KurlyQ4196's Journal

KurlyQ4196's Journal


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17 entries this month

02:34 Aug 29 2013
Times Read: 385

I like that cute little floating gargoyle thing on Power Punks that tells you random blurbs every time you click to another page or refresh the one you're one

it complements random people's profiles and all sorts of stuff

I wouldn't mind if VR got one of those too




They're coming back!

02:55 Aug 28 2013
Times Read: 394

my ex's and sexual partners, I had one speak to me one day, another the next, and a 3rd and 4th today

I haven't had really good sex in about 10 months

maybe through the connections I made with them vibes are being sent to tell them that and that's why they've been approaching me

they are probably the 3 most sexual ex's, two have had plenty of sex in general, one has had plenty of sex with me personally, another has 2 classes with me and just wants my fuck

I turned 3 of them down but am still talking to the one who had plenty of sex with me personally

I want sex but have my sights set on this new girl, I'm not sure if she's strait or not but I'm willing to find out

my ex's are ex's for a reason and I have kissed a girl since 3 of the 4 that approached me recently so that made me realize I'm mostly gay and find girls a lot more attractive than guys which also raised my standards for guys quite a bit

what I need is a cute and sexually playful bisexual girl to come to Somerset to fix my problems or really awesome astral sex, I think either one will work at this point




01:49 Aug 26 2013
Times Read: 399

I have to work the last day of my last full summer vacation

That should be illegal or something

My manager should get a fine for every student who clocks in the day before school just like she does if a minor works more than 8 hours a day

I would have called off but I need the hours and since school is starting they will be cut soon




Important Update

03:38 Aug 24 2013
Times Read: 404

every once in a while I will get sick and tired of my phone layout

until today it was all sci-fi and space llike

but now it's all cute and rainbows :3

the moving wall paper changes with the weather ant time of day :)




No Way! Seriously?

02:38 Aug 19 2013
Times Read: 414

So I go to Subway after a busy day at work

one of the managers from Pizza Hut walks in and she talks with the sandwich girl about how it's been slow lately

I didn't speak to them but in my mind it was like No Way! Are you serious?

I just left a pretty close to full restaurant that's probably been like that almost all day and worked almost the maximum amount for a minor yesterday and Subway and Pizza Hut are slow?!

it's like someone from the corporation put a spell on Eat'n Park to make it the only visible restaurant in the area

Subway is with in eye sight of Eat'n Park and Pizza Hut isn't too much farther down the road, we also have Kings and Hoss's which are near by and probably our biggest competition as far as sit for a while and eat restaurants go, I wonder if they've been slow too?

I guess hot, all you can eat soup and smiley face cookies are people magnets




Bitch Free Weekend: Failed; the first morning

17:20 Aug 17 2013
Times Read: 422

My mom got up that early when she had absolutely no reason to and bitched at me for not moving fast enough

Then she had the audacity to flush the damn toilet on me while I was in the shower

I get up with just enough time to get ready and be where I need to exactly on time, I plan for being distracted and moving slow, if anything else outside of that time happens I'm most likely going to be late

My mom flushing the toilet was outside of that time

It takes 10 minutes for the toilet to fill while the shower is running

I was exactly 10 minutes late

If my mom had some common curtosy and used the damn toilet around my 20 minute shower I would have been right on time

Then as I'm finally getting ready to leave she just stands there and follows me around and says "you're going to be late" with a not so pleasant tone

How the hell does that help me get there faster? It's like if you're so damn concerned get your fat ass in the truck and drive me!

If any parents or those who want to be parents, people that understand them, ETC, could you please tell me how senseless bitching solves any problems or does anything?

Wouldn't it make a lot more sense to do something that helps acheive whatever goal rather than repeating that it needs to be done over and over again?

I understand my mom's position from a sociological stand point completely and pretty well from a psychological stand point but if I tell her why she'll get angry and tell me I'm wrong or say I'm being rude or a smart ass so it's not like I can help her with any of her issues, not even the ones that really can be helped.




Bitch Free Weekend

03:31 Aug 17 2013
Times Read: 427

so here is my plan:

-work from 8AM-3PM, gone before my mom gets up

-at 3PM I head straight to my guy friend's house who's had a crush on me for a little over 3.5 years

-spend the night there like he's been begging me to

-leave there around 9AM, gives me just enough time to get home, shower, and eat before work at 11AM

-work from 11AM-7PM

-take my time getting home, might stop for something to eat

-walk my dog

-go to bed

that is my super packed weekend where my mom barely has any time at all to bitch at me :)




If you think you're pessimistic, you're not pessimistic

03:13 Aug 16 2013
Times Read: 430

yet another rant about Autum, the girl from camp

she is the full on pessimistic type of pessimist

you can never make her happy

she complains about almost everything

but refuses to take any action to fix it

she's like oh, woe is me, life is horrible, feel bad for me but don't you dare give me any advice or comfort me because I know it won't work and I know it won't get better because I've tried everything (when in reality I've tried absolutely nothing) and I can see the future perfectly through some sort of a crystal ball and know life will always be horrible and suck no matter what you say, what I do, or what happens

That is the definition of full on pessimism, if that's not you, you're not all too pessimistic

full on pessimists, like her, seem to see the glass as half empty, think they'll use it all up and it'll never be refilled and life is just doomed and no one can do anything about it

I'm not sure she's worth it, she's at a distance so it's not even like she's all pessimistic and then we have some really awesome sex




Very Important Findings!

21:49 Aug 15 2013
Times Read: 439

If you've ever been to a Spaghetti Warehouse and had their bread you know how insanely awesome it is, especially with the butter they give you. Well . . .

I think I've found what they put in the butter: Oregano and Garlic Sauce!

It smelled almost exactly like it when my Grilled Cheese was cooking and tasted almost exactly like it too!

I'm guessing the small difference was the brand of butter and the type of bread I used, which was just regular bread, but it was on a Scooby Doo plate so I guess that makes up for it.

If you want an insanely awesome way to spice up toast put butter, a little garlic salt, and a little oregano on it.

 photo PicsArt_1376596190446_zpse38aaad2.jpg



00:10 Aug 16 2013

That would be great on sourdough....might have to try that.


I think I'm about ready to crack if I haven't already

02:17 Aug 08 2013
Times Read: 461

ok, I'll admit it, boredom and nothing to do sucks when I have energy and I have energy now

I'm also getting cabin fever from having no reason to really leave my house except for work

I made it to 20/90 days left of summer before the nothingness got me

I've done better in the past, made it to the last day before I got certifiably bored about 2 years ago

but I also usually had a texting buddy and now I don't so it's more of a complete nothingness

I made it so close, I need to find a distraction

that's also a difference, this is my first summer without a hand held gaming system that isn't considered obsolete

I miss pokemon :/ my teams probably feel so lonely and abandoned, haven't visited them since December

I don't like consoles that much because they take time to set up and the Wii requires movement sometimes

maybe it's also the fact that I get to hopefully leave this shit hole town in a year and I might never have to come back but now it's just a waiting game to get accepted into college then look for a room mate on Craig's List

it could also be that I'm waiting for a certain someone to get on who's usually on a lot but now they're not and of course it's the night after . . . well that can just stay between the two of us, just like their name, that's a secret too

either way having energy to care and do stuff and nothing of importance to do sucks!

it only works when I don't have energy and nothing of importance to do, those seem to balance each other out




23:42 Aug 07 2013
Times Read: 465

when I was walking my dog we saw this large squirrel in someone's lawn

it ran up the telephone pole but it didn't go all the way up, just about eye level with me, so close I probably could have touched it

it turns around and looks at my dog looking up at it and just starts to make noises, dances around a little, and wiggle it's tail as if it were saying "ha ha! stupid dog stuck on a leash, can't get me now, look, look at that fluffy tail, come get it I dare you, oh, wait, you can't because you can't climb things like me, ha ha!"

my dog just stands there like " Ah, that's amusing, I may be to tired to jump at you and bark, but move just a few feet lower and you're dead meat."




for those who want adds

21:32 Aug 06 2013
Times Read: 488

for those who aren't familiar with it there is a "love me please" section in the public forums full of people who want adds too and many of which will return the favor

it's much easier than just posting a kismet about it and hoping people find you

personally I go there frequently and add just about anyone who I haven't already and it's working quite well, my friend's list is growing much faster than it probably would if I just set a kismet about it




20:38 Aug 06 2013
Times Read: 488

I don't like how you get a frozen drink like an iced coffee or a milk shake, don't finish it, the refrigerator is too warm and it melts, the freezer is too cold and it completely freezes

they need to make a special compartment for those in between things

they should also make a realistic starving dog suit that allows me to beg the people in town for their food because their cooking usually smells much more appetizing than anything my mom ever makes




She actually managed to forget me!

20:26 Aug 05 2013
Times Read: 497

If you've ever heard me mention "the girl from camp", "my girl", or simply "Autum", she's the girl on my profile.

We met a little over a year ago at camp, managed to show up at the same time even though we had never met before and live 95 miles apart and almost instantly connected. She was the first girl I kissed, made me confident that I'm bisexual, and the first girl I pretty well fucked, depending on what you call full on lesbian sex.

I put the full embrace on her which is very strong and almost impossible to break so we stayed that close and even grew closer for the longest time until the fall some time when she got in a car accident, it caused brain damage, and between that and various paranormal events she started to lose her memory of me and us but the connection kept us going strong.

In January her ex who's involved in paranormal things nearly snapped the connection and paranormal drama almost completely stopped so we realized things we didn't like about each other and slowly started fighting more and more and texted all but two days that we've known each other until about I want to say April or May.

That leads us to today, the last time I texted her was about a week ago, she didn't remember anything about me on a personal level but still some how recognized the name and knew enough about me to text back. I texted her today and she didn't even know that much.

I've decided to just go with it this time since she doesn't remember me at all and give her a chance to get to know me again. I sent her the one picture we have of us at camp so she knows I'm not a total stranger and am laying off the personal details about her so she doesn't get freaked out.

I guess in a way it's like a chance to start over, a second chance, like we met again and I have the opportunity to learn from the past and fix the mistakes I made, maybe if I do things right or better this time she'll remember.

This is the only picture I have of us together, it was taken in her room, on her bed, by her room mate July 17, 2012, around 10:45PM. I took it to show my friends this mind blowingly awesome girl I just met at PFEW (business camp, basically). Right after it was taken we turned around on the bed and cautiously leaned in for our first kiss. It was indescribably perfect and awesome and fireworks don't even begin to describe how truly amazing it was!

Me and Autum photo Autumn_zpsef9695d8.jpg




03:55 Aug 05 2013
Times Read: 514

Tonight is one of the first of many chilly nights to come

It's a clear night, starry sky, a bit of a cool breeze

I worked a busy 4.5 hours, but what did I do right after?

I took my dog on a nice, long, leasurely walk in the night, not sure how long it lasted, don't really care, we went a good mile and a half and it was long enough to totally relax and satisfy me

A few others had the same idea, passing them with a dog who doesn't like strangers wasn't nearly as big of a deal as it usually is in the daylight and that was great!

It was . . . Words can't describe it!

I definitely need to do it again!




01:47 Aug 04 2013
Times Read: 543

I visited the Art Institutes of Pittsburgh today and it was awesome!

Small classes, relatively small campus, big city,likable staff, good programs, in the top ten schools of it's kind, no SAT required, so I applied today

My GPA is considerably higher than most of their students' and I started charming their staff so hopefully I'll get accepted

If I do it'd be nice to have a room mate for July of next year to keep my dog and avoid campus housing




Easiest way to tell how much I like you

04:25 Aug 02 2013
Times Read: 554

Grammar, spelling, and fact correction and generic, one word replies.

I only do it when I either:

1. Don't want to talk to you

2. Don't like you

3. You piss me off

If you happen to be really smart, use autocorrect, and only say solid facts that you know are true and can't be argued then I guess that won't work very well.

If that is the case if you do any of the previously listed things I'll just use one word generic replies until you get bored and stop messaging me. That's the only time I'll do that too, unless of course you ask me a yes or no question.

I hardly ever use generic replies or correct people that I sincerely like and enjoy talking to.

Those who message me should keep this in mind and just shut up and go away for a bit if you notice me doing the things listed above or appreciate it if you don't :)



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