MasterOfMadness's Journal

MasterOfMadness's Journal


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The Fallen Ones

15:59 Jul 23 2009
Times Read: 789

Chapter 14: The Decimation

Ahh hello there my friends….I see you have once again come back to me, I trust you want to read more about the adventures of the little gathering, well please….make yourself comfortable and we shall begin.

Smoke and fire billowed up from the ground as explosions ripped through the ground, was this the beginning of the end? Or merely the start of something even more dangerous, bodies lay scattered everywhere some with limbs missing as the two triumphant figures stood over everyone. Buildings lay crumbled on the ground, traffic lights buzz and blink, the only source of light now, the cries of millions of people dying and calling out for help echoing through the once thriving city.

12 hours before…

Darius and the rest of his ally’s were gathered in a circle on the beach discussing their next move, Sapphire looked at Darius and said “Well how do we know what Xander….or even the Twins are planning next Sire?” Darius nodded his head and smiled softly at her before replying “That is a valid point Sapphire….we don’t know what’s being planned next but all I can say is that we will stop it, no matter what the cost” Aaron looked at Darius before replying softly “So you’d be willing to risk our lives to get your revenge on Xander?” Darius turned to look at him smiling kindly saying “No I would never risk any of you intentionally…I am not like Xander, I treat every life as if it was precious” everyone around the circle nodded their heads.

Meanwhile in his castle Xander was pacing his throne room as he looked at the Duo Twins and said to them “We must strengthen our forces, Darius has already amassed quite a large force, we need to do the same” the Duo Twins looked at each other before Arkmin said “Uhhh sure but…who said we had to listen to you?” Xander glared at Arkmin before replying coldly “If you do not follow me….then I shall kill your sister” Arkmin watched as Xander wrapped his throat around Arkmas’ throat and began to squeeze lightly making her cry out in pain, he then threw her into a wall making her slide down onto the floor as she cried out again as Arkmas ran over to her and held his hand up as Xander came close to them, Arkmas said softly “Alright….Alright we shall do what you say…just please don’t hurt my sister any more” Xander gave a crooked smile as he went back to sit on his throne.

Xander spoke softly with a hint of menace “Good….I am glad you see things my way…leave me now” the twins nodded their heads as they left Xander, they wandered through the halls before heading outside to look at the stars, Xander’s castle was always in perpetual darkness, they saw Tristila standing on the balcony as they walked over to her, Tristila turned towards them and smiled at them “Hello there Arkmin and Arkmas, isn’t it a glorious night” Arkmin smiled at her replying “Aye indeed it is Tristila” Arkmas looked out at the gardens as she let the two talk.

Back with Darius he was walking along the beach as he took off his boots and paddled into the water as Hiloras and Liam were training with their powers, the others were all doing their own things as Liam leapt over Hiloras and kicked him in the back sending him sprawling into the sand, he growled angrily as he got up and said angrily “What the hell was that Liam?” Liam gave a cocky grin in reply as he turned and walked back to the house.

Darius saw this as he waded out of the water and headed over to Hiloras resting a hand on his shoulder saying softly “He’s young, it will pass, give him time” Hiloras growled softly as he ran a hand through his hair replying “Aye I know your right Darius, but he’s just so….annoying sometimes” Darius laughed softly as he nodded his head saying “Aye sounds like me when I was still human I thought I could take on the world” Hiloras nodded at Darius as he walked off.

Sapphire and Kai were walking along the cliff tops, Sapphire turned to Kai saying softly “So how did you come to end up with Darius Kai?” Kai stopped walking as he studied the horizon replying “Myself and Crystal were hunted by a Vampire….she got bitten by a vampire so we had to travel to a city….we then found an underground labyrinth where we met Ti-Gera and then we found a portal and stepped through it and we met up with Darius” Sapphire nodded her head as she leant her head on Kai’s shoulder as Kai stroked her hair softly.

Gabriel and Carmenita were sitting in the room they were sharing as Gabriel leant back on his bed and yawned softly closing his eyes as Carmenita sat on the floor to write in the journal she had started to keep, Gabriel opened his eyes and rolled onto his side to look at Carmenita saying “Writing in your journal again huh?” Carmenita turned her golden hazel eyes onto him replying “Yes I am is that a problem Gabe?” Gabriel shook his head “Nope no problem at all I was just asking Carm” Carmenita stood up and picked up her journal and stalked out of the room going somewhere more private.

Meanwhile back in his castle Xander was looking through a book trying to see where he could go to, to find some more ally’s in his fight again Darius and his cohorts, he browsed through the book, he found someone that he knew might join his cause so he went to find Zack to inform him of what he needed.

Zack was sitting in his own study drinking a glass of wine as Xander came into the room, Zack looked at him saying “What can I do for you Sire?” Xander sat down in the chair replying “I need you to go to Xiklas, I want you to bring Grelosa to me” Zack looked shocked at this before shaking his head replying “Grelosa….Sire are you sure? He’s been known to be a bit of a loose cannon” Xander slammed his fist down onto the table saying angrily “Do not dare question my orders BOY or I will kill you where you sit am I understood!?” Zack quickly nodded his head as he stood up and bowed to Xander leaving the room.

Zack walked through the castle passageways muttering to himself as Lydia bumped into him, he scowled and said harshly “Watch where your going you stupid brat!” Lydia turned and looked at him with her silver eyes as she nodded to him before going back to what she was doing as she headed back down the hall. Zack went over to a large heavily sealed door and ran a hand over it muttering an incantation as the locks began to slide off and several clicks could be heard coming from inside. The doors slowly creaked open as torches burst into life to light up a smallish room with strange markings on the floor, he sighed as he rubbed his head as he sat down in the middle of the markings and began to chant a spell.

A dark purple smoke began to swirl around the room as Zack closed his eyes as he was spun around faster then the eye could see as he got teleported to the land of Xiklas. The land of Xiklas was a wasteland, nothing grew here, it was kill or be killed Grelosa was a violent and ruthless creature, he had the head of an lion and the body of a human, his body was a crimson red colour, with wickedly curved claws, no one would ever dare cross him, he is loyal to no one save from Xander and of course only when it suits him to be.

Grelosa rose his head, his snout covered in the blood of a frila - a sheep like creature - and scented the air smelling Zack in the wind as he stood up heading towards his location, Zack was looking around not knowing where to begin his search for Grelosa as he saw a dust cloud heading towards him, he drew his sword as he saw the form of Grelosa heading towards him, he slid his sword back into the scabbard keeping his hand on the hilt just in case he had need of it if the meeting with Grelosa was to go slightly awry.

Grelosa looked at Zack before saying in a growl “What do you want boy?” Zack bristled at being called boy as he replied through gritted teeth “Xander would like you to join his team that he is building to combat Prince Darius and his team of allies” Grelosa let out a grunting laugh as he replied “I will think about it…I follow no one….but Xander’s a man after my own heart” Zack nodded his head as he turned around and walked back towards the portal.

Grelosa spoke in a rough voice as he murmured “If your Master wants my help…then he will have to come and ask me for it himself. Those are my terms” Zack turned around and studied Grelosa closely before replying “I will pass that along then Grelosa. Good day to you” Zack entered the portal as the mist enveloped him once more transporting him back to the castle where he saw Xander waiting for his return. Zack bowed to his master saying “Sire, Grelosa will not join our cause unless you go and see him personally….he will not be dissuaded Sire” Xander growled as he said harshly “I will not be dictated to….especially by a worthless little arse like Grelosa” Zack nodded his head as Xander said in a slightly calmer voice “I want you to go to Venira and see if you can locate Syrenis….I know she will aid me in my cause” Zack nodded his head before casting another spell being cloaked in a red plume of smoke as he was teleported to Venira.

The world of Venira was by comparison to Xiklas a veritable paradise, it was green and lush with vegetation and wildlife, Syrenis was sitting in a little hut she had found deserted, she was quite a pale woman, with long slender fingers, she had sparkling greyish green eyes, she had a very intricate tattoo which winded itself from her left shoulder down to her right hip, she had light green hair which blew slightly in the breeze that was swirling around her hut, she stopped playing the little flute like instrument she had found and sighed softly as she stood up slowly and headed out of her hut to find some food.

She looked over to the left and saw a strange cloud of smoke she muttered softly as she grabbed her bow and her quiver of arrows and slunk through the tree’s towards the smoke, meanwhile appearing out of the cloud of smoke stepped Zack, he looked around as he heard an eerie whistling reverberate through the forest where he found himself he drew his sword as he looked around trying to see if he could spot anything as he made his way through the dense undergrowth, he looked up just as he saw an arrow whistling past his head, he dived to the left as he cried out in shock as he rolled along the ground before getting to his feet slowly growling angrily. A soft laugh echoed through the trees as a voice that Zack recognised spoke slowly “Ahh it’s you is it Zack…..why have you come here?” Zack got slowly to his feet and brushed the dirt off of him before responding “I have come here for Xander….he wants you to join his new army he is building to quash the threat of Darius and become ruler of all Vampires as well as ruler of all beings in the known realities” Syrenis let out another soft laugh as she appeared from between to trees.

Zack’s eyes wandered over her body as Syrenis said “I will come back with you Zack…I have missed the castle and I fear I have been away for to long, I will just go and pack my things and then I shall be ready” Zack nodded his head dumbly as Syrenis turned around and went back into the tree’s heading back towards her home where she gathered up the few belongings she had, she then headed back towards Zack who was casting the spell to take them back to the castle. Zack turned around to look at her before asking “We ready to head back then” Syrenis nodded her head as they both stepped into the portal. Waiting for their arrival was Xander who as soon as he saw Syrenis let out a booming laugh as he rested a hand on her shoulder saying softly almost lovingly “I knew you would come to my aid child, follow me and I shall show you to a room where you may rest” Syrenis bowed her head slightly as she followed Xander leaving Zack alone wondering what had just happened.

A light purring laugh assaulted Zack’s ears as he spun around looking for the sound of the laughter as he called out “Whose there? SHOW YOURSELF!” a shadow ran across in front of Zack making him take a step back as he rested his hand on the hilt of his sword, a light purring voice echoed out from it’s hiding place “Shush shush now Master Zack…just because you have been spurned by one whose love is only for the great and bountiful Prince Xander doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be able to have anyone love you” Zack muttered softly “What witchcraft is this? I DEMAND YOU SHOW YOURSELF” the purring moved closer to Zack as the form of a fox came into view, she then stood up slowly her entire body covered in white and orange fur, a tight fitting pair of leather jeans covering her legs with a loose fitting top covering her upper body, she slinked her way over to Zack and looked up at him with her searching light blue eyes.

Zack took a step back as he looked down at her and said softly “Who are you and what are you doing here?” The fox girl smirked softly as she replied “I am Fo’xita….I have travelled from the land of Herina…a once prosperous land….I fled through a portal and travelled to many different realms before I found a portal that led me here.” Zack watched her as he nodded his head and began to walk around her slowly as Fo’xita’s tail swished around behind her, Fo’xita spoke again in her purring lilting voice saying “Zack…I wish to help you and your Master battle the forces of good” Zack turned around and left the room motioning for Fo’xita to follow him.

Fo’xita padded behind Zack her feet hardly making any sound on the floor as Liam led her into Xander’s throne room where he cleared his throat as Xander looked up at him and turned away from talking to Syrenis saying sharply “Yes Zack what do you want?” Zack cleared his throat replying “Sire, I think we may have someone else who will help us in your cause” Xander motioned for Zack to bring whoever he had found forward, Fo’xita stepped out from behind Zack as Xander looked her up and down slowly before speaking again “So…you feel as though you can help me do you?” Fo’xita nodded her head saying in her purring voice “Aye sire I think I can….I know that Darius has someone like myself….and I believe I can offer you many valuable services, my name is Fo’xita” Xander nodded his head before looking at Zack saying “OK she may stay…take her to a room and get her settled in” Zack bowed his head as he left the room Fo’xita following him once again.

Zack opened up the door to a room for Fo’xita and led her inside saying “Well this is where you will be staying for the duration of your time here Fo’xita….I hope you shall be comfortable” Fo’xita prowled around the room and looked at the bed and leapt up onto it her tail swishing behind her as she looked seductively at Zack before closing her eyes making Zack clear his throat as he hurried out of the room, blushing a light shade of crimson. Fo’xita undressed slowly as she went into the bathroom and ran herself a shower as she stepped underneath the warm water and let it wash over her, after a few minutes she stepped out of the shower and grabbed a towel and wrapped it around herself drying off, she then went and looked in all the cupboards trying to find something clean to wear as a light knock came at her door.

Fo’xita turned around slowly as she apprehensively said “Um…come in” as the door knob turned in came what seemed to be to Fo’xita, an Angel, her wings were tucked behind her as she looked at Fo’xita and said in a soft voice “My Master said you might need some clothes” Fo’xita nodded her head slowly as Tristila laid down some clothes on the bed before saying in her soft voice “If you need anything else I will be happy to help dear” Fo’xita muttered her thanks as Tristila left the room. Fo’xita looked down at the clothes as she began to dress in them, the top was tight fitting and was a dark red colour, she then slid on the trousers, a loose pair of black trousers, she went over to the mirror and ran a comb through her hair as she stared at herself in the mirror and grinned.

Liam was walking through the hall’s of the castle as he stopped and looked out of one of the windows as the lightening cracked over head and the thunder rumbled Liam sighed softly as he carried on walking along the corridors to his own room. He entered his room and undressed as he ran a shower and got into it, he was weary and he knew that more things were to come, he exited the shower and dried himself off before lying exhausted on his bed, he drifted off to sleep slowly.

Liam awoke early the next morning as he got out of bed and stretched as he dressed in a black tank top and a pair of ripped jeans, he then left his room and went to find Xander, meanwhile Xander was sitting in his study, planning an invasion of a city on the planet of Earth….more specifically he was planning to attack New York City and lay waste to it, he decided that it would be an ideal way to draw out Darius and his little team, he heard a deep boom from outside in the courtyard, he looked outside and saw the large form of Grelosa appearing from out of a cloud of black smoke, Xander smiled to himself as he got out of his chair and made his way down to the courtyard brushing his way past Liam.

Fo’xita leapt out of her bed after becoming entangled in the sheets, she stretched as she ran a hand over her bare stomach before rolling out of the bed and dressing in her clothes, she then left her room and went to explore the castle, she prowled through the corridors meeting various soldiers of Xander and nodding politely to them as she saw their eyes examine her lithe body, she was used to this attention from men, but it wasn’t to say that she was always happy about receiving it. She shook her head clearing her mind of these thoughts as she saw Liam and slunk her way over to him and slipped an arm around his waist. Liam jumped slightly not quite sure who it was before he looked down and saw that it was Fo’xita, he smiled at her softly before saying “Hello there Fo’xita, did you sleep well?” Fo’xita replied softly and huskily “Yes thank you Liam I did….so what’s going on then” Liam stroked her hair before replying softly “Xander is meeting with one of the beings I went to see and I think Xander is trying to get Grelosa to come and join us so that we can all go and create some mayhem” Fo’xita smiled softly as she looked down at the courtyard.

Xander and Grelosa were conversing in the courtyard, Grelosa towered several centimetres over Xander, Grelosa spoke roughly saying “So…you want me to help you kill some people huh?” Xander nodded his head slowly before replying “Yes Gre, I do. I should have come to see you myself instead of sending my second in command to come and see you” Grelosa growled and snorted impatiently “I don’t give a damn about that little worm….all I care about is crushing bones and eating hearts, I will fight with you….and so will my warriors” Xander laughed loudly clapping his hands together “Excellent I thought you would say that my old friend” Xander and Grelosa then turned around and walked into the castle.

Liam growled softly and pushed Fo’xita away from him as he stormed towards his study leaving Fo’xita standing there wondering what she did wrong before she shrugged her shoulders and went to see if she could find another female to talk to. Tristila was sitting in the gardens reading a book, she looked up as she saw Fo’xita striding towards her and smiled waving at her saying in her soft voice “Ahhh hello there child, how are you settling into the castle?” Fo’xita nodded her head before replying lightly “Yes I’m settling in very well thank you…tis a very large castle” Tristila nodded her head and smiled at Fo’xita as she patted a seat beside her.

Xander led Grelosa into his study, Xander sat down in his chair and then pulled out a map of New York City and said to Grelosa “We are going to attack here….ready your men…we will be attacking in less then 4 hours, I just need to get my portals all ready to open in different areas so our combined forces can strike at the very heart of the city and destroy it and bring out Darius and his allies” Grelosa let out a grunting laugh as spittle dripped from the corner of his mouth his eyes blazing with blood lust. Xander then left the room as he went to find Liam to get him to open the portals to New York City, Liam was sitting in his study looking through books as he got the materials ready for his spells, Xander came bursting into the room and in a growling voice said “Are you ready Liam?” Liam looked up and replied “Aye sire, I shall go to the main courtyard now and start opening the portals” Xander nodded as he spun around and headed to get on his armour.

The city of New York didn’t realise what was going to happen to it as Weeping Angels suddenly came alive and swooped down and attacked the humans that were going about their daily business, they couldn’t know that this was merely the beginning…the calm before the storm of the hell that would be brought down upon them. As suddenly as the rush came, it died out the humans all shook their heads as they wondered what just happened, they all thought it was just some strange New York thing as they stood in Times Square looking at all the massive billboards as suddenly they all shattered. People screamed and ducked as windows exploded showering glass everywhere as several portals began to form.

Smoke and fire billowed up from the ground as explosions ripped through the ground, was this the beginning of the end? Or merely the start of something even more dangerous, bodies lay scattered everywhere some with limbs missing as the two triumphant figures stood over everyone. Buildings lay crumbled on the ground, traffic lights buzz and blink, the only source of light now, the cries of millions of people dying and calling out for help echoing through the once thriving city.

Crystal gasped as images flashed into her mind as she stumbled and fell onto the soft sand as Darius and everyone rushed over to her as Kai said in a anxious tone “Crys…..Crys are you alright?” Crystal shook her head unable to speak as Darius rested a hand on her shoulder, she turned her head to look up at him with tears in her eyes as she said softly “Death….I saw death and destruction caused by Xander and his men” Darius let out a low growl as he turned to everyone and said “Right…we’re heading out to go and stop Xander…lets go” with that he opened a portal and leapt through it as the others followed through after him.

Explosions ripped through New York as gas pipes lay exposed, gas hissing from them as the bodies of dead or dying people lay strewn on the street and pavement, Darius looked around to see if he could find Xander anywhere as a body was thrown towards him he dodged out of the way drawing the sword that was in the scabbard at his side, Crystal flipped over a pile of rubble as she kicked a soldier in the stomach sending him flying through the air. Kai drew his bow and fitted an arrow into it as he sent it flying towards one of Grelosa’s soldiers making it spin around and howl in pain.

Laurella and Sapphire spun around as they caught several soldiers in a water wind funnel and sent them flying up into the air, meanwhile Ballon and Hiloras were battling some soldiers, Hiloras leapt over one of the soldiers and shot some metal spikes from his fingers, they embedded themselves in the soldiers head making him fly back as he stuck to a wall blood spattering everywhere. Ballon slammed his hands into the road as he sent a wave of earth billowing up towards another soldier as a pair of what could be seen as hands grabbed the soldier and dragged him down into the earth suffocating him.

Ti-Gera and Liam spun around as Ti-Gera leapt up onto a streetlamp and clung onto it as Liam let out a burst of fire setting some of Grelosa’s soldiers on fire making them howl in pain as their skin burnt from their bodies. Meanwhile Carmenita and Gabriel were battling back to back as Gabriel flew with Carmenita high up into the air and spun them both around as they plunged back down to the earth, Carmenita leapt onto two soldiers in her wolf form and tore their throats out, their blood coating her muzzle as she let out a howl of triumph.

Xander was standing on top of a building watching the devastation with a small smirk on his face as he saw Darius, he leapt from the building and landed on the ground creating a deep crater in sidewalk as he called out “Your to late old Man….this is my time now” Darius spun around and flung a dagger at Xander who dodged it and let out a loud bellow as the two Vampire Princes ran at each other.

As they collided it was though a loud boom shattered all the other fighters apart sending them flying all in different directions as Grelosa was the first to get up he growled as he grabbed Amyrsa by the throat and threw her into a pane of glass making it shatter as she was covered in glass, he let out a growl as Aaron cam running towards him but Grelosa bared his fangs before grabbing Aarons arm and throwing him into a street lamp making it fall on top of him crushing him. Sapphire saw him being crushed and ran over to him but Fo’xita tripped her up and then uppercutted her sending her flying through the air and landing in what was once a blazing sign, she slid down it as blood poured from a wound in her head.

All around there were signs of fighting as Darius and Xander battled neither of them getting the upper hand as Xander snarled “Your losing old man, look…..your allies are falling….give up now and run away before I decide to do more harm to them. Oh and by the way….I want the girl” Darius spun around striking Xander in the chest winding him as he staggered back, Darius spoke with a deep power saying “I will go….but you are not having the girl…..I will die before she becomes your mindless pawn to do with what you will….that’s what you have those other tramps for” Xander let out a savage snarl as he ran at Darius and threw him into a limousine making the roof crumple down around Darius as it began to flame, the limousine exploded sending Darius flying through the air and landing in the midst of a pile of rubble as he staggered to his feet, he looked at his left arm and knew that it was broken as he called into the minds of his allies saying “We’re defeated for now….we….we need to go back and get better prepared” Crystal looked at Darius as did all the others as they nodded their heads and Darius opened a portal and they fled through it as Xander let out a booming laugh of victory as he rested his foot on the body of a New Yorker whose features were twisted in a macabre look.

Xander noticed one of Darius’s allies still trapped as he walked over to him and stood on the street lamp putting pressure on it as he whispered to Aaron “Looks like your friends left you…..I can offer you two choices….option one: You can join me and together we can all destroy Darius and his pitiful excuse for a family whilst option two: is that I can kill you here and now and no one will ever know about it” Aaron looked up at Xander with pleading eyes before saying with a lot of difficulty “I..I wish to join you. I am tired of not being treated with respect by those bastards, I felt useless with them” Xander grinned his fangs flashing as he lifted the street lamp off of Aaron as Zack opened up a portal for them all to head back home.



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