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07:11 Jan 30 2006
Times Read: 568

You are Greed!

It's not just about money - though you love the

fact you have it

all and aren't sharing with anyone - But the main

thing is you don't let anybody else have

credit or praise either. You want it all, and

you're going to get it. On the plus side,

this often pushes you to get what you really

want and rarely do you sit back and just take

what is given. With your greedy little paws

all over everything you can reach,

It's probably safe to say you aren't a good friend

all the time, fix this or you'll end up alone

- though as long as you have money you'll be


However, Congratulations on being the most

successful of the 7 deadly sins...

?? Which Of The Seven Deadly Sins Are You ??
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06:48 Jan 30 2006
Times Read: 572

What Kinda Kiss R U?Lesbian Kiss In my experience its kissing my best friend or imagining kissing sum hot girl.

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02:57 Jan 20 2006
Times Read: 597


You are the dragon. A dragon,
in western lore, is a giant lizard with wings.
It usually has the capability to breathe fire.
The dragon symbolizes immense power, physical
strength, and courage. The dragon has also been
a symbol of wisdom and of protection. Dragons
may also appear to be greedy as many a tale
depict them as keepers of vast hordes of

Which mythical creature resides in your soul? (11 Results + Pictures)
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05:23 Jan 19 2006
Times Read: 602

Death, the second of The Endless, you are responsible for ending all lives and taking them to your realm, from which no one ever returns. You are bright, positive, happy, optimistic%2
Death, the second of The Endless, you are
responsible for ending all lives and taking
them to your realm, from which no one ever
returns. You are bright, positive, happy,
optimistic and enjoy everything about life, but
that does not mean your silly or stupid. You
can lay the smack down when you have to!
Everyone loves you, and they don't know why.

Which Endless are you?
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05:12 Jan 19 2006
Times Read: 605

You are Form 1, Goddess: The Creator.

"And The Goddess planted the acorn of life.
She cried a single tear and shed a single drop
of blood upon the earth where she buried it.
From her blood and tear, the acorn grew into
the world."

Some examples of the Goddess Form are Gaia (Greek),
Jehova (Christian), and Brahma (Indian).

The Goddess is associated with the concept of
creation, the number 1, and the element of

Her sign is the dawn sun.

As a member of Form 1, you are a charismatic
individual and people are drawn to you.
Although sometimes you may seem emotionally
distant, you are deeply in tune with other
people's feelings and have tremendous empathy.
Sometimes you have a tendency to neglect your
own self. Goddesses are the best friends to
have because they're always willing to help.

Which Mythological Form Are You?
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23:51 Jan 18 2006
Times Read: 612

If i was a serial killer i would be Ted Bundy. In the early to mid 1970s Ted Bundy would murder over 30 young women. Most were attacked while walking in parks, found later to have been raped and strangled to death, but sometimes Bundy would go as far as breaking into their houses as they slept and beating them to death with a crow bar.

After being caught and convicted of the murders, Bundy accepted prison, acquired a new name and started his killing spree all over again. Soon after, Bundy was caught, but not before taking the lives of 3 more women.

Almost all of Bundy's victims were young white girls with long dark hair parted down the middle, all were raped, beaten and sodomized.

kill count: 30+

Find what serial killer you would be, Take the Serial Killer Quiz now!




21:02 Jan 17 2006
Times Read: 622

The Gangrel

Of all vampires, the Gangrel are perhaps closest to their inner nature. These nomadic loners spurn the constraints of society, preferring the comfort of the wilderness. How they avoid the wrath of the werewolves is unknown; perhaps it has something to do with the fact that the Gangrel are themselves shapeshifters. When a mortal speaks of a vampire changing into a wolf or a bat, she is probably speaking of a Gangrel. Like the Brujah, Gangrel are fierce warriors; unlike the Brujah, Gangrel ferocity does not stem from anarchic rage, but from animalistic instinct. Gangrel have a keen understanding of the Beast in their souls, and prefer to spend their nights in communion with the animals whom they so emulate.




15:36 Jan 17 2006
Times Read: 625

ABC Warrior!Which Colossal Death Robot Are You?Brought to you by Rum and MonkeyABC Warrior!

In bars frequented by colossal death robots, you're always the quiet guy at the back who no-one ever bothers. And for good reason. You've fought in several nuclear wars, could beat the sun in a staring match, and have a chin larger than many articles of furniture. Morals are not a concept you understand, but strangely enough, nobody ever questions your judgement. Usually because they're dead. Even Judge Dredd wets himself when you turn up. Grrrr.




13:47 Jan 17 2006
Times Read: 633

HASH(0x8b884fc) What kind of demon are you? (great anime pics! For girls and guys!!)
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You're normal demon. Not so bad, but definetly not good!! You don't care about anything, but I think it's not selfishness. There just wasn't enough love for you so you feel that you don't need to love others. If you would have learned how to love you would have became an angel, but I guess you don't really mind being a demon, right?




03:27 Jan 17 2006
Times Read: 635

Clan Gangrel
Wild and fiercely independant, Clan Gangrel is the
home of the feral undead. Most Gangrel emulate
the beasts of the wild, preferring to chase
down their prey in the open country (in stark
contrast to the city-dwelling proclivities of
most vampires). Their avoidance of the
vampires' ancestral foes, the werewolves, might
be attributable to their impressive powers of
shapeshifting. They cannot help but show some
traces of their wild roots, however, as many
Gangrel are marred with bizzarre, animalistic

Which Vampire: The Masquerade clan do you belong in?
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02:36 Jan 17 2006
Times Read: 639

HASH(0x8cd1d24) which gothic angel are you (actual gothic ANIME pictures, none of that preppy crap)
brought to you by QuizillaDARK ANGEL QUEEN you are the ruler of the dark angels. witha haord of demons at your service, all you have to do is snap your fingers, and whatever you want is yours




16:26 Jan 15 2006
Times Read: 645

Angel of Protection.

What kind of Angel are you?
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16:23 Jan 15 2006
Times Read: 647

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You are a killer school girl.

What kind of school girl are you? (Anime pics)
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14:31 Jan 15 2006
Times Read: 653

"What Wand Will Choose You?" - Results:

Your wand is Oak-Kraken Horn!

This wand has chosen you for your determination and loyalty. Despite the obstacles, you persevere to achieve your goals and you are fiercely loyal to your friends. Sometimes you can be stubborn and a heartbreaker, but you can't help but being brutally honest.

House: Slytherin/ Best Subject: Charms

Quidditch Position: Keeper/ Familiar: Hawk

What Wand Will Choose You?

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13:55 Jan 15 2006
Times Read: 668

Maniac killer
You are a maniac killer.
It doesn't matter who they are and what they
have or haven't done. You still want to kill
them. And for a simple reason only; it's fun.
Seeing people in pain is like ecstasy. Maybe
you have some sort of mental problems or you
are this way because of previous deep scars,
only you know. But now you are sadistic and
maybe you only like to see a special group of
people be in pain (e.g. preps). However you are
not the most social person in the bunch and
people think you are weird. That bothers you
somewhat but atleast you can entertain yourself
with daydreaming about killing them. After all,
they have no idea what's coming.

Main weapon: Explosives and torture
Quote: "Insanity: a perfect
rational adjustment to an insane world" -
R.D. Lang
Facial expression: Wicked smile

What Type of Killer Are You? [cool pictures]
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