Mau's Journal

Mau's Journal


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5 entries this month

Alittle information for those who play headgames..

00:12 Dec 29 2008
Times Read: 554

I cant understand why people play the games they do with others.. 37 years old and yet I find myself constantly meeting people who can not speak truth, or even be honest with them selves, (mainly men is what I am referring too..)

Especially when they claim love after only speaking to you a week.. now come on.. please save me of this line of bull, I have heard it too many times, and even by the best..

Love doesn’t happen in a week with someone you never met face to face.. it takes time, you grow into love by spending time with that person..

Another thing I cant stand hearing (or reading) I cant live without you..

Well you lived before you met me so I am quite sure you’ll live..

you wont die just because i wont answer your text, or message.. and you wont die from me not cybering with you.. :)

Take heed to those who try these lines on me.. I will simply ignore you, block you if I must which I do not like to block people so don’t provoke me..

I come here because of my love and passion for vampires.. I am not here looking for a date.. if you wish to have a conversation with me then fine, but at least be honest and don’t try and bullshit me please..

I am a quiet person and normally keep to myself, anyone is welcomed to mail me and add me as a contact..



04:42 Jan 03 2009

I know who this is!!! It's N-----------r!

You were smarter than I was - I got totally duped, when I should have followed the alarm bell going off in my head.

I'm glad that more women are coming forward to expose this poor excuse for a man. Thank you!


a video my daughter found for me lol

22:43 Dec 23 2008
Times Read: 563

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Hidden thoughts in Winter's fury

17:43 Dec 23 2008
Times Read: 566

The nature seeming to play a silent melody, each part being a instrument in a great symphony.. the wind would be like the sound of a soft keyed piano, as the snow being the sweet ring of cymbals, the winters embrace over this wretched land making it as pure as the angelic..

The snow falling over the land spinning in a graceful dance towards the ground, the lake frozen with a blanket of fresh snow..

The trees raped of their leaves, what some would say it being natures wrath I would see it to be Mother Natures Glory..

Every snow flake being a different design, filled with so much mystery. Such as the eyes of the dark one that holds my mind in capture, I see his eyes in my dreams, I think of his embrace. Though through the Natures glory I feel myself pulled away thinking of him, what is it about him, the mysterious knight I see him to be.. one of Honor and truth, yet darkness surrounds him, he seems to be a light to my dreams and desires..

The passion that burns me is embers of fire that will not die only to remain a blaze..

I cant read his thoughts, nor his desires, I tried but only find myself questioning.. he holds his thoughts from me.. I feel that maybe I should run scared of the pain that could follow, yet the taste and hunger I have will not allow me to turn away.. its to powerful like the winds of a raged winter storm..

Why cant I stop thinking of this dark knight that fills my mind, he embraces my dreams, my thoughts, who is he who as the magic to steal my thoughts, he knows me.. I question him yet he doesn’t answer me without a riddle, twisting and turning like the snow flakes which dance over the blanketed land..

Tell me what will it take to make him see what I desire from his mysterious ways..

Scared of love yes, I am but more for what if it isn’t but another maze of the never ending puzzle..

If only I could hold him in my arms other then in my dreams I would then see if this could truly be love.. but till then I will hide my thoughts..



02:08 Jan 09 2009

I love your prose...!


The New Year

02:29 Dec 18 2008
Times Read: 575

The new year is quickly approaching and I find myself wondering what will this year bring, Besides change with a new president...

Over the years I have seen and watched many changes, some for the worst and some for the best.. Being 37 and raising 5 kids hasn't been a picnic but it hasn't been bad.. My children slowly growing up before my eyes, I wonder what will come when they all move out and start a life of their own, what I would do, where would I go.. My dream is to travel all through Egypt.. I have always said when I had finished raising my children that is where i would end up.. walking through the Hot sands feeling its warmth between my toes, dipping my hand in the nile.. seeing the arts of the many creations they did with their hands, pyramids, temples, all the beauty in one strange and mysterious land..

I am ready for what ever the new year brings my way, one being who has always been a "go getter" I never worried with day to day struggles..




Story of Mau and her roleplay history

18:31 Dec 05 2008
Times Read: 643

The Story Of Mau..

An ancient of years but as beautiful as the sunset over the ocean in Autumn.. She came from no where honestly, but she found herself in the gates between heaven and hell.. there is where she first laid eyes on him, at the time just a simple mortal girl with eyes on what they called a beast.. when she saw him that very first time he was no beast in her eyes, he captivated her with his cunning ways, his eyes still burn fresh in her mind even today.. He was forbidden in her kingdom by the queen.. Pandora.. a Ruthless vampiress who had no love in her only hate.. she warned Him to never come there but he had to see Mau, he fell in love the very first time he saw her.. he can still remember her scent even when thousands of miles away, carried by the wings of the wind. . they Ran to hide when no one was watching them.. just to be in eachothers arms even if it was just for a moment.. he was Nuitari.. the one who turned her from her mortal life awaking her to a whole new world.. a world of immortality.. no death, no pain.. He freed her.. but then time passed and the queen found out that one of her own being Mau had been sneaking around to see her enemy.. even though mau told no business to him about the coven, never revealing any information to protect her family..

The hour came quickly in one late august eve.. Pandora ordered Mau be bait to bring him out.. the guards captured her dragging her into the castle bound in chains.. beaten and bruised the queen then saw Nuitari appear in the midst with his three brothers.. he offered a challenge for Mau but they jumped him.. capturing him they were to torture him before her very eyes.. Mau begged for his life offering her own.. Pandora finding that as bravery yet as betrayal to the coven freed nuitari who fled leaving mau there to die in his place.. Three guards beat her to the point of almost at her death.. then exiled her from the kingdom to never return.. she was then found by a clan of vampires who took her in, they nursed her back to strength, she grew there, became skilled.. but Mau grew bitter towards love.. sworn to never love again she set out to destroy Pandora and her whole kingdom.. successfully she has done it and still hunts the queen.. she will find her no matter how long it takes..

Mau: the daughter of the God Ra her mother was a beautiful Vampyre.. the law was broken when she was created.. and rejected by the Gods..

Her only God in her eyes is the ability to walk eternity, even though some call it a curse.. she sees it as a never ending quest for life.. to its fullest..

Her powers (max)the highest rank in her world.. her skills mastered..



22:34 Dec 05 2008

Ah, if it were truely possible to live life as a "fantasy"....

00:37 Dec 06 2008

lovely story but it does leave some questions begging

00:56 Dec 13 2008

Beautiful story!

04:18 Jan 04 2009


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