MasterOfMadness's Journal

MasterOfMadness's Journal


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Tear Drop Pendant: Chapter 1

15:54 Jul 16 2010
Times Read: 751

300 years in the future

On an alternate reality of the planet that we know as Earth, lightening cracked across the sky lighting up several vampires as they searched through a Transylvanian catacombs for the remains of the greatest threat to all races. Because lurking deep in one catacomb looked over by a huge abandoned castle laid the remains of a dark and evil Vampire Lord known as Antonius Blackheart, Abby Jones looked at her team and whispered “Make your way carefully, who knows what kind of traps there are around” the rest of the vampires nodded their heads.

Antonius’ casket was a crimson red, it seemed to be thrumming with energy as though the soul inside knew it was going to be released soon, one of the vampires stood on a panel, the room seemed to rumble as he ran and several arrows shot from holes impaling him against the opposite wall making him scream as he exploded into dust, Abby shook her head muttering about idiots as she dodged the arrows athletically weaving her way through to the other side.

Abby held up a hand motioning for the over vampires to wait on the other side not trusting them to spring any more traps as she made her way deeper into the catacombs, she drew a lighter and flicked it open putting it against the wall seeing the mural of the great battle between The Whitehead Clan and the Silver Snake clan, she sighed and traced the picture of Antonius new found determination sweeping through her. She then closed the lighter as she walked down some steps and found two forks, one going left and one going right she knelt on the ground brushing the dirt and dust away trying to decide which path to follow, then suddenly it was though a voice broke into her head and urged her to follow the left handed path, so she quickened her pace and jogged down it.

She stopped at a pair of heavy oak doors, she tapped on them as they let out a deep booming sound, she pushed them open slowly and looked around scenting the air as she made her way forward slowly, she looked down just as she stepped on a thing piece of wire, the whole cavern seemed to shake as sections of the floor began to fall away into hot molten lava. She growled softly angry with herself for being so foolish and careless as she leapt and flipped onto one of the platforms that was still up, it rumbled and began to sway as she leapt from platform to platform, she lost her footing on the last platform and almost plunged to her death, but she leapt to the other side and grabbed the ridge of the floor her feet growing warm from the bubbling lava, she then heaved herself up and sighed softly as she looked up at the ceiling panting lightly.

She then got to her feet and checked her feet making sure her shoes were fine, she snarled lightly as she carried on along the path making sure she didn’t activate any more traps, she then saw a deep red glow coming from a crack to her right, she walked towards it and smashed her fist into making the rubble fall down onto the ground, she carried on pounding away at the rock before sliding into the hole she had created. As she entered she saw the casket that was keeping her Lord and Master captive, she rested her hand on it feeling the energy thrum against her, she then closed her eyes and focused her power, the magic surrounding the casket buckled, it then flared up and threw her back into a wall where chains bound her hands and arms making her howl in rage and anger as she struggled.

She bowed her head as she heard Antonius’ voice booming inside her head “Let me draw on your power child, I can draw on another to vex this hex on the casket, if I take your power I will be free to be released from my entombment” Abby’s head went up slowly as she spoke softly saying “Yes my Master…..take my POWER…..release yourself from that vile tomb” as she said that she saw strands of red energy pulling away from her and floating towards the casket. The casket began to shake as the lift blasted off and a skeleton rose from it, muscles, organs and skin attaching itself to the skeleton as he floated and stepped down onto the floor walking towards Abby as the last piece of skin formed into place, Antonius stood naked before her his eyes blazing with hunger as he slashed through the air cutting the chains from Abby’s wrist as she fell to the floor in front of him.

Antonius looked down at her as he coughed lightly before speaking in a soft voice, his vocal chords still settling into his newly resurrected body he said “Thank you my child for releasing me from my prison, you will be well rewarded” Abby almost cried with joy replying “Thank you my Liege, I pledge my service to you for always” Antonius chuckled softly as he clicked his fingers as a finely tailored suit, made of a rich black Italian silk, with a crimson red shirt, he ran a hand through his hair. He then took Abby’s hand before saying “It seems fashion has gotten better since I last walked the earth, I trust you brought me some vampires to feed from” Abby nodded her head as Antonius chuckled and motioned for Abby to lead him to where the little group of vampires was waiting.

As the vampires gathered to welcome their Lord, Antonius growled softly and struck killing each of the vampires and draining them of their energy as he began to grow more muscular and more powerful his hair growing longer down to his shoulders and becoming a light golden colour. Abby took Antonius’ hand and kissed it softly saying “My Lord….I pledge myself to you now and forever” Antonius stroked the side of her face and kissed her forehead lightly as Abby led him out of the catacomb into the fresh air. The night seemed to instantly quieten as Antonius walked up the steps, he looked around as he knelt on the ground and ran the gravel through his fingers “How the world has changed since last I fought” he then turned his vision up towards the castle and made his way towards the castle courtyard.

Abby followed closely behind him as he turned towards her saying “Where are the rest of my followers Abby?” Abby knelt before him before replying “My Liege….most of your followers were destroyed in the battle of Drevana, there is one possible sighting of one of your followers alive and well in London in England, a Yulla Cortez if you remember her Sire” Antonius nodded his head slowly as he turned around making his way back up towards the castle.

As he entered the courtyard he waved his hand slowly as the vines curled around the turrets as lights began to flicker and flare into life, banners fell from the castle turrets with a emblem of a Silver Snake curled around a golden dagger with a drop of blood dripping down from the tip. The portcullis loomed above him as he headed into the castle which was now furnished with rich leather furniture and flickering candle stands, he smiled softly to himself walking to a black leather couch and sitting on it, resting his feet on the long pine table.

Antonius then jumped up as he went over to a carving on the wall, it seemed to be in ancient Vampiric it said “To those who dare to dwell, this place will ne’er do well, for thou foulest beast, to common man will be transported to the deepest Hell” Antonius raised an eyebrow as he mused over what the words meant as Abby hovered nervously in the doorway. He then clicked his fingers as he went over to a dusty old crimson curtain and ripped it away revealing an archway which seemed to be thrumming with energy, he ran his fingers over the arch and let out a deep breath as though feeling it flow through him.

He then turned around and looked at Abby before saying in a dark alluring voice “We will travel to another land my dear Abby, do you feel ready?” Abby looked at Antonius and nodded her head replying softly “Sire, whatever you choose I will follow, I am your loyal servant for now and for ever” Antonius smirked and turned away from her as he looked at the archway chanting in the ancient language of the Vampire’s.

The archway thrummed with energy as the vortex swirled a deep luminous purple, the portal suddenly shot outwards as inside the portal screams of people who had been lost inside it echoed into the room, Abby looked nervously at Antonius who held up a hand and closed his fist the voices screaming in agony before they silenced. Antonius took a step towards the portal and closed his eyes resting his hands on the throbbing portal before he stepped into it feeling his body dematerialise as he spun through the portal head over heels as though falling down a rabbit hole, he then was thrown out the other end landing in mud as the rain pelted the ground all around him.

Abby flew through the portal a few seconds later and slithered through the mud as Antonius stood up and looked around him he saw what looked like a Palace in the distance as he picked Abby up and said “What exactly is that place?” Abby looked to where he was pointing and replied softly “Uhhh we shouldn’t go there Sire, that’s Buckingham Palace, there are rogue Vampires and Werewolves there, it is said they killed the Royal family and their skeletal remains are there” Antonius nodded his head before grabbing Abby’s arm who gave out a little yelp as they flitted towards it.

As they neared the palace they smelt the stale odour of rotting flesh wafting through the air, Abby started to gag as Antonius carried on striding forwards, suddenly he was alerted to a rustling on either side of him as two werewolves leapt out at him he merely brought up a hand almost lazily as he clicked his fingers and the werewolves flew through the air into the iron gates surrounding the Palace as Antonius glared at them, they glared back their pale yellow eyes flickering dangerously. Antonius let out a harsh laugh as he spoke in a forceful voice speaking fluently in Lycan for they had since formed their own language over centuries “Oh please….you think the whole yellow eyes thing is going to scare me, I invented that look and gave it to your creator, Severus DeLock” the growls quietened as one of the Lycan’s morphed into her human form her long blond hair falling down over her pale breasts as she locked her mossy green eyes on him speaking in a silky soft voice she said “My congratulations to you then, I am one of his descendents, I am Seline DeLock, I welcome you to the Palace. How may we assist you?” Antonius quickened his pace towards the young woman and pinned her to the steel as he looked into her eyes his eyes blazing red “Well, you can start by taking me inside, it’s chucking it down with rain out here if you hadn’t noticed and I am very muddy and also not in the best mood” Seline nodded as she motioned for Antonius and Abby to follow him inside.

As Antonius and Abby followed the two Lycan’s they took in all of their surroundings as they entered a huge throne room to see two skeletal figures up on thrones as Seline turned towards them saying “These are the last two rulers of this country, they were called Saphina and Leopold, we killed their guards and overran this place, it was a good day so much glorious blood was shed, these walls were covered in crimson, we decided to keep these two as a memento to our glorious victory they didn’t even know what had happened until it was two late” Antonius chuckled wryly before replying “You seem to have done exceptionally well for yourselves Seline” Seline’s cheeks flushed with red as she looked away from Antonius obviously not used to compliments.

The other Lycan, a broad shouldered man by the name of Sam Brown snorted as two strands of blonde hair curtained his eyes as he turned away and walked off to the kitchens, Seline sighed softly and hurried after him calling back to Antonius and Abby “Wait here I shan’t be long” Antonius and Abby looked at each other as Antonius slowly walked towards the skeletal figures. Abby watched him before asking softly “What is on your mind my Lord?” Antonius turned slowly towards her before replying “Well I was thinking that I would start to run this place, and turn these two skeleton’s into spectres so they may patrol the grounds for signs of danger, and they may even be useful in the battles that are sure to be coming“ Abby nodded as another werewolf came running into the room and seeing Antonius he morphed into his human form and bowed before him.

Antonius turned to look at the Lycan before raising an eyebrow saying gruffly “Yes….do I know you boy?” the Lycan stood up fixing his penetrating grey eyes on Antonius replying softly “Aye my lord, or you should, I am Frenfire I was the leader of one of the Lycan army’s who fought beside you centuries ago I heard rumours that people were trying to bring you back, I just never believed I would see you again” Antonius took a step closer to Frenfire before quicker then anyone could react he has struck him in the chest and sent him flying through the air and slamming into a wall making the whole room shake as Antonius roared “You thought my RETURN was impossible did you, I will show you just how IMPOSSIBLE I AM” with that he flew towards Frenfire and pounded him repeatedly making Frenfire cry out as his face became bloodied and his nose was broken, Abby rushed over to Antonius and pulled him off as Antonius growled angrily before turning on his heels and walking down a passageway away from the throne room.

Seline blocked his path as she scowled at him saying harshly “What the BLOODY hell do you think your doing to my pack?” Antonius growled replying “Hey it’s not my fault….he didn’t think I could be revived….I just thought I should show him just how real I am” Seline sighed and rested a hand on Antonius’ shoulder replying “Oh come now My Lord, do you really need to prove that your real? Well….you could always prove it to me” she purred seductively. Antonius raised an eyebrow as he smirked softly “Well it has been a long time since I’ve been with a woman, especially one so delicious as you” he said as he took in her scent and kissed her neck lightly resting a hand on the small of her back as Seline guided him to one of the many bedrooms of the Palace.

Abby wandered through the halls of the Palace as she found a library, cobwebs hung from the books as though it hadn’t been touched for a very long time, she muttered to herself “Well why would it be? These Lycan’s don’t exactly strike me as the intelligent type” she walked further into the library and looked around taking in all the books as she went over to one blowing the dust off of it and sneezing dust flying up her nose. She looked at the title of the book and saw it was a detailed history of the war that had happened centuries ago between Antonius and Donya, she walked over to a large comfy looking red leather chair and sunk down into it bringing her legs up underneath her as she began to read.

What could have been hours later, Antonius and Seline emerged from the bedroom that they had gone into, Seline’s hair was a tangled wild mess as she kissed Antonius softly as he cupped her left ass cheek and squeezed it gently, she giggled softly as he smiled at her before moving away from her and heading off to find Abby. Abby peered up from her book as Antonius entered and sat down at the leather chair across from her as he interlocked his fingers saying softly “Things are going as planned, Seline has started to trust me, I should be able to make myself the leader and have Seline as my right hand woman” Abby nodded once before replying “Well you certainly sounded as though you were having a good time My Lord” Antonius chuckled softly as he rested his feet on the desk and pulled a cigarette out of his jacket pocket and lit it, letting out a puff of smoke which dissipated into the air in a ring of pale grey.

Seline walked into a study as she sat down behind a desk picking up a phone and dialling a number, the phone connected on the other end as a deep voice rumbled “Yes…..what do you want? I thought I said not to contact me unless it was absolutely necessary” Seline cleared her throat nervously before replying “Aye sir I know….but I thought you should know that Antonius Blackheart has been reborn, he is here now” the voice on the other end was silent for a few moments as he then replied “Hmmmm well make sure you keep an eye on him, and inform me of all of his movements” the voice then hung up on the other end as Seline leant back in the chair rubbing her eyes.

Seline then shot up when a knock came at the study door, she sighed softly before saying “You may enter” Frenfire entered the study and kneeled before Seline as he murmured “Mi’lady….everything is going well, they think they are going to be in control of us, our Masters plan is working so far” Seline leaned back in her chair and smiled nodding her head as she replied softly “Excellent news, we shall move a step forward with the plan then” Frenfire nodded before bowing and hurrying out of the study.

High up in a tower sitting behind a marble desk, a cloaked figure sat in shadow puffing on a cigarette as the figure flicked through several files, mostly about the mysterious and dangerous Vampire Lord Antonius Blackheart, the figure looked through the folder the figure then stubbed the cigarette into the ashtray standing up as they crossed to the window and looked down at the busy street beneath.

Antonius stood up from the chair as he saw Frenfire enter, Frenfire bowed to Antonius saying “My Mistress wishes an audience with you Sire” Antonius smiled and nodded as he followed after Frenfire making Abby give out a little sigh as she went back to reading. As Antonius and Frenfire made their way towards the study Antonius looked around examining all the portraits of the past kings and queens of the Palace as Frenfire stopped outside a door and knocked on it, before he opened it motioning for Antonius to go inside.

Antonius headed into the study and smiled at Seline as she motioned for him to sit down, he pulled out the chair and sat down in it as Seline closed a file she was looking at before clearing her throat “I’ve been thinking Antonius, about you and I….I don’t think I am good enough to be a leader, but you with all your experience, I think you should take over and lead us to a new world domination “ Antonius smiled softly taking Seline’s hands in his before replying “It would be a great honour to do that for you Seline, I will make us all great and powerful and we can destroy everyone that stands in our path” Antonius let out a deep booming laugh as he stood up and pulled Seline to her feet and kissed her lips lightly.

Antonius left the study as he walked towards the throne room where he looked at the two skeletal bodies going over to them and kneeling between them as he rested a hand on theirs as he muttered a Vampiric incantation as their bodies began to shake with a deep crimson light, their skulls tipping back as their skeletons exploded transforming them into spectres as they looked down at Antonius letting out eerie smiles as they glided down towards him as the Queen snarled at him before saying in an ethereal voice “What can we do for you young Vampire?” Antonius let out a smile as he replied in a polite voice “I would like you to guard the palace, since I brought you back to life….your spirits are bound to me, and so you must do all that I ask” the Queen nodded her head as she floated from the throne room.

Antonius watched them both leave as he sank down onto one of the thrones chuckling to himself as he interlocked his fingers realising that everything was slotting into place and he would soon have an unbeatable army under his control ready to do anything he asked, Abby walked into the throne room several minutes later and saw Antonius sitting on the throne as she walked towards him and knelt by the throne as she asked in a soft voice “What is your bidding Sire?” Antonius looked down at her before replying “I want you to gather the Lycan’s and the vampires and bring them here, for a war meeting” Abby nodded, standing up before hurrying off around the palace gathering everyone she could find.

Meanwhile high up in the tower block in the centre of Paris, the cloaked figure turned away from the window as his cell phone rang, the figure picked it up before saying gruffly “Well they still have no clue who I am, which is working to my advantage, I am not sure how much longer I can keep up this façade though” the voice on the other end of the phone spoke hurriedly making the figure sigh softly running a hand through their hair as the other voice hung up the phone with the figure hitting the red end call button as they sank back down into their chair.

The figure looked down at their desk and sighed softly running a hand through their dark blonde hair as a knock came at their door, the figure looked up as their secretary entered saying “Mister Zodiak, there’s a Gracela Sanfordis here to see you, I can tell her your busy if you like” Tristan raised a hand as the secretary nodded her head and left his office sending Gracela in. Gracela’s long blonde hair cascaded down past her shoulders as she entered Tristan’s office wearing a sleek red dress which came down to just above her knee’s, she was also wearing a thigh high pair of black boots, Tristan raised an eyebrow as Gracela sat down in a chair across from him before speaking in a soft measured voice “Greetings to you Tristan, I trust you know who I am and who I work for” Tristan studied the young woman giving a small smirk as he replied “Yeah I know both of those things, but what I am curious about is why you have come here to seek me out” Gracela smiled softly at Tristan before pulling out a brown file out of the back she was carrying and sliding it across the table to Tristan.

Tristan looked through the folder before closing it and raising an eyebrow looking at Gracela before saying in a slightly dangerous tone “So why should this concern me? I’m already doing more then my fair share keeping Casey in the dark about various things, you cant expect me to do this as well it’s to much to ask!” Gracela let out a sweet little laugh before slamming her fists down onto the table causing it to tremble slightly as she replied “I don’t care what you DO or do not DO, you will do what this file asks of you, or everyone shall know what a dirty little snake in the grass you are, you think we don’t know about your parentage, what would people think if they knew your mother was the mighty Donya leader of the free world and your father was Andricus, brother to the foulest vilest evil ever to walk this planet in the form of Antonius Blackheart” Tristan’s face went pale as he slowly nodded his head knowing he had been defeated.

Gracela smiled softly at him before saying triumphantly “Marvellous I’m glad that we’re both agreed, I am sure we’ll be seeing each other again soon Mr Zodiak, don’t try and run….because we will find you” she then stood up and left Tristan’s office her hair blowing out behind her as she walked out being caught by a gust of wind. She turned around slowly and sexily and blew Tristan a kiss as she let out a trilling laugh and climbed into the elevator.

Deep in a series of labyrinthine cave networks forged in the side of a great mountain, lived a hunched figure, this figure, held within her possession, the long sought for Tear Drop Pendant, the figure had grown slightly mad and deranged over the 2,000 years she had held it, for it had granted her unnaturally long life, her hair had become matted and was a dull shade of black, her dark brown skin was flecked with sores, her dark green eyes narrowed to slits, like those of a cat, her nails were long and had dirt underneath them, her name was Stephanie DuWinter, she was once the most beautiful of elves, but the power of the Pendant had changed all of that.

She was currently sitting beside a burning fire, she was muttering to herself, her words were muddled and stilted, in the corner of the cave she was currently sleeping in, the Pendant glowed a dark black, far from it’s normal colour, it was only able to be wielded by one person, and until that person came back, the Pendant could only corrupt those that it touched and turn their minds into black voids of insanity. Her hunched frame rocked back and forth as she looked into the fire her voice echoed around the cavern as a mouse ran across the floor, and with almost feral reactions she caught the mouse and bit into it’s flesh eating it ravenously.

Meanwhile back in the Palace Abby brought all the werewolves and various other inhabitants into the main throne room where Antonius sat on the golden encrusted throne as he smiled down at everyone before standing up and spreading his arms wide “My friends, I come here before you a humble man, but also to lead you all into a new age of prosperity, for we shall strike at the last remnants of goodness that exists in this land, I wish for you all to follow me and I promise you….BLOOD SHALL POUR” Antonius’s eyes flashed dangerously as the gathered crowd let out a roar of approval.

Antonius glanced at Abby who bowed her head to him before she walked slowly towards him as he took her into his arms and kissed her lips softly before saying “Soon my dear, we shall rule this planet, just as I did all those centuries ago, I shall give you the rule over a land and they shall do whatever you ask of them” Abby giggled softly as she was swept into Antonius’ arms before she was suddenly dropped to the floor falling to her knees as she looked up at Antonius. He walked out of the throne room without a backward glance at her as he travelled towards a study where he knew he had to start planning his next attack, he pulled out a map and threw it across the table as he browsed it, he closed his eyes as though hearing the voice of one of his old allies from the old war, he smiled as he recognised the voice knowing now what he had to do next.

He stood up and left the study walking with a purpose his leather boots echoing around the corridors, he walked back into the throne room and seeing Abby he crossed to her saying “We’re leaving here, I am going to open a portal to Venice, there we shall find Yulla Cortez, one of my most trusted Lieutenants” Abby nodded her head not looking up at him as Antonius growled and struck her across the face sending her flying through the air landing on the marble floor with a loud thump. She stood up slowly with red tears pouring from her eyes as she fled from the throne room making Antonius snort with annoyance as the portal flashed open and he stepped through it being transported to Venice.

Yulla Cortez was spinning around as three vampire hunters surrounded her, her blonde curly hair spinning around as her leather trench coat swept the wet cobbled road, she hissed angrily her hazel eyes flashing in the light as one of the hunters leapt at her, she bent back almost touching the floor as she drove a dagger into his chest making him howl in pain, Yulla let out a lilting laugh as she leapt up and kicked the second hunter in the groin making him howl in pain from the impact of her steel toe capped boots. The third hunter circled Yulla as suddenly someone came up behind him and grabbed his neck and broke it a sickening crack echoing in the silence as the body crumpled to the floor letting Yulla see who had come to her aid.

Antonius stepped over the body of the hunter and smiled at Yulla, she stood there with her mouth open in shock as she then ran over to him and knelt in front of him and took his hand and kissed it saying in her breathy voice “You are back my Lord, I never thought I would see you again” Antonius pulled her to her feet replying gruffly “Yes I am indeed back my dear, and I am building a new army to take on the forces of Light that still resides in this world….and bring this world into Darkness” Yulla laughed softly with delight as she put her arm through his as she guided him down an alleyway.

Yulla stopped by a door and brought out a key putting it into the lock and leading Antonius inside into a luxurious apartment as she sank down onto the couch and looked at him smiling softly motioning for Antonius to take a seat. As Antonius sat down Yulla spoke softly “So my Lord….what are your plans for your new Army?” Antonius chuckled softly replying “Well my dear, I have already gathered an army of Lycan’s and Vampires but I still need more, for my army shall be bigger and better then it was last time and I will CRUSH the Light that still shines brightly in this damned planet” Yulla nodded her head slowly as she stood up and walked over to a bookcase and pulled out an old leather bound book and blew it the dust billowing off of it.

Antonius looked quizzically at her as she smiled softly before speaking “This is a book of where some of the old members still live, they have been trying to make their way quietly through life, but they have all been to see me, or I have travelled to see them” Antonius nodded his head slowly as he leaned back in his chair interlocking his fingers. Yulla looked up from the book and stared at her Master before saying softly “We should go to Madrid, it’s where Sam Brown and Suri Jenkins are, they formed a relationship after your demise, but they are still loyal to you, they will be most pleased to see you again I am sure” Antonius nodded his head standing up.

Yulla walked over to a curtain that was covering a wall and pulled it to the side to reveal a ornately carved mirror, Antonius smiled as he saw it and touched it murmuring softly “I thought I would never see it again, I thought it had been lost during the last war” Yulla smiled softly and rested a hand on Antonius’ shoulder saying “No, I found it and recovered it before anyone could get their hands on it” Antonius nodded once before stepping towards the mirror and placing his hands either side of it as he began to chant a dark incantation.

“Welcome to Madrid” read a sign in what could only be described as a post-apocalyptic wasteland that was once a thriving and bustling destination, before the many wars had broken out, in a surviving tower block lived Sam Brown and Suri Jenkins, Sam was sprawled out on a king size bed dressed in just a pair of black boxers as Suri was in the shower the hot water running down her black hair and over her body, she stepped out and wrapped a towel around herself moving to Sam’s side and kissing his lips softly. Sam smiled up at her as he stroked her spine lightly and pulled her on top of him as the towel falling down revealing her breasts, he kissed between her breasts lightly as suddenly an almighty boom shook the building making Suri fall to the floor in a heap.

Sam leapt up and shoved on a pair of black leather pants and a red shirt, he then pulled on a pair of black biker boots as he growled softly helping Suri to her feet before muttering “Get dressed, and be prepared to move if we have to” Suri nodded her head as Sam leapt out of the bedroom window and spiralled down to the ground landing in a dust cloud. Sam moved forwards keeping low, he could hear whispering but couldn’t quite tell where it was coming from, his head snapped from left to right trying to pinpoint the sounds as suddenly a dark figure loomed up behind him, he spun around aiming to strike with his dagger as suddenly he saw that it was Antonius, his jaw dropped as suddenly he remembered his manners and bowed before him saying “Welcome back my Lord, I heard whisperings of your coming, I am glad that you have returned to us” Antonius nodded replying “I have returned to lead a new war to Smite goodness and light from the land” Sam nodded as he then led Yulla and Antonius towards the apartment block.

As they entered the apartment Suri was standing their in a short plaid mini skirt, with a red tight fitting top and knee high black boots, she smiled at Sam, and then saw Antonius and threw herself at him in pleasure of seeing him again, she squealed in pleasure saying “Antonius, I never thought I’d see you again Brother” Antonius chuckled before replying “I hope Samuel here is looking after you little sister” Suri nodded her head vigorously as Sam took a step back unsure of whether Antonius would harm him.

Antonius clapped a hand on Sam’s shoulder looking into his eyes before saying “Good because if he wasn’t, then I’d have to do something about it now wouldn’t I” Sam let out a nervous chuckle as Suri motioned for Antonius and Yulla to sit down, as Suri looked at her brother before saying “So….I’m guessing you want us to come and help you with your new war do you brother?…I heard you whispering to me at night when I slept all these years” Antonius smiled at her and nodded his head “Yes I do indeed my little sister, I hope you wont disappoint me like our brother my little sister” Suri shook her head quivering at the thought of what he would do to her if she betrayed him like their brother had done all those years ago.

Sam looked at Antonius before speaking in a confident voice “Sire, it would give us the utmost pleasure to serve you again in your new war, and we will be by your side just as we were all those moons ago, and we shall slay thousands and their blood will run into the ground” Antonius chuckled softly and nodded his head slowly.

Antonius then turned away from Sam, Yulla and Suri as he began to chant and a dark purple portal swirled into existence as Antonius stepped through it followed by the other as they were transported back into the throne room of the palace where Suri let out a low whistle before murmuring “Well brother you seem to have done well for yourself already, I have heard about this place, I never thought it still stood or even existed anymore” Antonius chuckled softly replying “This is where the Lycan’s have been hiding themselves, I came unto them as a leader, and I shall lead them to victory over everyone, this world will fall before my might and I will bring about peace” Yulla chuckled softly as Antonius turned towards her and raised an eyebrow.

Yulla shook her head as Abby came walking into the room and kneeled before Antonius “Sire, the Lycan’s wish for you to join their war meeting, they are planning to attack a stronghold of resistance fighters who still live in this foul place” Antonius nodded as he headed for the room flanked by Sam, Suri and Yulla. Seline was sitting at the head of a long table talking with some of her pack as Antonius came into the room and sat down at the other end picking up a glass of wine swirling it around in the glass and drinking it slowly. Seline then raised her eyes to meet Antonius and smiled lightly at him as she said softly “So sire….you desire to come and join in our attack” Antonius nodded slowly as Seline slid down a map of where the resistance fighters were located.

Antonius traced a finger down the scar on his face deep in thought as Seline and her pack discussed their plans, Yulla leant towards him and whispered into his ear “Sire, are you sure that it is wise to trust these Dogs?” Antonius chuckled softly and looked up at Yulla replying “Who said I trusted them my dear Lieutenant, they are merely being used as an end to a means…..My own” Seline looked down the table towards Antonius before moving towards him spreading her arms wide before saying in her silky seductive voice “Well Sire….it seems we have our plan together, we shall move on the Resistance in four hours, they wont know what has hit them” Antonius nodded his head as he stood up from the leather chair and lead his companions away to the drawing room that he had taken over for his own.

As they entered the room Antonius sank down onto a red couch as Abby ran over to a cabinet to pour him a glass of blood, she brought it back to him in a goblet as he drained it, Yulla sat down beside him before she spoke softly and respectfully “Sire, You have been underground for many years, the world has changed, perhaps you should sit this one out” Antonius let out a low growl and grabbed her by the throat and slammed her into a wall making the pictures on the wall rattle as he hissed “I am STILL the best warrior in the known lands so no I don’t think I will “Sit this one out” I will lead from the front lines and destroy this puny pathetic little resistance” he pulled away from her letting her drop as he spun around to see the other’s eyes on him a look of fear in them.

He let out a low soft growl as he walked out of the drawing room leaving his followers in a state of shock as Sam rushed over to Yulla and helped her to her feet, she pushed him away before muttering softly “All those years trapped in the soulless void must have driven him completely insane, he would never have treated any one of us like that before” Sam snorted derisively before replying “Of course he would, he’s a power hungry megalomaniac who only has his mind set on one thing…..World domination” they all watched Antonius disappear down a hallway as Sam closed the door to the drawing room and sank down onto a chair.

Antonius opened up a pair of glass doors and stepped out onto the veranda as he breathed in the refreshing air, he clenched and unclenched his hands feeling the anger coursing through his veins, he heard footsteps behind him he sighed softly and turned around and saw Seline walking towards him dressed in a silky black night gown, he smiled softly as he held his arms open for her, she moulded herself against his body kissing his chin as she purred softly.

Seline spoke in a soft voice as she pressed herself against him murmuring softly “Sire, you know you are the best person to lead out attack, no matter what anyone else says, you are the wisest and most powerful man I have ever met” Antonius looked down at her and smiled softly as he kissed her lips softly pressing her against the cold stone brickwork of the veranda, she let out a soft breathy moan as he slid her night dress up exploring her body with his hands and his mouth as he kissed her down her throat and kissed her between her breasts biting along the soft skin of her full pale breasts.

Meanwhile, deep underground underneath the wreckage of two toppled buildings, there lived a resistance movement of over 1,000 people, the leader of the resistance movement was looking at a map as one of his scouts came rushing towards him saying quickly “Darius, the Lycan’s have some backup, in the form of Antonius Blackheart, I think they are planning to attack us”. Darius slammed his fist down in anger before replying acidly “How the HELL did he manage to come back? Well no matter, we shall have to move quickly and see if we can surprise them, Beta team and Delta team, I want you to move yourselves to the safe houses we have set up, Alpha team, led by me will stay here with Charlie team, we’ll set up some defences and some traps” Nyx Alida the head of Delta team looked at Darius before moving a strand of hair out of her eyes saying in a soft voice “We shall do what you say Darius” she then turns to her team and nodded at them as they hurried around preparing stuff to take with them to the safe house deep underneath the London Eye.

Darius stepped away from the map as he rubbed his head sighing softly, as Nyx walked towards him and massaged his shoulder softly and kissed his neck softly before murmuring to him “It will be fine, we shall try our best and wont let them defeat us” Darius nodded his head softly as he turned to face her and stroked the side of her face. He tried to think back to before the Lycan’s had overthrown London, he remembered the day the attack came, the panic and the people running, they tried to fight back but buildings fell, whole families were slaughtered, the streets of London ran red with blood, London was the only place they had managed to attack and wipe out on a massive scale well for the moment anyway, they hadn’t tried to invade America yet, he wasn’t totally sure why.

Suddenly, a loud explosion ripped through their hideout as low howls broke through the air, Darius spun around just as a werewolf lunged at him knocking him to the floor, Darius jerked his body around as his face slammed into a piece of debris his nose breaking a stream of blood gushing from his nose as he stood up cursing softly as the werewolf snorted softly transforming into his human form, his black hair fell down past his shoulders as he drew a long staff and spun it around.

Darius forced his nose back into position as he picked up a broadsword as the Lycan lunged at him, Darius spun around bringing the butt of his sword down onto the Lycan’s back making him fall to the floor, Darius growled softly as the Lycan got up slowly and turned to face Darius, the Lycan let out a cold cruel smile and hit Darius in the stomach with his staff before spinning around and striking Darius on the back of the neck with the other end of the staff making Darius fall to his knees with the wind knocked out of him.

Meanwhile throughout the rebel hideout various other battles were being fought, Nyx leapt over a table and kicked two Lycan’s in the chests sending them flying back into a wall making them both cry out in pain as they slid down the wall, Nyx tied her hair back with a piece of red ribbon as she slid two daggers into her belt. Nyx then looked around checking for signs of her friends as suddenly she heard an explosion behind her and two new Lycan’s flooded in, Nyx let out a deep sigh as she pulled out the daggers and motioned for the Lycan’s to come and get her.

The two Lycan’s snarled as they jumped towards her, Nyx dodged the first one and brought her leg up into the ribcage of the second one feeling it crumple beneath her as she spun around just as the second Lycan slammed into her knocking her into a wall making her drop her daggers, she let out a despairing yell of anguish as she felt her left wrist snap, the Lycan snorted with laughter transforming into a youngish woman, with auburn hair and dazzling jade green eyes.

The young woman standing before Nyx looked at her, she then grabbed her by the throat and tossed her through the air making her slam into a wall where she cried out in pain before Nyx slowly struggled to her feet, the Lycan girl kicked Nyx in the stomach making her let out a low groan as she collapsed back to the floor, she tasted blood in her mouth as she spat onto the floor. Elenia, for that was the name of the young Lycan chuckled softly as she grabbed Nyx by her hair and dragged her along the rubble strewn floor and threw her onto a stone table where she straddled Nyx and kissed her softly letting out a small grin as she pulled out a dagger from her belt and plunged it into Nyx’s heart as her eyes rolled back into her head and she ceased to live.

Darius felt the death of Nyx as though the dagger had been plunged into his own heart, he staggered slightly and fell against a wall letting out a roar of anguish and sorrow as his eyes suddenly flashed dangerously he stormed through the base batting away Lycan’s left and right as they crumpled to the floor, he kicked a door down making a tremendous smash as standing before him was Antonius Blackheart. Antonius turned slowly around grinning at Darius as he then slammed his fists into Darius’s chest sending him flying back into a wall, Antonius walked slowly towards him, his hand seemed to be glowing a bright orange, that was all he knew before Antonius plunged his hand onto his chest and from then on….all Darius felt was pain.

Darius awoke a few hours later, he was bound to a table with a syringe attached to his arm, he struggled against the chains but a cold voice cut through the air as Seline appeared from a doorway “I wouldn’t try that if I was you, those chains are fuelled by magic, they are unbreakable” she ran a manicured fingernail over his chest and chuckled softly before speaking again in a slightly softer tone “My Lord says you fought most valiantly and killed many of my men…that does not make me happy” She struck Darius across the face roughly leaving a red print of her hand on him as he coughed slightly and spat blood onto the floor.

It was a few hours later and Darius had come around again, he was still chained up, he growled softly as he looked around the room trying to figure out exactly where he was, he was naked apart from a pair of boxer shorts, his chest had deep red welts on it, obviously when he had been unconscious he had been beaten and whipped, he shook his head trying to clear his vision as he saw figures moving in the shadows as Antonius appeared with a smug grin spread across his face.

Antonius walked slowly towards Darius carrying a long wickedly curved dagger, he spoke softly his voice carrying throughout the room “Now Darius, I know you think you and your pathetic little resistance could have somehow won….but to be truthful….you could never have competed with them. They are far more powerful then you could imagine…this world will fall to Darkness….and I will be sitting at it’s right hand as I bring about the worlds destruction and transform it into a new world order of Evil” he let out a deep booming laugh as he then dug the dagger deep into Darius’ chest ending his life.

Antonius pulled out the dagger and licked the blood from it as though he was a wine connoisseur, he then spat the blood onto the floor and muttered to himself “Has far to much pure goodness in it for my liking” he then spun around his black cape billowing out behind him as he left the dungeon and walked up the stairs where he passed Yulla who said “Pardon me sire, but Seline is waiting for you” Antonius nodded his head and wandered to the study that he shared with Seline, as he entered Seline launched herself into him arms with so much force that he staggered into the wall as she kissed him deeply and hungrily.

Antonius pulled away from Seline letting out a small chuckle as he stroked the side of her face before saying softly “It is done, the leader of this little pathetic London rebellion has been squashed, London is mine to control” Seline looked quizzically at him before saying “I think you mean ours….don’t you my love?” Antonius chuckled softly before he plunged the dagger deep into her chest piercing her heart as he whispered into her ear “No….I mean mine” Seline sputtered and coughed up blood gurgling softly as she managed to mutter “My Pack will never follow you….not now that I am dead” Antonius let out a deep roar of laughter as he replied “Oh really…you think so….you underestimate me, two of my group are excellent at brainwashing, we will control your pack’s mind…they will follow us without question” Antonius then grabbed Seline and threw her out of the window as the glass shattered around her and she fell to the concrete floor lifeless.

Antonius walked over to his chair and leant back in it interlocking his fingers thinking thoughtfully as a knock came at the door, he called for them to enter, and in came Suri with a loving look in her eyes “So brother, I assume that the wolf girl has been dealt with” Antonius nodded his head as she perched on the edge of his desk and let out a dark laugh before replying “That is excellent news brother, I am sure our Master will be happy to hear that” Antonius nodded his head softly saying “Aye, but we must still gather the rest of our forces, then we shall take on Donya and end this war once and for all” Suri nodded her head before swinging her legs off of the desk and walking out of the room leaving Antonius to his thoughts.

Sam awoke as soon as he heard the door open in the room he shared with Suri, he stood up and walked over to her and kissed her lightly saying softly “So, what’s happening then love?” Suri kissed him softly on the lips before replying “Don’t worry my love, everything is going according to plan, Antonius has killed Seline, so I suspect he will need me and Yulla to control these dirty flea-bitten dogs for him, and then once we do that, we shall after a while, turn on him and betray him like he has betrayed so many of us in the past” Sam nodded his head a look of worry apparent on his face as Suri stroked the side of his face before continuing “Don’t worry my love, it will all work out just as we planned, we knew this day might well come back, and it has…so now is the time to exact our revenge for what he made us do” Sam smiled and wrapped his arms tightly around her.




Tear Drop Pendant Prologue

15:52 Jul 16 2010
Times Read: 752

A War that has been raging for several months, between the forces of Donya Degray of the Whitehead clan and the forces of Antonius Blackheart of the Silver Snake clan, is finally coming to a close, Donya stares at the face of Antonius as their swords clash together. Donya pirouettes around Antonius and sweeps his legs out from under him as her curly brown shoulder length hair ruffled in the wind.

Antonius looked at the girl and snarled at the girl, his crimson red eyes flashing dangerously as he dodged and feinted Donya’s strikes, his cape breezed in the wind billowing out behind him as he kicked Donya in the stomach sending her flying back into a pile of rocks making her cry out in pain as she fell to the floor, Antonius smirked as he sauntered towards her and picked her up by the throat and tossed her casually through the air and onto the hard earth next to a bubbling pool of lava, as all around her she could hear the sounds of her army and friends struggling with the enemy.

She wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth as she got slowly to her feet as Antonius chuckled softly saying in a husky voice “Give it up Donya, you will never defeat me….or my army….your little rebellion is pathetic, you and your rag tag bunch of misfits will never win” Donya shook her head as she hissed “We will always beat you Antonius, good will always triumph over evil” in the distance a huge explosion rocked the earth making Donya stumble back as she was inches from the lava.

Meanwhile several members of her army were cornered, her twin sister Casey Degray was Donya’s second in command, her sword was a vibrant gold and she was driving it through the bodies of the enemies, meanwhile over in a sea of enemies was a young Elf known as Aqua River, she was spinning and jumping around the enemy vampires firing arrows into them making them howl as they exploded into dust.

Casey looked over at her allies as she spun around driving her sword into the back of one of the werewolves making him howl as he sank to the floor, Casey then spun around decapitating the wolf as she ran towards Aqua to help her. Aqua saw her and fired two arrows which were flying towards Casey but split and killed two vampires that were behind her, Casey gave the thumbs up as she leapt and spun and slammed her sword into the ground creating a shockwave sending all the vampires and all the other demons flying backwards.

Donya and Antonius stood across the battlefield from each other as their eyes locked, Antonius let out a blood curdling roar as he lunged towards Donya and sent her spiralling down towards the lava, but she kicked out from the edge and spun around landing on the other side of lava pit, she grinned before sending a bolt of lightning towards Antonius making him throw up a glowing purple shield to block it. Antonius glared at Donya before roaring in anger “COME AND FIGHT ME GIRL” Donya ran and leapt over Antonius kicking him in the back sending him spiralling into the dirt throwing up a dust cloud.

Antonius got to his feet slowly and growled as he cracked his neck from side to side and took off the gloves he was wearing his fingers as pale as snow as he took off his black leather jacket and threw it onto the floor as he reached behind his back and pulled out two wickedly curved swords with blood red hilts. He then lunged at Donya striking her faster then a human would be able to parry and block the strikes but Donya jumped back and brought up her sword to block the hits as she began to sweat from the exertion, Antonius growled and let out a deep booming laugh as he got underneath her guard and struck her in the stomach with the butt of his sword as he then uppercutted her sending her sprawling into the dirt coating her jacket in thick filthy dust.

Antonius loomed over Donya and brought his other sword down to her throat speaking in a dark evil tone “Do you yield to me girl?” Donya shook her head and swung her legs around knocking Antonius’ feet from under him making him collapse to the floor, Donya leapt up and spiralled high into the air landing on a cliff face high above Antonius, who roared in abject rage and anger. Donya mocked Antonius and shouted “Come on old man, come and fight me if you think that you can” Antonius knelt on the ground before jumping up high into the air and spinning around and landing behind Donya before kicking her in the stomach sending her flying and plummeting down towards the ground, she deftly spun around slowing her descent as she landed on the ground in a plume of dust shaking her head clearing her vision.

Her green eyes dazzled as Antonius ran and leapt from the cliff top letting out a deep atavistic roar as he slammed down into the earth and grabbed Donya by the throat and tossed her through the air making her land and skitter into a rock, she let out a hiss of pain as she curled up in the foetal position as blood dripped from a gash in her head. She felt around for her sword as Antonius walked towards her chuckling, his sword slung over his shoulder as a cocky act of having already won, Donya struggled to her feet and brushed her hair out of her eyes feeling the dirt mixing with the blood caking her face as she coughed up some blood and spat onto the floor.

Antonius glared at Donya as he heard her allies calling her name telling her they would be there to aid her, he snorted with derision as he threw up a barrier so that it would just be him and her fighting to the death, Donya spoke softly, her voice tired as she said “Antonius, you must stop this…you will not win, you will never take this Pendant, it will never be yours” Antonius shook his head and let out a booming laugh “Ahhh that is where you are wrong young Queen, your Soul will be mine….just like the Pendant will be” Donya growled as she struck a fist into Antonius’ chest sending him flying backwards as she picked up one of his swords which seemed to crackle with electricity in her hand as she moved towards Antonius.

Antonius growled as she struck him across the face with his own sword before kicking him in the kneecaps making him collapse to his knee’s, she then whispered into his ear “This will not be pleasant, you will not enjoy this….I am not your Queen” she then brought her sword down and just as it reached his neck a violent explosion rocked where they were standing sending them both flying backwards away from each other. Casey looked over towards the scene and cried out in panic for her sister as she ran through the swathes of enemy soldiers decapitating and destroying them as she made a leap but was thrown back by the barrier that Antonius had erected, she pounded on the barrier and got shocked each time.

Donya and Antonius got to their feet, Antonius’ hair had fallen out of it’s ponytail as he snarled savagely and lunged at Donya as they engaged in a deadly tango of blades, teeth and claws. Donya snarled letting her vampire form come out as she spun around and racked her claws down Antonius’ face making him howl in pain as 4 claw marks appeared on his face leaking blood as he covered his face. As their mortal forms carried on battling their spirits rose up out of their bodies, Donya’s was a pure white and Antonius’ was a blood red, they clashed violently sending sparks outwards, their spirits were unseen apart from a young Elven girl, she was called Lendina D’Ubbard, she was a young girl of only 11, she had hidden in a tree log when this new battle had started.

Donya’s pendant glowed a deep sapphire blue as Antonius started to howl in pain and he got thrown back and was bound to the side of rocks as his spirit form spun around and around as it fizzed and hissed being thrown back into Antonius’ body as Donya walked slowly towards him with a smirk on her face. She spoke softly but confidently saying slowly “Your time is at an end, you cannot win….and you will not win, I have defeated you. Do you yield?” Antonius spat into Donya’s face and hissed with venom in his voice “I will NEVER give in to the likes of you, your nothing but a whore queen who got her position by sleeping with the king and having him murdered whilst he slept” Donya roared in anger and rage as she grabbed Antonius’s scrotum and ripped it from his body making him howl in pain as blood dripped down his legs, she then set them on fire and threw them into the lava as she turned away from him.

Antonius slumped against the rock as his body seemed to glow, it then exploded sending Donya hurtling towards the barrier as her pendant seemed to slip from around her neck as she crackled with electricity from the barrier, the pendant flying up into the air and exploded sending a shockwave through the whole of the continent sending all of the opposing armies either to sleep or to a more impending doom of sending them hurtling down through the cracks in the earth to the deep molten core of the planet, everywhere around agonised screams could be heard.

Donya felt the life slip from her body as her eyes closed as she was lifted up high into the air, all of her allies fell to their knees as though they were lost, their eyes glazed over as they fell into a deep trance, Donya’s body began to dissolve as it exploded and…..



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