MasterOfMadness's Journal

MasterOfMadness's Journal


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The Fallen Ones

18:17 Jan 13 2008
Times Read: 945

Chapter 2: The Dark Prince Arising

Crystal screamed in pain and lost consciousness as she felt herself slipping away into the blackness as the dark void consumed her, the warlord drank deeply from her, the Vampire genome attaching itself to Crystals Elven gene’s transforming her into a Vampiress. Kai watched and screamed in terror and used his magic to stop his sisters gene’s from changing completely.

Crystal felt her brothers power surging into her as she fought against the warlord and broke the chains that held her, her eyes taking on a different colour as the Vampire’s power coursed through her body. The warlord laughed as he turned to Kai saying “Your sister is mine now, and now it is your turn” Kai screamed in fury as he channelled all his power and sent it at the vampire warlord making him fly back into the wall of the cave. Kai looked pleadingly at his sister and said softly and soothingly “Crystal, it’s Kai. Don’t let him corrupt you, your stronger then that. Fight it sis!” Crystal looked at her brother and smiled as she broke Kai free from his chains allowing Kai to mutter a powerful magic spell in Elvish and sent it at the warlord making him howl in pain as his limbs were ripped from his body and a stalactite was ripped free from the cave and flew at the warlord impaling him and making him disintegrate into a cloud of dust.

Crystal turned to Kai, her eyes glowing and turning an unnatural shade of black as she growled at her brother in an animalistic tone “Mmmm and what do I have here for me to feed on?” Kai looked at her sister with a hint of fear in his eyes replying “Crystal it’s me, Kai your brother. Please don’t let the Vampires blood corrupt you and take away your goodness” Crystal shook her head as she looked at her brother with her normal coloured eyes and said softly “Brother, what’s happening?” Kai looked her up and down before saying “You were bitten by a Vampire, but luckily I don’t think he turned you all the way. I think you might be just half and half” Crystal screamed in anguish as she sank to the floor crying.

Meanwhile deep in a cave, locked in an impenetrable fortress built thousands of years ago there was a man, he was no ordinary man for he was the last surviving Vampire Prince, he is a tall man of about 6ft5 with vibrant red hair which reaches down to his shoulders and has fair skin. He is sitting in his chambers meditating when he feels the cry of pain and anguish echoing from a new vampire, but he senses something strange about this new youngling. He senses that she is not fully a vampire and that she is mixed with the blood of an elf and he smiles softly as he stands up the darkness of his shadow looming over a pool of water sitting in a basin and swirls it around with his finger.

Kai went over to Crystal and held her in his arms rocking her back and forth comforting and soothing her, Crystal finally fell asleep a few hours later and Kai laid her down on the cave floor and covered her with a blanket as he fell asleep beside her tiredness running through his aching body.

The Vampire prince watched the two twins as they slipped into dreamless dreams, he swirled his fingers slightly faster around the pool of water and chanted a silent spell as he left his body and travelled into Crystals dreams. Crystal’s dreams were full of darkness, the light battling against the darkness that was threatening to consume her as she heard a friendly whisper echoing through the darkness. The whisper told her not to be afraid, but to embrace both the light and dark inside her, Crystal groaned as she let her defences down and both sides of her merged together making her more powerful then she was before. She had all the strengths of being a Vampire but none of the weaknesses, she didn’t need blood to survive, neither did the power of the sun harm her and she could move about during the day and night.

Crystal gazed through the shadows saying “Who are you?” the Dark Shadow smiled as he said softly “I am just a friend, a friend who will guide you to your destiny. You will never be alone Crystal. For you have your brother and you shall meet many people on your journey” Crystal sighed softly saying quietly “Will I always have this curse running through me?” the Dark Shadow said ethereally “Think of it not as a curse but as a growth in power, you are stronger and with every day that passes you will grow stronger still and with Kai to guide you and keep you on the side of good you will never fall to the darkness” Crystal nodded her head and thanked the figure in the blackness as the Dark Shadow pulled away from the shadows.

The vampire prince pulled away from the pool as he stroked his chin softly lost deep in thought as he went over to his red mat on the floor and laid down on it before falling asleep. Meanwhile Crystal was up long before her brother and was sitting at the mouth of the cave looking out across the land as she sighed softly thinking about what the stranger said to her.

As Crystal was looking out across the land she saw to almost ghost like horses and she slid out from the cave and headed towards them slowly not wanting to scare them or disturb them. The horses saw Crystal and nickered softly as Crystal spoke soothingly to them saying softly “Shush, I wont harm either of you” the horses looked at her as Crystal walked over to them slowly.

Kai woke up suddenly and looked around seeing his sister wasn’t there he panicked and ran out of the cave and shouted “Crystal where are you?” Crystal heard her brother and smiled at the horses as she stood up and went to see him. Crystal smiled at her brother and hugged him “Kai calm down I’m fine I just went for a walk in the woods and I saw some horses that might take us to a safe place” Kai looked at his sister before replying “OK then sis if your sure they will help us” Crystal nodded her head as she lead her brother down to meet the horses.

The horses looked at the twins as they went over to Crystal and Kai and sniffed them as the twins mounted them carefully. The horses reared up as they galloped away from the caves to the nearest village, Crystal let out a laugh of excitement as the wind blew against her face, Kai laughed as well seeing his sister happy again.

In the village of Waterna there lived a whole group of Elves and humans as well as many other races, they were all normal people going about their daily business as Crystal and Kai rode in on the two dazzling white horses, they learnt the names of their horses on the way, the horses could talk mentally to them. The names of their horses were Zathuria and Pegasosi they told the twins some of their history as they rode, as they reached the gates of Waterna they were let in by two guards, as they entered the town all the villagers looked at them with looks of distrust.

Crystal looked around seeing all the eyes on her as she shifted about slightly in the saddle as she rode up to beside her brother saying quietly “I don’t think they approve of us being here Kai” Kai looked at his sister and said to her “Well if they don’t like us then I don’t give a damn because we aren’t gonna stay here we’re going to move on after we’ve had a decent nights sleep and we’ve bought some better clothes then the ones we are wearing” Crystal smiled at her brother and nodded her head as they rode to a stable where they could leave the 2 horses.

The stable owner looked at the twins as he said slightly aggressively “Yeah whaddya want?” Kai looked at the stable owner saying calmly “We want to leave our horses here, but if that’s a problem then…well frankly I don’t give a damn alright ‘cos me and my sister are tired, hungry and we need some more clothes” the stable owner growled as he nodded his head and took the reins of the horses and lead them into the stables.

Kai looked at his sister as he led her towards a pub, as he opened the door smoke blew out from the door, he coughed slightly as they went inside and went over to the bar. The barman looked at them saying “Yes what can I do for you to scruffy little urchins?” Crystal growled softly as she started to get wound up and snapped at the barman “We want a room for the night, and then tomorrow we’ll be on our way” the barman nodded his head as he handed a key to Crystal and told her where their room was, Crystal nodded her thanks as she led her brother up to the room.

Crystal unlocked the key to the room and went inside, going over to a window she opened it up to let the fresh air in as she looked around the room before Kai said to her “Well sis, I’ll take the floor and you can have the bed if you want” Crystal studied her brother before saying “No I think there will be room for both of us in the bed” with that and without knowing the unlimited potential inside her she chanted a spell which made the bed split apart into 2 separate beds.

Kai looked at his sister with amazement and said “Wow sis that was awesome how did you do it?” Crystal shook her head and looked at Kai before saying “I have no idea Kai, but hey at least we have two beds now eh” Kai laughed softly as he sat down on his bed and let out a sigh. Crystal studied her brother as she stood up and looked out of the window studying all the people down below.

Kai laid back on his bed and fell asleep as Crystal took a book from the bookshelf and sat down on a chair in the room and began to read it taking in every word and getting lost in the book. Kai twisted and turned in bed lost in troubled sleep, Crystal looked at her brother and went over to him and stroked his hair softly before lying on her bed and closing her eyes falling into a deep sleep.

They awoke several hours later and Crystal yawned loudly before saying “OK I’m famished lets go get some food” Kai nodded his head in agreement saying “Sounds like a good idea Crys, shall we go somewhere else or go and sample the food downstairs?” Crystal thought for a moment before replying “Why don’t we go downstairs and get a bite to eat?” Kai got up from the bed and opened the door to the room and headed downstairs with Crystal following him.

Following the two twins was Carea, he wanted to avenge the loss of his master and would do anything to accomplish it. He stopped at the edge of the village and raised his head to sniff the wind and let out a low deep howl which shook Crystal out of her good mood as she looked at her brother who also looked alarmed as Crystal said “How did he find us? I thought he was dead!” Kai shook his head and replied quietly “I guess not, he must want to hurt us for what we did to his master, but don’t worry Crys no one will hurt you whilst I’m around and that’s a promise” Crystal nodded her head as she squeezed her brothers hand in thanks.

Carea transformed into his human form as he walked into the village of Waterna as he asked the villagers if they had seen anything out of the ordinary, the villagers all mentioned the twins and told Carea where they were staying. Carea nodded his thanks as he headed to the Phoenix Arms Inn and opened the large oak door, he then cried out “Where are the twins? They killed my master and I will have my vengeance for his death” the innkeeper looked at Carea before saying “No sir….they they left a little while ago, they didn’t say where they was going….Honest sir” Carea growled as he spun around and walked hurriedly out of the Inn.

As all this was happening Crystal and Kai had mounted their horses and were racing through the forests just outside Waterna as Crystal shouted at her brother “Where are we going now Kai?” Kai laughed as he said “I’m thinking on my feet here sis…I’ll have to get back to you on that one” Crystal whooped with pleasure as her horse leapt over a fallen log, in the distance was the huge town of Qerat as Kai saw it he turned to Crystal and said “That’s where we’re going Crystal, we should be safe there” Crystal laughed softly “That’s what you said about Waterna Kai” Kai shrugged his shoulders replying “Hey it’s not my fault I didn’t know Carea would be hell bent on our destruction did I?” with that Kai rode towards Qerat.

The dark shadow watched from his chambers in the underground cave and smiled as he saw Crystal and Kai heading towards the safe haven of Qerat, he then went over to another pool of water brushing his hand against it as he saw the terror that was being brought upon the human world and he let out an inward sigh as he splashed the water angrily.

Crystal and Kai rode non-stop towards the city riding as if all the hounds of Hade’s were upon their backs, Carea howled to the sky as he followed the twins wanting to rip their throats out. Kai and Crystal heard this venomous howl as they carried on pushing their steeds to the limit, Crystal panted in fear as she felt sweat drip from her forehead dropping into her eyes clouding her vision as she heard the voice of the person she saw in her dreams speak to her inside her head saying “Do not be afraid Crystal. Once you reach the city of Qerat you will be safe and Carea will no longer be able to harm you” Crystal nodded inwardly as she felt a new sense of calmness wash over her and smiled at her brother as she rode faster then she had ever ridden before.

Carea picked up his pace racing ever nearer to the twins smelling their fear in the air but realising that for some reason the girl was no longer that afraid of him as she once was and he was very puzzled by this. He shrugged it off as he carried on working his way towards the murderers of his Master.

As Crystal and Kai reached the brilliant white gates of the city of Qerat a soldier appeared from a booth and looked at them the soldier said gruffly “Go right in, we were told you were coming” he opened up the gates and Crystal and Kai entered the bustling city of Qerat with all the market traders shouting their wares as peasants begged for coins.

Kai looked at his sister before saying “So who told them we were coming here Crystal” Crystal shrugged and replied softly “No idea Kai but hey we’re here and safe now so we don’t have to worry about anything for a while” Kai nodded his head wondering how his sister could be so confident of their safety as she rode towards a stable where they could leave the horses to recuperate from their ride.

Crystal paid the stable owner some coins as she looked around Qerat and felt a shiver of fear run through her body knowing she had never been anyway like Qerat in all her life. Kai looked at her before saying “Aye, it sure is a hell of a big place isn’t it Crys. Where are we gonna stay? There must be hundreds of places around here” the stable owner cleared her throat before saying in a silky voice “If I might recommend the Red Dragon Inn, it’s a very nice place to stay. Or so I’ve heard from the visitors we’ve had ’round ’ere” Kai looked at his sister as if to say “What do you think?” Crystal just nodded her head full of weariness not having had a decent nights sleep for a while.

As Kai got directions to the Red Dragon from the stable owner Crystal spun around in a circle taking in everything, Kai then took her arm and walked with her to the Inn where they could stay for as long as they needed to. The Innkeeper was a large and cheery man whose laugh reverberated throughout the whole of the pub area, as the door swung open and Crystal and Kai entered he roared a greeting at them his booming voice shocking them both as they jumped slightly, he then said softly “Hello and welcome to the Red Dragon….we have two rooms available if you’d like them for 30 gold coins for 10 nights” Kai looked at the kindly face of the Inn owner and nodded his weary head as Erana for that was the name of the innkeeper lead the twins to the rooms.

Kai helped his sister into her room and laid her down fully clothed on the soft bed as he closed her door quietly letting her sleep as he went into his room and fell upon his bed also falling into a deep slumber. Meanwhile Carea reached the gates of Qerat and growled at the soldiers guarding the gates and snarled at them as he transformed into his human form “LET ME THROUGH” he roared with anger spit flying from his mouth the soldiers drew their swords and the lead soldier stared at Carea saying softly “You are not getting into Qerat, this is a safe haven from people and things like you. So leave now or you will be destroyed” Carea snorted with derision as he leapt on one of the soldiers and bit clean through his neck making the soldier howl in agony as the rest of the contingent of soldiers all swung their swords at Carea who dodged them and leapt back from the fallen soldier and growled at the group.

Crystal woke up and knew what she had to do so she leapt out of the window of the room and walked towards the main gates passing all the people who stopped to stare at the strange girl as she leapt over the gates and landed behind the soldiers, saying in a unnatural voice “Leave the werewolf to me, go back to your duties” the soldiers all chatted as the lead soldier stood beside her and said “Sorry ma’am no can do” Crystal growled as her eyes changed into her vampiric black eyes and her fangs grew and the red tints in her hair spiked out at the bottom, she gripped the soldiers throat saying “Do what I say?” the soldier coughed as he managed to croak out “Yes miss…..Soldiers FALL back” the soldiers all ran back into the city as Crystal and Carea stood face to face electricity seemed to spark off the both of them as they studied each other.

Carea growled at Crystal saying angrily “You caused the death of my master for that you will die” Crystal’s features changed as she roared “And you caused the death of my Parents and of the nice couple who took us in for that I will break your neck and shove your head on a pike” they carried on exchanging heated words for a while as finally Carea leapt at Crystal hoping to catch her off-guard but Crystal spun around and drove her elbow into Carea’s spine making him howl as he landed in the dirt, bits of mud flying into his mouth making him splutter and cough.

Carea stood up and roared in fury before saying in a growl “How can a girl like you be more powerful then me?” Crystal laughed loudly saying “I am no mere girl….not any more….your master gave me some of his blood…I am a Vampire” Carea looked at her with shock in his eyes shaking his head “No….No it’s not true it cant be. He would never make some stupid little girl like you a vampire” Crystal laughed as her eyes flashed as she grabbed a sword and threw it with pin point accuracy into Carea’s heart making him drop to his knee’s as Crystal stood over him and broke his neck she then dropped him to the floor and walked back to the inn.

Crystal got undressed to her underwear and slid back into bed falling back to sleep. Early the next morning Kai awoke and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes as he poured himself a glass of water and drank it, he then went into the bathroom and ran some cold water and splashed it over his face as he studied his features in the mirror feeling older then he was after all the death and destruction he had seen since his home was destroyed.

He then got dressed into some clean clothes that had been left for him and leaving his room he went down the stairs to the pub where the landlord greeted him warmly and gave him some breakfast informing him that his sister was still asleep. Kai nodded his head as he devoured the food ravenously and drank a glass of milk as he finally for the first time in a long while felt safe.

Crystal awoke from her slumber about noon and stood up and noticed her blood clothes and shook her head trying to remember what had happened to her the previous night she then finally remembered and gasped in shock as she sank to the floor and sobbed realising that her newly found power could destroy her.

She got dressed in some clean clothes and then went down to the main restaurant area and seeing her brother she ran over to him and flung her arms around him sobbing into his chest. Kai stroked her hair calming and soothing her before asking softly “Crystal what’s wrong?” Crystal looked up at her brother with tears streaking down her face sniffling before replying “I…..I killed Carea” Kai looked stunned replying softly “You killed him…..how? When?” Crystal looked down at the floor in shame before saying quietly “Last night…it’s like I was taken over by the vampiric side of me” Kai nodded his head understanding and looked around before replying “Well we’ll have to find someone who can help you then wont we” Crystal nodded her head as she looked out of the window and sighed softly knowing that her life would now change and maybe not for the better.




The Fallen Ones

14:07 Jan 09 2008
Times Read: 1,009

Chapter One: Point of No Return

The night was cold and blustery, a northern wind whipped through the village, in a house were two twin babies, a girl and a boy. Outside the village was a Vampire….an evil warlord. He could sense the twins and walked towards their house not letting anyone stand in his path.

The vampire entered the house and the twins father stood before him and said “Please, let them know life for a few years before you take them into your dark embrace…cant you wait until they have seen 18 summers” the Vampire looked at the father and said “Fine, I will wait 18 summers and then they will both be mine” the father looked downtrodden but nodded his head as the vampire warlord left the house and ran back into the night.

Over the next few summers Crystal and her brother grew into a beautiful young woman and a handsome young man. They were both elves, and had become powerful in magic and healing as well as in using weapons, Crystal was more adept with swords and most other weapons whereas Kai is much better with a bow and arrow then his sister.

Crystal and Kai’s parents knew that sometime soon the vampire warlord would be back, they hadn’t told their children of what was to happen to them as they had no wish to alarm them of the danger that was to soon befall them.

Kai and Crystal were hunting in the forest just outside the village laughing and chatting to each other non-stop unaware of the impending danger that was looming over them like a black cloud, Crystal turned to her brother and said in her lilting voice “Do you ever think we were meant for something bigger then this life?” Kai studied his sister quietly his white eyes boring into her soul before replying softly “Maybe sis, but who knows what the future holds for any of us” Crystal looked at her brother for a few moments before bursting into laughter saying jokingly “My, my little brother aren’t we philosophical today” Kai smiled as he looked up at the tree’s and couldn’t help but feel that something big was going to happen soon.

A few hours later Crystal and Kai walked back to their home, it was quite small compared to some of the others in the village but it was comfortable, it had two floors, as Crystal and Kai walked in through the front door they noticed a charge in the atmosphere, they called out for the parents but got no response. Crystal turned to her brother and said “So uhh, where do u think mum and dad are?” Kai looked back at her and said into her head “I have no idea sis, but I don’t like this. There’s something wrong here. Lets go and check out our rooms” Crystal nodded as she raced up to her room, it was fairly small painted in red and gold and as she entered she saw that all her stuff had been thrown onto the floor and she called for her brother who came racing up. Kai scanned her room and said “What the hell happened here?! Let me go and check out my room” with that he raced to his room which was painted in a white and blue and opened his door and same the destruction that had befallen his sisters room.

Crystal appeared behind her brother whispering softly to him “I’m scared brother….where are Mum and Dad? What’s happened to our house?” Kai just shook his head and turned to her and said quietly “Those are questions I cant answer sis, but right now I think we should get out of here and get as far away from here as we possibly can” Crystal nodded her head as a few tears rolled down her face and Kai took her head and they ran out of the house.

Just as they got out of the door a sudden explosion ripped through their house, it was charged with a deadly powerful magic known only by dark mages and sorcerers as Crystal and Kai let out a cry of shock as they flew through the air and got covered in dirt and debris from the house and as they landed they got cut and when they stood up after a few minutes they huddled together their clothes torn and their bodies bloodied from various cuts and bruises. Crystal was the first to speak, her voice trembled “What the hell happened Kai?” Kai just sat there in shock as he just shook his head muttering under his breath “No, no, no, no” Crystal rocked her brother in her arms and soothed him as they sat under a tree looking at that destruction of the home that they had known for the last 18 years.

The Vampire warlord watched this scene from a safe distance away and chuckled evilly to himself “Soon” he thought “Soon they will be powerless to resist me and they wont have their parents to protect them from what I will do to them, I will taint their souls and make them mine”.

Meanwhile Crystal decided to take the lead and helped her brother to his feet “Come on Kai we cant stay here, we need to go and find somewhere warm and get some food” Kai looked a her with blank eyes and nodded dumbly as he was led by his sister away from the remains of their home.

Crystal knocked on the door of an older couple further out in the village and a wizened head popped out and squawked “Yes what do you want Girl? Come on come on I haven’t got all day. Your letting all the cold air into my house” Crystal looked at the man and said “Please sir, we were wondering if we might stay here for the eve, our parents” she sniffed before carrying on “Our parents are missing and our house was destroyed by an explosion” the old man looked at her “An explosion you say, and missing parents. Your just trying to come into my home so you can steal my precious heirlooms you young vagabonds” Crystal looked shocked as she shook her head stuttering “No sir that’s not what we are doing at all. We merely want somewhere to stay just for the evening, my brother is in shock” the old man looked at Kai and nodded before saying wearily “Fine fine you can both stay in my sons old room” he ushered them in and closed the door and bolted it as he lead them to a smallish sized room with a bed and a wash bowl.

Crystal sighed softly and looked at the old man saying “Thank you for your kindness sir, we wont be a bother to you” the old man nodded to her and left the room as she laid her brother down on the bed and went over to the wash basin and washed herself free of the grime and dirt that caked her body.

Early the next morning Crystal awoke with a start to find her brother no longer in the bed and called out for him and Kai opened the bedroom door looking at her “What’s wrong sis?” Crystal saw him and went and flung her arms around him “Oh Kai I thought you would never come around” Kai smiled warmly at her before turning into a big dragon as he roared with malice “And you will never come around ever AGAIN!” Crystal screamed in terror as she fell into a blackness before waking up from her nightmare panting heavily with tears streaming down her face.

Kai looked at her with concern before slowly saying “Crystal you alright sis?” Crystal looked at her brother and nodded her head slowly before whispering “Yes Kai I’m fine, I just had a bad dream that’s all” Kai smiled at his sister and said “Well should we see if these nice people will give us some new clothes. ’Cos well these are a bit tatty now aren’t they really” Crystal smiled at Kai as she nodded her head.

Kai opened up the bedroom door and looked around the hall before exiting the room and looking around hearing sounds coming from the kitchen he made his way there and saw the old couple, the old man looked at him and said “Ahhh awake at last are you? About time you were. You need to be moving on” the old woman tutted at her husband and said “Now dear don’t be so impolite, these two youngsters have been through a terrible tragedy and we should let them stay here for as long as they need to” the old man nodded his head giving in to his wife.

The old woman looked at Kai and said “Now dear, would you and your sister like some breakfast?” Kai smiled and said gratefully “Yes please that would be wonderful” the old woman put some sausages, eggs, bacon and toast on two plates for Crystal and Kai, handing them to Kai she said “Here you go then dear and feel free to use the shower outside and my husband and I will see if we can find you some clean clothes to wear” Kai ate his breakfast greedily as Crystal came through into the kitchen nervously and looked at her brother who beckoned her over to join him at the table.

Kai and Crystal ate their breakfast as the old woman looked at them and smiled. As they finished Kai picked up their plates and went over to the sink and started to wash the plates up. Crystal stood close to her brother before the old woman said to her kindly “Come with me dear and I’ll lead you to the shower where you can get cleaned up and I’ll rummage through the draws and try and find you something clean to wear if you would like that” Crystal nodded her head as the old woman led her to where the shower was and left her as she stripped naked and turned on the water and cleaned her grimy body all over her wet long hair sticking to her back.

The old woman went to her bedroom and picked out some clothes for Crystal and took them through to the bedroom for Crystal as Crystal finished her shower and wrapped herself in a towel and walked through to the bedroom and dried her hair off and looked at the clothes and picked them up and examined them. She slid on the jeans and made them magically fit tighter to her body and made rips in them as she slid on the t-shirt slowly and ran a comb through her hair.

Kai saw that his sister had finished in the shower and took a shower himself as the old woman rifled through some draws and found some new clothes for Kai to wear. Meanwhile Kai washed his body and winced as he brushed his hand over a cut on his chest and licked up the blood that flowed from there he then got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around himself drying off as he walked to the bedroom he shared with his sister and saw that she had left it and went inside and shut the door. Kai sat down on the bed as he grabbed a pair of loose fitting pants and slid them on he then grabbed the black t-shirt and put it on making a cut down the front to reveal some of his chest.

Kai stood up and went over to the mirror and began to brush his hair and spiked it up and made sure his white tips were alright as he headed out of the room and went to find his sister. Crystal was outside looking into the forest sighing as she closed her eyes and took in all the nature around her listening to the birds cheep and the animals go about their daily business. Kai went up behind his sister slowly and said softly “How you doing sis?” Crystal turned and looked at her brother and smiled and ruffled his hair and laughed “Yes Kai I’m fine, I was just taking in the birds and the animals” Kai slipped his arms around his sister and hugged her gently as they took in the beauty of the forest.

Kai stopped hugging his sister and said “OK that’s enough of being sappy now” Crystal looked at her brother “Yeah I reckon so, can’t have anyone thinking we like each other can we” Kai shook his head and laughed softly. Meanwhile the old man went up behind his wife and kissed her cheek and said “So what are we doing about the two youngsters then, we cant let them stay here or the fate that befell their parents might befall us” the old woman turned to her husband and said “Well if that happens then we shall throw them out and let them meet their fate, we aren’t their parents and they aren’t our responsibility” the old man nodded his head and smiled at his wife and kissed her lips softly.

Meanwhile running through the forest was a wolf, this was no ordinary wolf though it was a werewolf, sent by his master to find the two young Elven children and bring them to his master. The wolf put his nose to the ground and sniffed the scent of the path that they followed after the destruction of their house he followed the scent to the old couple house and growled as he saw Crystal and Kai standing outside the house and let out a howl. Crystal and Kai heard the howl of the wolf, Crystal stepped closer to her brother shivering slightly saying softly “What was that?” Kai searched in the forest before saying “I don’t know Crys, sounded like a wolf….but it’s not like any wolf I’ve ever heard before” the wolf transformed into the shape of a man, his shaggy mane transforming into jet black hair but his eyes still maintaining their wolven shape his clothes hanging loosely from his body as he approached the twins.

Kai was the first to see the stranger appear from the forest and shouted “Who are you? What have u come here for?” Carea looked at Kai and Crystal and said “I have come to deliver you to my master, he is most eager to meet the both of you” Crystal hid behind her brother unsure of what to do as Kai said “Well tough, we aren’t going anywhere with you, you’ll have to drag us away before we come with you” Carea smiled and howled evilly as he said “With great pleasure my two young Elves” with that he leaped at them transforming into his wolven form as Kai pushed his sister out of the way and grabbed his bow and quiver of arrows, putting an arrow on his bow he shot it at the wolf hitting the wolf in his hind quarters making it howl in pain as he turned to Kai and growled before running into the forest.

Crystal looked at her brother with a scared look in her eyes and said “Brother, what did that, that thing want from us?” Kai put his bow down and scanning the area replying “I don’t know Crystal, but I don’t think we should stay here any longer. It’s obvious whoever that werewolf’s master is that they want us for something and I don’t wanna hang around here to find out what that something is” Crystal nodded her head as he looked back at the house and sighed softly as she followed her brother away from the house.

Crystal and Kai walked for many miles that day trying to escape from the dark cloud that loomed over them, as they neared the edge of the forest Crystal turned to her brother and said “This is the furthest we have ever been, one more step and we leave behind what we have known for 18 years. Can we really do that Kai?” Kai took his sisters hand in his and squeezed it “Sure we can Crystal, together we can do anything we set our mind to” Kai then led Crystal out of the forest and into a mountainous region with a path set through the mountains and 2 huge rock walls on either side.

The Vampire warlord was waiting in his hiding place for his wolf who came limping back in and changed back into his human form and looked at his master and said “Sire, the children escaped me. They shot at me with arrows. It wasn’t my fault” the Warlord looked at Carea and roared in anger and struck the wolf across his face and screamed “You are an incompetent fool, I never should have sent such a screw up to find the children and bring them to me” Carea cowered and whimpered as the warlord glared at him his crimson red eyes burning into his soul. Carea looked at his master pitifully before saying “Please master just give me one more chance, I promise I can do better and that I will make you proud of me” the warlord looked at Carea and sighed saying softly “Fine, but if you fail me again I will not hesitate in killing you where you stand” Carea nodded his head understanding as he fled the cavern.

Carea ran tirelessly through the forest tracking his way back to the old man’s home and stormed into his house and shouted in anger “Where are the CHILDREN?” the old man looked at him and said “We…we don’t know they left ages ago and we haven’t seem them since” Carea growled and grew his claws and killed the old man and ripped his throat out as he hunted for the old woman who was cowering in her bedroom. Carea looked at the old woman and said softly with a hint of malice in his voice “If you tell me where they are then nothing need happen to you like it did to your husband!” the old woman cried and sobbed loudly saying “I don’t know where the damn children are, just end my life so I may join my husband in peace” Carea growled as he changed into his wolven form and tore the old woman’s neck and feasted on her his muzzle spattered with blood as he left the house and put his nose to the ground and tried to smell the tracks of the twins.

Crystal and Kai headed through the mountainous cavern region aware of the rocks tumbling down from the high walls and dodging the rocks as they came tumbling down. They both laughed feeling like young children again as they chased each other along the path but still in the back of their mind aware of the danger they were in.

Carea picked up the scent of the twins and chased after them through the forest not stopping as he carried on following their scent, he howled and it carried through to the mountains and the twins snapped their heads back and shouted in terror as they ran through the high walled region wanting to escape from the wolf before they got trapped.

Their hearts thumped in their chests as they ran along the path the only sound that could be heard was their rapid breathing and the sounds of the wind whipping through the cavern. Carea loped into the mountain pass and smelled the twins as he chased after them howling with glee that he had finally found them and would be able to bring them to his master.

As Kai and Crystal exited the high walls of the mountain passageway Carea was a few metres behind them and Kai looked at Crystal as he used some of his magic to cause a rock slide to try and trap Carea, the rocks started to dislodge and roll down as Carea quickened his pace trying to get out of the rockslide before it completely consumed him as the twins turned tail and ran further into the mountains.

Kai turned to his sister saying hurriedly “Whatever happens don’t stop, we cant let him capture both of us. If he captures just one of us then that’s tough, but if he has both of us who knows what will happen” Crystal looked at her brother for a few moments before nodding her head slowly and replying “But Kai, I cant lose you. It would be to horrible, I wouldn’t be able to go on” Kai sighed softly “But go on you must, I couldn’t bare to see anything bad happen to you Crystal. You’re the best sister a person could ask for” Crystal put her head down as she carried on running letting her brothers words sink into her.

Meanwhile Carea was being buried under tons of rocks and howled pitifully as he changed into his human form and dug his way slowly out getting covered in cuts and bruises. He then growled angrily his silver eyes blazing with fury as he leapt out of the rocks and when he landed on the floor he was a wolf again and he raced after the twins knowing that their time would soon run out and they would be in his grasp.

Crystal and Kai got to a lake and they looked at each other not seeing any way around it. Crystal turned to her brother and said “I guess we’ll have to swim across it” Kai looked at his sister with a look of slight fear in his eyes before saying “But you know I’ve never been a very good swimmer” Crystal sneered at her brother saying roughly “Well fine stay here and get captured by a wolf” Kai growled at his sister before wading into the lake and started swimming across as Crystal followed him hearing the sound of the wolf’s howl behind her.

Carea saw the two twins in the lake and grinned as he knew that they wouldn’t be able to swim all the way across as it was to far and he saw that the boy was struggling. He jumped into the lake and started swimming after them as Crystal shouted at Kai to get a move on but Kai was struggling and was sinking below the water with every stroke feeling tiredness wrack his body.

Crystal swam to help her brother knowing that the wolf wasn’t far behind them as she helped him make his way further to the bank both of them panting in terror and tiredness as Carea snapped at their heels. They reached the bank but neither of them could move as they laid their exhausted as Carea stood over them and growled before saying “You have both led me quite a merry dance. But now I have you both and you will be taken to my master” with that he attached two ropes around their waists and dragged them along the rocky path to the lair of his master.

The warlord was pacing his chambers as he heard the sound of his wolven servant approaching he sat down on his throne and saw Carea come into the cave with the bodies of the two children, he smiled softly and stroked a scar under on his chin before saying “Well done Carea you have done well, you have served me well, you may go and find some fresh meat whilst I deal with the children” Carea bowed low to his master as he ran out of the cave to find some prey.

Crystal and Kai stirred a few hours later, they were chained to the wall of the cave and Kai looked at his sister fearfully and muttered to her “Where the hell are we Crystal” Crystal shook her head in response before replying “No idea Kai, but where ever we are I don’t like it” as she finished speaking the warlord came strolling in and said with a tone of malice “You are both going to become my servants. My fellow children of the Night, for you see your parents spared you 18 summers ago to keep you safe from me and so you could grow up and see the world. But they said I could claim you after 18 years and that’s what I plan to do now” Crystal squealed in alarm as Kai said “No, our parents would never do that to us. They aren’t monsters like you” the warlord growled and struck Kai across the face making Kai wince in pain as the warlord said angrily “Your parents are the monsters, they would let their two twins be transformed into Vampires just to save their village from destruction. Now you tell me who the monster here is? Me or them” Crystal spat on the face of the warlord and shouted “YOU ARE STILL THE MONSTER! Our parents loved us. They…they were just trying to save their home” the warlord laughed as he stroked under Crystals chin and whispered into her ear “Ooh I like a little bit of feistiness in my women” with that he sank his fangs into Crystals neck.




The Fallen Ones

14:19 Jan 08 2008
Times Read: 1,033


They say there are many tales, whether you believe in them well that’s your choice. This tale is full of doom and destruction, a tale of vampires good and evil, of elves fighting for what’s right and of humans completely oblivious to anything apart from what happens in their own reality.

We first centre on living statues, they are called Weeping Angels and they were bought into existence by a Dark Vampire called Xander, he was a cruel and vicious person. He was once one of the 4 vampire Princes, but he got cocky and murdered 2 of them in their sleep but the wisest of the Princes stopped Xander and all but tore his soul from his body and banished him from the cathedral were they had made their home.

Xander was a broken man, he didn’t know where to go or what to do and he wandered aimlessly for many a year until he happened upon a cavern, he went down into it seeking shelter and saw many statues, he decided to make them his avengers to those who would dare defy him and he sent them to many reality’s so that he could steal that persons life force and grow stronger and therefore bring about his return to full power.

Many races were thrown out of synchronization with their realities and landed in their past or sometimes even in different realties, they struggled to adapt but most of them did. Xander’s power grew with each passing year as his Angels took power for their master as well as for themselves, although the Angels did have one flaw….they could never look at each other only at different races, and for them to send the people to another time line or reality the person had to blink or close their eyes just for the merest second and they would awaken in a different world that was different to their own.




Untitled story idea and Character list

16:24 Jan 07 2008
Times Read: 1,037

Weeping Angels are assassins who cant look at each other but if they look at a person then that person gets sent to another reality/alternate timeline.

The main heroine is a half breed of Vampire and elf after being cursed by an evil vampire who wanted her for his own, he tried to curse her twin brother as well but the Elven magic in him was to strong and it destroyed the evil vampire warlord


Crystal: Tall with long black hair with hint of dark red and crystal white eyes, she is well built and can fight expertly. She is 18

Crystal Vampire Form: looks remain mostly the same but her red hints in her hair will spike out at the bottom and her eyes turn to jet black.

Kai: he is Tall, very muscular, short spiky black hair with white tips, his eyes are a crystal white colour and he can fight expertly but not as well as his sister. He is an expert with a bow and arrow. He is 18

Darius: he is a Vampire Prince, and he has fair skin with vibrant red shoulder length hair and he is well built, he has a scar running down over his left eye, he looks 25 but in fact he has been alive for centuries and is 2500 years old and he knows everything.

Rosa: she is tall, slim but built, medium length hair black with pink spiked tips, she has black eyes with a deep red ring around the black part of her eyes. She looks 18 but is actually 250 years old.

Zack: he is tall and well built, he has deep blue eyes, brown short spiked hair, he is able to fight and fights well with swords. He is 19 years old.

Xander: he has pure white hair and has blood red eyes and long dagger like fingernails and he has pure white skin and a constant evil smirk on his lips and he has a scar running from his bottom lip down to his chest, he has a tattoo of a red dragon on his right upper arm. He is 47 in human years and is 3200 in vampire years.

The Seven Sins

Envy is tall and fair. She has long blond hair that makes her skin look like a fresh snowfall. Her eyes are forest green and she is the assistant to her master. Though she may seem young, gorgeous and happy, she is very envious of lust because she is the most striking

Greed is an average height with long brown hair and bright eyes that are always full of curiosity. she is a very stylish girl. When she was damned she was chained to all her possessions she had obsessed about in life, forever to be cursed to be needy and wanting more and more riches.

Anger is a tall thin girl. She's so skinny she looks almost like she has an eating disorder. Her hair is long and thick and bright fire red. her eyes are a golden yellow. She is always dressed in tough clothing and always has a piece of leather on.

Pride is a tall buff man. he has thick curly blond hair and striking silver eyes. He always gets the girls. He is always trying to beat his master at his lustful nature.

Gluttony is a shorter skinny little boy. Though many picture Gluttony as a fat stout man he is actually an adventurous little boy. He buys things all the time that he doesn't need. If the sins or his master need something he get is for them. He loves to make lust and envy happy. He is the tannest one since he was damned at such a young age. he is truly only eight.

Sloth is a boring lump that doesn't do anything really. Though he is very attractive no one is attracted to him because he doesn't do anything but sleep and sit there. Sloth is a model like brunette man with hazel eyes and is very muscular.

Lust is the favourite sin of their master. Though she lives up to her name well she is actually a very deep thinker. She is the one you turn to when you need an answer. She is a tall thin woman but very curvy and pale. She has very long black hair and bright green eyes. She feels the closest to her master and feels sad when he favours others over her. She likes having his attention.

Master is the master of the seven deadly sins. He adores his sins and gets angry real fast when someone tries to hurt his sins. Lust is his favourite sin because she has always been there with him. Envy is his personal assistant. Gluttony and Greed are his favourite in their own weird way. Anger and Pride are very interesting to him. Lust is his everything.



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