MirrorOfTheSoul's Journal

MirrorOfTheSoul's Journal


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4 entries this month

What will will I do if it comes positive?

10:10 Jan 14 2015
Times Read: 422

Morning to all my readers.

Hope you all doing well? Hope you do.

I still have throat infection and swollen tongue that I can hardly talk, eat or drink. Not even water. They tried to make me use the straw but it's futile. Antibiotics seems to fight the infection for sometime than stopped working. And my hips are still in pain as much as my right leg.

Something is really wrong. I just can feel it. You know when you get this sensation, conscious of knowing something is not right with your own body? I got that.

In few days I should receive a letter for the appointment to take tests for cancer. I am cancer prone since my father and his sister got cancer before. His sister got cancer again. We are prolonging her life since it can't be cured.

Chemotherapy seems can't shrink the cancer anymore. Her body adapted immunity on it. She is paler and shrinking too. But she is moving on and accepted the idea that she is dying slowly and my dad managed to get rid of it but never underestimate cancer. So he is checking every 6 months for it.

Now its my turn to check. Better safe than sorry. The question is how will I take it if it's positive? And will I be cured of it or no still yet to come with the rest of the results. We shall see.

That's all for today



23:53 Jan 15 2015

Sorry to hear the news. I will pray for your recovery... ~bows~


What will will I do if it comes positive?

10:10 Jan 14 2015
Times Read: 423

Morning to all my readers.

Hope you all doing well? Hope you do.

I still have throat infection and swollen tongue that I can hardly talk, eat or drink. Not even water. They tried to make me use the straw but it's futile. Antibiotics seems to fight the infection for sometime than stopped working. And my hips are still in pain as much as my right leg.

Something is really wrong. I just can feel it. You know when you get this sensation, conscious of knowing something is not right with your own body? I got that.

In few days I should receive a letter for the appointment to take tests for cancer. I am cancer prone since my father and his sister got cancer before. His sister got cancer again. We are prolonging her life since it can't be cured.

Chemotherapy seems can't shrink the cancer anymore. Her body adapted immunity on it. She is paler and shrinking too. But she is moving on and accepted the idea that she is dying slowly and my dad managed to get rid of it but never underestimate cancer. So he is checking every 6 months for it.

Now its my turn to check. Better safe than sorry. The question is how will I take it if it's positive? And will I be cured of it or no still yet to come with the rest of the results. We shall see.

That's all for today




09:25 Jan 13 2015
Times Read: 440

Good morning my lovely readers.

Today I will write random stuff.

I will talk about something everyday thing.

I wonder why many people come to your home? Do they come courtesy to visit YOU or how you live and keep your home clean so they can judge? Don't you think they are being rude? One of the things I don't like visitors or guests cause I am forced to clean the house speck and clean or as Americans say squeaky clean for their eyes. To leave less evidence or to make them happy?

Oh pleaaaaase. I don't give a damn fuck how my house look in front of others. If I have time to clean I will clean but I won't polish and keep the imperfections hidden. People must not come to my house to profile me, my characteristics and my way of living and the way I keep my habitat. They ain't like it? GOOD. I am more than happy in making you uncomfortable so you can leave as fast as you can.

I love living undisturbed. Nobody coming around. My father and uncle told me to keep it clean so when you are ill the doctor come see you or people visit you. That's the point!!! I do not care!!!

Doctors must come to visit Me. I am the patient!!!! Not my habitat. Besides my house is not a dump where you leave thrash. My house is simply with too much stuff and also I clean but it take less than 5 days to become stuffy with things around. It's not in my nature to be organized. Never happened and never will be.

I clean okay. I just have my days in a week when I do it. I am not a perfect or American /British housewife. Fuck NO!!! No neat freak well apart dad. But I never gave a 5 shits anyway haha.

And guests shouldn't visit YOU and not touring your house? If they or you whoever come to my place or someone's else house to tour, judge the person then you are the rudest son of an antichrist miserable bitch ever or snotty hoity toity bitch. Yup. I am rude and a bastard to those who are rude with me. It's one of the things why I don't invite anyone at my home. I want to spare the headaches for me and eyesores to you. See? I am a good person when I have my moments. The rest ......... well I am all evil prince of pranks and nastiness haha.

That's it for today.

Never be rude to the hosts of their houses when you go uninvited or invited or just duty call. There might be a hidden monster lurking around waiting for you to step on a mine bomb to come and get you. =P




12:05 Jan 06 2015
Times Read: 447

Good morning. It's been a while. been busy getting well as I was badly sick with cold and flu together in one adding ear+throat infection. so my holidays was home in bed with soups and medicines. gloomy!!! 😱😵🙏

I am bipolar so I am low today but my father seems want to make it worst. you see?

its always about him. wherever I go it's always about him. I do whatever I do for myself seems to come last. my needs and wants comes last cause he is so demanding that even my health comes last.


life been a bitch. The fate is bitchier and the world is bitchiest of all. No granting wish world for me. who said life is fair I so want to know who said or wrote that down so I fuck his or her brain and set it in the right way.

never mind. .......

email me people. am waiting for your letters.



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