmony. It's going to be big. I hope so anyway. The last one on her 16th was a success.I sure wish Mom was going to be there. Of course, you are all invited. ;)




I am Legend

14:32 Dec 21 2007
Times Read: 865

Part 1:

Online Videos by Veoh.com

Part 2:

Online Videos by Veoh.com

Part 3:

Online Videos by Veoh.com

Part 4:

Online Videos by Veoh.com




The Descent

14:28 Dec 21 2007
Times Read: 866






Where did Hot Topic go?

05:11 Dec 21 2007
Times Read: 870

This link I got off of here is cool. The clothes remind me of what hot topic USED to be. Hell, we went to one of their stores the other day and it's turned to dayglow shit and stripes. It's like reject shit from the 80s. I loved the 80s and I never wore that shit. Ugh......that and cartoony crap. What happened to them? They hardly have any dresses anymore also. Or skirts. ??! Now I like Hello Kitty, but not taking over the whole store. I don't care if she is wearing a plaid skirt or not.





My Mom said I could!

02:21 Dec 21 2007
Times Read: 874





02:05 Dec 21 2007
Times Read: 876





11:15 Dec 20 2007
Times Read: 885

My brother has just been hired on this site, by the guy that runs it. He will be testing different hardware and posting his findings on it all. He is editor there, second in command. He just called and was so excited about it. He has been needing a job but didn't want to get out to find one. He also wasn't sure what he wanted to do. So I am glad that he got this one. They will send him the stuff to try out for free and he can keep it. Plus getting paid. How cool is that shit? I said, "Oh, what can I do on there?!".




I miss my Mom

09:23 Dec 20 2007
Times Read: 891

I am having a hard time tonight. I am overwhelmed with sadness. It's hard to keep the tears away tonight.

It first started with Moby and now Neil Diamond.

I can't stand this. I can't stand not laughing with my mom again, her greeting me at the door with anxious arms wide open. I just can't stand this....

It's not just that she isn't here anymore. It's the way her life had turned out for her and all that she had to endure. It makes me angry and I am just grief stricken.

Mom did not find the love of her life. Dad disappointed her very early in the relationship. She always told me she married him because she felt sorry for him. His mother had passed away and his father just blew him off and left the family when he was a wee one.

Although dad was a hard worker and provided for the family later on, he had left her alone, to make it as a salesman, with me as a baby, with nothing in the cabinets to eat. She had to go stay with her parents. He has always thought he could be his own boss and make it that way, but he can't.

So much resentment over the years between them. I grew up with them either fighting or dad gone on the road, truck driving. He was gone most my life. She had to raise us kids alone, and be alone. Didn't bother her so much because she was always so pissed at him and disappointed. He didn't buy anniversary presents, no flowers, nothing. He bought her what he wanted, and though he got a loan for two Porsches, they also lost them a few years later. Plus the business, plus the van, plus the house.

One time he wrapped up rocks and gave them to her. He thought it was a funny joke, but it hurt her deeply. He didn't have another present to give her after that.

Years of lies to her mader her very angry at him. So when he was home, she was short and couldn't be around him. So he was confused most of the time as to why she was so "mean" to him.

Once she asked him how the rocks got holes in them, while traveling and he said, "Rock bears". She believed him as to why would he lie? But of course he did.

It's not that he didn't love her. He didn't know how to be a good husband and he has issues, just like us all. She also didn't "teach" him to be a good husband, what she needed. Men may be good people but they have to be taught how to be good husbands. And if you don't get on it early on, you will not get what you need in the relationship.

For years I begged Dad to move Mom over to our town. They are 3 hours away and she was miserable out there in the middle of nowhere. She was so lonely. She had no friends and would be alone all day, every day. She waited and lived for the weekends we came over to see her.

She was a romantic and ultra sensitive. She thought everyone she met hated her. So she felt like an outcast. People didn't hate her of course, and in fact, loved her very much. But people didn't "know her". She was very lonely out there and many times over hers and my life she would tell me how she didn't know how long she was going to be able to hold on any longer out there, and how she was so down and losing it. I would feel so helpless and out of control, as she always confided in me about these things and came to me to help her solve problems. I came through most of the time but couldn't with getting her over here.

She loved the movie The Hours. The part where Nicole Kidman talks about dying out there in the country was very poinient for Mom, as she felt that very same way and talked about it a lot when we talked. It is ironic that she took her life as Kidman did in the movie. Virginia Wolff? She tried to show Dad that movie once, but he didn't get it and she gave up.

They always lived where he wanted to live. He drove a truck, so was out there all over the place, all the time. So when he was home, he wanted to be out there in the country. Sure, he went into town, but had the house out there. Not many people. Mom of course, had to stay out there all the time, away from the world. And while she was basically a hermit and didn't want to be around a lot of people anyway, it was ok, to a certain extent. She wanted to be around us, her family. I kept thinking how these are her last few years, her golden years and she absolutely should not be spending them all fucking alone out there in the middle of nowhere, away from the ones she loved the most.

I don't know why Dad wouldn't move her. Stubborn, he is. He always said he couldn't afford it. Maybe because he had so much taken out of the 401k, there was little left otherwise. I was always worried that something would happen and she would be out there, all alone, with no way to get ahold of me. She did have a cell though. Everytime I mentioned her moving, he would get defensive and say, "Fine if she wants a divorce...!". I said, "She is not saying she wants a divorce, she just wants to be close to her family." Dad has always been jealous of our bond. He couldn't get that close to her.....because of the way he is. He causes problems where there doesn't have to be. He just does. Hard to even explain. He can be manipulative and is controlling, rigid, yet wants to have fun. He has a hard time letting loose. But is a kid at heart. Make sense? He has missed Mom so much too and I am sure has to be feeling guilt over things, as well as my brothers. If they thought about things that is.

Mom loved weed. Loved smoking weed. I always told her that if she ever developed Alzheimers we would never know, because she would be high and wouldn't remember shit. I was the keeper of the conversation because I don't smoke it and would be able to tell everyone what they were talking about....especially Mom. It helped her sleep, it helped her boredom, it helped her headaches and she loved the way she flew when she smoked it. I wish she had smoked a last time before she passed away. I have a pipe of hers. She would get one, use it, clog it and then get a new one. She had some pretty ones. It's funny...not too many kids can say they have Mom's pipes. She always thought she would write a book and call it, "Memoirs of a pot smoking Granny.".

Dad of course doesn't smoke it and wouldn't. Though he did once I am told. Everyone has to hide everything from Dad, especially the weed. When he went to bed, which was always early, everyone would go out on the porch and break out the pipes. Course I would just go out and hang out. Dogs following too.

Mom was raised by her Granny. Her own mother pretty much blew her off. She was finished raising kids by the time Mom was born. It hurts so badly to think of the pain Mom felt about that relationship. But Mom and Granny were very close and that saved her.

I have baby pictures of Mom and I think of her at that age, and as I knew her. I had thought of her as caretaker and caregiver at first, but then I was the caretaker and caregiver for much of the time. I was her therapist and best friend since my teens. We started talking the meaning of life and what's beyond when I was about 12. That is when she got me into astrology.

But I have seen my Mom as a young child for so long now. I even see my Dad that way. I see us all that way. I can see the child in us, hurt and wanting to be loved and held. Sometimes it's heartbreaking.

Mom ached for love and romance. But she didn't get it. I tried to fill the hole for her as best I could, giving her things, being there for her. I was ready to take care of her another 20 years. I have for so long......my whole life.

Though, I do remember when I was about 7 years old. I had a picture of her that I was sitting on the floor looking at. She was behind me, sitting on the couch. I was crying and turned around and said, "I don't want you to die.". I don't remember if I went to her or she just told me that she wasn't going to. But I do remember how upset I was, how scared.

Mom said once that she had thought about posing for Playboy.

One time, when Mom and I were driving back from Beaumont, Texas for a cousin's wedding, in the Porsche 944, jammin' on Robert Palmer probably, or Power Station, we passed a Highway Patrol. She watched in her mirror and saw him turning around. We had a bit of a lead on him and she turned off on a dirt road. We were zooming along on those dirt roads, turning off onto other ones and side roads. Funny thing was, is that he caught up to us. He said he could take us in and all that, but I don't think Mom even got a ticket. He was sorta amused actually. But we always got a kick out of talking and laughing about that. Mom was devious sometimes and naughty, just like me.

In the past few years her illnesses had taken a big toll on her energy and life force. The diabetes not controlled (no meds, nothing), the tumor on her ovary, the tumor (cancer we found) on her kidney, her hypothyroidism, shoulder and neck pain, congestive heart failure, hand rashes that made her hands sting and ache and arthritis in her knees. The dialysis was the final straw. She just couldn't do it. She couldn't live that way any longer.

And I think, often, about her final moments before taking the pills. How she must've cried and cried, looking at our pictures adorning her room. Moments in time, in happier days, when we were laughing and loving life. How sad she must have felt to have to leave us. To leave me. Being best of friends, I was the one she left that note to. What a gift that was. I am so grateful that she did.

I have few regrets with Mom. Because I gave her my all. I knew her passing was coming. For awhile now, I have tried to prepare myself. I pulled away a bit to concentrate on me more. I was always there though, still, for her. I just had to give more to me. My biggest regret is that I should have told her more that she was a great Mom. That was so important to her....to be a good Mom. Now, when I was young, I was on my own a lot. She was depressed and lonely and had issues of her own to contend with. Unfortunately it had effects on me too, as in not having her there for me emotionally. She was later in teen years, but before that, not as much as I needed her to be. I suffered for that.

I don't blame her. I always told her that I didn't blame her. That, it was just unfortunate that it was that way. I wish I had told her what a good Mom she was. I have told her before, but not lately.

And one of the last things I remember that keeps popping into my head, is the look on her face when I would come into the room at the hospital. She was so relieved when I would get there and sigh, and say, "Oh thank god!". Another is when we took her home and we had that look between us, and we sat there and talked. That look, that told me she was going to take her life. And when I tried to tell Dad.

One time, when she was in the hospital, she and Danny had made a list of things that needed to be cleared up with the staff about her diet. They told me, "We will tell Jamie. She will take care of it!". I marched right up there to the nurses station and took care of it....with my bunny ears hat on. I wondered if they took me seriously with that hat on. I learned that from the mom in Terms of Endearment. Which, I remember my Mom and a friend she used to have years ago, taking me to see that at the theater when it came out. Mom and I didn't do much together when I was younger. But teen years we did a lot together. Two peas in a naughty, awnry pod.

Danny was there with her in the day while I was sleeping. He held her hand and was very gentle with her and she loved that. She loved him very much and he loved her very much as well. She always said he was her first son.

She let me have a keg party when I was 17.

She loved music. She loved Neil Diamond. I mean, LOVED. She believed they were soul mates that didn't get to be together in this life. And I hope so. I hope they are. I hope she is right and I hope she is with him when he passes.

Mom loved animals.

Mom sent money to St. John's kid's hospital every month.

Mom was 4'11. She was 62 and was taken too young. She hardly had any gray hair. She was one of us kids and loved the younger crowd. She was always the cool Mom.

When she was in the hospital and was throwing up, I had a cloth for her and the nurse's aide was there holding her with me, I asked her if it was the Opera music that was on TV that made her sick, because it did that to me. The nurse's aide laughed and so did mom alittle and said, "Leave it up to Jamie to be the comic relief.". I am glad I was that for her. I was her cheerleader. She loved Kathy Griffin. She said she reminded Mom of me, and when she needed a Jamie fix, she would watch Kathy...which actually, she watched her a lot.

We had planned on watching Evening together. We never got to. No more Christmas's. No more birthday parties. No more spring afternoons on the porch. No more starry, warm summer nights. No more laughter. No more hugs.




Love life and yourself

05:00 Dec 20 2007
Times Read: 891

"Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength while loving someone deeply gives you courage."

-- Lao Tzu

There are two basic motivating forces: fear and love. When we are afraid, we pull back from life. When we are in love, we open to all that life has to offer with passion, excitement, and acceptance.

We need to learn to love ourselves first, in all our glory and our imperfections. If we cannot love ourselves, we cannot fully open to our ability to love others or our potential to create. Evolution and all hopes for a better world rest in the fearlessness and open-hearted vision of people who embrace life.

"It matters not Who you love, Where you love, Why you love, When you love, Or how you love, It matters only that you love."

-- John Lennon

"Why not go out on a limb? Isn't that where the fruit is?"

-- Frank Scully




Creedence Clearwater Revival--misheard lyrics and what they are really saying

04:05 Dec 20 2007
Times Read: 899




Just a spoonful of cinnamon...on my face!

07:48 Dec 19 2007
Times Read: 908

I am sitting here with a mixture of aloe vera, raw honey and then cinnamon sprinkled on top of it. haha......got a few blemishes popping up a bit. Grrr.......you know, I rarely got them as a teen. Clear skin. Wtf?

I look like Arnold Scwarsheneggareareawar in Predator, when he has mud on his face, from jumping in the water to escape the Predator. Oh, that reminds me...that new one is coming out! I want to see that. I wish they would just do the movie with the Aliens on Earth and not Predator. One or the other.....though the first one wasn't bad.

I can't remember what the cinnamon is for.....smells good though. Uh, oh, I have an itch.




Dragon's head sign, aka: Your North Node in astrology

06:18 Dec 19 2007
Times Read: 909

The Dragon's Head

The North Node of the Moon is a positive energy, a form of "wheel of fortune", pushing the soul toward a new self-realization and sure happiness. Chinese astrologers refer to the Moon's Nodes as the Dragon's Head and Tail and give it tremendous attention as to the placement in the natal chart. Sadly, practical modern astrologers tend to ignore its very existence and in the process, lose a wealth of valuable information. To my knowledge, the Dragon, in itself, holds as much, if not more, facts and power than the entire complexity of a whole astrological chart! I found the essence of the Dragon's secrets to be a major contribution for success or failure in one's life. Many famous people and the ones that have made history, for good or for worse, have an obvious relationship with it.

The Dragon's Tail

The South Node of the Moon is a negative energy that is a form of "karmic residue", dragging the soul toward his past accomplishments, inner fears, and weaknesses. This build-up of previous incarnations must be eliminated, and a chance is given to you by the "Great Designer" to experience something other than fear and dogmatic views. As a rule, we are all naturally attracted by the Dragon's Tail. This is similar to a child wanting to stay home instead of going to his new school, facing the cold weather, others and refusing to progress with the rest of his class. There, at home, (Tail), the soul feels secure and confident with what he knows best. In my research, I have noticed that following the Dragon's Tail's commands can only lead its owner toward failure, pain, drama, and indeed, may lead to death. In some extreme cases, the Dragon's Tail causes the soul to lead other people into its own dark past life residue, (David Koresh), thereby hurting the innocent, trusting souls who follow them. Sometimes, for specific karmic reasons, the Dragon's Tail can be used positively, thus having produced gifted musicians such as Bach and Schubert, born with the Dragon's Tail in Libra.

Here, the soul's past life musical work comes to fruition for others to enjoy or learn from. God has allowed these "geniuses" to use their previous life's work for the benefit of mankind, and they were able to accomplish wonders at an early age. The location of the Dragon's Tail is where all of your weaknesses will be coming from. You have been there. You have done that. You have learned those lessons. God will not help you there and if not aware of the Dragon's Head, which is a promising opportunity, you will end up striving either for financial or emotional security. Sometimes, unexpected experiences such as an accident or the use of chemicals (drugs/alcohol/medication) will cause the soul to be drawn back into his past life residue. The occurrence is somehow shocking, vivid and very believable. Thus, the soul mistakenly "receives messages from a higher level" based on his past life residues and firmly believes it. The purification and progress of the soul can only be found on the "next" experiences promised by the location of his Dragon's Head by house and sign of the zodiac. Armed with such a powerful knowledge, one is able to detect fiction from reality and make a difference between divine information and pure imagination.

I must also mention to you that the Dragon’s Head and Tail can be BOTH positive and negative depending on your/others karma


To Find Out Your Dragon's Head, Look Up Your Birth Date in the List Below:

(* The tail is always the opposite sign of the head

Opposite sign of Aries is Libra etc.







Dragon's Head location by the year:

January 1, 1900 to December 28, 1900 = Sagittarius

December 29, 1900 to July 17, 1902 = Scorpio

July 18, 1902 to February 4, 1904 = Libra

February 5, 1904 to August 23, 1905 = Virgo

August 24, 1905 to March 13, 1907 = Leo

March 14, 1907 to September 29, 1908 = Cancer

September 30, 1908 to April 18, 1910 = Gemini

April 19, 1910 to November 7, 1911 = Taurus

November 8, 1911 to May 26, 1913 = Aries

May 27, 1913 to December 13, 1914 = Pisces

December 14, 1914 to July 2, 1916 = Aquarius

July 3, 1916 to January 19, 1918 = Capricorn

January 20, 1918 to August 9, 1919 = Sagittarius

August 10, 1919 to February 26, 1921 = Scorpio

February 27, 1921 to September 15, 1922 = Libra

September 16, 1922 to April 4, 1924 = Virgo

April 5, 1924 to October 22, 1925 = Leo

October 23, 1925 to May 12, 1927 = Cancer

May 13, 1927 to November 28, 1928 = Gemini

November 29, 1928 to June 18, 1930 = Taurus

June 19, 1930 to January 6, 1932 = Aries

January 7, 1932 to July 25, 1933 = Pisces

July 26, 1933 to February 12, 1935 = Aquarius

February 13, 1935 to September 1, 1936 = Capricorn

September 2, 1936 to March 21, 1938 = Sagittarius

March 22, 1938 to October 9, 1939 = Scorpio

October 10, 1939 to April 27, 1941 = Libra

April 28, 1941 to November 15, 1942 = Virgo

November 16, 1942 to June 3, 1944 = Leo

June 4, 1944 to December 23, 1945 = Cancer

December 24, 1945 to July 11, 1947 = Gemini

July 12, 1947 to January 28, 1949 = Taurus

January 29, 1949 to December 31, 1949 = Aries

1950 to 1999

January 1, 1950 to August 17, 1950 = Aries

August 18, 1950 to March 7, 1952 = Pisces

March 8, 1952 to October 2, 1953 = Aquarius

October 3, 1953 to April 12, 1955 = Capricorn

April 13, 1955 to November 4, 1956 = Sagittarius

November 5, 1956 to May 21, 1958 = Scorpio

May 22, 1958 to December 8, 1959 = Libra

December 9, 1959 to July 3, 1961 = Virgo

July 4, 1961 to January 13, 1963 = Leo

January 14, 1963 to August 5, 1964 = Cancer

August 6, 1964 to February 21, 1966 = Gemini

February 22, 1966 to September 10, 1967 = Taurus

September 11, 1967 to April 3, 1969 = Aries

April 4, 1969 to October 15, 1970 = Pisces

October 16, 1970 to May 5, 1972 = Aquarius

May 6, 1972 to November 22, 1973 = Capricorn

November 23, 1973 to June 12, 1975 = Sagittarius

June 13, 1975 to December 29, 1976 = Scorpio

December 30, 1976 to July 19, 1978 = Libra

July 20, 1978 to February 5, 1980 = Virgo

February 6, 1980 to August 25, 1981= Leo

August 26, 1981 to March 14, 1983 = Cancer

March 15, 1983 to October 1, 1984 = Gemini

October 2, 1984 to April 20, 1986 = Taurus

April 21, 1986 to November 8, 1987 = Aries

November 9, 1987 to May 28, 1989 = Pisces

May 29, 1989 to December 15, 1990 = Aquarius

December 16, 1990 to July 4, 1992 = Capricorn

July 5, 1992 to January 21, 1994 = Sagittarius

January 22, 1994 to August 11, 1995 = Scorpio

August 12, 1995 to February 27, 1997 = Libra

February 28, 1997 to September 17, 1998 = Virgo

September 18, 1998 to December 31, 1999 = Leo

Characteristic's of Dragon Heads

The Dragon--s Head in Aries:

You are dealing with a wingless Dragon that is very protective of your body, especially of your head region. Yes, you may hurt it all right, but the accidents and injuries that would cause death to most seem to bounce off you. Your Dragon--s color is Red. Courage rides at your side; you need only to raise your voice and the world will listen. Your metal is Steel, and you must learn to be like this metal, letting petty annoyances slide off while building an inner strength that will not be broken. The more you take chances in life the luckier you will become. Do not allow groups or partners to sway your thoughts; stick to your lonely path and then you will have harnessed all the power of your dynamic Dragon.

The Dragon--s Head in Taurus:

You are dealing with a winged Dragon that is very protective of your monetary security. This does not mean that you will never see poverty; as a matter of fact, many of you will be born into it. But you must pull yourself away from this thought process. Your Dragon--s color is Electric Blue. Discerning things of a deep and hidden nature is your forte. Your metal is copper and very healing in nature. You must learn to be like your Dragon--s metal, beautiful and healing, while keeping a silent tongue when vitriolic sarcasm wishes to spring forth. You must build things up, not tear them down. Stay away from things that seem in any way criminal -- even though it may seem exciting for a moment, you will exact a high karmic price for your action. You will have harnessed your Dragon when you learn truly that Love conquers all.

Dragon--s Head in Gemini:

You have a wingless Dragon who is capable of flight. He is very protective of your powers of thought and communication, as well as your arms and lungs. This does not mean that you might not encounter difficulties when learning; as a matter of fact, your amazingly fast thought processes may fool people into thinking that you are not quite normal. This is not true; it is part of your gift of speed. Your Dragon--s color is Silver-Blue; that is the color that coats your tongue and gives you the great gift of gab. Hence the term --silver-tongued devil.-- Your Dragon--s metal is Mercury and you must learn to be like this metal, unmatchable, ever-changing, challenging all common thought to see what lies beyond the edges. You will have harnessed your Dragon when you learn that your own original thoughts are worth more to the world than all the books you could cram into a lifetime.

Dragon--s Head in Cancer:

You have a winged Dragon who is ferociously protective of your actual home and security; she will also protect your stomach and, for a woman, the womb and breasts. This does not mean you will never suffer in these areas; in order to learn real security you must first experience insecurities. Do not allow these insecurities to rule your life or you will inhibit the warmth that should flow through you. People will find you cold and distant. Your Dragon--s color in Silver-White that twinkles like a fairy--s own dust and draws people in need to you. Your Dragon--s metal is silver and you must be like this metal: pure and true, in all your dealings quite sterling. You will have harnessed your Dragon when you learn that nurturing is priceless in value and nobility.

Dragon--s Head in Leo:

You have a Dragon who is wingless and extraordinarily protective of your inner child as well the heart. He embodies leadership and generously gives his gifts to you. This does not mean that you will always feel the glow of pride upon your face; this is something that you must build so that you know its true value. Your Dragon--s color is Gold, giving you talents precious that the world will behold. Your Dragon--s metal is also gold -- you must learn to be like this metal, shining and powerful while still containing within all the flexibility of a great leader. These colors and metals are the things of kings and when you learn to lead without ego and pride, you will have indeed harnessed your Dragon--s power.

Dragon--s Head in Virgo:

You have a winged Dragon who sticks close by the earth. She is extremely protective of your health and especially your intestines. This does not mean you will never be sick; as a matter of fact, in order for you to prize the productivity you delight in, you must suffer a bit. Worries are your enemy and work your friend. Your Dragon--s color is Green, and she bestows gifts with all plant things as well as giving you the knowledge of herbal remedies. Your Dragon--s metal is Aluminum and you must learn its qualities: usefulness as well as beauty. This metal is flexible and can cover any situation from extreme heat to extreme cold. While seemingly fragile, it will wound the unwary. You will have harnessed your Dragon--s power when you learn that logic and reason give more power than dreaming.

Dragon--s Head in Libra:

You have a wingless Dragon who fiercely protects your relationships as well as the kidneys and low back. This does not mean you will never suffer in partnerships; as a matter of fact, you will have to see a few wrong ones before you know how to tell the two apart. Though your better half may not come along until later, you will have then learned the art of compromise. Your Dragon--s color is Royal Blue, and he bestows the gifts of understanding law and great insight into man--s motivations. Your Dragon--s metal is Brass, and you must learn to be like this metal: malleable and shapeable in the artist--s hands. You must assume a pleasing shape and tone at all times, for you are diplomacy on demand. You will have truly harnessed your Dragon--s power when you learn that two heads are always better than one.

Dragon--s Head in Scorpio:

You have a winged Dragon who is uncompromisingly protective of your things held in common with others; she also protects the sexual organs in both a man and woman. This does not mean you will never suffer loss in life, you may be touched by uncommon strife, but only to understand the value of things not of man. Your Dragon--s color is Shiny Black and Red, a warning to all that poison lurks for those who have criminal quirks. She will give great gifts of power and insight so that you may see your way clear even on a moonless night. Your Dragon--s metal is Plutonium, and you must learn to be like this explosive compound, ready to move toward every goal in an uncompromising matter. There is only black and white in this world, no place for naivet--, so you must reach for your goals with confidence. You will have harnessed your Dragon--s power when you learn truly that money cannot buy the most precious things in life.

Dragon--s Head in Sagittarius:

You have a wingless Dragon of untold mirth, who protects you fiercely from all negativity as well as your low back and thighs. This does not mean you will never be unhappy in these areas, for in order for you to understand how to laugh at life, it must first deal you some double whammies. Your Dragon--s color is a Bright Glowing Orange, the color of honesty and truth, and to these ends you must always endure. Your Dragon--s metal is Tin, and you must learn to be like this metal: expanding your mind into all the places the world says are impossible. You must teach us all the meaning of life. You will have truly harnessed your Dragon--s power when you rise above the prevailing trends to become a true individual.

Dragon--s Head in Capricorn:

You have a winged Dragon who savagely protects your career as well as your knees and all bones in the skeleton. This does not mean that high honor will come easily to you, lest you not truly aspire and discipline yourself to achieve. Your success will come later but will be much greater than those of your colleagues. Your Dragon--s color is Deep Brown, bestowing the gift of integrity and sturdiness. This is a sensible color to give you the right lift and look in the crowds where you must travel. Your Dragon--s metal is Iron, and you must learn to be like this metal: strong, unbending, bearing all the weight of the structures it supports. You will have truly harnessed your Dragon--s power when you learn to go out into the cold, cruel work world without dependence on family or friends. You are the leader of the future; take up your banner and fight.

Dragon--s Head in Aquarius:

You have a wingless Dragon who is capable of flight. He will fiercely protect your wishes as well as your nervous system. This does not mean you will receive every wish without forethought, for you must nurture these ethereal things until they become a reality, and thought is the very birth of a wish. Your Dragon--s color is Purple, bestowing the gifts of genius and powers of persuasion over large groups. You must learn the ways of the entire world before you can find a remedy to its maladies. Your Dragon--s metal is Uranium and you must learn to be like this explosive compound: infusing all those you meet with the electricity of your spirit, so that we may all come together without judgment or fear, creating a world all the better for its differences. You will have truly harnessed your Dragon--s power when you learn that --united we stand, divided we fall-- is truly the theme of your life.

Dragon--s Head in Pisces:

You have a winged Dragon capable of untold flights of fancy, yet fiercely protective of your subconscious and creative flow, also the feet. This does not mean you will never suffer in these areas; before you can understand how to deal with creativity, you must first feel the pain of the untalented. Your Dragon--s color is Aqua, the color of the seas, sparkling in celestial beauty daring all people to plumb the depths of this hidden world. Your Dragon--s metal is Platinum and you must endeavor to be like this most precious of metals, for your talents are rare and unique. People of your artistic stature are a gift to this world, which lift us out of the mundane, into your imagination and place of such immense beauty that makes mere mortals cry. You will have truly harnessed your Dragon--s incredible power when you learn to levitate yourself above the small details so you can have a greater picture of where we all live and work.

These are your Dragons. May you always find yourself at their heads, for the tail is not a place to ride. If you are finding life a very hard toil with no hope of moving into the space of your dreams, then you are riding backward, it seems. A Dragon is no easy thing to tame, which is why we have a lifetime to learn how. Use your time wisely lest you have to do it again!




This guy is a whiz. I need his math brain.

10:03 Dec 18 2007
Times Read: 916





Love these globes!

07:50 Dec 18 2007
Times Read: 919

I love these globes!


I love snow globes. But not just any one will do. I love the beautiful and unique. These that are that site are so unique and dreamy. I want one really badly, but they are $750 each. They are only selling 250 I guess of them, but they are signed. ;)




Winter depression?

06:15 Dec 18 2007
Times Read: 925

Winter Depression? Eat Some Fish and Flaxseed!

When I wrote my book, The Flax Cookbook, I remember there was the scientific suggestion that omega-3 fatty acids may help lessen depression in some people. It made sense chemically that there might be a link, but I knew many more studies would need to be done over the next 10 years or so.

It's been almost five years since then and I have to say most of the studies done on this have added fuel to the omega-3 fire, the latest of which is from researchers in Taiwan. They analyzed data from 10 double-blind, placebo-controlled studies in patients with mood disorders receiving omega-3s for 4 weeks or longer. The type of omega-3 that seems to be used in the studies is one of the omega-3s found in fish - EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid).

Photo Credit: ClaudecfThe researchers found that omega-3s significantly improved depression in patients with clearly defined depression or with bipolar disorder. Granted, we need more large-scale studies to tell us more about this. But in the meantime, why not broil some fish and grind some flaxseed a few times a week during a time of year when even the annoyingly optimistic people can get a little cranky.

[J Clin Psychiatry 2007 Jul; 68(7): 1056-61, Lin, P.Y., et al., A meta-analytic review of double-blind, placebo-controlled trials of antidepressant efficacy of omega-3 fatty acids.]




Sugar & Alzheimer's: Are They Linked?

06:14 Dec 18 2007
Times Read: 927

In Small Study, Sugar-Fed Mice Showed More Evidence of Plaques in Brain

By Salynn Boyles

WebMD Medical NewsReviewed by Louise

Chang, MDDec. 7 2007 -- Drinking too many sugary sodas may increase a person's risk for developing Alzheimer's disease late in life, new research suggests.

The small study was conducted in mice, not humans, and it falls far short of proving a link between the consumption of sugary beverages and Alzheimer's.

But study co-author Ling Li, DVM, PhD, of the University of Alabama at Birmingham says the findings add to the evidence implicating poor diet as a risk factor for Alzheimer's risk.

The mice were fed either water or sugar water equivalent to five cans of regular soda a day for a human.

The brains of the mice fed sugar water had more evidence of Alzheimer's disease than mice fed regular water.

"We are not saying that people who drink five cans of soda a day will get Alzheimer's," Li tells WebMD. "But there are many good reasons to limit sugar and sugary soft drinks, and this may be one more."

Diet and Alzheimer's

The study included specially bred mice genetically predisposed to develop symptoms similar to Alzheimer's in adulthood.

Over 25 weeks, eight of the mice received a regular diet, consisting of feed and regular water. Seven other mice ate the same feed, but they drank a water/sugar solution, and 43% of their overall caloric intake was from sugar.

The sugar-fed mice gained about 17% more weight over the course of the study. They also had higher cholesterol and were more likely to develop insulin resistance, a hallmark of diabetes.

These mice also performed worse than non-sugar-fed mice on some tests designed to measure learning and memory retention.

The brains of the sugar-fed mice had about twice as many plaque deposits as the mice fed regular water.

The study is published in the latest issue of the journal Biological Chemistry.

Study Proves Little, Critic Says

The researchers say the study provides compelling early evidence of a link between high sugar consumption and Alzheimer's disease.

"Our findings are of tremendous importance given that the consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages has increased dramatically in the past decades and will most likely remain high in modern societies," they write.

But a spokeswoman for American Beverage Association (ABA) says the study was far too small to prove anything.

The study included seven sugar-fed mice and eight control mice.

"Lab studies usually involve hundreds of mice, if not thousands," ABA senior vice president for science policy Maureen Storey, PhD, tells WebMD.

"This was a very small study with specially bred mice, and the differences between the control and the treatment mice were not statistically significant," she says, meaning the differences could have been due to chance.

"Alzheimer's disease is a very scary condition. It scares me as a baby boomer. It scares my parents. As scientists we have to be very sensitive to this," she says.

Storey says the study failed to show "any convincing evidence of a link between sugary drinks and Alzheimer's disease," adding that most people drink far less than five sodas a day.

"The average person is drinking maybe one can," she says




Anticancer diet

06:12 Dec 18 2007
Times Read: 928

Is There an Anticancer Diet?

Eating Certain Fruits and Vegetables May Decrease Cancer Risk and Even Stop Its Growth

By Kathleen Doheny

WebMD Medical NewsReviewed by Brunilda Nazario, MDDec. 6, 2007 -- Certain fruits and vegetables may reduce your risk of cancer and may even help stop cancer in its tracks, according to new research.

While there's not really an "anticancer diet," eating plenty of certain fruits and vegetables can help reduce your risk of getting cancer, researchers reported today at the American Association for Cancer Research's Sixth Annual International Conference on Frontiers in Cancer Prevention Research in Philadelphia.

Their findings confirm and strengthen previous research that have linked a high intake of fruits and vegetables with a reduced cancer risk.

On the most recent "A" list: black raspberries for warding off esophageal cancer and raw cruciferous vegetables like broccoli for preventing bladder cancer.

Despite the new findings, there are no "magic" foods, says Laura Kresty, PhD, assistant professor of nutrition at the Comprehensive Cancer Center at Ohio State University, Columbus, and one of the presenters. "The big take-home message is, eat a variety [of fruits and vegetables]. Eat what is in season. The real goal is to try to increase your overall consumption of fruits and vegetables and the proportion of your diet that is made up of a plant-based diet."

Black Raspberries May Reduce Esophageal Cancer Risk

Eating black raspberries may protect people at high risk of getting cancer of the esophagus, Kresty and her colleagues found. They had previously found that black raspberries in animal experiments inhibit cancers of the oral tract, esophagus, and colon.

The fruit probably does so, she says, by reducing oxidative stress -- the destruction done to cells by free radicals -- and by decreasing DNA damage and the growth rates of cells.

They decided to expand the study to high-risk patients with a precancerous condition in the esophagus called Barrett's esophagus. Those with the condition have a 30 to 40 times higher risk of getting esophageal cancer, Kresty says. The cancer is deadly, with only a 15% five-year survival rate.

In the study, 20 patients ate an ounce or an ounce and a half (more for the men) of freeze-dried black raspberries daily for 26 weeks. "We measured markers for oxidative stress," Kresty says. One of those is a substance called 8-Isoprostane, which is excreted in urine.

"At the end of the study, 58% of the patients had marked declines in the 8-Isoprostane," reflecting less oxidative stress.

The researchers also looked at tissue levels of an enzyme called GSTpi, which helps detoxify carcinogens. They found that 37% of patients had an increase in this protective enzyme.

The fruit "appears protective," Kresty tells WebMD, although the study did not include long-term follow-up to see if fewer people actually got cancer.

Black raspberries, she says, are found in some grocery stores. "More commonly they are the type you pick," she says.

Vegetables for Bladder Cancer Prevention

Raw cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, broccoli sprouts, cabbage, and cauliflower seem to reduce bladder cancer risk by about 40%, researchers from Roswell Park Cancer Institute in Buffalo, N.Y., reported at the meeting. That's due to compounds they contain called isothiocyanates or ITCs, thought to be protective against bladder cancer.

"Raw cruciferous vegetables are better than the cooked vegetables because cooking time reduces the amount of isothiocyanates by 60% to 90%," says Li Tang, MD, PhD, a postdoctoral fellow at Roswell Park who led one of the studies.

Her team surveyed the eating habits of 275 people with a diagnosis of bladder cancer and 825 healthy people. They asked them about pre-diagnosis intakes of raw and cooked vegetables, their cigarette smoking habits, and other risk factors.

Nonsmokers who ate at least three servings a month were about 73% less likely to develop bladder cancer than those who smoked and ate less than three servings a month.

Broccoli sprouts may be even better to ward off bladder cancer, says Yuesheng Zhang, MD, PhD, professor of oncology at Roswell Park Cancer Institute, who studied the effect of broccoli sprouts in animals. His team studied four groups of animals. One group drank a solution known to cause bladder cancer and ate freeze-dried extracts of broccoli sprouts; other groups just ate the broccoli extract or just drank the carcinogen. Another group did nothing, serving as the comparison group.

"Of those who took the carcinogen [only], 96% had a tumor" after 10 months, he says. Of those who drank the carcinogen and also ate the broccoli extract, only 37 developed cancer.

Again, it's the ITCs that are thought to be protective. Broccoli sprouts seem to work, he says, by activating two enzymes important in detoxifying carcinogens.




The August meet

06:50 Dec 17 2007
Times Read: 939

I am so wanting to do to the August meet up in New Orleans. We would be driving about 16 hours and man, my ass would be so sore and Danny's back....yikes. But I really want to meet everyone and I have wanted to go to New Orleans my whole life. This is a perfect time to do it.

But there's the money thing. And hoping the car will hold up. The car is fine now, but you know how shit happens.

Still, I plan on buying the tickets to go to the main event. I am not sure on which to buy, as in the all day thing, or buy the two day events, because it will be for 2, whichever I get. That adds up. And there is no way that we could afford $250 each. So lodging will be an issue as well. So have to find a place near by. Still, wouldn't that be cool to stay in the same place with everyone else? How is everyone affording this? Yikes. Rich vamps. ;) Also, I am not sure about where and when to send in the rest of the money if I put in a down payment of $25. Maybe I would get a notice about it later from them, after I put in the $25..........thinking outloud. This is sorta rhetorical unless anyone out there knows. If that's the case, shoot me a message, eh? =)

This morning I couldn't sleep because I was thinking of the trip. I am really excited to see everyone.





05:08 Dec 15 2007
Times Read: 967



The ice storm in Oklahoma

05:08 Dec 15 2007
Times Read: 968

We were one of the few that actually kept our electricity during that crap. It was scary though and I worried about it. We got the ice and all that shit. But it was worse in Tulsa this time. In the state though, there were deaths and the whole state declared a state of emergency and disaster. My brother is still without power.

Another storm is to hit tonight. It's been raining all day and night so it will be ice soon. But snow is supposed to be here too. They first said 4-8 inches, but I think it's less now. Any snow sucks.

I can't wait for spring! =) I say that every year if you remember right. December 22nd, the days start getting longer again! =)




That was acting children!

22:13 Dec 14 2007
Times Read: 977





13:26 Dec 14 2007
Times Read: 981





Yay, new phone.

11:00 Dec 14 2007
Times Read: 983

I got a MotoRokr z6m last weekend. I haven't had a new one in 3 1/2 years. Danny and Harmony got new ones last year when they resigned contracts. Now our contracts are a year off from each other. We are paying about $146 a month for phones, with Danny's uncle on there too. Ugh!

I have been working on figuring out all the nifty stuff it can do. I finally got the mp3's to apply to ringtones. It didn't have that as an option until I sent it to phone. Stupid. I should be able to apply it if I transfer it. Neat phone though. Slider.

Ok, now it's screwing up on me. It's going off and on and it won't stop. Great, now I have to take it back to see what they will do with it. I just hope they have another if this one is screwy. I already put songs on it too. =




A month ago today

10:57 Dec 14 2007
Times Read: 984

It was a month ago today that mom passed away. I can't believe it has been a month. I keep thinking it just happened alittle over a week or so ago.

I can keep it together most of the time. Danny said he couldn't believe how strong I have been. I get waves of panic, because it hits me hard that I can't call her or hug her again. That I won't be sitting on the porch with her again, or sharing our most private secrets again. The pain is paletable.

Despite this heavy loss, we are still living. We still laugh, still fix supper and still eat cake. Still dance to music and still go to Wal-Mart. It all has lost a bit of it's kick. Maybe that will return.

When we first went to Wal-Mart in Bartlesville, where mom would go all the time, it was really sad and didn't feel right. Everything was off. It still feels that way, and even a bit over here at ours. Christmas certainly does not feel the same, though I have put decorations up. We don't go overboard on Christmas, but I do like some tradtions. We are about to puke on all the Christmas music around. *blech!*

I have talked to a lawyer friend of ours to see what I can do to get that note mom left me when she passed. It is my note and I better get it! Why would they need it if she is already gone? It's obviously not a murder investigation. Jeez.....




Changing the song again

10:37 Dec 14 2007
Times Read: 987

I have the song on my profile as No sunshine when she's gone. Good tune. But now I am changing it again.




Good, now the mice can see them coming!

09:41 Dec 14 2007
Times Read: 988

Researchers in South Korea have cloned a cat and modified its genes so that it will glow red under ultraviolet light, the Korea Times reports.

The Gyeongsang National University researchers, led by Prof. Kong Il-keun, modified the genes of Turkish Angora cats so that a red protein would glow in their skin when exposed to ultraviolet light, the paper reports.

The scientists modified the skin cells of the mother cat by using a virus to make the protein fluoresce, according to the Times.

Four of the glowing kittens were born in January and February of this year, but only three survived.




Natural acne cure

09:50 Dec 12 2007
Times Read: 997

Natural acne cure:

Mix aloe (I used gel from bottle) and honey. Use as a topical. I used it over night, and tonight. It helped! I was surprised it worked.

Also said to work from a thread I read:

Witch Hazel

Head and shoulders

octagon lye soap

clove honey (I used regular, whatever that is)

apple cider vinegar

crystal deoderant

tea tree oil

porters liniment salve

honey and aloe mixed

honey and cinnamon mixed (used as a scrub)

sugar and water (used as a scrub)

paste toothpaste (not the gel)




More from purgatory

09:08 Dec 12 2007
Times Read: 1,001


Sire (28)

Release From This Coven

Posted: 21:42:31 - Sep 02 2007

Times viewed: 271

Make Sire.

The concept contains several issues. It involves participation on this site in accordance with the VR manual and the terms of service. When you opened an account on this site you agreed to these terms and conditions. For various reasons, members here have not held up their end of that bargain. It's time to pay the piper. It always happens that way.



Whelp (1)

Re: Release From This Coven

Posted: 01:55:51 - Sep 04 2007

Times viewed: 258

you do realize we have outside responsibilites right

while im on here playing a stupid 'game' i miss my car payments my grades go down oh yeah and that little thing most people call a social life goes away

by inducting some members that only have a few mins. a day to be online and forcing them to do something will only result in them leaving the site



Whelp (1)

Re: Release From This Coven

Posted: 02:40:03 - Sep 04 2007

Times viewed: 256

Where is it stated you must do anyting?



Whelp (1)

Re: Release From This Coven

Posted: 23:56:39 - Sep 04 2007

Times viewed: 245

you suck up you have never been in a coven and you think you are all powerful cause you got ass. coven master you stupid git i find this really immature

there was another coven that force inducted people it didn't last long



Sire (28)

Re: Release From This Coven

Posted: 00:31:27 - Sep 05 2007

Times viewed: 243


If you have additional concerns or feelings I invite you to voice them. You amuse me.



Changeling (20)

Re: Release From This Coven

Posted: 02:38:14 - Sep 09 2007

Times viewed: 225

heres another one for you,

my profile clearly states that i have no wish to be in any house or coven. this cant havebeen lost on you in the least.

if i am still in a house/coven as of october first my account will be deleted. i will no longer put up with this.

I was in the number one house, i helped form a coven. it is obviuos you have no idea what you are doing.



Changeling (20)

Re: Release From This Coven

Posted: 02:42:08 - Sep 09 2007

Times viewed: 222

it should also be noted that the kind of activity you are asking from people to essentially make sire and run would leave you with there garnered favor.

this is what we call "being a whore"



Changeling (20)

Re: Release From This Coven

Posted: 03:01:51 - Sep 09 2007

Times viewed: 220

i have cleared all the work that was put into my profile.

you wont be keeping me for long. i simply dont take shit from low lifes like you bitch.

Actually, we couldn't give two shits about your rating and profile. That represents you alone.



Whelp (1)

Re: Release From This Coven

Posted: 15:28:26 - Sep 09 2007

Times viewed: 216

Asking? You merely have to ignore us and we will not be here.

Your morbid curiousity brings you back, again and again.



Phantom (8)

Re: Release From This Coven

Posted: 09:00:09 - Sep 10 2007

Times viewed: 209

The Coven of Purgatory could care less if you delete. You'll simply create another notch of the belt of Purgatory suicides. In deleting your profile Purgatory 'wins' the game.



Whelp (1)

Re: Release From This Coven

Posted: 11:44:58 - Sep 13 2007

Times viewed: 198

What a Happy Place.



Wraith (13)

Re: Release From This Coven

Posted: 16:46:53 - Sep 16 2007

Times viewed: 189

lol wow this is amusing though i have to say this was something i was not expecting oh well life goes on i suppose



Whelp (1)

Re: Release From This Coven

Posted: 20:11:31 - Sep 21 2007

Times viewed: 171

Let's trade. I can go back to the real world as a sort of Mephistopheles find you a few innocent souls Miss Devil.

How about it? Release me. It is not as if any sane coven would accept me anyway.



Whelp (1)

Re: Release From This Coven

Posted: 13:18:16 - Sep 22 2007

Times viewed: 152

oh stop whining its not a bad coven u only make it worste by complaining so shut up and leave it at that



Savant (23)

Re: Release From This Coven

Posted: 19:09:11 - Sep 22 2007

Times viewed: 149

This could be fun. I honestly don't care what coven or house I'm in. I have been homeless for the last two months and I find myself being bounced from coven to coven. And when I finally get back online, I find myself here. ........



Whelp (1)

Re: Release From This Coven

Posted: 19:23:12 - Sep 22 2007

Times viewed: 144

The prison population is great. You have some of the classiest people in VR here... folks like Jamie.



Vampling (15)

Re: Release From This Coven

Posted: 17:08:26 - Oct 01 2007

Times viewed: 102

I think that I 100% totally agree!!!!! I hae no problem being in a Coven but it would be nice to have a message asking or giving me a choice to do what I want...I have ben swirched 3 times in less than a week and Im over it.

I will try to hold my weight here but as it was above mentioned i do have a life outside of this and there are things that i have to do.

I will not make thi s my number one piority.....my life comes first and then this. I m sorry if i offened anyone but thats how it is. If it is to be that I am kicked out of here then so be it and to everyone else maybe our paths will cross again.



Incendiary (24)

Re: Release From This Coven

Posted: 17:34:24 - Oct 01 2007

Times viewed: 98

O_o I have no idea what everyone is having an issue with. Anyone mind explaining what is going on?



Phantom (8)

Re: Release From This Coven

Posted: 21:35:47 - Oct 01 2007

Times viewed: 92

I hae no problem being in a Coven but it would be nice to have a message asking or giving me a choice

It never fails... it's still the dumbest thing I can ever hear on a vampire site.



Shade (9)

Re: Release From This Coven

Posted: 23:19:55 - Oct 01 2007

Times viewed: 87

Why is it so dumb? Most of us are in here because of someone else's petty gripes or injustices. I think that's hardly a reason to punish us by putting us in here. But I don't see it as a punishment, I will do my time honorably but you and Miss Holier than thou you going to pay a price too. Karma always comes back and however you treat us, with your nasty little remarks and rude behavior, you'll pay back three x three fold. Won't be so funny then, will it Miss I Think I Know It All.



Wraith (13)

Re: Release From This Coven

Posted: 23:33:43 - Oct 01 2007

Times viewed: 84

Personally, I think a service is being provided here. Some here deserve the harsh treatment. While those who don't I think will find a measure of compassion and compatriotism.

Whatever reason we're here we all knew it was possible. Those are the rules. I'm going to make it the best I can.



Specter (12)

Re: Release From This Coven

Posted: 23:52:46 - Oct 01 2007

Times viewed: 80

You know what, I would rather be in here where I can be myself, then be in one of the other fake ass covens with its 65% fake ass coven members, so if you find it hard to be yourself with them, then do it in here.

Cause they do not give a fuck.



Specter (12)

Re: Release From This Coven

Posted: 23:56:08 - Oct 01 2007

Times viewed: 78

In fact, I give a nick name to the coven master, she is know known as the "Warden of Purgatory", until she fails to do her job or a new member steps up and she gives up her spot.



Changeling (20)

Re: Release From This Coven

Posted: 23:49:14 - Oct 02 2007

Times viewed: 69

i rescend my state that i would be leaving. there is an event that i have heard may happen soon. im just waiting to see if it does.



Firebrand (22)

Re: Release From This Coven

Posted: 19:49:45 - Oct 03 2007

Times viewed: 59

I agree with Kaz-Aas... I have been given the service of protection from the petty bickering of this mono-salavic faction or that incredibly genious group with plans that fall upon gossamer wings..... none the less a service that cannot be matched.



Bloodsucker (14)

Re: Release From This Coven

Posted: 04:52:59 - Oct 05 2007

Times viewed: 43

Im proud to be one of the 1st of the forced sissys coven. You didn't pick ppl who stood up but ppl who enjoy alot of useless complaining. Virtual suicide shall be high! =)



Shade (9)

Re: Release From This Coven

Posted: 22:50:55 - Nov 29 2007

Times viewed: 21

I think everyone would like the choice on being in a coven/house, but seriously, if you are forced into one there is no point in bitching and moaning about it. Honestly, thats not very mature at all.

But for those who love drama, why don't you all just bitch and moan and take it up the tail pipe, cuz obviously no one cares what you want, and you are just playing into their hands. Delete your profile, don't delete. It again, obviously doesn't phase them. Thats why you be a good little coven member, and just shut the hell up.



Specter (12)

Re: Release From This Coven

Posted: 23:08:34 - Nov 29 2007

Times viewed: 18

I was in the rave before covens and all that jazz i miss it all i want it to be asked to come and go from on coven to anther. I like not answering to anyone. Is it to much to be asked

to join a coven. Some do and they are the covens that will last.




Oklahoma Ice Storm - 2007

08:44 Dec 12 2007
Times Read: 1,001

A friend wrote to ask how we were holding up here in this ice storm.

"hi hun... i here the storm down there's preety bad eh??

lots of people with out power?? lots of deaths 20 people??"



More than that on the deaths. The whole state has been declared a state of emergency. We, luckily, did not lose power this time. Last big storm of this size, we lost it for 8 days. That is really hard to deal with. All the ice and cold, lines down. Ugh! But half a million people just here were out of power. So far, it's holding up. It's not over yet, but we are hopeful that the power will stay on.




New shows on TV

06:34 Dec 12 2007
Times Read: 1,003

Twister Sisters is on the WE channel. I love it. It debuted tonight. It's about people chasing twisters but it's more intense. I have always wanted to chase tornadoes. I get freaked though when the sirens go off here because we don't have a storm shelter. No where to go.

The other new show I saw tonight was Paranormal State on A&E. It's great! It's like Ghost Hunters sorta, but more intense and they don't have all the equipment exactly. Course, I have only seen the two new shows they showed tonight. We will see. I like the lead guy. In an odd way he reminds me of Johnny Depp.




Wal-Mart on Black Friday

03:02 Dec 12 2007
Times Read: 1,008

Yes we were there at 3am that Friday. We were in line for several items, and had numbers for the small camcorder. Yay we finally got a new one and small. The last one I got was in 1995 and it was a VHS-C. Not the hugest ones from the 80s but bigger than the ones now. We spent at least $700 on our card that morning and although we said some of it was for ourselves for Christmas, we have been using the stuff already. haha....now what to open on Christmas? And now we still have to get shit for everyone else. And time is TICKING!

When I took this picture, way above the crowd, a Wal-Mart employee yelled across the crowd, "You can't take pictures!". I put it away quickly, but I ducked into the crowd. Yea, right, try to catch me mutherfucker. He is to the left in the picture. You can see half of his body in the blue shirt. The crowds were insane, and we had to make our way through an ocean of people. This is in the middle of that ocean. This is our 3rd year of doing it.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket




Our thoughts begin it all

12:53 Dec 07 2007
Times Read: 1,024

Thoughts become words

Words become action

Action become character

Character is everything




The skinny website

07:12 Dec 07 2007
Times Read: 1,026

I love this site:



Kudos to Jennifer Love Hewitt for throwing it out there!




God, grow up

05:50 Dec 07 2007
Times Read: 1,033

I have read a few "rules" in different Covens. Boy these "Coven Masters" really think their shit don't stink huh? All the stupid rules about having to post 3 times a week, if not a night, and having to add all the Coven members to your friend list....having to get higher status and post in the forum for them, rating all Coven members 10s. I mean, it's ridiculous! And really childish. What are they, 10?

It reminds me of when I was a kid and we made up clubs. We were trying to make it all "official" and shit, and would write down our "rules". HAHA......and looking back, we were just so silly. We sure thought we were hot shit with our "exclusive club".

Well that is what these Coven "rules" are. This isn't a job moron. We do have real world lives that don't involve Buffy world. We aren't getting paid. Fuck, if I WERE getting paid, then I would be posting all kinds of stupid shit for them.

But until I get a check in the mail and can pay my bills with it, I don't intend on abiding by some twits kindergarden-ish whims.




I need souls!

09:41 Dec 06 2007
Times Read: 1,036





06:53 Dec 06 2007
Times Read: 1,046

I have changed the TOYS section in my journal to put various messages I have received in there. Some are kind, some are very sweet, some are odd as fuck and some are nonsensical. You be the judge of which is which. So don't be surprised if you end up in the MessagesofInterest area. I don't know if ones from the past will end up in there. That's a lot of work. haha....

I love you guys.





12:48 Dec 05 2007
Times Read: 1,055

For some reason, I keep going back and forth from Iconoclast 95% to 6% of Necromancer. What gives? *sigh* I hate having to worry about sliding down in status. I have been on all night and tended to lots of rating......go figure.

So how easy is it to slide down again after hitting Sire status? How could I even keep a Coven open if I kept sliding? Egads. Too much shit to worry about.




To check the status of cold and flu in your area

11:23 Dec 05 2007
Times Read: 1,061





Atyourwindow strikes again

10:54 Dec 05 2007
Times Read: 1,062

A couple just got married and on the night of their honeymoon before passionate love, the wife tells the husband, "Please be gentile, I'm still a virgin." The husband being shocked, replied, "How's this possible? You've been married three times before." The wife responds, "Well, my first husband was a gynecologist and all he wanted to do was look at it. My second husband was a psychiatrist and all he wanted to do was talk about it. Finally, my third husband was a stamp collector and all he wanted to do was...oh, do I miss him!"




Someone wrote and asked about me losing someone so close

09:50 Dec 05 2007
Times Read: 1,063

"Ah losing someone....mom was so integral to my life and being. She has been a center of my world since....well, forever. We were best friends and I talked to her every week, and most of them several times, for hours. I was the only one that really understood her best. This loss has ripped a huge hole in my world and it just cannot be filled. And it hurts. It's just so profoundly sad.

So! You have a really good day! haha.....= "




Compliments of AtYourWindow

04:49 Dec 05 2007
Times Read: 1,071





Classes begin Monday, December 3, 2007

Class 1

How To Fill Up The Ice Cube Trays --- Step by Step, with Slide Presentation.

Meets 4 weeks, Monday and Wednesday for 2 hours beginning at 7:00 PM.

Class 2

The Toilet Paper Roll --- Does It Change Itself?

Round Table Discussion.

Meets 2 weeks, Saturday 12:00 for 2 hours.

Class 3

Is It Possible To Urinate Using The Technique Of Lifting The Seat and

Avoiding The Floor, Walls and Nearby Bathtub? --- Group Practice.

Meets 4 weeks, Saturday 10:00 PM< FONT face=Arial color=maroon size=2> for 2 hours.

Class 4

Fundamental Differences Between The Laundry Hamper and The Floor ---

Pictures and Explanatory Graphics.

Meets Saturday at 2:00 PM for 3 weeks.

Class 5

After Dinner Dishes --- Can They Levitate and Fly Into The Kitchen Sink?

Examples on Video.

Meets 4 weeks, Tuesday and Thursday for 2 hours beginning at 7:00 PM

Class 6

Loss Of Identity --- Losing The Remote To Your Significant Other.

Help Line Support and Support Groups.

Meets 4 Weeks, Friday and Sunday 7:00 PM.

Class 7

Learning How To Find Things --- Starting With Looking In The Right Places

And Not Turning The House Upside Down While Screaming.

Open Forum .

Monday at 8:00 PM, 2 hours.

Class 8

Health Watch --- Bringing Her Flowers Is Not Harmful To Your Health.

Graphics and Audio Tapes.

Three nights; Monday, Wednesday, Friday at 7:00 PM for 2 hours.

Class 9

Real Men Ask For Directions When Lost --- Real Life Testimonials.

Tuesday at 6:00 PM Location to be determined.

Class 10

Is It Genetically Impossible To Sit Quietly While She Parallel Parks?

Driving Simulations.

4 weeks, Saturday noon< /SPAN>, 2 hours.

Class 11

Learning to Live --- Basic Differences Between Mother and Wife.

Online Classes and role-playing .

Tuesday at 7:00 PM, location to be determined.

Class 12

How to be the Ideal Shopping Companion

Relaxation Exercises, Meditation and Breathing Techniques.

Meets 4 weeks, Tuesday and Thursday for 2 hours ! Beginning at 7:00 PM.

Class 13

How to Fight Cerebral Atrophy --- Remembering Birthdays, Anniversaries and Other Important Dates

and Calling When You're Going To Be Late.

Cerebral Shock Therapy Sessions and Full Lobotomies Offered.

Three nights; Monday, Wednesday, Friday at 7:00 PM for 2 hours.

Class 14

The Stove/Oven --- What It Is and How It Is Used.

Live Demonstration.

Tuesday at 6:00 PM, location to be determined.

Upon completion of any of the above courses, diplomas will be issued to the survivors. !




The Kingdom

14:15 Dec 04 2007
Times Read: 1,077

Part 1:

Online Videos by Veoh.com


Part 2:

Online Videos by Veoh.com


Part 3:

Online Videos by Veoh.com


Part 4:

Online Videos by Veoh.com





13:54 Dec 04 2007
Times Read: 1,083

I have been reading the forum posts in Purgatory and it's scary. Besides the mindless babbling of a few, many of the others seem to now like it there. While reading it, I am reminded of Stockholm Syndrome.

Stockholm Syndrome

“They weren’t bad people. They let me eat, they let me sleep, they gave me my life”

— A hostage from Flight 847

One way of describing this site would be “strange beliefs people have and how they got them.” A curious footnote that doesn’t seem to fit in nicely on any of the other pages is a phenomenon known as the Stockholm Syndrome.

In the summer of 1973, four hostages were taken in a botched bank robbery at Kreditbanken in Stockholm, Sweden. At the end of their captivity, six days later, they actively resisted rescue. They refused to testify against their captors, raised money for their legal defense, and according to some reports one of the hostages eventually became engaged to one of her jailed captors.

This struck some folks as weird, and as a way of coping with this uneasiness, as they started seeing more examples they named this class of strange behavior the “Stockholm Syndrome.”

Notorious in the United States is the case of Patty Hearst, who after being kidnapped and tortured by the Symbionese Liberation Army, took up arms and joined their cause, taking on the nom de guerre of “Tania” and helping the SLA rob banks.

The Stockholm Syndrome comes into play when a captive cannot escape and is isolated and threatened with death, but is shown token acts of kindness by the captor. It typically takes about three or four days for the psychological shift to take hold.

A strategy of trying to keep your captor happy in order to stay alive becomes an obsessive identification with the likes and dislikes of the captor which has the result of warping your own psyche in such a way that you come to sympathize with your tormenter!

The syndrome explains what happens in hostage-taking situations, but can also be used to understand the behavior of battered spouses, members of religious cults, Holocaust victims, household pets, and perhaps even users of Internet Explorer. I think it may also help explain the popularity of government and of the mass institutionalization of young people.




Response to someone, from me

13:16 Dec 04 2007
Times Read: 1,084

"Well a lot of people with premium memberships do have other profiles. I have thought of it a few times myself, but it's just too much work to try to get two profiles up in ranking!

So many have said that it is someone else, and I believe it. But who? Well, I dunno. Who was it that said that the real IndigoMoon left long ago and was a nice person. ? Makes me wonder.

That reminds me. I looked at the forum for the first time tonight and read some of it. pfft......I saw a post you wrote...."yes indeed it is a coven of higher standards... you have to give respect here". I don't agree. It is not a coven of higher standards. It is a loathesome, hellish place of punishment and negativity with a side of depravity.

Course mooncalf said it best:

"The prison population is great. You have some of the classiest people in VR here... folks like Jamie."

Haha..... ;)"




A conversation with a friend...

12:57 Dec 04 2007
Times Read: 1,086

(6:47:40 AM) r: I still feel sore after Losing Kirk too my friend. Can't delete his number in my phone.. Such an empty feeling

(6:50:01 AM) thebabytibbs: I am listening to it now

(6:50:12 AM) thebabytibbs: It's a new dawn, it's a new day...

(6:50:35 AM) thebabytibbs: I know what you mean

(6:50:46 AM) thebabytibbs: I still have mom's cell phone as "Mom's cell"

(6:51:13 AM) thebabytibbs: and my brother is using it and so everytime he calls, it comes up, "Mom's cell". And several times I thought it was mom calling me

(6:51:30 AM) thebabytibbs: And it's just heartwrenching when I realize it's not her.

(6:52:08 AM) thebabytibbs: And it either makes me cry or tear up.




Courtesy of AtYourWindow

12:25 Dec 04 2007
Times Read: 1,088

It's a Man's World

How many men does it take to open a beer?

- None. It should be opened by the time she brings it.

Why is a Laundromat a really bad place to pick up a woman?

- Because a woman who can't afford a washing machine will probably never be able to support you.

Why do women have smaller feet than men?

- It allows them to stand closer to the sink.

How do you know when a woman is about to say something smart?

- She starts her sentence with "A man once told me..."

How do you fix a woman's watch?

- It doesn't matter. There is a clock on the oven.

Why do men break wind more than women?

- Because women can't shut up long enough to build up the pressure.

If your dog is barking at the back door and your wife is yelling at the front door, who do you let in first?

- The dog. He'll shut up once you let him in.

What's worse than a Male Chauvinist Pig?

- A woman that won't do what she's told.

I married Miss Right.

- I just didn't know her first name was Always.

I haven't spoken to my wife for 18 months!

- I don't like to interrupt her.

Scientists have discovered a food that diminishes a woman's sex drive by up to 90%.

- It's called wedding cake.

Marriage is a three ring circus:

- Engagement ring, wedding ring, suffering.

My wife asked me "What's on the TV?"

- I said, "Dust!"

In the beginning, God created the earth and rested. Then God created Man and rested. Then God created Woman.

- Since then, neither God nor Man has rested.

Why do men die before their wives?

- They want to.

A man inserted an advertisement in the classifieds section with the heading "Wife Wanted."

- The next day he received a hundred letters saying "You can have mine."





11:25 Dec 04 2007
Times Read: 1,094




Nov 19 2007

What a lovely picture memorial of your mom. Thank you so much for sharing it and how she touched you with all of us. It really is a good reminder for us to live with those we love in the now.

I hope you take care of yourself in this time, becuase you do mean a lot to people around here. *hugs*




Changing the music again

10:26 Dec 04 2007
Times Read: 1,095

I express myself through music, as many do. I always have and it's always in tune with my feelings. Even when I am light, I always equate the music with my feelings.

There are so many songs that I relate to my mom. I keep changing music on my profile. First, it was Moby - Why does my heart feel so bad. Then it was John Mayer - Dreaming with a broken heart. Now, it's an old tune by Bread - Everything I own. Take a listen and you will understand. Mom and I liked Bread, as did a million and a half other people that listened to music in the 70s...and of course ever since then. It's mainly for the photo slide show I put on my profile. I want to add more pictures. I have just gotten sidetracked.

Tonight Danny came home from Idaho. He had called me everyday he was there, and sometimes in tears. Apparently his family is wacky. I knew that already. Good people but wacky. His mom drives him crazy, and is ill. She, I believe, has gangrene in her leg but won't do anything about it, and actually should have it amputated. And no meds. So she will slowly die and not in a good way.

Life.....so wonderful and tragic at the same time.

I was doing ok today and then I unpacked mom's make-up bag. It took me right back to the hospital room where we both lived for about 5 days, and it made me cry. I had brushed her hair and put it up for her, though when she layed down and tossed and turned when in morphine induced sleep, she would mess it up again. She kept saying she wanted a hair cut, even the last time she was in the hospital in September. I was ready to cut it but she wanted to try something new with it....but never felt good enough to go do it. I had them cut some hair at the funeral home and have it in an envelope. I looked at it tonight, when I was putting/taping mom items in my journal.

This is mom just about 2 weeks ago, when I had put her hair up and it got messed up. We were laughing about how "glamourous" it looked!

Glamourous mom

I miss her so much. That is an understatement. Words just pale....I haven't got them to express to you all the emptiness I feel where she was. Her warm hugs were so comforting and soft. She told me she cherished me and I told her that I cherished her too. She said I was her light and she was mine. She was my best friend. Danny is my best friend too. The three of us hung out a lot and were peas in a pod.

I hate to think of our conversations now reduced to Ouija boards, pendelums and EVP work. *sigh*

Mom's room

Mom loved elephants because they are so family oriented. They care very much for their family and grieve for them. They are close and mom really loved that about them. So we all got her tons of elephant stuff. Now we all have it at our houses. Not a lot...some is still there at mom's.

That is mom's new bed that she had just gotten. It has since been made. But most of her stuff has been removed and distributed among us kids. Dad wanted us to pack it up that weekend.




More from Purgatory

09:40 Dec 04 2007
Times Read: 1,098

Well, someone got it right, huh? :P

"Re: Release From This Coven

Posted: 19:23:12 - Sep 22 2007

Times viewed: 138

The prison population is great. You have some of the classiest people in VR here... folks like Jamie."




A thread in Purgatory--for your viewing pleasure

09:28 Dec 04 2007
Times Read: 1,099

This is the kind of shit they are talking about in Purgatory. I took out names. But I thought you would be interested. It's a horrid place. This was actually the very first time I have looked at the forum. I don't care about it, but got the idea to share it with you, my friends.

Who On VR Do You Really Hate?

Posted: 12:41:34 - Oct 12 2007

Times viewed: 202

I really fucking HATE XXXXXXXXXX. Shes like 85 and immature as my fuckin dog which fits this comparison nicely. I hate how fucking old she is and how fucking manly but most of all I HATE when she starts trying to argue and cant win, thats when she begins blowing dust outta her floppy 190 year old wrinkled crusty ass cunt, yeah.



Shaitan (18)

Re: Who On VR Do You Really Hate?

Posted: 14:12:28 - Oct 12 2007

Times viewed: 200

I hate XXXXXX because she's a drama whore. All she wants to do is start drama, and that makes me HATE HER!!!!!! On top of everything else, she's a bitch.




Bloodsucker (14)

Re: Who On VR Do You Really Hate?

Posted: 14:15:17 - Oct 12 2007

Times viewed: 198

Sounds like her ass is so tight she shits diamonds...



Shaitan (18)

Re: Who On VR Do You Really Hate?

Posted: 14:17:36 - Oct 12 2007

Times viewed: 196

Whatever her ass feels like I don't want to know, but She's definitly slower than a herd of stampeding turtles.



Vampire (16)

Re: Who On VR Do You Really Hate?

Posted: 22:44:26 - Oct 12 2007

Times viewed: 191

Actually there is no one on here that i hate



Firebrand (22)

Re: Who On VR Do You Really Hate?

Posted: 23:17:02 - Oct 13 2007

Times viewed: 183

I do not hate any one on here but there are a few that I dispise and would not give two shits about if say they were being slow tortured to the point of passing out only to stop and wait till they regained conciousness just to start all over again in a different place....



Shaitan (18)

Re: Who On VR Do You Really Hate?

Posted: 23:28:12 - Oct 13 2007

Times viewed: 181

XXXXX sounds fun. KINKAY!



Wraith (13)

Re: Who On VR Do You Really Hate?

Posted: 08:00:13 - Oct 14 2007

Times viewed: 176

I don't hate anybody here. Hatred is too much of an investment of my energy in someone who doesn't even deserve a second thought.



Whelp (1)

Re: Who On VR Do You Really Hate?

Posted: 19:52:28 - Oct 17 2007

Times viewed: 159

Hate.... Hummmm.. well I just can't stand XXXX and her people. lieing and drama starters



Shade (9)

Re: Who On VR Do You Really Hate?

Posted: 02:15:14 - Oct 19 2007

Times viewed: 152

Can I make a list?



Sire (28)

Re: Who On VR Do You Really Hate?

Posted: 11:34:05 - Oct 19 2007

Times viewed: 147


Why are constantly seeking out the permission and approval of others? Make your list for God's sake. Try not to bore us.



Shaitan (18)

Re: Who On VR Do You Really Hate?

Posted: 13:30:19 - Oct 20 2007

Times viewed: 138

C'mon Mistress XXXXX. Lighten up.



Phantom (8)

Re: Who On VR Do You Really Hate?

Posted: 00:03:37 - Oct 21 2007

Times viewed: 128

How do you know she isn't already light? Perhaps she was laughing when she said that--- should she add a :smiles: or a :lol: to it so that the blow is softer?

You speak your mind, yet then ask someone to change their tone when they speak theirs-- whatever.



Shaitan (18)

Re: Who On VR Do You Really Hate?

Posted: 01:16:16 - Oct 21 2007

Times viewed: 126

Oh get some fucking levels and follow the rules you fucking twat cake. You may be the Forum master, but it also says in Indigo's own words that forum posts won't be edited OR DELETED... You closed a forum thread earlier because Mak and I were talking. Umm DUH DIP SHIT! That's usually what you do in a fucking forum. YOU TALK TO PEOPLE! I could send this to you in a private message, but that doesn't mean I will... I'm pretty sure I like everyone knowing that I think you're a low level cunt cookie.



Bloodsucker (14)

Re: Who On VR Do You Really Hate?

Posted: 01:23:55 - Oct 21 2007

Times viewed: 124

*scratches nuts and laughs* oreo flavored cunt cookie I hope. chocolate is too sweet and I hate nuts.



Shaitan (18)

Re: Who On VR Do You Really Hate?

Posted: 01:37:55 - Oct 21 2007

Times viewed: 122

You're a nutflake XXXXX.



Bloodsucker (14)

Re: Who On VR Do You Really Hate?

Posted: 03:11:52 - Oct 21 2007

Times viewed: 118

Youre a shampoo bottle.



Regent (29)

Re: Who On VR Do You Really Hate?

Posted: 12:43:06 - Oct 31 2007

Times viewed: 102

Best thread I've seen in ages. Come on people, lets see the vitriol! Let the hate FLOW.



Vampire (16)

Re: Who On VR Do You Really Hate?

Posted: 06:26:23 - Nov 01 2007

Times viewed: 95

There is no one that I hate on VR



Shaitan (18)

Re: Who On VR Do You Really Hate?

Posted: 20:02:38 - Nov 01 2007

Times viewed: 87




Specter (12)

Re: Who On VR Do You Really Hate?

Posted: 23:12:41 - Nov 06 2007

Times viewed: 76

Come on VR. hates us because we are here even tho we how not did nothing wrong. I think it really sucks. who is with me on that?



Bloodsucker (14)

Re: Who On VR Do You Really Hate?

Posted: 04:14:49 - Nov 08 2007

Times viewed: 71

VR is fulla stupid sluts.



Shaitan (18)

Re: Who On VR Do You Really Hate?

Posted: 09:03:25 - Nov 08 2007

Times viewed: 69

Your mother is a stupid slut. ^_^



Bloodsucker (14)

Re: Who On VR Do You Really Hate?

Posted: 01:40:25 - Nov 09 2007

Times viewed: 66

She prolly was...before she died at least.



Specter (12)

Re: Who On VR Do You Really Hate?

Posted: 01:44:07 - Nov 09 2007

Times viewed: 64

Who the fuck are yall talking about?



Shaitan (18)

Re: Who On VR Do You Really Hate?

Posted: 17:21:25 - Nov 09 2007

Times viewed: 59




Vampire (16)

Re: Who On VR Do You Really Hate?

Posted: 21:43:09 - Nov 10 2007

Times viewed: 55

Again I will say that I dont dislike anyone on VR, but I think that a few people dont like me here to and thats the honest truth. I havent done anything to anyone.



Shaitan (18)

Re: Who On VR Do You Really Hate?

Posted: 23:05:24 - Nov 10 2007

Times viewed: 52

I can be an uberbitch one min and then turn around and be the nicest person you've ever met. I blame my bipolar-ness!



Bloodsucker (14)

Re: Who On VR Do You Really Hate?

Posted: 00:28:50 - Nov 11 2007

Times viewed: 50

Im starting to hate VR. Im thinking about leaving.



Shaitan (18)

Re: Who On VR Do You Really Hate?

Posted: 09:42:04 - Nov 11 2007

Times viewed: 47

Don't leave XXXX! *cries*



Sire (28)

Re: Who On VR Do You Really Hate?

Posted: 18:42:08 - Nov 25 2007

Times viewed: 37

Click the link below to commit suicide:

VR Suicide

Scroll down to the bottom and click delete.

This service provided by the administration of The Coven of Purgatory.


I love each and everyone one of you. If you commit suicide I'll be very sad, cry for weeks, and write very bad poetry in a leather-clad tome.



Phantom (8)

Re: Who On VR Do You Really Hate?

Posted: 22:04:50 - Nov 25 2007

Times viewed: 32

Prior to commiting suicide please send me your notes so I can update our suicide page ^.^



Specter (12)

Re: Who On VR Do You Really Hate?

Posted: 04:10:13 - Nov 26 2007

Times viewed: 27

I don`t know why you want us to hate this place for, but it rocks.

I have been telling everyone that this coven is the place to be, now they are going to start to try to get here, lmmfao.



Bloodsucker (14)

Re: Who On VR Do You Really Hate?

Posted: 18:03:48 - Nov 29 2007

Times viewed: 8

Ass kissers...



Shade (9)

Re: Who On VR Do You Really Hate?

Posted: 22:29:07 - Nov 29 2007

Times viewed: 6

I don't particularly hate anyone on here. No one has given me a reason to do so.




One of the spam emails I got today

22:56 Dec 03 2007
Times Read: 1,120

"Your girlfriend leaved you alone because of your cock size."





08:06 Dec 02 2007
Times Read: 1,130

test...oh good, I can finally write in my journal and as you may have seen, it put all the others in here, that wouldn't stick! haha......had to remove them.




Sweet message

05:45 Dec 01 2007
Times Read: 1,072

Hey Jamie!

Been Missing you lately... I struck a Bizarre Bond with you, And I wanted to let you know that I'm thinking of you. I wish there was some how That I could take this pain away from you.

I think you're an incredible person, and your core strength is stunning!

You may not see this, but you are keeping me going, with my own grief, and inner torment. And you help keep the Rabid Wolves from my Door.

Bless you Sweetheart.





05:23 Dec 01 2007
Times Read: 1,072

Ugh, I can't write in my journal! = Trying repeatedly to write an entry in my journal. Trying yet again......if this sticks, apparently at least this one posted. hmm...





05:16 Dec 01 2007
Times Read: 1,072

"They must find it difficult...those that have taken authority as the truth, rather than truth the authority."

---Zeitgeist, June 2007

I have only started watching this, but it's interesting. The movie actually starts out around 5 minutes into the music and imagery.



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