JedixMasterxCheryl's Journal

JedixMasterxCheryl's Journal


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6 entries this month

Two names?

12:21 Nov 30 2007
Times Read: 621

For some reason my portfolio decided to remain under my old name. I have sent TPTB a message about this and am still waiting to find out what the resolution is.

This is a bit odd to say the least.

I hope this is resolved soon - I don't like not getting my money's worth for anything I spend it on. I should have my portfolio under my new name too, if one exists at all, not under my previous name and no one taking the time or bother to let me know why this has not yet been resolved.

I realize people are busy - but this is rather odd, like I said before, and embarrassing a bit too.

Why do things like this happen to me?

Because I am a Jedi and have the emotional depth to deal with the bullshit without losing my mind, most likely...




18:58 Nov 27 2007
Times Read: 636

oh my god!

I just had to cut Monsta's hair!

He is all..."it looks fine, hun"

Me: I am boo hoo - I made it look like shit.

I am no professional stylist.

I am glad he likes it but I feel like I mutilated him.

edit:I asked him to let me go over it again with the clippers and it looks much better. After I showed him a picture on the web of "superman and his new wife" and how much his hair looked like the woman's, he let me re-trim it. I know my Leo man well!

lol! ;D




boo hoo...

20:21 Nov 26 2007
Times Read: 650

so people don't like what I say in my journal.


I am not trying to offend anyone, but to get things off my mind.

for me it is over.

didn't my 'grad school' post make that clear or do I need to spell it out again that I am freaking BUSY getting a...oh no big freaking deal here - GRADUATE DEGREE - a PhD no less! - in a FOREIGN COUNTRY and do NOT have time for pettiness or lack of friendliness and understanding.

If you don't get it - back off and leave me be.

This is online folks; is this really going to hurt my feelings?

No - just irritate me at some people's lack of consideration and understanding. Competitiveness is out the window for me and irritation stems from attempting to maintain some balance here with my life and getting pissed off that I can't continue to prove my dominance in certain arenas - but whatever. Like I am so worried about online competitiveness that I have to respond to irritating messages about my journal rants.

I don't think so.

They just get deleted.

At least the friend who dropped me that I ranted about before has been COOL ENOUGH to let bygones be bygones and not messaged me to bitch me out or complain even though this person has read my journal.

For that I applaud said person and wish them only the best for respecting my right to have an opinion or hell, even better - to have a bad day and write about it in my journal without getting treated like an asshole.





from becomethesea's journal....

17:28 Nov 18 2007
Times Read: 666

06:55:06 - Nov 18 2007

Times Read: 3

lol ais hangain outn vampirea evea!!!toianigha jhas besn aweasome ROKCSTAR adn VODAKA are daealicous you ashoudl try ita sometims!

mya mommas is ldayminasmuarray ands ea isa hte bst momma evers! I get teo sees her at CHRISTMAS adanI CAn'T WAIT!!! lOL!!! Shesi a amzaing! I lvoes her a lot!!!!1 :D:F:D:DD:



One of my daughter's stellar writing moments.

:D (still making me laugh - wishing vampires a happy thanksgiving - ha ha ha!!)

Where is the Pulitzer Committee?




12:42 Nov 15 2007
Times Read: 681

I have to admit that I am very disappointed in some people here.

It all comes about because someone who shall remain nameless screwed up my old profile with a stamp that completely f*cked the code. Instead of handling by blocking said friend, I attempted to contact and resolve the error.

It just made it worse.

So I wiped my profile by changing my name* (which I had really vowed never to do as I see far too many people change their name just so they can be at the 'Top' for a few shining moments and, frankly, isn't all it's cracked up to be); and had to go through a DAYS long process of re-adding friends and sending messages to them to ask them to re-add me.

Not to mention that I had recently completed rating the entire VR Database and was just cruising along as a very happy Sire. (As an aside, I am STILL re-rating the VR database although, thankfully, I have the book section completed now).

I sincerely forgave this person for the headache that all this has caused me and truly considered that to be a permanent friend here on the Rave no matter what goes down over the time we spend here - or out there in the real world for that matter.

So here is the disappointment:

After my post in 'Grad School' I received a message from this friend wishing me the best and asking me to keep in touch; then I see that I have been dropped from this person's friends and journals list.

I am not here to please anyone.

I worked DAMN LONG and DAMN HARD to get to Sire. I am spending a shitload of money and all my time in a foreign country away from my family to get a PhD in something that I love and enjoy but it is getting into the SERIOUS part of the research which requires a LOT of my time, PLUS am tired of feeling the 'competitive' silliness of Boggled (with a freaking coven member no less - where is the respect?), could care less about whether my profile is number one or number 10001, and am, in general, annoyed by the pettiness and elitism that I witness in several areas on the site.

Furthermore, stating that I think all this coven interbondedness is ridiculous is an OPINION and if you participate, I don't stop being your friend because you choose something that I think is silly.

To drop someone over a journal entry is ridiculous; to drop them because they can't spend time mollycoddling you as they have serious work to do which is an investment in their future is just downright selfish.

Whatever the reasons for this lack of respect and consideration that I have been dealing with in this and other areas of my life - I choose to say, 'No More.'

I have paid for my lifetime membership here, have a great deal of respect and admiration for our Prince and his inner circle and once again thank them for their tireless efforts to keep VR operating in a consistent, user-friendly manner, and I also have 'paid my dues' here and deserve some consideration for that fact.

*just so you know -you don't have to change your name to accomplish this per my messages with Cancer. I had tried everything I could think of along with my PC expert boyfriend's help, but the name change seemed the only solution to the coding error which just seemed un-fixable. It was assumed by me that wiping the name would wipe the ratings and fix the problem which, consequently, didn't work. I had to re-write my entire page.




this is a real wtf!

20:11 Nov 13 2007
Times Read: 692

yes, here is a real life WTF?!?!?!

Someone has sent me two texts to my phone indicating that my boyfriend is cheating on me with this said person. Uses his real name (which is not Monty) and says he is only with me for my cash and has been sleeping with him for weeks. Not only is this ridiculous it is now starting to feel like a violation of my peace of mind and happiness.

He is home all the time; awaiting the finality of this Global Santa-Fe/Trans-Ocean transfer to get his crew assignment; and playing around on the internet with his sites, OFP and just general cruising the net - not to mention the time he spends with me is quality if you know what I mean, and we are very happy together.

Who does silly things like this?

All I can do is hope this person finds some love and peace in their own life and leaves me be.

I have more important things to worry about at the moment to even worry about this yet, it is still a violation of my inner peace in that someone would wish such hurt on me for no good reason.

This is when I have to rely on my Jedi training to rediscover my own contentment with the moment.



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