Meska's Journal

Meska's Journal


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1 entry this month

Matrhas Child

13:59 Jan 25 2008
Times Read: 764




J.M. Spriggs


With the landing on Mars in 1994, a monarchy government established and lands divided into separate kingdoms.. Everyone was content with the lands and there were no wars.

Although in one kingdom there was a scandals gossip of an affair between the prince of Matrha and his personal hand maid. Prince Gavivan had a near nine-years relationship with the Earth woman.

During the summer of 2002 Angelique became pregnant. The king gave the prince an ultimatum, either send the child, once it was born away, or kill the child and mother now. Fearing for their life the prince took Angelique to a mid-wife, who was also a sorceress. Now the woman was on the brink of death and she told the prince once the child was born that she was going to pass on her powers thru the baby. The powers could only be active while the child was on Mars only. When the prince agreed , hoping the child would come back and re-claim the heir to the throne. The woman put the country emblem on it’s left shoulder blade, but while the child being born Angelique passed on, she had died.

The child was girl and her name is Marika. It has been eighteen year’s later and she now lives with her “family” in San Francisco, California, Earth… for now.

It was a quite Monday morning until Carol Denver was rudely awakened by her youngest daughter, Natasha. It wasn’t that she didn’t have to get up, it was that she didn’t want to. “Mom , you’ve got to tell Marika to let me borrow her black suede jacket.”

Carol rolled over to look at her daughter, she was pretty for her age. Only twelve and already worried about her looks. Not that she anything to worry about she had long, think blonde hair, sapphire blue eyes, and a clear tan complexion. “If Marika said no then that’s my answer. Now get ready for school, is your father still here?”

Natasha, Nat, to all her friends looked at her mother coolly and with a toss of her hair said, “No,” then she stomped out the door and slammed it behind her.

Walking out of her room in a robe and slippers she went to see if her other children were up. Marika and Chris were in the hall bathroom. As she passed, she looked in, Marika looked just the opposite of brother and sister. Although she passed for someone who wore way too much powder on her face. She was very pretty, she had long black hair, green eyes, and an olive complexion. Chris on the other hand was just like Natasha, and she knew why.

Making her way to the kitchen she poured a cup of coffee and sat at the kitchen table.

Chris walked in and sat down, “Tough morning, huh Mom?”

She just laughed and walked over to the coffee pot and asked, “Where’s Marika?”

Chris was fixing himself a glass of milk and a bowl cereal. When he finished he said, “Oh, she’s still in the bathroom getting ready for school, why? Did she do something wrong?”

Carol’s back was turned toward him as she replied, “I’m thinking about telling her about being adopted. I think she is old enough to understand.”

Marika came running in, “Chris, we’re going to be late for school, let’s go!” She looked at her mom, “Did you tell Nat that she couldn’t borrow my jacket?”

Marika was making herself a snack so she could eat it on the way to school.

“Yes, that’s why she’s mad at, not only you, but now me as well.” Carol frowned as Chris grabbed his books and stood up.

“Come one Marika, well we’ve got to go. See ya later Mom.” Marika grabbed her purse and walked out the door.

They were driving down the road and the radio was the only noise. Marika reached over and cut the volume down and looked at her brother.

“Chris, do you think I am adopted?” She sighed and pulled her knees up to her chest.

Chris looked at her in surprise, “Why, what makes you think you’re adopted?”

“Well yesterday I was looking for a pencil in Daddy’s study and I saw a folder with my name on it. I’d never seen it and it was in Mom’s handwriting,” she said as she pulled out a blue folder, “It says I was born on Mars and then adopted and sent to Earth. You knew because according to this, I was born in 2003 you were born 2001 you were 2 years old when I was born. Dammit Chris you knew all this time and you didn’t tell me, why?”

Listening to her he decided, “Listen, meet me at the snack bar after school.”

As they pulled up in the school parking lat she saw her friends and she thought to her self that this part of her life she was sure of. This part of her life she made everything about her school career she had done and there was nothing fake about it.

“Okay, I’ll meet you but you better tell me the truth.” She got out of the car and walked up to her friends. She was so worried that they would reject her.

She walked over to the steps where her friends sat before school started every morning.

They had been best friend ever since first grade.

Nicole was the flaky one, blonde hair and the greenest eyes you’ve ever seen. Along with a serious dark complexion.

Katy was the only girl she knew that had red-headed parents and had blondish-brown hair and black eyes. She was just as pale as Marika.

Debbie on the other hand was just the opposite of her friends. Although she was pretty and smart, she was also the trouble maker. Anytime they got into any trouble it was Debbie’s idea. Just by looking at her you couldn’t tell it. She had dull brown hair and dull gray eyes to match.

“What’s the matter hon,” Nicole asked as she put her arm around Marika, “you and Chris have it out on the way to school this morning?”

Tossing her hair so she could look at friends, “Sort-of, look until I get everything worked in my head I don’t want to talk about it.”

Debbie looked at her and put her hands on Marika’s knees. “You know if you ever need to talk to anybody we’re here for you, don’t you?”

Marika smiled she had her friends that cared for her. She wondered what would they do if they found out that she was adopted. “Yeah I know, I just want to think it out before I go talking about it. Besides I don’t want to bring my friends into my family business, no offense.” Katy walked over to her and gave her a note and slight squeeze.

She smiled, “Marika we understand, whenever you want to talk to us we’ll he here. Until then if you need for anything we’ll be there.”

Right then the eight o’clock bell rang, they grabbed up their books and went to first period class. As Marika sat down in her desk she opened the note that Katy had given her. She carefully read and smiled as she re-read it:


Something is bothering you.

We’ll talk in Library. I promise I wont tell.


As usual school was a real bummer, finally that last period was here.

“Marika what’s wrongs with you? You’ve been acting like you just lost you’re best friend. I mean all of your teachers have asked if you were all right and for once we couldn’t answer them,… Hell girl is it that bad?” Katy asked as she met Marika at the Library door.

Marika shrugged and entered the door. “I don’t know, what would you do if you found out that most of your life is a fraud.”

Katy sat at a nearby table and Marika sat across from her. Pulling her makeup kit she said, “Meaning, what? That your family is on the witness protection agency?”

“No, at least they would still be my family. Katy I’m adopted.”

“That’s all I thought it was something important.” Katy said.

Shocked by her response she stared at Katy as she fixed her make-up. “What in the hell do you mean by, ‘that’s all’?”

Putting her hands up in defense, “Whoa girl! I just meant that it happens all the time,” scooting closer to Marika, “look tell me what you know and I’ll tell you if we can find your parents. Like where were you born?”

Marika pulled out her folder and spread the papers out, “Well according to this my mother died in childbirth and my father put me up for adoption. I’m from Mars, Katy.”

“Mac, did you just say you were from Mars?” Katy asked with a new interest in the subject.

“Yeah, as in the country called Matrha, why? Is it important?” Marika asked as she put the papers neatly back into the folder.

“It’s a well known fact that people from Matrha have tattoos of the country emblem and the family emblem, sort of like a coat-of-arms but it’s always on you.” Katy lean forward and looked at Marika.

“That’s great but the thing is I don’t have a tattoo. The only distinguishing mark I have is my birth mark-” Marika looked at Katy in awe.

“Or what you think is your birth mark. It maybe a tattoo. If we can find the book on the family tattoos of Matrha we can find your family.” Katy smiled and started to stand.

“Then I can go after I graduate next week, damn I still have to have to meet Chris at the snack bar after school. So he can tell me what he knows.” Marika sat heavily back and sighed.

Katy smiled that sly grin that usually meant she had a plan. She picked up a pen and began writing a note when was through she looked at Marika. “Get your stuff together keep your books here but take that folder and your purse.” Katy left the table to go to the librarian, Coach Johnson, he signed a hall pass and she returned. Katy picked up her purse, “You coming?”

Marika picked up her purse and the folder and followed Katy out of the library. “Katy, what are you up to now?”

As they rounded the corner Katy spoke, “I wrote a note for Chris to meet you in the library after school. Instead of the snack bar, there’s more privacy at the library. That way if your tempers flare it wont be all around school the next day.”

Marika smiled to the idea of that, and smiled harder to the idea of what some kids used the library for. Oh it was educational, they would brush up on there anatomy.

Katy poked Marika in the ribs, “Penny for your thoughts.”

Marika smiled, “Just thinking about what some kids use the library for.”

Katy laughed, “I figured about that, when we get there we better check to see if he hasn’t either skipped school or checked out early.”

As they entered the office the secretary looked up at them and said with a pinched face, “What are you girls doing out of class?”

Marika showed her the hall pass, “We need to get a message to my brother, Chris Denver. It’s very important that he gets this before this hour is up.”

The secretary looked at her office aid, “Please take this to Chris Denver in room 29, that should be Mrs. Mafurdisco. Boy, is that eve a mouthful.”

Marika smiled, turned and looked at Katy, “Well we better be getting back to class before we get into trouble for staying gone so long.”

Marika walked out the door and started down the when Katy caught up with her. “Marika, would you like to tell me why in the hell you left like that?” Marika stopped, “Mac, I understand if you’re scared but don’t act like it or people will start asking questions.”

Marika looked at her friend, she sat down on a bench outside the library entrance. “Oh God, Katy I don’t know what to do. Just a couple of days ago my family were my family, now I don’t who they are, or myself for that matter!” She looked up in fright, “Oh God, what if I wasn’t a planned pregnancy. What I mean is, if I do find them and they still don’t want me!”

Katy looked at her friend then at the clock. “Marika, I don’t know what to tell you, all I know is that you are my friend, my best friend, and you being adopted isn’t going to change that. Look since we only have like thirty minutes left I’m going to skip and beat traffic, call me tonight after you find out more.” She stood then looked down at Marika, “I just thought of something, when are you going to tell Nicole and Debbie?”

Marika had forgotten all about her other friends, “I’ll think of something, but until then it’s our secret. If Coach Johnson asks where you are I’ll tell him that you are helping me look for a book okay.”

Katy hugged her and ran down the hall toward the doors leading to the senior parking lot. As she got to the door she turned around and motioned for Marika to call tonight. When Marika gave her the thumbs up she ran through the door.

Katy pulled into her drive way and hopped out, she left her books in the car and ran into the house. “I’m home!” She looked into the living room, empty. She called out, “Renee`, Thomas!” She frowned and went to the office door. The large oak door was closed, she knocked, “Hello?”

It opened quickly, “Katy good you’re here. We need to know what happened from the time you saw her this morning to the time you left her.” A tall lean woman ordered her as she pulled Katy inside the room. She was about forty, short graying red hair, she was skinny but you could tell she had muscles. Her eyes were a hazel color; you could never tell what color her eyes were going to be.

“Well me, Nicole, and Debbie were waiting for her. I saw her drive up with Chris, she seemed upset. She didn’t want to talk about it so we didn’t press the issue. I slipped her a note saying we could talk during library and I wouldn’t say anything.” She stopped for a moment thinking to herself that she had broke that promise. “Anyway, school went on the same boring day until the last period. I saved a seat for her, when she sat down I asked her what was wrong and she told me that she was adopted.”

Her mother rolled her eyes and blew out a deep sigh. “She had her folder and everything. I think she found it on accident, she was going to meet Chris there and talk about things maybe he could tell her. When I left she was really upset, she had this crazy idea that if she did find her real family that they might want her back. So I told her that if they didn’t want her that they didn’t know what they were missing and that she had friends and family here that loved her.”

“You did good.” A male voice said from a chair, it was Thomas. She never did like him. He was in his late fifties also with graying red hair, her was more muscular than Renee`. One eyes was blue and the other was green whenever he looked at her she would look away quickly and shudder.

She looked at Renee`, “What’s the big deal about her finding out she is adopted, and why does she need a guardian? What aren’t you telling me?” For the first time in her life she was afraid for Marika when it came to her parents.

“Nothing Katy.” Renee` said, “We just don’t want to see Marika hurt if she does find her real parents and they don’t want her.”

“Well I have a good idea. Why don’t you tell me who they are and I will go ask them if they want to meet Marika and if they don’t then we can go through the ordeal of telling her they don’t want to see her.” She stood and looked at Renee` and Thomas with hope in her eyes.

“No, that is not acceptable.” Thomas said loudly. “When she calls you tonight I want a complete report and don’t leave anything out.”

Marika took a deep breath and walked through the library door and made a bee line toward the card catalog. Twenty to thirty minutes later she was sitting down at a table reading the book about many tattoos that the Martians families have but one caught her attention. It was a perfect match to her “birthmark”. About five minutes later the three o’clock bell rang and kids from various rooms filed out the exit doors to the parking lots to go home.

As kids were going out Chris was coming in he saw Marika and sat down at the table and smiled, “Why the change?”

Without even glancing up she said, “More privacy, besides this book here may answer some of my questions.”

Raising the cover of the book to see the name of it he started to laugh, “A tattoo book! How’s a tattoo book supposed to help?”

Putting her hand over his mouth she whispered, “Shut up will ya.” Pulling her left collar, “Remember this? Momma said it was a birthmark, well I think it’s a tattoo.”

Scooting closer to the table Chris whispered, “Good point. Any luck yet?”

Putting down the book she nodded, “Yeah, but I’ve hit a snag. You see I’ve found the part but no the family. Look it says here that all kingdoms have a certain symbol but the family has a symbol that goes along with that tattoo. I don’t have any other symbol, isn’t that strange?”

Chris reclined back in his chair and looked at her from under his thick eye lashes. “Not really, I heard that the homeless were aloud to get the kingdom tattoo but they weren’t aloud one of their own. Maybe your mother was a street walker and got herself pregnant and when you were born she gave you up so you wouldn’t grow up like her, a whore.”

She couldn’t take it anymore one moment Chris was in his chair the next he was on the floor with blood coming from his lip, she had hit him. “Hey I didn’t even break a nail!” She said admiring her nails and grinning at Chris.

Dabbing the blood from his lips, “Shit, can’t you take a joke?”

Helping him up she handed him a handkerchief, “I really don’t give a damn, you had no right saying that. Anything we find out is crucial, and I want to what happened when I was brought home, but we’ll talk about that later. Until you and I find out who my natural parents are I’m volunteering you to help me. All right, now let’s go home I’m starved.

“I can’t find them.” Carol said running into the den.

“Carol what are you talking about, what can you not find?” Michael asked looking up from his paper.

Carol was frantic she started to go through all of the desk drawers. “Marika’s adoption papers, I was planning to tell her this morning before she went to school but they were running late, so they left before I could tell her.”

Her husband was very handsome, ice-blue eyes, reddish-blonde almost auburn hair. For a middle-age he was well built and was always in control, yes she loved her husband, Michael. He walked over to the only place she hadn’t torn apart, the safe in the wall. As he worked the combination Carol was twisting the tail of her shirt around her fingers. The second she heard the safe open she ran over there only to find just the file she was looking for. “Now see Carol all that worrying about nothing.”

She snatched the file away from him and opened it, “It’s empty Michael, were are they?”

He sat down on the sofa and looked up at her with a worrisome look in his eyes, “Do you think she found them?”

Just then they hears the front door slam shut. “Mom, Dad were home.” Chris called out.

“Chris, Marika will you come to the den please.” Michael called out.

Chris walked in with Marika following close behind him, “What’s up Dad?” Marika asked.

Running a hand through his hair Michael stood up, “Kids will you sit down please.”

Carol asked them, “Have anyone of you been in your father’s safe?”

Chris and Marika looked at each other and she stood up, “Yes, and I found these. Why didn’t you tell me I was adopted?” holding the papers in her hand.

Carol ran to her, “Marika we wanted to tell you this morning, but your father left early and you were running late so I couldn’t tell you. Plus we would’ve told you earlier but we didn’t know how you would react.”

Shrugging off her arms’ Marika said, “I’m eighteen don’t you think I’m more mature than you give me credit for!”

Carol sighed and looked Michael and he nodded, “We couldn’t tell you until you were older because not only are you adopted you’re magical!”

Chris stood up quickly, “You told me about her being adopted but you didn’t tell me about that!”

Michael looked at him, “Why do you think we never went to Mars for vacation?”

Marika waved her hands, “Whoa, wait a minute. How is my being magical got to do anything with our vacation plans.”

Carol walked over to the door and shut it, “You see you’re powers don’t work here on Earth, only on Mars. When we told the agency that we might be moving to mars they said it was impossible for the simple reason they didn’t know what kind of powers you had.”

Natasha walked in, “Mom I’m home, and there’s a phone call for you in the kitchen. Did I interrupt something?”

“No squirt.” Chris said as Carol had left the room, “We were just talking about,” he looked at his Dad and he nodded. “We were just talking about Marika being adopted.”

Natasha plopped down and said, “So you finally told her.” Everyone was shocked, “And before you ask how and when I found it was last month I heard Momma talking to the agency about Marika.”

“Well,” Marika said placing her hands on her hips, “I have a newsflash for everyone! When I graduate next week I’m going to find my real parents.” Marika said coolly.

Chris stood up beside her and said, “And I’m going with her.”

Carol walked in and looked around, but she didn’t like what she saw. “What’s going on here?”

Michael looked at her with sad eyes. “It seems that Chris and Marika have decided that after they graduate they’re going to Mars to search for Marika real parents.”

Carols face was complete and utter horror, “What, I mean you can’t!”

Marika eyed her mother suspiciously, “We can’t? Why? Do you know something that might help me find who my real parents are, or who I really am?”

Carol stood toe-to-toe to the girl that she had raised for eighteen years. She knew how stubborn Marika could be. “No, but what if something was to happen to the two of you.”

Before Carol could say anything else Marika put her hand to stop her from talking. “Chris doesn’t have to go, he wants to go by his own choice. Whatever happens he will responsible for what he does, not you and most certainly not me.” But in her heart thanking him for coming.

Natasha ran up to her and wrapped her arms around Marika, “Don’t you love us anymore?”

Putting a hand on the girl’s cheek Marika said, “Oh, Nat I’m so confused. I don’t know who to trust or love.”

Chris ran out of the room and up the stairs to this room. When he got to his door he flung it open and it barely closed behind him. He fell on the bed and began to cry he loved her, more than any brother should. But how could she love him. He knew that she was adopted she would never trust him.

Carol walked up to Chris’ room opened enough to her son crying on his bed. She knocked on his door, “Come on in Mom.”

She walked over to him and sat down next on the edge, “What’s wrong Chris, why did you run out like that?”

Chris rolled over, “Because I love her.” He said wiping the tears from his eyes, “I have ever since I was fifteen years old.”

With a horrified look on his face Carol turned only to see Marika in the doorway. “Marika what are you doing here, I mean I thought you were still down stairs.”

Carol could see Marika’s sea-green eyes weren’t looking at here, they were looking at Chris, “I came to see if you were okay. Well if you or anyone else needs me I’ll be in my room I’ve got homework to do.”

The first thing Marika thought of was to call Katy. When she walked quickly to her room and locked the door as she entered. Grabbing the phone she dialed her number and waited. “Oh, hello sir, may I talk to Katy? Thanks.” She waited a few more minutes then, “Katy! Are you in your room? Good, I have some things to tell you.

First of all my parents confirmed that I am adopted. Second, they said there is a reason we never went to Mars for any vacations. I am magical and my powers work on Mars and no where else.”

“I’m serious Katy, I’m magical.” Marika said over the phone, “And to top everything else off Chris has been in love with me ever since he was fifteen.”

At Katy’s house she was sitting on her bed when her father came in with the cordless. “It’s Marika,” he said handing the phone to her, “remember I want a full report.” Katy glared at him and took the phone, “Hey girl! Tell me everything that happened after I left you.” She looked at him and motioned for him to leave her room. She listened to her friend and said nothing until Thomas left then as if she didn’t trust herself until he left she said to Marika when she finished, “Damn girl, you’ve got yourself one bad predicament.”

Marika sighed over the phone. “Yeah I know I was wondering if when Chris and I go you would consider going with us?”

“I’ll think about it, don’t you think you should tell Nic & Deb tomorrow?” Marika had forgotten all about her other two friend, the moment she was alone in her room she had called the first person she could think of.

“Okay, I’ll tell them then but only if you are there with me.” Marika quickly said.

All Katy said before hanging up was, “Naturally.” As if on cue her parents walked in.

“Well?” Thomas asked impatiently

Katy frowned at him, he was very angry, “What do you mean ‘Well?’ I imagine you were listening in on the conversation, like always.”

Thomas looked at her in shock, “You know what Katy you don’t know us at all. We respect your privacy.”

Katy was just as shocked as he was at her remark as to his. She took a deep breath and spoke, “Well, the Denver’s confirmed that she was adopted and after graduation next week Chris and her are going to try to find her real parents and she wants me to go with her.”

She left out the part about Marika being magical and Chris loving her to test them.

Thomas nodded, “I have a few calls to make, and Renee` says dinner is done. Oh, your brother sent these clothes for to go visit next week.” He threw a duffle bag of clothes at the foot of her bed and left.

She immediately went to it, the one thing she liked living on Mars was the clothes. It was totally different from here. They were a mixture of renaissance and modern.

Example, back in the “King Arthur” days women wore dresses all the time, now they wear pants but they still have to wear what their station requires.

Marika hung up the phone and laid back on her bed saying to herself, “Maybe this is all one ad dream. Maybe if I go to sleep I’ll wake up and it’ll all be over with,” closing her eyes she said, “just maybe.”

Exhausted from her long day Marika fell asleep around five o’clock p.m. and woke up around three- thirty a.m. that morning. Missing dinner she decided to go down stairs to get something to eat.

Walking down stairs she could see that the kitchen light was on and she heard someone in there.

Picking up a broom she stepped into the kitchen. The person turned and she swung, luckily she missed, because it was Chris. “Damn, what are you doing up?” he said as he bent down to pick up the cheese and the lunch meat.

“I was just about to ask the same question.” she said as she picked up the bread.

“Well, I got hungry, I didn’t eat dinner.” Chris said as he got two glasses.

Opening the refrigerator to some drinks she said, “Me too.”

Sitting down at the table Chris said, “Listen I’m sorry I called your real mother, who ever she is, a whore.”

Marika sat down across from him and smiled, “Apology accepted, and I’m really sorry I hit you. How is your lip anyway?”

Touching his lip he stared at her. He knew that she knew he loved her, but was there anyway that she could feel the same way about him.

The question was could they ever be more than friends? He touched her hand and she jumped like someone had thrown ice water on her.

“I, uh, u just lost my appetite I’m going to bed, now.” She said as she backed out of the kitchen and ran up the stairs to her room

“I’ve got to leave now, tonight,” she said to herself. Grabbing her duffle bag and began stuffing clothes into it, she grabbed her wallet, “before I do something I regret.” Taking one last look around and writing a note explaining why she had to leave that night. Placing it on the nightstand and started for the window.

“Where do you think you’re going?” She jumped and turned, it was Chris.

“I can’t stay here anymore.” She didn’t and couldn’t even look at him when she spoke.

Shutting the door Chris said, “Well I told you I was going with and I meant it, your not going anywhere without me, because if you got hurt I’d never forgive myself.”

Looking into his eyes were like looking into clear blue pools, “Chris, I appreciate it but I can’t risk it, because I, I love you too much for you to get hurt.”

Oh God, she said it Chris thought to himself. He walked over to her and put one arm around her waist, and kissed her so softly she felt like she was kissing a feather. “I love you too.” Taking her bag he said, “Now lets go find your family.”

As they climbed down the trellis Marika told Chris, “We’ve got to go by Katy’s first.”

Chris looked at her and dropped her bag the rest of the way down, “Why we can manage.”

Marika jumped the rest of the way to the ground. She brought her hair up in a pony tail and put in a hair tie, “I’m afraid we can’t. We’ve never been to Mars. No one is expecting us there so we don’t have any friends there. She has a map of the surrounding areas. Besides she took martial arts, we haven’t, no offense but we need all the help we can get.”

As they made there way to Katy’s house Chris asked, “How are we going to see her if we show up at the front door her parents are sure to call Mom and Dad. Then where will we be?”

Marika hadn’t thought of that, but she wasn’t going to let Chris know that. “We’re not going to the front door, we’re going to her window. Remember when I spent the night at Katy’s? Well we didn’t exactly stay home. We had to met Nicole and Debbie at the mall but her parents wouldn’t let us go so we call a taxi, gave them the address a few yards down and after staying out all night Debbie dropped us off at the same house and we snuck back in before her parents knew we were gone. So believe me I know where her window is.”

By this time they were at Katy’s house and in her back yard. “You stay here until I give the signal. Katy always keeps her window unlocked for some strange reason.” Marika raised the window and pulled herself up into the room. She quietly walked over to Katy’s bed and placed her hand over her mouth.

Katy’s eyes flew open, Marika could feel her physically tense up then relax once she saw it was Marika. She nodded that she was awake and Marika removed her hand. “Katy you better get dressed because Chris is with me.”

Katy looked around to see where he was, “He’s still outside waiting for my signal.” Katy always slept naked so that was why she made Chris stay outside, Marika Walked over to the window, “You can come on in Chris she’s dressed now.”

As Chris came through the window Marika sat down on the bean bag at the end of her bed.

“What do you need Mac? I mean couldn’t it wait till tomorrow?” Katy said stifling a yawn.

Chris sat down next to Marika and said, “Afraid not Katy. You see we’re leaving tonight.”

Katy sat straight up, “What do you mean, please tell me he’s joking.” All Marika did was shake her head, “Damn well I guess I have to tell you NOW.”

Marika looked at her closest friend very carefully, “What do you have to tell me now?”

Katy pulled her shirt up to her bust line and on her stomach was a tattoo just Marika’s except she had a halo above hers, “I’m a guardian.”

Marika stood up so she could get a good look at her friend . “A guardian of what?”

Katy pulled her shirt down and smoothed it out. “I’m a guardian of you, the adoption agency assigned one to you when you started school. I’ve told them everything we’ve ever done as friends.

Hell, I even told them about that night we snuck out of here to go meet Debbie and Nicole. These people aren’t even my real parents and this,” she said pointing to her stomach, “is a birthmark only the ones born with this mark can be a guardian. Remember how I always asked for two school pictures well one was for me and the other for the agency.”

Marika looked out the window she had been betrayed by one of her closest friends and it hurt.

Chris looked at his watch, “Look I hate to cut this short but we’ve got to get going so are you going or not?”

Marika turned and looked at her and Katy answered, “Look I can’t go with you but I’ll give you a list of contacts and where they hang.” Looking at what they had on she said, “At least you can go looking like you belong there, here put these on.”

She threw them a sack of clothing, “Are there any guys clothes in that bag?” Chris asked looking at the costume Marika was pulling out.

“There should be when ever we would go to Mars my real brother and I would dress like we were accepted as Martians not Earthlings.”

“Is there anyway we can keep in contact with you?” Chris asked as Marika walked into Katy’s changing room.

“Yes, here is a communicator.” Marika came out and it was Chris’ turn to change.

“We’ll contact you every other day starting tomorrow.” Chris said as he stepped out of the bathroom, “You ready?” He asked.

Marika looked at Katy, “Are you sure you don’t want to come with us?”

Katy hugged her and said, “Yes, besides if I change my mind I know where you will be and when you will be there.”

Chris walked over to Katy and hugged her, “Thanks for helping us, please do us a favor, if my mom ask you about us, you don’t know anything. And please don’t tell the agency what we’ve done okay.”

Katy put an arm around his shoulder, “I promise, I wont tell a single soul not even Debbie and Nicole. Look there is a transport for Matrha, please be careful, and Chris take care of her.”

Leaving Katy’s dressed in their mid-evil outfits Chris was looking at her in admiration. Outfitted in a white knee length tunic with slits all the way up to the belt, showing most of her hip and thigh, encased in leather breeches. The belt was gold trimmed black leather studded with rubies and emeralds and a jewel encrusted dagger on the right side. The top was “V”-necked to swells of her bosoms with gold lining that barely covered everything that it should. Her black leather boot were to the knee in length and rather snug.

Chris on the other hand was dressed in a turquoise tunic and black tabard with black leather breeches to show off his well-muscled legs. Around his waist was a gold studded belt with a broad sword with the Matrha emblem on the hilt. Attached to the back of his belt was a dagger exactly like the one Marika had. His boots were a softer leather than hers, made especially for assassins.

Squatting down to check her bag and the communicator came on, “Marika, Marika it’s me Katy.”

Marika picked it up, “Yeah, whatcha need?”

Katy responded, “Look I forgot to tell you when you get on Mars your powers will hit you full force so I advise you to go one at a time, and hurry it’s almost six o’clock.”

She looked at Chris and he pointed toward the transport he smiled and said, “Ladies first.”

Flipping him off she got on the pad looked up and said, “Beam me up Scotty.”

She heard a murmured prayer and felt her shin begin to crawl, when she opened he eyes it was fields and trees and most definitely no Earth. She quickly stepped off the platform. She saw the machine charge up again and Chris started to form. As he finished she felt a pain in her stomach and doubled over.

He was instantly at her side, “Marika! Marika, are you okay?”

She felt pain like nothing else, then nothing, no pain, nothing, not even Chris’ hands on her back. She heard Chris yell, “Oh, damn. Marika!”

She looked down and noticed the ground was a little further away than she remembered, she was floating. As if exploding she flung her arms and legs outward, as if she was spread eagle in mid-air.

Chris didn’t know what to do, all he could do was to watch. She threw her head back and her body went white, like a white light had enveloped her.

Standing there for few minutes he was thinking about what she had said about loving and he couldn’t do anything for her now.

She started descending, the white light faded and there she was standing like nothing at all had happened. “Wow that was a rush! Chris are you ok? Why are you standing there gawking at me?”

“A rush! That was weird. I mean first you were in pain then you start floating then you are surrounded with some white light. I swear I’ll never get woman.” He laughed picked up the bag and headed to the way station that Katy had told them about.

Marika followed quickly and peeked inside, “This is where we are going to living for the next couple of days?” She stepped inside and looked around. I t had a crude fireplace, a small are to sleep and a closet. She opened the closet and was happy to see some blankets and rations like what Katy had given to them. “Hey Chris look at this, if any of this stuff is any good we can go at least a few more days. I just have one problem. I don’t see any kind of place to bathe or to go the bathroom.”

Chris was looking over the new rations when I t occurred to him that Marika had never gone camping. “Um, Marika our bathtub is that river behind the building and the toilette is the trees.” She looked at him in shock, “Your joking right! I cant go in the woods! By the way, what do you mean bathing in the river, which would defeat the purpose of bathing!” She sat down next to him, “I’m sorry I got you into this.”

He smiled, “That’s okay, look I say we make a pallet and get some shut eye. Then once we have some rest we can think on what we can do, I mean, I know I can work for money. You know odd jobs around the house. You on the other hand the only talent you have is …” His eyes brightened in excitement, “Marika you brought your money right?”

She looked at him with suspension, “Yes, so.” She was going through the blankets, looking for the ones to lay on for cover.

“You still remember how to play that guitern?” He scooted closer to her hoping she would get the point.

Then her eyes showed she knew what he wanting of her. Several years ago she wanted to learn how to play musical instruments that were used on Mars. “You want me to play for money, I can sing to! I can buy a cheap instrument and a few sheets of music then upgrade to a better one and more songs when we get more money. Oh, Chris that is a great idea!” She threw her arms around him and kissed his cheek.”

She rushed over to her wallet, “I have one hundred and thirty-four dollars. Do you think that will be enough?”

Chris looked at her, “Where is hell did you get that money? You get the same allowance same as I do.”

She smiled sweetly, “Yes dear, I do but I don’t blow it on air-head blondes and cheerleaders that wont go out with me even if I you bye them lunch.” She pulled out the map, “Now according to this, there is a small town about an hour east of us. It shows a store of instruments I’m sure we can get one there for cheap, I hope.”

Chris smiled and hugged her back finally. “It should be enough let’s get some rest first them we’ll go to the town.”

Marika smiled and laid down on the nest she made for them. “Aren’t you going to rest to?” She asked when Chris didn’t lay down also.

“I will I’m going to walk around the outside and make sure everything is ok. It wont take me long, I’ll be back in a few minutes or so.” He ducked back out the door and started walking around the building. He pulled out the communicator that Katy had given him and pushed the only button on it.

When nothing happened he put it away and looked around at his surroundings. Marika was born here his thoughts were cut off when his pocket started vibrating. He pulled it out and looked down at Katy’s face, in the girls bathroom.

“Katy great! I’m glad you got my page; I guess that is what I did.” He said smiling down at her.

“Not quite, it went off like a phone. Imagine if you will supposingly not knowing where ya’ll are and then get a strange call.” She breathed in heavily and smiled, “Anyway what do you need?”

“I never really took the time to listen to Marika and her guitern playing, is she any good?” He whispered as he found the corner of the building.

“Well actually yes, she’s very good and her voice.” Katy rolled her eyes in pleasure. “I’m sure she could make plenty of money for ya’ll, well at least enough for some hot meals and beds at the local inns.”

“Good that’s what we’re planning.” His face went serious, “So has anything happened about us?”

Katy frowned, “Yes actually, Debbie, Nicole, and I were called to the office along with what I would guess were some of your friends. They asked if you or Mac had contacted us or said anything about leaving. Since Deb and Nicole knew nothing they could tell the truth and so could friends.”

She shuddered, “You know your friends are beasts, as we were leaving they were all over us! Anyway my “parents” came up to me and asked me to submit to a lie detector test since I am still a minor they really couldn’t do it without my real parents permission and they wouldn’t do it.”

She laughed, “Look since I am exempt from all my classes next week I am going to meet you there in a few days. Is Mac still mad at me?” Katy asked in the most pathetic little girl tone. When Chris looked at her he saw that she was crying.

“Look, before you get here I’ll get Marika back on track. Okay, just don’t tell anyone, unless you think it will help us. Thanks Katy, talk to you later.” Chris pushed the button and it clicked off. He took another deep breath and continued walking around the building, as he picked up some firewood and by the time he got back to the door his arms were full.

It was already early morning so didn’t need it, but he didn’t want people to steal the wood. He carefully opened the door and stacked it next to the fireplace. Now finally the adrenalin leaving him he layed next to Marika and slept heavily.

Chris woke with a start when he rolled over and did not feel Marika. He sat up and looked around, there was a fire going and something was cooking. The lanterns had been lit also. Sitting in a makeshift chair was Marika looking over what clothes Katy had sent and was quietly humming.

“Find the wood I brought in, huh?’ Chris said as he crawled the short distance to her.

She jumped, “Damn Chris you startled me! I didn’t mean to wake you. I was going to get you up when everything was done and surprise you,” She mocked a disappointed look, “oh well.” Then she smiled, “Yes I did find the wood thank you, I also have been trying to figure out what my powers are.”

Chris frowned, “Any luck?” he asked as he added more wood to the fire.

“No,” She said in a frustrated tone. She threw down the bag of clothes and crossed her arms. “I don’t even know if there is a person with the same powers that could help me. Oh God what have I got myself into?” Her tears were coming down her cheeks quickly.

Chris didn’t know what to do, “We could call Katy, and maybe she knows something that could help you.”

Marika’s head shot up, she didn’t even think of her friend. “How are we supposed to get a hold of her?” She looked at Chris, “Did she give you something, something to contact her with?” The hope in her eyes made them glow.

Chris smiled, “Yes she did. She gave it to me so I can tell her where we are. She was planning on joining us in a few days, but I think right now we are a little over our heads. I’ll call her.” He pulled the com out of his pocket when Marika stopped him.

“No,” she took the com away from him, “not you, me.” She lowered her head and whispered, “I was awful to her wasn’t I?”

Chris pursed his lips, “A little, even she said you dissevered to be mad at her.”

She smiled slightly and pushed the button, when nothing happened she looked up at Chris, “What’s going on?”

Chris smiled, “If she is in a public place she’s gonna go where she can talk privately.”

She took a deep breath and let it out slowly. The cam began to vibrate and she pushed the button, “Katy!”

“Mac! Oh God, I have missed you! Look I am not alone.” The look on her face was relief and seriousness.

“Who’s there?” Marika said getting ready to turn the com off, when she heard a familiar voice.

“Oh, ya know, you other best friends who happen to give a damn about no matter who and what you are!” Debbie said when she yanked the com from Katy’s hand.

“Yeah, you know we love you Marika, and we are ready to help you no matter what.” Nicole said peeking over Debbie’s shoulder.

“Hi Deb. Hi Nicole.” She said waving to them. “I didn’t want to bring you into the situation.”

Well you didn’t.” Katy said taking the com from Debbie. “I did. It was killing me, seeing them crying because they didn’t know where you were and I did.”

She smiled and wiped a single tear from her face. “Anyway I told them and now we are on our way to you. Ask Chris to meet us at the transporter we’ll be there in a minute, see you soon.” Katy turned the com off.

All she had to do was look at Chris and he was out the door to meet her best friends. She checked to see if the rations she was cooking was going to be enough and smiled, “Just enough.” , she said to herself. She walked to the door and watched the machine power-up then watched Katy, Debbie, and Nicole walk off it.

She couldn’t help it she ran to them and practically knocked them down in an tackle/hug. They all were laughing and hugging when Chris cleared his throat. “Excuse me as much as I hate to break this up, the weather is not good.” He pointed up, they followed his direction. The sky was beginning to gray all ready because of the time of day but clouds were rolling in quickly and a distant rumble snapped them out of their daze.

They grabbed everything they brought and ran for the building. As if on cue the minute they entered, it began to rain.

Marika went to the fireplace and stirred the soup she had made. “If anyone is hungry it’ll be done in about ten minutes. That should be enough time for all of you to store your gear.”

She looked over at Katy, “How’s Mom, Dad, and Nat?”

Katy smiled, “They’re fine, your mom blames herself for not telling you earlier about you being adopted.” Katy walked over to Marika and whispered low, “Look all Nic and Deb know is that you’re adopted, they do not know you some sort of powers. By the way, have you figured out what they are yet?”

Marika shook her head, “We’re going to tell them sooner or later.” She looked at Katy the over at Chris. “He said I was floating and was enveloped in a white light for a few minutes. If you want more detail ask Chris.



15:26 Jan 25 2008

wow meska wonderful story as always i cant wait to see the outcome if she finds her parents on mars

00:38 Jan 26 2008

awsome writing

02:08 Jan 26 2008

Very well done!

00:08 Feb 03 2008


You're an awesome storyteller, I hope you get throguh yoru writer's block soon, I want to knopw what happens

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