LostDamnedSoul's Journal

LostDamnedSoul's Journal


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3 entries this month

Anniversary of Sophie Lancaster's Death

00:50 Aug 17 2009
Times Read: 568


Sophie Lancaster

To those of you that have not heard of Sophie Lancaster age 20, She was a goth/mosher.

What Happened

The couple were walking home and came across a group of 5 teenagers between the age's of 15 to 17 at the entrance to the park. The group followed them, but there was no trouble until some of them suddenly assaulted Robert Maltby without provocation. When he was knocked unconscious the gang attacked Sophie Lancaster, who was trying to protect him by cradling him in her arms.

During the course of which the pair received serious head injuries and their faces were so swollen they could not ascertain which one was female and which one was male."

Both were hospitalised as a result of the attack, initially at Rochdale Infirmary. Maltby's injuries left him in a coma with bleeding on the brain, but he gradually recovered over the next two weeks. Lancaster, in a deep coma, was moved to Fairfield Hospital in Bury, then to the Neurology unit at Hope Hospital in Salford. It became clear to hospital staff she would not recover from her injuries, and on 24 August 2007 her family agreed to switch off life support and she died.

This part is important please read, This is to everyone that's involved in any subculture.










Car or Truck fuck that I want a Tank

18:19 Aug 12 2009
Times Read: 588

I get somewhat discusted at the car/truck commercial's slamming eachother with how efficiant there vehicle is, And how bad the other vehical happen's to be.

Wether there gas guzzler's, Or poorly maintained from defective mechanic's, They really do not impress me although I would prefer a jeep if I had my say, But like I said it's all the same propaganda they spit in our ear's. That's how I came to the conclusion that I sincerely want a Tank.

I don't care if I take up an entire 2 and a half lane's, I want it to be Big, I want it to screech and squeal when I hit the pavement and litterally tear the road up right when they have just recently paved it, I want this tank to have Depleted uranium armor some very Dense metal that would shield my arse.

I would like the tank to be loaded down with top notch equipment (ex) radar, night vision, etc, and I want I it to be incredibly loaded with an arsenal like a 50 cal Browning machine gun mounted on top coinciding with an ack ack gun or known as an anti-aircraft gun would be nice.

And now I'm wandering away from the subject at hand.

The reason I would go for a tank would be that I would never get pulled over by a cop and I dare them to, They wouldn't pull me over for speeding cause it's somewhat limited in that department.

I would "Alway's" have a parking spot, I wouldn't ever have the feeling of road rage only the feeling of power as I run over your expessive vehicle your still making payment's on.

Who care's about most of the road sign's they are void to me (meaningless), I wouldn't have to worry about getting gasoline Why I say that? pfft who would fuck with someone and his tank lol.

And for those asshole's with the high beam's I have something for you, I will have a high powered spot light directed in your direction, and for you tail gater's the only thing I have to say is (I DARE YOU!) I might just get alittle clumbsy and go in reverse.

And next for the monkey boy with his loud sport's vehicle reving it like it's the shit, Just keep doing it I'm loading the cannon >:).

I would laugh at any road block's that are set in my way I would put a barrage of fire in your direction, And finally this is for you Sunday driver's keep going slow I'm catching up.

HEY I CAN DREAM >:D Mwahahahahah!!!



03:46 Aug 24 2010

That's great! You were right, I did enjoy that. :-D Even though I love my Jeep, I now would not mind a tank. Take care of those jerks that don't use their directionals until the last minute/if at all!!

Thank You for Sharing.


Bat's are better than Firework's

16:49 Aug 12 2009
Times Read: 590

Why I think bat's are more interesting to watch than firework's.

Every night after work on 2nd shift, I sit out in front of the factory I work at while dragging on a cigarette, watching these poetical animal's meneuver with such great ease, diving, swooping, loop to loop, without missing a beat, without even a noise these stealth phantom's appease even me. You don't have to pay any outradgious addmission, you won't have to be over crowded by the herd moving masses "Moooo", to take sight something so amusing, You even wouldn't have to be off set by your redneck co worker's in fear of rabies for the fact that they will not accompany you, so you would enjoy the vast sarene silence that is my solace.

Further note to those that are afraid of rabies.

Most bat's do "NOT" have rabies, Rabies is a neurological disease that affect's the brain of any animal, Causing them to do very awkward thing's that they would not originally do, For instance if you confront a bat during the day (Bat's are Nocturnal animal's) that's crawling on the ground having trouble trying to fly flipping it's wing's in a chaotic manner, And it tend's to tremble with severe shake's, Then it probably has rabies it's a rare encounter, but it's not unheard of.



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