LadyXblackXRose's Journal

LadyXblackXRose's Journal


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7 entries this month

23:48 Dec 30 2012
Times Read: 598

Hmmmm so my friend who is currently 6 months pregnant walked on in to see her step son getting frisky with his girlfriend today. I suggested that she pointed to her belly and be very patronizing in telling them both that one baby under the roof was enough and that she was to young to be a granny. Of course my ever so helpful hints of parenting did not go down to well. So told her not to let step son out of sight when frisky girlfriend is about. Oh to be young and so innocent again lol




19:29 Dec 30 2012
Times Read: 600

It would appear that when my youngest woke up today in a crabby mood he had every intention of following through the whole the day slowly turning from crabby to shitty mood.

Might choose to take a leaf out of his book and follow the same way tomorrow.




20:41 Dec 29 2012
Times Read: 605

So Christmas was good. I had the early wake up call from my eldest who is 12 now but still had to bounce into my bed at 8.00am all excited. I eventually rolled out half an hour later being dragged down the stairs by him with his younger brother following me right behind. Managed to get their breakfasts into them and then the ripping begun and an on mass of paper and sticky tape went up in the air followed by squeals and groans. The squeals was the toys they got the groans was from the amount of chocolate to which i understood. More chocolate than was expected and we shall be stocked up till easter most likely lol

So i then cleared up with the help of the eldest and then went off to prep the turkey and did the veggies. I successfully cooked everything to perfect timing and still have not figured out why cookers only come with four hobs when we clearly need more and was tempted to get the BBQ out and put the pans out on them but i dont think the neighbors would have been to happy as its theirs in for storage.

Anyway we had a nice dinner followed by relaxation of kids playing with their gifts whilst i put my feet up. A stress free day and am hoping the new year will be the same.




14:12 Dec 24 2012
Times Read: 609

Sad day today as the neighbors rabbit had to be put down. Cruel at this time of the year but the rabbit was suffering to much so kindest thing to do as well.

On a lighter note my youngest woke up telling me it is christmas tomorrow and he his arms did a mini mexican wave whilst telling me lol good memory.




17:11 Dec 23 2012
Times Read: 611

Hmmmm so the last couple of days has been a bit busy which i guess should be expected but other things have reared their ugly heads and timing sucks as usual.

So the neighbors rabbit it would seem has had a seizure or a stroke as its head is lulling to the right and she has not eaten any food as such. So it would appear death will be knocking on their door before the end of this year.

Their daughter is misbehaving once again. I Swear that girl needs a good bitch slap and im first in line.

She is having temper tamtrums because she once again traded in yet another boyfriend who has finally stood up to her and said no. So she went out got herself another walkover who she wants to stay in her bedroom her parents have said no she slams the front door and storms off out which in turn woke up my youngest so im mad about that.

Plus she got mad also because her mother said no she was giving her any more cigarettes as she has her money she can pay for own. To which if she stopped going off out clubing and getting drunk then yes she could afford to buy her own smokes. So anyhow she is now a crappy nicotine stressed slut who isnt getting her fanny serviced on a regular basis.

On the plus side i have managed to conquer the wrapping up of pressents and didnt use to much sticky tape.

If the kids are lucky thet might get into them by easter time next year.

Just got to prep the food and such over the next couple of days and try to remain calm as much as i can.




16:01 Dec 11 2012
Times Read: 619

So i have managed to do all Christmas shopping for presents except for one. Am still racking my brains what to get the last person as we all do......

Shall do the christmas food big shop either this friday or next friday for the freezer to be stocked up and bursting out.

Still got presents to wrap which i just hate as their is more tape that paper by the time im done lol

Have the decorations up at last that was fun as it took me 3 days to do it all. Yep you read correct 3 days.

Still it is done till January then it will be fun of putting it all away. Any offers of help...........nope thats what i thought lol




23:49 Dec 07 2012
Times Read: 627

So i had some good news today with regards to my youngest education.

With him having Autism he does not attend regular schools.

He requires additional support needs to help him with the basics in school as it is.

Well next year he will be leaving primary and heading for high school.

I had to apply to get him accepted into high school and today i got the good news.

Not bad as seen as when i was first given his diagnoses i was told he would not do very much and just grow up to never learn to speak, write, or even understand the most simplest of commands that a toddler could follow through.

Although he has the speech level of a toddler he achieves everyday to over come the smallest of tasks that we wouldnt batter an eyelid over.

Am so proud of him.



22:52 Dec 08 2012

Congrats!!! :)

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