KarminaTheDarkAngel's Journal

KarminaTheDarkAngel's Journal


Honor: 23    [ Give / Take ]


10 entries this month

21:34 Dec 22 2018
Times Read: 710

Dont you just love these newbies who start of threatening people? Like come on give it a few months then you will earned the right ...until then your nothing but a keyboard warrior lol



22:18 Dec 22 2018

A few months? Is that all?

04:29 Dec 23 2018

LOL well ok no but ... 1 day is bullshit


17:43 Dec 21 2018
Times Read: 733

Don’t follow me; not tonight. That holly-haired hag of wintertide is lurking ‘round the edges of these forbidden lands, and only shecan properly eulogize the lonely mystic I’m about to put in the ground. I wouldn’t wait up. This is not a death ritual to be rushed, after all, and that old, salty crone will most certainly take her time, master of the pregnant pause that she is, and I won’t be returning without dirt-caked hair, creaking bones, and eyes aged to perfection by this harsh moonlight.
Take a good look at me now, friend. This night is sure to witch the winter right into my veins. My flesh will ice-over in slow-spreading blue spiderwebs of frost, my heart will beat in a rhythm so slow only the trees can hear it, and I’ll become a still, living altar to the longest night.
The thin-boned trickster junipers and arrogant oaks will wrap their roots around my legs and pull me under then, and the mountain ash will drop its potent berries on my humble grave. The hag-priestess will start her speech, heard only by the ghosts of storytelling pagans who love a good funeral, curious raptor birds bored by the hunt, and, of course, those beloved mighty trees who knew this dead one better than any lover she ever let between her thighs.
“Here lies the heathen-poet of Yule,” that wintry granny will begin. “She could always be found at midnight, haggard face graced by alow-burning oil lamp’s glow, pouring aching, blood-red words onto the page and sipping mulled wine straight from the bottle. There was no romance in it, of course, and these long-stretching nights were a circle cast by the old gods to contain the darkest art, I think.”
The ghosts would chuckle then, and the snow owls would bob their heads in bemusement.
“Save your pills and prayers for those who need them,” the hag would continue. “This woman knew exactly what she was doing, and she’s sure to conjure some worm-riddled word-witchery beneath this hallowed ground. That pitiful solstice sun will rise, as it always does, her flesh will thaw, and she’ll ascend from the grave more alive than she’s ever been with filthy underworld tales slow-spilling from her lips just in time for New Year’s Eve. Blessed she isto be buried in this holy nest of root and dirt, is she not? Here, she finds those outlaw stags and bitter cardinals as muse, letting her frigid skin be licked alive by the under soil critters and gestating a sinner’s bible written by wild spawn in her frozen womb. Surely, this annual death will find her well, and she’ll wake a more rebellious seer-poet with twisted rhymes quickening in her belly, a humbler witch with fewer secrets and better stories.”
They’ll all leave me right there then, my stone-boned fingers stretching moonward out of the ground. The hag will pat my head,tucking me into my tomb like a tender-hearted grandmother puts her babes to sleep, and I’ll wait to be warmed by winter suns and strong-brewed verses.
Until Solstice, my lover, my friend. May this swelling moon grace your dream-visions with starlit indigo skies and somber wind-kissed evergreens, and may the longest night be an ancient cave where your greatest art will be shadow-mined by your ancestors and whisper-planted into your ears while you sleep.
And so it is.




01:18 Dec 21 2018
Times Read: 744

Saint Lucia (or Saint Lucy) is a Christian Martyr who is celebrated on St. Lucy’s Day, a feast on December 13th in Scandinavian countries, where young girls make a procession dressed in white and boys wear wizard like conical hats with stars on them. In this procession one girl is representative of Saint Lucia and wears a red sash and a crown of candles (so that her hands are free to carry food for her feast), remaining silent while the other children sing hymns to honor Saint Lucia. Saint Lucia is honored as a light-bringer who brings vision and light to “the blind” and the feast represents light overcoming darkness, which is an almost universal Winter Solstice theme based on astronomy.  The name Lucia / Lucy shares the Latin root Lux, meaning light, with Lucifer the morning-star and fallen star

In Catholicism, Saint Lucia’s story is that she was a young Christian girl who had a marriage with a wealthy pagan arranged by her mother. St. Lucia decided to give a large portion of her dowry to the poor. Her fiance heard about this and was outraged and reported her to the Governor of Syracuse who ordered that she burn a sacrifice to the image of the Emperor as retribution. When St. Lucia refused. She was to be burned at the stake but the wood refused to burn. She was tortured and had her eyes removed from her head – and most iconography has her either holding her eyes or her eyes on a plate. Before she was finally killed by a sword, she accurately prophecized the death of both the Governor of Syracuse and the Emperor. Not being raised Catholic myself, I first came across Saint Lucia in American folk magick, where she is worked with and prayed to for psychic ability and the gifts of prophecy.



09:33 Dec 21 2018

In danmark, where i am from an live, we celebrate saint lucia is schools also.. walking down the halls etc.

09:38 Dec 21 2018

While singing, chanting, walking in a line, dressed in white.
every year.

16:17 Dec 21 2018

Oh that's really cool .


23:50 Dec 17 2018
Times Read: 772

How To Release Emotional Attachments and Cut Etheric Cords

The first impulses that we get when someone that we love decides to move away from the bond or simply when you happened to face a breakup, can hardly be described by the words. we feel so painful and sad and sometimes, life becomes a living hell. The more we recollect the memories that we had, the more we feel ashamed and bad and there are some, who even take hard decisions as to do self-harms.

So, why is this happening? It’s like you live but you don’t feel any vibrancy. You meet new people and you do your daily routine, but you feel you miss something. It is like your past memories are constantly disturbing you and even though you know that the one you loved will not come back to you, you hope a miracle would happen and change everything to a better way.
Maybe you will feel like you can’t breathe anymore. You might be strong and maybe someone who is in a higher position in the society. But when you happened to face this sort of a circumstance, you will no longer feel special and you will simply feel you be no one.
That is why it is important to clear yourself from negative energetic/etheric codes. You need to clear yourself from this pessimism and if not you will suffer not only mentally but physically and spiritually as well.
The etheric code is a structure that connects to our energy bodies. We form etheric codes with anyone that we are close with and if the relationship is a healthy one, this energy will be calming and pleasing. But if the relationship is toxic, this energy will be negative and it will hinder our movements making us stuck in the past.
So, let’s see the symptoms of negative cording:
.Repeat conversations in your head with a particular person.
.Daily arguments in your mind with the person.
.Being tempted to get back with them even though the relationship was toxic.
.Having trouble sleeping because of your constant processing of the past.
.A desire for revenge, or thinking that you are constantly being treated unfairly.
.Turning invitations and offers down because you are not interested in anything.
.Inability to cease obsessing and thinking about that person.
.Remembering often their words, judgments, and criticisms for you.
.Getting emotional over past memories.
.Stalking them on social media.
.Deep feelings of anger, sadness, and depression.
.Being an emotional wreck and crying a lot.

So, the best way that you can cut etheric codes is trying to forget everything about your past. You can maybe write the names of the people that you need to forget and think that you are going to remove all the feelings and connections you had with them and then burn the paper.
For instance, you can write the name of your ex and think “We are not together anymore Alex, you cannot hurt me anymore. I am free to do what I wish” and then burn the paper with his name. you will feel some relax and you will feel as if some weight has been removed from your head.
You cannot cut etheric codes easily as they are deeply rooted within yourself and therefore, try to do this activity regularly. You have the power to deviate yourself from the ones that you need not have and even after doing these activities, if you feel that you can’t cut the etheric code, it is basically because you are not ready or that as yet.

So, here is how you should get ready for that and cut down the etheric codes.

1. Write a letter to the person with whom you need to cut the cord.
2. Close your eyes and call out their name.
3. Read the letter out loud as if they were in front of you.
4. Burn the latter.
5. Keep your hands over your heart and whisper the words “I release you. I am no longer emotionally attached to you. You are free to go”

Sometimes, that person might try to contact you in the following days but stay firm and refuse him on all those occasions.

What is basically important is to get yourself free from negative energies and being the person that you also wanted to be in life.



01:49 Mar 06 2019

.........had you wanted a spell to eliminate the person, I would have gladly helped. =]


00:00 Dec 15 2018
Times Read: 847

So after this mentally challenged thing decided banging his head on the wall was getting old,he then started to play his silly lil games by message bombing profiles trying to ..glitch up inboxes ...or perhaps it was his inbred girlfriend ..doesnt matter neither have a life beyond the basement ..

So this is what he decided to message me ..guess he thinks he could upset me ..get under my skin ...but this toad doesnt know me ...I'm not what he thinks I am ..

Real vampires love Vampire Rave.
first .. we never chatted on cam .. u never saw me on cam .. yes u spoke to me way back when ...when you was following the guru .. but u never saw me ..

So you think I'm a pig .. and disgusting .. and ? So ? Do I care ? Does it matter what you think of me ..

You are nothing to me !

I am a disgusting pig .. what does that make you tabby?? you use fake photos .. whatcha hiding ???? Well I know ...

See you can bully anyone and it makes you feel strong .. like you're important .. but really you aren't .. you are nothing but a waste of air . you're nothing magical or dark .. you so believe you have darkness within .. that really makes me laugh .. because you are a mentally ill man and honestly i kind of feel sorry for you .. no one will ever love you, no one will ever want to be with you .. I'm pretty sure you have no friends .. you're really a sad ..empty shell of a person .
dark no you are far from dark .. or evil .. you are a child .If anyone can feel your energy, its that of a small child throwing a temper tantrum . Nothing more .. and soon everyone will forget you .
Forget that you was ever alive ..
You are doing pretty good for someone who has stage 4 cancer....but most people know you are lying .. cuz thats what you do .. lie .

Ok enough of wasting my time with you ..
But one more thing .. Karma is a bitch .. and soon it will catch up to you .. maybe you will get cancer ,,and you tell people on here .. to have them pity you .. but no one will believe you because you are a FUCKING LIAR
Burn in hell mother fucker ... which I am sure you are actually ... * a mother fucker *



04:56 Dec 15 2018

OMG I so love you Karmina....your words are so poetic when you tell someone off.

22:25 Dec 15 2018

Very well said and written Karmina .

00:59 Dec 16 2018

Thank you both.

23:13 Dec 16 2018

*Hugs* first typical little tabby and being the coward that he is

Second I've seen you and had you on FB, so I know you're fucking stunning, he'll never know your true beauty inside or out, his loss and stupidity x

Love you my beautiful friend

23:20 Dec 16 2018

Awww you are such a wonderful and dear friend !!!
Thank you .hugs !


19:35 Dec 14 2018
Times Read: 861



20:14 Mar 06 2019

I. Am. Thor!!!!


22:46 Dec 12 2018
Times Read: 874

Real vampires love Vampire Rave.




03:54 Dec 07 2018
Times Read: 934

Omg shut the fuck up already
Fucking fuck fucker dumb stupid bitch . Arggggggh!

Ok I'm done
All good now



13:11 Dec 07 2018

Lmao !

14:34 Dec 07 2018

Alrighty then lol

17:19 Dec 07 2018

Hehe ..opps 😁

03:58 Dec 12 2018

okie dokie

21:22 Dec 12 2018

lmao fair play



03:10 Dec 06 2018
Times Read: 941



22:17 Dec 04 2018
Times Read: 969

Kali teaches us the power of justified rage, and wrath that knows no bounds. She teaches us to be unapologetic with our less than savory emotions and feelings. She teaches us the power of destruction, and the necessity of “killing off all that is old” in order to rise anew.

Lilith teaches us that sexuality, sensuality, lust, individuality and power are not to be feared in a Woman; they are to be honored. She teaches us not to be shamed, or ashamed of what we are and the Serpent and Fruit we carry with us.

Hekate teaches us that life is neither black nor white but it’s full of gray areas; just like Magick. She teaches us how to hunt; in this modern-day context that means she teaches us when to fight, and when to save our energy. She illuminates truth and calls for justice; she is a voice for the forgotten Woman, child and every underdog of society. She teaches us that death is not to be feared but respected. Our journeys into the Underworld of our Soul are essential to the ascension process.

Baba Yaga teaches us the power of our anger and nastiness; she teaches us that we do not need to conform to what society wants us to be, or thinks we should be. Baba teaches us the wisdom of the Crone, the liberation of being self-reliant and the strength that comes from being forced to survive “a night in the woods alone”. (Only a few will understand that last reference.)

These Goddesses would be considered Rebellious Women.

Women who are too opinionated, too wild and completely unable to be tamed. They would be shunned—labeled as outcasts, misfits.

As we face an uncertain future we need angry, loud, unafraid, non-conforming, NASTY WOMEN more than ever



01:52 Mar 06 2019

This is rather self explanatory.

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