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Pimping your ass out to the man.

22:20 Oct 15 2008
Times Read: 679

Another Diatribe

Branding vs. Advertising, or, Pimping your ass out to the man.

When did these corporate bastards decide that they could make us walking fucking billboards for their brand or logo? Better yet, when did we fool ourselves into wearing the stupid shit for them? I have been anti-logo for well over ten years now, and I still cant understand why you would PAY some corporation to plaster their adverts crossed your forehead, chest or ass.

I buy my clothes to wear, no kidding, to hiding my nakedness from all, not to advertise for some multi-billion dollar, multinational corp that farms out labor to third world countries with conditions rivaling our early industrial age.

Go ahead sheep and buy it, wear it with your stupid misplaced pride, that symbol that they created with you in mind… you symbol minded fucks... but why then do they pay advertising firms a check? Surprise! FOR ADVERTISING!

Shouldn’t you all get one too? I have certainly seen these “wearable ad’s” in places I would not normally ever view an advert… at the lake, in the woods, and on the beach, I am subjected to “branding” everywhere I go. Not pretty people… a bunch of corporate suck ups is what you seem to be… Fuck them. Stand for something, something besides Pepsi Cola, Bud or FUBU, the (yeah right) Urban streetwear label that is an acronym for "For Us, By Us”

Don’t you think that these S.O.B.’s have had a free ride long enough on our backs?

Hey, wise up, wake up, stand for something.... Something... Real.

END DIATRIBE But watch out, cause I'm so full of shit it's bubbling over, and there's much, much more nastiness to come. lmao




Wake the fuck up People

17:10 Oct 14 2008
Times Read: 704

Hey! Wake the fuck up and pay attention!

You think you know me?

Well welcome to my fucking soap box.

This is like some outta control Elm street movie, and if each one of us can just wake another person up and stay awake, we might just make it. Hell, it might even be too late…. There’s to many self centered people these days, with no concern of their fellow man or planet.

I ask you:

What does America mean to YOU?

Tolerance? That’s gone right out the window. Show me tolerance…. It is lost to me…

Freedom? It isn’t real. As an ex-prisoner and head instigator of the BOP Army Of Darkness, I know that you’re only as free as those in power allow you to be. I’ve been in, I’ve been out, and you lab rats just have a bigger cage.

I mean really, doesn’t it cut you to the quick that the corporations and heads of state have sacked and hocked America? What are our boys fighting for today if it is all going in hock to the world orders and then the Chinese call their loans when they come to maturity? Nice rice patties out there in that soggy Midwest I guess.

ARE YOU FUCKING PEOPLE NUTS? Where do you worship? At the alters of chaos and confusion? Then your dead already….

Wake up and harden up, or they will gut your oh so soft underbelly.

Don’t you realize that the credit system is an outright falsehood? They gave it to us so we could SPEND MORE than we had, or could afford, and it devalued the whole currency system in the long run, phony S.O.B.’s

Ever heard the word BOYCOTT? or PROTEST?

Anyone know how to stand up for themselves? Can we even take back America?

How well do you understand Admiralty Law? It's what we have been under since the civil war, as the gold-fringed flags flying in all courtrooms attest to… We’ve never stood down after the transgressions that were… brother against brother… family against family. We are still very much at war.

They would have you all believe that the Civil war was only about Slave’s, it certainly made a great scapegoat anyways, but the true crux was the financial disparity between north and south… It was a money, blood, and power issue as well as the slave trade, as that is what lead to the southern prosperity in the first place.

I know what I am, and I’m white, but not the “Right”

We are just here for a moment in reality… So what if everyone did a good turn? What if racial hatred was not practiced? If you have hatred as such, how are you better than any extremist or a fundamentalist Muslim? You refuse to see any other reality but your own messed up vision, and would go to the grave for your cause. You are the same, look in the mirror.

I can not vote for America, I am not allowed by you, I am disenfranchised since 99, no longer a citizen, but second class, a place card, a memory in the roster… What’s your excuse? GO VOTE, Cause Even Vampires Vote.



19:20 Oct 14 2008

ya had me right up untill the "even vampires vote" part laz lol

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