KatriannexVeldonxDrakul's Journal

KatriannexVeldonxDrakul's Journal


Honor: 15    [ Give / Take ]


1 entry this month

The awakening

21:38 Apr 24 2021
Times Read: 252

It was a cold and wet Feb night in 1375 France when it happened. The night she had been kidnapped by members of the council. They had felt that Kat needed to be purified. A messenger had come with a message for Kat from Raziel. She took the message and read it. Raziel has asked her to meet her on a bridge that eve.

She dressed herself and left the mansion heading for the bridge. She waited and waited, but no sign of Raziel. But she felt a presence looking at her. She turned to look around but no one was there. She began to feel faint and dizzy and fell to the ground. Raziel seized the moment to scoop Kat up and take her to his place, a small castle outside the village. It had a cellar underneath where he slept during the day. It was also the place where he brought allot of his victims to. But Kat was not going to die this night. No, He had plans for her; his revenge against Talyk was soon to take form for what he had done to Kat.

Kat had awakened, But she was could not see anything, her eyes had been blindfolded. As she tried to move she heard chains rattle. She was a prisoner of someone, but she did not know of whom. Kat smelt the air. It had a moldy and dusty smell to it. She guessed she was below ground. She heard footsteps and tried to move to the direction from which they were coming from but to no avail.

“ Ahh you are awake.” The voice sounded familiar to her but she was unsure as to whom it belonged to. " My deat Kat the council has judged you and have felt that you need to be purified of your father's influence. Your purification will now commence. Release the wolves!"

Kat screamed at whoever gave the command.
“ Why do you have me chained like an animal?” Kat asked full of rage. She heard the wolves coming in, snarling and a howl here and there. The sniffed the air smelling vampire blood. They were no ordinary wolves, they were lycons. They attacked and began to tear at Kat's flesh. Her blood spilling the ground. But then just as it had begun, it stopped. The lychons could taste the what little lychon blood she had in her of her fathers side. The wolves turned upon their assailants. Kat heard their screams, but faded out into unconciousness from loss of blood.

Raziel waiting in the shadows moved in a removed the chains from her and then into a separate room. Her loss of blood was not too severe and the woulds were already beginning to heal somewhat. The vampire in her stirred to be awakened from what Raziel could feel and smell in her blood. "In due time Kat you will be mine."

Kat awoke yet again, still chained. She tried to move but couldn't, but where she was before she lost conciousness was not where she was now. She could see she was in a room lying on a canapy bed. Raziel entered the room. "Good you are awake. How do you feel?" His mesermizing eyes blocking the horrific experience of the wolves.

" I...I don't know." She uttered in confusion. "Why am I here?" she asked him.

" You were attacked by wolves my brother had set onto you, to kill you, but I saw them and I rescued you." He replied with a sly smirk on his face and thought to himself, ~Yes my dear, your memories will be only of me.~

" Why am I chained?"

“ I am sorry my dear, I could not have you running off now could I.” he removed the chains.

"it was for your own protection. I had to make sure you did not become one of those furballs that attacked you. Besides I want to tell you something, something that I feel will be in the best intrest of us both. I want you to be with me forever. “ He dropped to one knee. “Be with me for eternity and together we will take revenge on your father and my Brother Ira for doing this to you.”

Kat was both puzzled and suprised. She held feelings for Raziel, has flirted with him on a few occasions, but never pursued him because of his servitude to her father. Kat nodded her head in agreement. Yes revenge against her father would be nice, and being wedded to Raziel would be perfect.

“ When will we be wed?” She asked. “

“Soon” he answered. “When the moon is full.”

A few days had passed and tonight was the night that Kat and Raziel were to be joined together. Special preparations were made, and special guests were invited. All the guests were aquaintaces of Raziel. Raziel said she could not invite anyone she knew, for they would not understand the ways of the wedlock they were to be joined in. Kat thought it was strange, but agreed to his terms. She was all dressed up in a nice white wedding gown that Raziel has set aside for her.

The time came and the two walked down the grassy knoll on a hill where the moon was as full as could be, looked over them. The minister had them exchange their vows. Kat placed Raziel’s wedding band on his finger. The minister gave Raziel the cue. Raziel gazed deeply into Kat’s eyes. His eyes mesmerized her. He brought his hand up to her cheek and rubbed lightly. His hand was cold, but she did not think it out of the ordinary.

She closed her eyes when he ran his hand down to her neck and mover her hair slightly away. His touch was so relaxing; she wanted him even more than ever. Raziel saw the vein in her neck pulsing and pulled her closer to him; he then sank his teeth into her fleshy neck. Kat opened her eyes and screamed in pain, but no one could hear her scream because the audience watching got up and began to clap and cheer.

It was almost over, the life in Kat began to fade away and she stopped struggling against him. He laid her to the ground and bit open his wrist, then placed it over Kat’s mouth. “ Drink from me and live forever my love. Drink and eternally bound we will be.” Kat in her weakened state did so, she didn’t know why. But Raziel knew it was part of the vampire in her that yearned to be awakened. He could taste it in her blood. As she fell into a deep sleep from drinking his blood, he placed her wedding band on her finger.

The minister said “ I now pronounce you husband and wife.” Raziel scooped her up and took her down into the cellar of the cottage where he had her own coffin waiting. It would be two days before she awoke with hunger, and he had to find someone befitting of her.

Two days had passed. Kat awoke from her slumber. She felt different somehow, and moved to get up, only to bump her head against the top of the casket. Raziel awoke to the thump on the inside of the casket. He had stayed by the coffin for a day waiting for her to awaken. He moved over to the coffin and opened it. Kat looked at him puzzled. “ Was I dead? “

Raziel shook his head. “ No my dear just reawakened. You died, but now you are alive again. You are immortal now. You will never be able to die. I’ll explain more later. Come I have a suprise for you. I know you must be hungry. But first you can’t see your suprise. “ He blindfolds her, helps her out of the coffin and led her into the next room. “ Wait here my love, I shall return with your wedding present.”

She heard Raziel walk over across the room and spoke with someone. He then returned to her side. “It will be only a few more moments my love. “ Kat waited with anticipation, but there was a hunger growing inside her. She didn’t know what it was. Her senses were heightened, her smell, hearing, everything. She heard additional footsteps, but she also heard the sound of heartbeats. Two were normal heartbeats, but there was one that was beating rapidly, one of fear. She could smell the fear in the air.

Raziel waited a few moments to let Kat’s senses grow more intense. He was going to enjoy this. “ Behold my dear, your wedding gift from me to you. “ By now Kat was about to lose control of herself and Raziel removed the blindfold. There she saw before her was a young teen boy being held by two of Raziel’s servants.

Kat could no longer stop herself, the blood rage now overtook her and she ran towards the frightened teen and attacked him. Raziel’s servants let go and Kat attacked. Kat bit and clawed at the teen. The teen screamed in horror, but Kat bit at his throat to silence him and drank his blood. Raziel then had to go over and pull her off the teen.

“ Drink your victim’s blood till they are close to death my dear, for if you drink every last drop, you too will die with them. “

Kat looked at herself, she was covered in blood and she enjoyed it.



05:03 Feb 11 2022

Wow I must say this entire story from your profile to your journal has intrigued me very much hope there is more to come as it is addicting as well. This was no story of folklore it is of the truth and there is much more to it I can see.

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