JayceEmirikol's Journal


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5 entries this month

Motorcycle Accident Wednesday 8/16/06

19:42 Aug 24 2006
Times Read: 548

I’m walking without my walker now, I get tired pretty quick, but it’s worth it. Well the cast came off today and I’m wearing a removable hand brace. My wife is now allowed to put up to 50 percent weight on her leg. Doctor told her it would be about 3 months before she’ll be able to walk with a cane, she’s not happy. I started occupational and physical therapy on Monday. Never take any of your limbs for granted my friends, you wouldn’t believe how quickly your muscles deteriorate when you don’t use them properly. I have very little strength in my right hand and my right knee isn’t strong enough to support me when it’s bent. I thought I was doing so well walking on my own, yeah right, guess again. I have so much respect for people with permanent disabilities. You will never know until you’ve been here, and I hope you never have to find out. My wife has to start outpatient physical therapy next week.




Motorcycle Accident Tuesday 8/1/06

19:41 Aug 24 2006
Times Read: 549

We came home this past Sunday. My mother-in-law came up from Tennessee to help us out. Had a doctor’s appointment today, My leg brace came off and he wants me to put as much weight on my leg as I can stand. Also took my hand/arm splint off and put a cast on my hand and wrist. Also took out all my stitches in my knee and finger. Wife is wheelchair bound, they had to put a steel rod in her leg, she’s allowed to put up to 25 percent of her weight on it. He also took out all her staples in her knee and the stitches out of her finger. She starts home physical therapy next week, insurance only allows 6 visits.




Motorcycle Accident Tuesday 7/25/06

19:40 Aug 24 2006
Times Read: 550

Lethia, my wife, came home today. She wasn’t happy about it. She wanted to go to our house instead of coming to stay at my mom’s house, but after looking at pictures and measurements of our house her physical therapist told her it would be too hard for us to get in and out of the house in an emergency, as well as too hard for us to negotiate inside a 2 level house as opposed to a single level house like my mom’s place. She insists that we go home after our doctor’s appointment next Tuesday, no matter what. Why are woman so fucking stubborn? I want to go home too, but I know I’m limited and need help right now.




Motorcycle Accident Friday 07/21/06

19:39 Aug 24 2006
Times Read: 551

About 3 p.m. I had to go back in to hospital for ultrasound on leg, they believe I have a blood clot. Everything checked out ok, but nurse didn’t know how brace went back on leg so she put it on wrong. Mother and I tried to adjust it all evening but was unable to relieve my pain. Finally, I was in so much pain we decided to take me back to Reid Memorial to have them put splint on correctly. After they loaded me in car they went to shut door and didn’t have me in all the way and the door slammed into the bottom of my foot on my injured leg. The pain that shot through my leg is indescribable. They called the rescue squad to transport me after that. When they got there I told them if they could just adjust my brace I wouldn’t have to go to hospital. They adjusted it and got it right on the first try. My leg has been the most comfortable since I came home.




Motorcycle Accident Sunday 7/16/06

19:38 Aug 24 2006
Times Read: 552

It was about 3:30 p.m. and we had just left the Piqua mall, we returned a dress my wife had bought for my 20 year high school reunion because it didn’t look as good at home as it did at the mall. The new dress we bought looks absolutely beautiful on my wife. We just came to the part of Ash St. where the speed limit goes from 35 to 25 mph. The police have one of those signs up that tell you how fast you’re going, I had just yelled over my shoulder to my wife that we were going 32 mph according to the sign. I had just let go of the throttle to let the bike slow down to 25 mph when a small light brown car coming towards us turned left right in front of us. I had no time to brake or even to warn my wife. The bike’s front tire smashed into the front of the car. I went smashing through the bikes windshield and went flying over the car’s hood. I remember looking through the car’s windshield and seeing 3-4 people inside as I flew over it. I hit the ground on my right side and rolled about 3 or 4 times. On the last roll I remember hitting my head on the road, finishing out the roll and landing on my feet. I turned to see where my wife and the car were at and saw my wife lying about 20 feet away, my bike was about 30 feet away, and the car was turning the corner as they left the scene. I stood in shock as they pulled away, then I felt something warm running down my leg and when I looked down my kneecap was completely exposed. The meat had been filleted like a fish and was hanging from my leg as the blood poured down onto my shoe.

I looked at my wife and started to make my way over to her while attempting to dial 911 on my cell phone. I say attempting because I couldn’t get my fingers to work and I could tell from the way my hand looked and felt that it was broken. Found out later that I broke my 3rd metacarpal bone down near my wrist in 4 places and that I almost severed my right index finger, cut it to the bone between 1st and 2nd knuckle. (My wife cut her right index finger to the bone as well, but she cut it lengthwise down the side. Doctor says we both might have permanent nerve damage in our fingers.) About that time a lady pulled up in a car and asked if she could help us. I told her to dial 911 because I couldn’t get my fingers to work. I heard someone yell behind me that she would call 911 and as I turned I saw a woman turning off her Harley Davidson and dial her cell phone. I made it to my wife and told her I was there. She started telling me that her leg hurt and when I looked down the blood was flowing out of her pants and pooling under her knee, her foot was pointing in the wrong direction. Discovered she broke her right femur in 2 places. Ignoring my own wounds I knelt down and pressed my hands around her knee over her wound to slow the flow of blood. By that time there were about 3 to 4 dozen people around us trying to give us aid and comfort. My wife kept yelling for us to get her up because the pavement was burning her back. We told her we couldn’t move her because of her leg, but we would try to make her more comfortable. Someone showed up with a bunch of rags and we used them as a tourniquet on her leg, then I finally allowed them to work on me. They covered my knee with a rag and applied a tourniquet to my leg to slow the bleeding. I heard someone yelling at my wife for her to stay awake, for her to stay with us. I rushed back over and knelt down beside her. There was a woman praying over her in a loud voice for the Lord to protect her and save her and heal her. I took my wife’s hand and told her she was not to leave me and that she had to stay with me. Her eyes cleared up and she squeezed my hand and told me she wasn’t going anywhere.

About this time the police and ambulance showed up and we were separated. I gave the police the information they needed before I was whisked off into my ambulance. That’s when the pain set in and things start getting foggy. I remember they took us to Upper Valley Medical Center, but they weren’t equipped to handle a situation like ours. After a couple hour wait we were transported to Miami Valley Hospital, which happens to have the best trauma center in the Dayton area. While we were there another multiple vehicle trauma accident occurred. I didn’t have surgery until about 10 p.m. Sunday night, and my wife didn’t have surgery until 8 a.m. Monday morning. I was released on Wednesday, and I’m staying at my mom’s house, my wife is still in the hospital.

My wife remembers nothing about the accident. She remembers leaving the Piqua mall and than waking up in the ambulance. The only thing she does remember is seeing her dad John, her aunt Barb, and her aunt Myrtle. She said they told her she was going to be fine, and that she had to go back because it wasn’t her time yet. Then she remembers hearing me tell her that she couldn’t leave me and that she had to stay with me.



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