LleananSidhe's Journal

LleananSidhe's Journal


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Very Odd Dream!

08:21 Dec 11 2007
Times Read: 529

Well I woke up from a deep sleep just now.. Anyhow I had such a strange dream and here it is..

Rick and I were in NYC at JFK airport getting ready to head home to Virginia.. We wandered around a little and ate at some sushi place. Then somehow Rick went off on his own. As i was looking for him I though our plane was boarding so i grabed our bags and went on to this plane, which unknown to me was headed to Germany not virginia, i know they still let me board anyhow, it is a dream lol... While sitting on this plane i realized it wasnt no the right one , so the captian came into the cabin and began to yell at me telling me i was on the wrong plane... I told him i was sorry that i would leave after they gave me my luggage back... After looking for a few min they told me they could not find it... That when they did they would return them to me. So I left the plane all upset. After this I then went to another plane (apparently im an idiot in my dreams) at this point i somehow still had my lap top computer , So i got into this place and sat down only to reaize again that it was the wrong plane this one was going to poland.. So at this point in this dream ive lost both our lap top and luggage... As I exit this plane I realize that these plans do not use run ways to take off , instead they take off from the water! How odd...

Finally I found Ricky and explained to him how I lost everything at which he called me a "DeeTaDee" which is our version of idiot...I told him I felt terrible and began to cry...

All we had left was whatever money we had in my purse. Our real tickets were with the computer where ever that was so our only option now was to rent a car and drive home.

We were able to rent a white neon at the herz dealer at the other end of the airport... Things are going not so bad now that we know we can somehow get back home..Little did we know this was going to be yet another catastophy..

About half way home we realize we need some gas , the tank was almost on empty.. So we drive around a bit to find a WaWa, ( I have an odd obcession with WaWa's they are the best gas station, they actually have a really good deli in them.(.Also side note they are huge inside..)

So we park the neon and we go inside this store to pay for gas get some food and relax a little bit.. As we enter the door we hear a loud bang, like an explosion... We both turn around to see that the car is on fire! Rcisk looks at me in utter disbelief, and begins to scream WTF we have no damn luggage no fucking computer and no damn car what the hell is next? Im to stunned to reply!

We decide to just go and eat anyhow being there is nothing more we can do. As we get to the counter we see two men with guns, just our luck... We panic and try to move backwards slowly so we can leave when they see us... The men scream for us to go into a back room with the others or they will shoot us..

Inside the back room there are about 10 other people . 3 other women, 4 teenagers all boys ,2 men and one guy who lets us know he is an off duty cop. Being ricky who he is tells the other we can over tke these assholes.. So him and the Cop find some cartans of alcohol.. The teenagers are like yo dude we can set them on fire then throw them at the men.. Everyone agree this wil work ...In oder to destract the bad guys so we can use our plan, us women must try to lure the men into one area and make them think we want them ..

The 3 other women and I go outside the door into WaWa, as we do this the men run over and begin to yell at us aking want the hell we want.. We tell them we have a thing for men with large guns, that couldnt we make a deal with them to go free.. The leader at first says no then he agree that they will let us go if we uh play with them so to speak.. So we bring the men into the corner of the store as we are bout to pull their pants down the guys throw the alcohol bom and it works .. As it catches fire to everything us women run out of the store.. The men follow us but the bad guys get to them first so of coarse the have to fight them.. Somehow the men manage to knock one out and push the others.... They throw the last fire bom and run out the door..

Eventualy we all somehow got out and meet acress the street , stairing at the building going up in flames.. Of coarse the teensagers are like yo that was fucking awesome... The cop is just releaved us women are crying and Rick being who he is , is all excited that he saved the day!

Its a dream so at some point we are home in my house in NY with my parents trying to explane to them everything that happened and why we have no car and no luggage anymore...

Then I woke up.. VERY ODD dream if you ask me ! LOL



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