KatriannexVeldonxDrakul's Journal

KatriannexVeldonxDrakul's Journal


Honor: 15    [ Give / Take ]


2 entries this month

Preparing for the courting

00:09 Aug 30 2021
Times Read: 493

A letter was sent from Dacia addressed to Charleundicar. The letter was from the Drakul clan brothers, Raziel and Ira. Within the letter, it was stated that the two were on their way to make an appearance to court his niece Katrianne as this was the will of her mother Callista that the firstborn female child was to be wed to one of their kin per the treaty. Charliundicar was aware of the Drakul clan and was not much of a fan of their Dampyle ways. He cursed himself for forgetting of the treaty and of where his family had come from, the very same territory of the Drakul clan within the Dacian territory. He crumpled up the letter and threw it into the fire.

"This is quite a bit of a turn of events." He muttered to himself.

He shakes his head. He had seven days to get Katrianne ready for courting. His hopes were that she would choose neither of them. He did not trust the Drakuls, just as much as he did not trust the Romans that roamed the city he resided in, Nemetocenna. He retired for the evening and allowed his thoughts of the past to put him to sleep, of days when all the families got along before the Romans invaded. He never saw his father again after he had left for his studies with Elder Vatkir. His dream on his travels to the city he is in now when he was just a boy entering his manhood showed what happened to his father which still haunted him to this day of not being able to warn his father. However, he knew the fates were giving and yet takers, using people as pawns in their game only showing what needed to be seen for a purpose. Charliundicar rolled over and drifted off.

Morning came and Charliundicar awoke to the smell of cooked meat and eggs. Get got up and entered the room to see that Katrianne was preparing breakfast for the two of them.

"Uncle, you look tired, did you not sleep well last night?" She questioned him with a concerned look on her face.
" It's nothing my dear Kat, I had received word that we have guests coming to visit from the territory of Dacia."
"Who are these guests that are coming Uncle?"
"They are from your mother's clan, the Drakuls. They are coming to see you. You are of age now to be courted, and it was your mother's wish for you to be wed to someone from her clan."

He left out the treaty part for his own peace of mind. Katrianne did not need to know about the treaty that had been signed decades ago when he was a young lad himself.

"Let us eat and I will take you into town to shop for a dress for this occasion." He smiled at her as he sat at the table and she brought over their food and sat across from him. Minutes passed without a word and Charliundicar finished and wiped his mouth and got up from the table. Katrianne was not too far from finishing and gathered up the dishes.
"Come child let's be off to the market."

Katrianne had a big smile on her face. Charliundicar could tell she was curious to know more about the company that was coming to visit. Katrianne reminded him of his own self, always wanting to know things and wanting to learn more. He knew the truth about her. It was one he regretted keeping to himself, but he was only a pawn in the game of fates, how things played out now was to be determined. All he knew is that he watched Katrianne grow into this beautiful young woman and wishing that her mother also his student were alive to see this day.

The two leave the mansion and head towards the marketplace. Katrianne was very excited and walked at a fast pace, it was not often that she got to get out into the city as her uncle kept a close eye on her.

"Don't go off too far my child." He called out to her. Kat looked behind her and just grinned like an imp would before it began its mischief. Kat stops as she sees a red dress hanging over a table and walks over to the vendor. She picks up the dress and places it against her to glance how it would look on her. The vendor smiled as Charliundicar walked up.
"So, this is your niece that you speak highly of all the time Elder Char." Charliundicar looked over at Katrianne.
"Yes, this is her. This is Katrianne."
"She is a spitting image of you at her age."
"If you only knew how her spirit was and how much it runs in the family."

Charliundicar knew where the traits came from, his thoughts wandered for a moment to the past to her mother but were cut short as he heard Kat call out to him.

"Uncle do you think this dress looks good on me? It even has a matching headpiece. I really like this dress"
" It suits you my dear." He turns to the vendor. "how much for the dress?"
" It will be five silver pieces." Charliundicar handed over the silver that had Caesar’s head stamped on it.
He turned to Katrianne, "Perhaps we could have had one made for you." Katrianne was not listening and was humming to herself and dancing in circles with the dress.

"What is the occasion for the dress Elder Char?" The vendor asked.
"We have guests coming to visit. Apparently, Katrianne is of age to be courted now and the Drakul brothers are on their way to present themselves to her." The vendor raises his eyebrows and stutters a bit speaking back.
"Th th the Drakul? Coming here?"

"Yes, unfortunately, we have to keep the treaty in place or else there will be two wars going on if we don't. It is bad enough we deal with the Romans being here, and families fight them. With the Drakul clan on our side, it helps. The Romans fear their bloodlust. We must be off to prepare for our guests."

The vendor bows to Charliundicar as the two take their leave and return home. Unbeknownst to Charliundicar A roman guard nearby overheard the conversation and whispered to his fellow soldier next to him to send word to Magister Talyk about what he had heard. The soldier hit his chest with his arm and off he went.


Talyk was busy inside a tent looking over maps when a soldier comes and greets him with his arm across his chest and says,"A letter for you Magister." and hands him the sealed scroll. Talyk rises from the desk and takes the scroll and unseals it waving his hand to dismiss the soldier. The soldier bows and leaves the tent.

~Magister Talyk,
As per your request we have been watching
closely over your daughter Katrianne. It has been
overheard that nobels from the Drakul clan come to
court her. ~

Talyk crushed the letter in his hand. "Well now," he speaks to himself. "I guess this time came sooner than expected. My daughter, the Duchess is to become a Queen. I will need to make sure she weds the stronger of the two Drakul brothers. I need to send a letter to my brother for a secret meeting since I am not allowed near the city."
He sits down and pulls out a piece of parchment and began to write out his terms to his brother.

~ Dearest brother,
Word has gotten to me about special guests
arriving to meet my daughter. I desire a meeting
with you at once in Noviodunum within the Roman fort. ~

Talyk rolled the parchment up and sealed it with the family seal, a rose with a wolf paw. He gets up and briefly glances outside the tent and whistled for one of the messengers within the camp. The messenger quickly gathered his helmet and ran towards Talyk's tent. Talyk hands the messenger the scroll.

"Make sure you hand-deliver this message to my brother Charliundicar immediately."
The soldier bows, "At once Magister", And takes off.



03:54 Feb 11 2022

Very interesting and knowledgeable. I must say I'm intrigued and wondering how it turned out. Nothing new betrayal is something going on sense time began but still interesting.


A Duchess is found

00:05 Aug 30 2021
Times Read: 494

A young blindfolded woman is being dragged through the fields by two men dressed in black priest robes, their heads covered by a hood only revealing the bottom part of their face. She is kicking and fighting to get away, but she is held tight by the men as they continue to take her towards a temple. As they enter, there is a stone alter in the middle. The young woman is taken to the alter to where another man awaits them. He motions to them to bend her over the alter and they do as he commands holding her down. The young woman is cursing and screaming.

“Unhand me!! Do you not know who I am?!”

The men are still silent.

“I am Duchess Katrianne, Queen to Raziel Ryujin Drakul!!”

Still they say or do nothing. Another man enters the temple and speaks.

“You may be a Queen, but you are a Duchess first, and of my blood! It has taken me years to find you. Damn Raziel to Hell for taking you away, but you are my daughter, and I am going to take back what is mine. Hold her down.”

Talyk walks over to a firepit and takes from it a long rod iron that had been sitting in the coals. It was a branding iron, it glowed red hot with a symbol representing the Veldon family, a rose with a wolf paw. He walks over to her. The other man watching comes over and rips open her blouse on the right side exposing her shoulder. He steps aside, Taluk then places it onto her flesh. Katrianne screams loud and tries to pull away, but the men holding her down kept her in place. She finally goes limp, the smell of burning flesh fills the air, one that Talyk is quite familiar with.

“You’re still the same as you were as a child, a fighter to the end.”

He waves his hand indicating to take her away to the dungeons. As they leave, he begins to talk to himself.

“I hate having to do this to you lass, but you have been tainted too much by him.” He walks over to a book on a pedestal and opens it.

“I must find a way to get you to understand.”

Minutes go by and he slams the book shut shaking his head. “Raziel’s blood is strong in you, but my blood is stronger. We Veldon’s are warriors! Why are you so different my child?”

He walks out of the temple heading for the castle dungeons where he knew his daughter was being kept. Down the hallway, he went to a locked door. He pulls a lever down that was within the wall and the door opened to a downward spiraling staircase that had lighted torches illuminating the way down. As he began his descent down, the door behind him closed. Screams of agony from his prisoners could be heard as he continued down to which he loved hearing, however, he had other matters to attend to and walked to where his daughter had been chained up. She was no longer blindfolded and once she saw him, she lunged at him hissing.

“He will come for me. You know he will!” Talyk just smirked.

“The truth will come forth soon enough and you my daughter will come begging me to forgive you.” He chuckled. Talyk’s words set her off.

“No I won’t! Raziel told me all about you, how you manipulate people to do your will. And you killed mother!! How could you?! I’ll never come back to you for that!!” She screamed at him.

He comes up to her and forcefully grabbed her chin directing her gaze to look him in the eyes.

“I loved your mother, more than you will ever know, and did everything within my power to save her. It's funny, I could say the same about Raziel and how he lied and deceived his brother Ira to obtain the throne of Drakul.” She spat at him, and Talyk slapped her hard.

“You will be wise to not do that again lass.” He walks away from her leaving her to her thoughts.



04:04 Feb 11 2022

now I'm hooked the story now has taken a much deeper form and can't wait to hear more no doubt it is very interesting.

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