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7 entries this month

Covens or Houses I won`t mind being in

00:10 Oct 27 2012
Times Read: 431

La Rose Noir- Tammy

Coven of the Curious-Lady SnowStrixx

Seekers of the Dark-DarkMel


Ordo De'Morte (Sangre Fidelis)-Razr

So lets see if I can get into one of the above named Covens or if I get inducted elsewhere. Mind you just as I might be on probation for what ever coven or house that inducts me, I will be willing to give my *home* a 1 month trail period to see if I fit in. If I find that I don`t fit in I will ask the master or Mistress to trade me to 1 of the above named Covens

And an update I got into DarkMel's Coven Seekers of the Dark




Vamps & Bdsm

16:07 Oct 21 2012
Times Read: 459

I am someone that knows a little about a lot of subjects to be able to answer questions without sounding like an encyclopedia. In the forums someone was talking about the role of BDSM and the pop culture of vampires. Well I see it a lot in what I enjoy reading for example the Anita Blake Vampire Hunter series by Laurell K Hamilton. In these books you see a young female in the beginning who is dominant and is somewhat of a prude about sexuality to quote 1 of the books "Once a catholic always a catholic", and because of what has happened to her in the book She in essence becomes a bit of a Psi vamp with minor blood lusts and a shape shifter with a lot of different animals to shift into but can't. With the shape shifters she has learned not to fear her sexuality and to overcome her catholic upbringing




What my name means

23:00 Oct 20 2012
Times Read: 466

People always tell me that I have a very lovely name, my name is Bernadette the spelling I prefer though is Byrnadet.

This is what Byrnadet means

This info was gotten from Baby Names Ocean

Meaning of Bernadette - What does the name Bernadette means?



Gender: Girl Name

Origin: French

Name Meaning: Feminine diminutive form of Bernard, which is from the Old High German Berinhard, a compound name composed from the elements bern (bear), and hard (hearty, strong, brave). The name is often bestowed in honor of the visionary St. Bernadette (1844-79). Born Marie-Bernarde Soubirous, she was a poor peasant girl who had eighteen visions of the Virgin Mary on the bank of the river Gave near Lourdes. Mary communicated with Bernadette and pointed out a forgotten spring of water which soon became a great pilgrimage shrine, where miracle cures were, and still are, sought

Origins: View this name in other origins - French, Irish

Shortened forms: Bernette, Nadette

So when I tell you in short order that it means brave as or as strong as a bear I do mean it




My Zodiac Sign2

04:37 Oct 20 2012
Times Read: 472


May 21 - June 21

Gemini is the third sign of the zodiac, and those born under this sign will be quick to tell you all about it. That's because they love to talk! It's not just idle chatter with these folks, either. The driving force behind a Gemini's conversation is their mind. The Gemini-born are intellectually inclined, forever probing people and places in search of information. The more information a Gemini collects, the better. Sharing that information later on with those they love is also a lot of fun, for Geminis are supremely interested in developing their relationships. Dalliances with these folks are always enjoyable, since Geminis are bright, quick-witted and the proverbial life of the party. Even though their intellectual minds can rationalize forever and a day, Geminis also have a surplus of imagination waiting to be tapped. Can a Gemini be boring? Never!

Since Geminis are a mix of the yin and the yang, they are represented perfectly by the Twins. The Gemini-born can easily see both sides of an issue, a wonderfully practical quality. Less practical is the fact that you're not sure which Twin will show up half the time. Geminis may not know who's showing up either, which can prompt others to consider them fickle and restless.

They can be wishy-washy, too, changing their mood on a simple whim. It's this characteristic which readily suggests the Mutable Quality assigned to this sign. Mutable folks are flexible and go with the flow. Further, the Twins are adaptable and dexterous and can tackle many things at once. It's a good thing, too, when you consider their myriad interests. The downside of such a curious mind, however, can be a lack of follow-through. How much can any one person do, anyway?

Ruled by Mercury, Geminis exhibit a delicious brand of mercurial energy. They are quick-thinking, quick-witted and fast on their feet, much like the messenger god of Roman mythology that rules their sign. Geminis are both curious and clever, which is why they are such a hit at cocktail parties. Although they talk a great game, they also love to listen and learn. With any kind of luck, the Twins will find themselves in interesting company, because if they don't, they are likely to get bored and start fidgeting. Any social setting is a good one for a Gemini, however, since these folks are charming, congenial and love to share themselves with their friends. While their effusiveness may be misconstrued as scheming by some, Geminis generally have their hearts in the right place. It's that ample energy which can also paint them as scatterbrained and unfocused, but behind all that zipping around, the Twins are busily filing all that good data away.

The element associated with Gemini is Air. Air signs are the thinking person's signs, and the Twins don't disappoint. Those born under this sign prize intellect and consider it the key to all things. At work, they are the clearest of thinkers, looking at a project from all (well, at least two) sides and putting forth some logical and well-thought-out ideas. This quality makes Geminis an asset to any team, and while these folks are not inclined to take the lead, they are a most valuable component. It's also the Gemini's literary bent that allows them to offer a useful perspective on most any situation. The Twins also enjoy bringing their objective reasoning and big-picture ability into their personal relationships. While some may perceive all this logical thought as cold and unemotional, it's simply how these folks tick. They want to connect, they just do it their own way. Luckily for Geminis (and their pals), their lightness of spirit and youthful exuberance help them to appear forever young. In keeping with that skip in their step, Geminis enjoy short road trips -- and their agile minds and nimble hands ensure that they could change a tire (if needed) in no time flat. Is all of this Twin-energy more than any one person can handle? Ah, maybe that's why they are two.

When it comes to sports, Geminis would seem a natural for doubles tennis -- and they are. They love the camaraderie of games and play, which is why they excel at team events. Whether it's volleyball or a game of charades, Geminis are always ready to play. A book club would certainly stimulate their literary minds. In the game of love, Geminis are playful, flirtatious and endless fun. Physically speaking, Gemini rules the nervous system, which is why Twins should practice yoga or deep breathing techniques. Layering themselves in soft yellows and blues will also calm their mood.

The great strength of the Gemini-born is in their ability to communicate effectively and to think clearly. Adventures of the mind are what the Twins are all about. They also love to share themselves with their friends, and they make for charming companions.




My Zodiac Sign1

04:29 Oct 20 2012
Times Read: 476

Chinese Horoscope

Rabbits are people everyone likes to be around -- Affectionate, obliging, and pleasant. However, can get too sentimental and sometimes seem superficial. They keep out of disputes, even if they have to turn a blind eye. Rabbits are emotional and even selfish when it comes to enjoying themselves, but they would never deliberately hurt anyone. Even though they seem quiet (and even unattentive), their intuition and intelligence gives them the diplomatic skills to distance themselves from bad situations. Well-groomed, mannered and always fashionable, the Rabbit's conservative exterior hides a love for fun, which catches other people off guard. Rabbits excel at assessing a situation and providing a solution when the time is right. They are sensitive lovers, and seek a partner who can offer security in life.

Chinese Horoscope

Astute, Thoughtful, Refined, Docile, Wise


Cunning, Snobbish, Possessive, Fussy, Obsessive

Chinese Horoscope

The following occupations best suit the Rabbit personality.


Some notable Rabbits in these fields include Arthur Miller, Orson Welles, King Henry V, Confucius and Albert Einstein. Good company, isn't it?




Houses, Covens & Mentorships I have been in

21:05 Oct 18 2012
Times Read: 516

Well here is a look at things over the past several years that I have been on.

I was a pupil in the mentorship of the Mystical Cat

And am now a pupil in Erotique Vampires & Otherkin

Have been a part of a couple houses and several decent to great covens on VR.

My first house was Eternal

My second house was Madadh-Alluidh

Now on to Covens

I believe my first Coven was that of Sanctus Acuity

Forbidden Fruit

Coven of the Guardian Wolf

Then MoonCall Ketu

La Rose Noir

Coven De'Morte

In Art I am XXLadyShadoXX

And last but not least Chateau Orleans and in here I am ShadoDreamer




More About Me

19:34 Oct 18 2012
Times Read: 523

I am a fun loving Gemini with a very complex personality. I am someone who can't have children but am the proud pet parent of 2 wonderful felines. My male's name is Anubis and my female's name is Nefertiti. Both of my cats were given to me me, Anubis was given to me August of 2011 and Nefertiti June 2012. Anubis is the strong, silent type of male and Nefertiti will meow your ear off if you let her



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