NanaKiki's Journal

NanaKiki's Journal


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4 entries this month

Jake's Adventures pt 5

06:38 Dec 04 2010
Times Read: 626

Jacob woke the next morning, not to the sensation of Marie's lips but to the feeling of her shifting next to him in the bed. Startled, he turned to watch her wake - not once had she spent the night in his room before this. As he wondered, Marie's eyes opened, searching for his face immediately. "I hope you do not mind that I slept here last night."

"Not at all, but why?"

"We have a lot of work to do, and also because I wanted to. I enjoyed having you next to me almost as much as having you inside of me." With a smile, she flounced off the bed, using the room's phone to order breakfast before pulling Jacob into the bathroom for a shower. As they sat down to their breakfast several minutes later, Jacob wondered aloud what he would be getting into today.

"Today, you and I will be going over Mistress Jewel's estates and how you wil be managing them." At his incredulous stare, Marie laughed. "What did you think I was doing during the day, fucking the rest of the guests? I took over as Mistress's Jewel's majordomo shortly before you came here. She assigned me to you specifically so that we would could get to know each other before we started working together." Jacob could only chuckle helplessly at Mistress Jewel's plans.

The next several days were busy for Jacob. Marie would wake him up, usually by sucking his cock. After breakfast, she would have the servants bring several books and folders containing the workings of Mistress Jewel's estates. Lists of payrolls, equipment and inventories were all brought out and perused as Jacob grew to learn the process of overseeing the estates. They met with the managers of each operation on the estate, one every day for lunch, discussing the present and future of each operation. After lunch, Marie would drive him around the island to an exotic scene, where she invited Jacob to pleasure her in every way he knew how. In the evening, they would return to the mansion for their seperate dinners. Jacob occasionally would ask why she never had dinner with him, but Marie inevitably quoted, "Mistress' orders," and left it at that. After dinner, he waited for her to arrive in his room, if she wasn't already there when he arrrived.

Mistress Jewel appeared at dinner only occasionally, as she was often travelling away from the island. Usually, Jacob would return to his room with Marie, but every few nights he was diverted from his room by Raoul, Jewel's personal servant, to the dark windowless room where Mistress Jewel continued Jacob's lessons in control. He was a quick study, and she often praised him at the end of each session. In one of the more memorable sessions, she had required him to be the one hanging from silken cords.

Hesitant, but more afraid of letting the Mistress down than what she would do to him, Jacob stood calmly as she tied his wrists, pulling them above his head so that he was now forced to stand on the balls of his feet. He stood there for several long moments as Mistress Jewel slowly walked around him, one finger to her lips as though deciding what sensations to inflict upon him. Finally, she pressed against his back to whisper into his ear, "Do you trust me, Jacob?"

"Yes, Mistress Jewel."

"Good. I assure you that I will give you no cause to lose that trust tonight." She strode to the wall, pulling a slender but wide paddle from its hook. Moving to stand near Jacob's naked, outstreched frame, she said, "I would like to spank you, Jacob." He raised an eyebrow but said nothing as she moved behind him. The swish of air was the only warning he had before the paddle slapped at his ass cheeks, stinging slightly and leaving a burning sensation that slowly cooled. The feeling was just starting to fade as she brought her instrument to bear once again. Jacob was sweating by the fourth time she stuck him, and unaware of how aroused he had become as she slipped in front of him to stroke the length of his hard cock. "You seem to be enjoying the sensation so far," she commented, her fingers sliding up and down his shaft.

"It's different," he agreed with a grimace.

"If you like, we can add a few other toys," she said with a smile, gesturing to the rack of dildoes on the other wall.

"No offense, Mistress, but I don't think I'm ready for that." Jack voice barely cracked as he spoke.

Jewel chuckled. "I suppose not, Perhaps if I had sent Raoul to be your servant instead of Marie..." She laughed again at Jacob's shocked gasp. "No matter. Tonight is your next lesson in control. So..." She looked at Jacob questioningly.

"My nipples," he said after a moment. She moved close to him then, pressing her lips against one nipple, licking it to wet the flesh. She rubbed both nipples with her fingers, squeezing tightly enough to make him grunt. She sucked on each nipple in turn, biting at times just enough not to draw blood. As she toyed with him, her body was so close that Jacob could feel his penis rubbing against her stomach. "Kiss me," he ordered, causing her to rise up on her toes to reach his lips with hers. Her tongue danced across his as he hung from the ceiling, and when she bit his lip this time she did draw blood, sucking on the wound until it stopped bleeding. Jacob only maoned in pleasure, then directed her to his cock.

She stroked it for long moments, as if learning each and every inch by hand, cupping and massaging his balls. Then her tongue darted out, flicking against his sensitive skin. She worked her way up from his testicles, licking and kissing every spot on his cock before reaching the head. She licked the tip all over, drenching his cock with her saliva before taking the engorged member into her mouth. She sucked long and hard on the head of his penis, drawing deeps moans from Jacob. Slowly she began to work her way back down the shaft, taking in more and more of it with each movement. Once she had taken the full length into her throat and held it there, allowing Jacob to feel his flesh pressing against hers for several moments, before she pulled back and began bobbing her head upon his. Her neck turned and twisted as she sought new angles and movements to elicit more sounds of desire from the young man hanging in front of her. When the telltale twitch of his cock thumped against her teeth, she grabbed his ass with both hands, forcing his dick so deeply into her that she began to gag, though that didn't stop her. Jacob didn't seem to notice her gagging noises any more than he noticed the pain from the bonds digging into his wrists as he moved his body to force his cock deeper into her mouth. His orgasm tore a scream from his throat while it bathed hers in his semen.

Mistress Jewel stood and crossed the room to pour a glass of water for Jacob, which she held for him to drink while he stood as limply as his bonds would allow. She kissed him once he finished, saying as she returned the glass to its table, "The diet seems to be working." She lifted the paddle from the floor where she had dropped it, moving behind his outstreched body. "What else do you want, Jacob?" Jacob could barley think of what else he might want, and as he hesitated she swatted him with the paddle. When he tried to splutter a response, she slapped his ass harder. "Hesitation, Jacob, is not your friend."

"I want your pussy. I want to see your ass bobbing up and down on my cock."

She spanked him again for good measure, then stepped in front of him as she pulled her skirts down to the floor, kicking them off to the side. She kissed him again, tugging on his wounded lip with her teeth while her hands brought his penis to its full length and hardness again. "Hold on tight," she whispered as she crawled up his body, wrapping her legs around his waist before settling herself atop his shaft. He slid into her as gravity pulled her down, and Jewel began bucking against him as he tried to hold himslef steady. Her breast pressed upon his, her pelvic bone ground against his, she rode his cock as he stood, laying kisses and quick bites on his ears and neck. Her back arched suddenly as an orgasm overtook her, rocking them both as he struggled to keep his feet.

She slid down off of him them, allowing them both to gain a measure of recovery. Kissing him one more time, she turned her back to him, bending at the waist to display her beautiful ass. Lifting her hips, she eased herself onto his cock, bringing deep groans as she took its entire length. Pushing with his toes, Jacob bucked his hips to drive deeply into her, her own squeals of desire fueling his. She rocked back and forth, moving with him, twisting her hips for the extra sensation. As his sweat dripped from his head and onto her back, another orgasm rocked through her. She stumbled forward, hearing a whimper from Jacob as his cock left her. "Not to worry, sweet one," she said, rubbing her hand from her vagina to between her ass cheeks. "You are getting exactly what you asked for." With one more kiss, she turned and bent again, but this time her hand guided him not into her pussy but to her ass. Jacob dug his toes into the floor and gripped the silken bonds holding him to the ceiling, desperately trying to push his way into her tight, warm hole. She spread her cheeks, easing the way in for him, letting him move deeper and deeper into her with each push. Once his entire cock filled her anus, she began to rock slowly, both of their moans growing as their movement quickened. Their juices mingled, allowing them move more freely, and Jacob began drawing out of her, only to stop and allow her to fall back upon him, impaling herself on his dick. Jacob could feel the orgasm as it shuddered through her, as she rode the crescendo of pleasure on top of his penis. A low growl came from Jewel's mouth, punctuated as she pushed her ass back onto him, forcing his cock deeper inside of her. With his own roar, Jacob exploded in her ass.

Jewel rode his diminishing cock for a few moments longer, reveling in her own orgasm, before separating. Turning, she kissed him deeply before removing his bonds. "Marie tells me that your training is coming along nicely, and I agree with her. Already you have been making decisions and only coming to her for authorization. Soon, I think you will be ready to perform the job on your own."

"If you please, Mistress Jewel, marie's been awfully helpful. I'm not sure I could do it without her."

"More truthfully, you probably don't want to start your morning without her mouth. No," she said, stopping his argument before it could leave his lips. "Marie is a very talented and useful young woman, and she is needed elsewhere once you are prepared for your duties. Do not fret, though," she added, seeing the look in his eyes. "You will not want for companionship as my majordomo. And, if she desires it, Marie may be that companion for you when she is available. But make no mistake, she is my employee first and foremost, and if I tell her that she is not to be with you, she will not come to you." Mistress Jewel stared in Jacob's eyes to be sure that he understood her words. Then, she left the room.

Marie was waiting for Jacob when he returned to his bed. When he asked what she would do if Mistress Jewel told her to stop sleeping with him, Marie simply shrugged. "She is the Mistress. She is why I have all of the luxuries that I enjoy today. I like you, Jacob, and I have enjoyed sharing your bed and your cock. But you are not my husband, or my master." When he frowned and claimed not to want to talk about it again, Marie roughly pulled him onto his back. "Do not let this ruin what we do have, Jacob. I have been your maid, your teacher, and your whore. I have never asked to be anything more, and you have never claimed to want any more. Can you not just enjoy what you have whle you have it?" Jacob smiled and kissed her then, admitting that she was right. When her hands shifted down to his pants, he claimed that he was too worn out to perform anymore that night. Not to be daunted, Marie pointed out that his tongue had not been exercised properly, crawling up his body as she did so. Kissing her labia, Jacob decided to stop worrying about the future and focused on what was right in front of him, right now.




Jake's Adventures pt 4

01:40 Dec 03 2010
Times Read: 629

For the next few days, Jacob fell into an easy routine. In the morning, Jacob was wakened by Marie's tongue. After he was washed and dressed, he was led to the large dining room where he and the other guests enjoyed a large breakfast. After breakfast, Jacob jogged across the compound, taking in the scenery and wondering at the purpose of several buildings on the grounds. After lunch, he lounged by the pool. His evenings were spent reading or watching movies in his room. Mistress Jewel was absent for all of these days, the servants saying only that she was taking care of business away from the estates and would return soon.

On the fourth day, Jacob lay out on the grass near the pool, basking in the warm tropical sun after a quick swim. He hadn't toweled off but allowed the sun to dry his body. Shortly, a shadow fell upon him. Opening his eyes, Jacob saw Mistress Jewel standing over him, wearing a green wrap that covered her back and breasts, then dipped to swirl around her waist. Her hair was pulled back simply, exposing the curve of her neck. "Good afternoon, Jacob. Have you been enjoying yourself?"

"Yes, Mistress Jewel. Your estates are wonderful."

"I have worked hard to make them so. In fact, that is part of why you are here. I need your help to keep it as wonderful as it is." She sunk to her knees beside him, and as he pushed himself up on his elbows to look questioningly at her, the tall woman pressed one hand to his bare chest to keep him laying as he was. "There was a man who worked for me that ran the day-to-day operations of the island, overseeing my many projects and employees so that I would be free to do what I needed to do. He made sure that the kitchens were stocked, that the gardeners were paid, that the cars were maintained - all the little things. He was my majordomo, and he betrayed me. He took advantage of his position to embezzle from me and to force himself on my servants. He no longer works for me." Her level look sent a shiver down Jacob's spine; he was sure that, whoever this man had been, working was one of many things he wasn't doing anymore. "I need a new majordomo, Jacob. Someone I can trust. When I went over your initial interview, I had high hopes that you would fit the position. From what I have seen of you here, I am certain that, once you receive some training and polish, you will excel at these duties." As Jacob stared at her, stunned, she smiled. "The proper response is 'Yes, Mistress. Please let me have the honor of serving you in this manner.'" A laugh escaped her lips as he stuttered.

"So, you want me to oversee your island?"

"Simply put, but yes. It will require you to become familiar with everything that goes on on the island, all of my employees, and especially my personal needs and desires. For instance, you will need to remember that I always eat strawberries on Friday morning. If there are not fresh, ripe strawberries on my breakfast plate, you are not doing your job."

Jacob's brow furrowed in thought. "Wait, tomorrow's Friday..."

Jewel laughed again. "Not to worry, dear Jacob. Someone is filling in until I can find a permanent replacement. They will help to teach what will be required of you. And you will have assistants - the greater part of your duties will be managing your assistants, because if they are doing their job then you are doing yours."

"So, you're asking me to live on this tropical island, and you're going to pay me to tell people to wash your car and bring you strawberries? Sounds like a dream - where's the catch?"

"No 'catch', Jacob. At least, no more than from any other job. I expect you to do your job and do it competently, once you have been trained. I expect you to treat myself, my employees and my estates with respect. If you do not live up to these expectations, you will be removed."

Jacob shuddered as she spoke, feeling a finality to her last words. "I hope I never give you cause to remove me, Mistress. I would like to take the job."

"Good," she smiled. "You begin that portion of your training in the morning. Today, however, there are other lessons required of you. Your work a few nights ago was exceptional for a novice. And Marie has told me that you are very responsive to her. However, there is a passiveness in you that must be removed. My majordomo must be assertive and commanding. While there are many times you will need to be, or at least seem, subservient to me, most other times I will need you to be dominant. Servants and especially those who we must deal with that do not directly work for me must be approached from a position of strength. It is time to bring that strength from within you, and show you how to wield it. Are you ready to learn?"

"Yes, Mistress Jewel."

"Excellent. Tell me what you want from me."

"Excuse me?"

"You want me, Jacob. You've seen my body, even violated it some would say. I know you desire me. Now tell me exactly what those desires are. Start small and work your way up."

His own eyes held by her peircing gaze, Jacob reached up to place his hand on her flat belly, sliding it across her smooth skin. He moved her hand from the center of his chest to his nipples, which she began to rub and pinch. As his hand moved up her torso, Jacob paused uncertainly at the edge of her clothing. Before he could begin moving again, her free hand slapped him across the face.

"No hesitation, Jacob. You are in control. You are in command. Take what you want."

It took him a moment to recover from the shock, but Jacob rose to the occasion. His hand moved to her neck, releasing the strings that held her wrap. The cloth fell away exposing her breasts to the air. Jacob's hand dropped to caress them, kneading them softly and rubbing at her nipples. One hand snaked around to her back, pulling her breasts down to his mouth. His tongue flicked over each nipple before he sucked lightly on them, them brought the whole of the fleshy mound into his mouth, sucking and licking with abandon. Soft moans of pleasure escaped her lips, driving him further.

"I want to taste you," he said breathlessly. She complied, laying her wrap on the ground as she stood, revealing the soft, trimmed hair around her vagina. She straddled his face, kneeling down to place her lips upon his. She shuddered as his tongue touched the soft, fleshy folds of her pussy, lightly flicking inside of her. The small taste seemed to excite Jacob even more as he grabbed her hips, pulling her closer to him. Parting her labia, Jacob nuzzled at her clitoris, licking and sucking on her button as his fingers dug into her ass cheeks. As her moans grew, he forced his tongue deeper inside of her, reaching with one hand to fondle her chest as the other reached deeper behind her, pressing upon her anus.

"I need to be in you," he said, pulling his mouth away. Caressing his face with one hand, she rose and turned, kneeling back down over his face while her hands undid the strings on his swim trunks. Jacob returned his attentions to her labia as she freed his throbbing member, stroking it to its full length and hardness. As her tongue flicked lightly around the head of his penis, she stoked his sack with one finger, tracing the curve of his testicles. He lapped at her juices as she sucked on the tip, bringing one finger up to pentrate deeper into her than his tongue could reach. As she took half of his length into her mouth, he pressed further into her crotch with his tongue and pushed a second finger inside of her. When she managed to take all of him in her, feeling his cock surrounded by the walls of her throat, he nearly came right there. Instead, he pushed a finger in to her ass, eliciting a deep moan that echoed around his member. Time seemed to stop as they lay on the grass, intertwined in desire and passion, Jacob pressing deeply into Mistress Jewel in every way that he could. When his tongue moved to flicker inside her ass cheeks, the young man was rewarded with an intensity of suction and motion as she kneaded his testicles and sucked his cock as though there was a prize at the other end. When his cock twitched inside her mouth, Mistress Jewel twisted slightly, bringing moans from deep in both of their throats. She ground her ass and pussy against his face as she sucked and licked, twisting all the while. Within moments, the two lovers shared their juices as they rocked and grinded against each other.

After taking a moment to recover herself, Mistress Jewel slid her leg over Jacob and knelt next to him again. "Good, Jacob. You took what you wanted, achieved what you desired."

"I'm not done with you yet," he quipped.

"For today you are. As I said, I want you assertive, but subservient. Enjoy yourself for the rest of the day. You start your new training tomorrow." She stood, efficiently wrapping the light cloth around her again, and strode away into the house.

Mistress Jewel made an appearance at dinner that night, but spoke to Jacob little more than the other guests. After dinner, he was initially disappointed as the servant led him back to his rooms. When he found Marie, dressed only in a light slip, waiting for him on his bed, his disappointment fled.

"The mistress is pleased with you," she said in answer to his unspoken question. "She bade me to make sure that you were well rested and ready for your day tomorrow."

"I don't know how well I'll be able to sleep if you're in that bed with me."

Marie smiled. "I am sure you will be tired enough to sleep, in a little while."

Jacob slipped his clothes to the floor as he crawled onto the bed. "I don't feel tired."

"You will." Her mouth met his as she pushed him back onto the bed, tongues lashing against each other. One hand slid down his torso to grasp his penis, stroking it until it pulsed between her fingers. Her tongue travelled down his torso, stopping briefly at each nipple, dipping teasingly into his navel, before finally reaching the place they both desired. Jacob marvelled at how well her mouth fit around his cock, of how easily she could bring him to a boil and keep him simmering there with her tongue. As she pleasured him, he moved one hand under her, pulling her body closer and atop him, spreading her legs to reach his tongue into her. He lapped eagerly, stopping only to nuzzle and suck at her clitoris. He realized that he was bringing her to the same boiling point as she sucked his cock more deeply into her, moaning with delight. He came suddenly, splashing her throat with semen, and pulled away from her pussy to groan freely. "Don't stop, Jacob. Don't stop now." As she cleaned his dick with her tongue, he thrust his tongue into her again, licking deeply as he fingered her button. When he slid one finger into her beside his tongue, she cried out for another. Squeals of passion erupted from her as she came, Jacob eagerly lapping the juices from her lips as she toyed with his balls. Once the tremors had left her legs, Marie slid off of Jacob and lay next to him, one hand gliding up and down his body.

Jacob looked over at the young maid. "So I suppose it's bedtime now."

"Only if you are tired enough. Are you ready to sleep?"

"Not really. But I thought you couldn't offer me more."

"That was then; this is now. As I said, the Mistress is pleased with you."

"So we can...keep going?"

"Tell me what you want, Jacob."

That statement, a mirror of what Mistress Jewel had spoken earlier, set the young man off. He kissed Marie passionately, reaching down to pull the slip up her body. Removing it, he turned his kisses to her breasts, working his way up to her neck and back to her own exceptional mouth and lips. Her hands and moans urging him on, he moved atop Marie, pushing her legs apart with his knees. He could not keep his moan to himself as he entered her; her vagina fit over him better than her mouth, her taught muscles squeezing the length of him as he penetrated deeper. As her fingers clawed at his back, Jacob knotted her hair in one fist, pulling her head back to expose her neck. He sucked at bit at her neck, recieving squeals of pleasure and a shift of her hips in response. He thrust deeply into her, thrusting one arm beneath one of her knees and pulling her leg toward her head. She bit his shoulder to hold in a scream as he filled her completely, pressing against everything inside of her. As her orgasm subsided, Jacob pulled out of her and placed a hand on her buttock to roll her onto her stomach. "I want you from behind," he growled, grabbing Marie by the hips to pull her ass high into the air. Mairre guided his cock into her with one hand, the other twisting in the sheets at the head of the bed. Both hands on her hips, Jacob drove into her, thrusting deeper than she had thought possible. "Fuck me, Jacob. Fuck me good." Her accent set his cock throbbing as much as the sensation of being inside of her. He pounded harder, watching his cock disappear beneath her round ass, as he reached forward to know his fist in her hair. He pulled back, forcing her to arch her back to keep him within her. Pushing his body closer, Jacob wrapped his other arm around her torso, grasping at her breast as she twisted to kiss him. Unable to hold the pose for long, Marie fell back to the bed, leaving Jacob to grab ahold of her hips again, fucking her for all he was worth. As wave after wave of pleasure shuddered through her body, Marie felt the telltale twitch of Jacob's cock. She squeezed him inside of her, pushing her hips back in time with his thrusting motions. Suddenly his entire body stiffened, then he thrust forward again, exploding within her. Marie moaned, feeeling the splash inside of her, riding his cock down as his orgasm faded. Slipping out of her, Jacob collapsed onto the bed, sweat pouring down his body.

"Are you ready to sleep now?" she asked, snuggling close and kissing his neck.

"I could use a nap, but I might need to get tired out again later."

If her smile had not convinced him of that occurrance later, the kiss she followed it with made him certain.




Jake's Adventures part 3

01:22 Dec 02 2010
Times Read: 634

Jacob woke the next morning to the sound of tropical birdsong, the scent of ocean waves, and the sensation of a mouth on his penis. Looking down, he was rewarded with the sight of Marie's head bobbing up and down on his member. The maid winked to let him know the she knew he was awake, then went to her task more fully. Before long, she had brought Jacob to climax again, and led him into the shower to clean himself. After he had dressed, Marie left him alone again, promising that she would be near if he needed anything. Jacob went to breakfast, once again meeting the other "guests" of Mistress Jewel, but the mistress herself was absent. Each guest received a plate that they were informed had been prepared especially for their dietary needs. After breakfast, Jacob was taken to a new section of the estates where he was asked to perform several physical exercises (to his disappointment, they were the sort of thing he would have been asked to do by his old gym coach). After a light lunch, Jacob was taken to another building in which he was given several aptitude tests. If it had not been for his reception the day before, he thought, this interview was a lot more trouble than it was worth. He had already performed most of these tests in his initial interview.

That evening, he was rewarded with the presence of Mistress Jewel at dinner. Once again, each guest was served a different meal, supposedly based upon their specific dietary needs. Jacob noticed that one of the other male guests was not at the dinner table. While he hesitated to ask, another of the guests did not. A younger blond woman brought up the missing guest, only to receive a cold stare from Mistress Jewel. "I require my guests to respect my person and my house. Mr. Jones broke a rule off which I had specifically warned him, and was caught. We will no longer enjoy his presence at dinner, or on my island." Mistress Jewel conversed casually with Jacob and the other guests for the remainder of the dinner, but a vaguely threatening feeling stole over the table, and Jacob could neither keep his eyes from Mr. Jones' empty seat nor shake the chill that ran down his spine when he did look.

Once again, after dinner Raoul led Jacob not to his bedroom, but to a dark, windowless room in the east wing of the estate. The young servant left Jacob there with no explanation other than that the mistress would arrive shortly. Jacob peered around in the shadows but, remembering his encounter last night and the missing guest, he choose to remain standing where Raoul had left him. After only a few minutes, the door opened again, revealing Mistress Jewel dressed in a red outfit that mirrored what she normally wore. She peered cautiously into the room, finding Jacob before entering. She moved to the wall to touch a small circular button which ignited gas-lamps on the walls and brought a golden-brown glow to the room. "Jacob, what are you doing standing here in the dark?"

"I was brought to this room and told to await you. I wasn't told to turn on the lights."

Jewel laughed. "Oh, Jacob, we are going to get along, but there is definitely some work to be done. Are you ready for tonight's...exercise?"

"Yes, Mistress Jewel."

"Good." As she walked fully into the room, Jacob was able to look away from her and see the contents of the room. The walls held not only the gas lamps, but an array of whips, handcuffs and other similar devices. A long padded table stood in one corner, and Jacob noted the restraints at the head and foot with some apprehension. As he looked aroudn the room, Mistress Jewel was pulling on a rope in the ceiling which brought a pair of silken restraints down into the room. "Tonight's exercise is a lesson in trust and control. Do you trust me?" Jacob forced his assent past the lump in his throat. "I trust you too, Jacob. Now, you will have to help me - the restraints will not tie themselves," she quipped with a smile as she removed her crimson clothing.

As he moved closer, Jacob could see faint lines marring the skin on her back and buttocks - scars from a whip, he suddenly realized. Mistress Jewel turned to him as she placed her hands in the silk bindings, showing him where to pull to tighten or loosen her bonds. Once she was satisfied with that operation, she instructed him to pull on the rope, drawing her arms toward the ceiling until she was forced onto the balls of her feet. Even in this position, however, Jacob could feel that her inward control and ignity were undiminished. As he stared in wonder, Mistress Jewel looked over her toys on the walls. "I think we should start simply for tonight. I would not want to take you too far out of your comfort zone, nor do I wish to be injured because you are unsure of what you are doing. Jacob, I want you to spank me."

His eyes went wide. "Excuse me?"

A slight chill crept into her voice. "I think I was both direct and explicit. Take your hand and strike my ass." Jacob's light slapping of one cheek received little more than raised eyebrow. "I know you are stronger than that, Jacob. I need you to be stronger than that, for me. Now try again." He struck harder this time, but Mistress Jewel was still not satisfied. "You are too worried, Jacob. You need to relax so that you can begin to learn and enjoy yourself. I do not wish to have to explain myself to you again."

"Enjoy myself," he muttered, low enough that she didn't hear. "Okay, sure." Cupping his hand slightly, Jacob let fly, grasping her bottock as he connected. The smack of flesh was echoed by a low moan escaping Mistress Jewel's lips.

"That's better. Again." As Jacob grew more comfortable with the situation, Mistress Jewel guided him, showing him where to strike and when to use more or less force. After several minutes, she stopped him and asked him to bring her some water from a deacnter on a nearby table. Once she had sated her thirst, she turned Jacob in a new direction. "Now, go to the left wall and bring the third instument on the left to me." Jacob tentatively moved to the wall, taking the toy in hand. The "toy" in question was a block of wood as long as his forearm and as wide as his palm, with intricate scollwork carved into both sides. The handle was black rubber and long enough that he couldn't hold the full length in both hands.

At her direction, Jacob began with light, lazy swings against her buttocks, striking more firmly as she called for it. Soon, both her buttocks and the back of her thighs glowed red, enflamed with pain and desire. She told him to bring another instrument from the wall, this time a short, rubber phallus which, under her instruction, he pressed between her cheeks and into her anus. Once the small dildo was in place, Jacob began spanking Mistress Jewel again, alternating between the paddle and his hands. He thrilled which each blow that pulled a moan from her throat, and his cock twitched every time he saw the wetness on her inner thighs. Before long, he was acting with little direction from her, having learned already which actions would produce an immediate response and which could be used to bring her slowly to the brink of ecstasy.

"You are doing very well, Jacob," she panted, having asked him to stop. "Better than I expected even. If you are willing, I would like to take this exercise a step further. I had not planned on doing so, but I find myself unable to stop tonight. Do you want to go on?" As Jacob nodded his agreement, his hostess directed him to a short, three-tailed whip hanging from the wall. Several times she guided him through the proper way to flick his wrist and the angle at which he should hold the instrument in order to cause pain and pleasure simultaneously. Once satisfied with his technique, she had Jacob drag the tails of the whip across her stomach and breasts and buttocks, letting him know how long to linger in certain places. The first crack of the whip across her ass brought Mistress Jewel up on her toes, and nearly caused Jacob to cum in his pants. She called his name again and again as he grazed her buttocks with the thin tails of leather, ocassionally moving down her thighs and up her back. He began to switch between the whip and the paddle, alternating so that she was not sure of the sensation that would drive through her skin next. A shriek of pleasure stopped in in his tracks, and Mistress Jewel's head whipped around, eyes blazing fiercely with her passion. "I need to be fucked, Jacob." Startled, the young man stood unmoving for a few seconds, then nearly dropped the toys in his hands as he fumbled for the belt he wasn't wearing. Her vioce stopped him cold again. "No, Jacob. Not that way. Not yet. You are not ready for that. But I still need you to help me." His jaw dropped as she instructed him on what do, but he did exactly as she asked.

With the short dildo still in her ass, he used the paddle to bring her passion frothing back to a near frenzy. Switching hands, he then dragged the tails of the whip across her back, legs and buttocks, flicking his wrist lightly so as only to touch her with light stings. He moved close to her, then hesitated. "Please, Jacob. Do this for me," Mistress Jewel implored. With a nod, Jacob reached between her legs, placing the paddle's rubber handle against her vagina. Flicking the whip again, his stinging shots forced the restrained woman to buck her hips forward, impaling herself on the paddle. A cry tore from her lips as the handle slid all the way inside of her, and Jacob very nearly lost control of himself again. He continued to strike her thighs and buttocks with the whip as he pushed and turned the handle within her. In time, Mistress Jewel screamed with ecstasy, her juices flowing over Jacob's hand as he twisted the paddle. Jacob stepped away, trembling almost as much as she was.

Jewel allowed herself a few moments to revel in the experience. "Please help me down and untie me, Jacob." Once realeased, she soon began to replace her clothing, shuddering as the light cloth fell upon her red, enflamed skin. "Did you enjoy yourself, Jacob?"

"Yes, Mistress Jewel."

"Do you understand the lesson?"

"I'm not sure that I do."

She turned to look him straight in the eyes. "This exercise was a lesson in trust and control. Do you trust me more now than you did this morning?"

"I think I do."

Her manner turned cold briefly. "You do or you do not. Which is it?"

"I do, Mistress Jewel."

"Better." Her face warmed again with a smile. "And I trust you more than I did this morning. Now tell me, who was in control?"


"Surely you were in control, were you not? You held the instruments. You were free while I was restrained. You were the penetrator, i was the penetrated. It must have been you in control, correct?"

"No, Mistress. You were in control. I didn't do anything until you told me to."

Her smile was the most genuine he had seen so far. "Correct, or at least mostly so. I was in control of the situation, because I had planned it, managed it throughout and made sure that I trusted the person with me to leave that control to me. You were in control also, because at any time you could have used those instruments on me in a manner for which I had not asked, taken advantage of me in my restrained state, and yet you did not. We were both in control." Finished dressing, Mistres Jewel looked deeply into his eyes. "However, you are still too shy and cautious. I have a few ideas on that, but they will have to wait for another day. Thank you for a lovely evening, Jacob." She strode out of the room before Jacob could respond, and a servant was waiting to take him back to his room.

Marie was waiting for him to once again lead him to the shower and scrub the sweat from his body. As she dropped to her knees to take him into her mouth, he grabbed her arm. "No, tonight I need something more."

Gently but firmly, she removed his hand from her arm. "I am sorry, Jacob. But you can't ask that of me. You can take what I offer, but you can not ask for more. Mistress's orders. And I will not offer more to you now." As he stood silently, mulling her words over in his mind, she asked. "Do you wish me to go now?" When he said no, she smiled and returned her attentions to his cock. As before, her skilled mouth had his member pulsing and throbbing at least as strongly as it had under Mistress Jewel's instructions. While she tongued and suckled his testicles, Jacob began to wonder if the people here were crazy, or if he had gone insane himself. Then, Marie swallowed his cock, and he felt himself surround by warmth and wetness and a sucking tongue, and he didn't care anymore.




Jake's Adventures pt2 (adult content)

05:14 Dec 01 2010
Times Read: 645

Jake woke as Marie entered his room. Under her direction, he stripped and got into the shower. She stepped in behind him, scrubbing his hair and body clean. Jake felt himself rise as her fingers kneaded his scalp, and was fully erect as she ran the soapy cloth across his chest, paying special attention to his nipples. As he tried to turn to Marie woth obvious intent, she gently spun him back around. "Patience, Jake. You must be prepared for dinner." He tried to stand stoically, but couldn't help the moans escaping his lips as Marie's hands dipped past his stomach. The cloth was wrapped around his testicles, then gently twisted form side to side. Her hand slid up, dragging the soapy towel across his cock, then wrapping around the shaft as Marie stroked it clean. Pushing him toward the shower head, the young maid let the water sluice suds from Jake's torso as she moved the towel behind him. Her hand continued to pump his organ as her towel moved to the crevasse of his ass, scrubbing softly between his cheeks. As her hands worked, she slowly turned Jake's body so that his back was to the streaming water. Continuing to scrub his ass, Marie brought his pulsing member to her mouth, her tongue flicking across every inch of his genitals, making sure that no soap was left behind. Her hands returned to his cheeks, pulling him to her as Jake grasped her wet hair in one fist and drove deeper into her throat. Again, she moaned as she felt his penis twitch inside her; again she received his juices and swallowed them, licking him clean before allowing him to step out of the shower and toweling him dry.

She dressed him in loose-fitting white pants and a long flower print shirt that she tied on him loosely, like a robe, explaing while she did so that this was the style of dress for men preferred by his host. When questioned about that host, Marie only replied, "You will meet soon." Finally she left, saying that someone would be along to take Jake to the dining room.

The young man had a few minutes to himself, and started to wonder what he had gotten himself into. Looking for a new job, he had come across an ad for work at a "resort-like atmosphere". When he had shown up at the office detailed in the ad, they had required a number of tests determined to see (so they said) if he was mentally and physically able to perform at the new job. Although he wondered at the extensiveness of the tests, the job promised to pay well enough that he didn't worry for long, esecially after they explained that he would be working on a tropical island. His results had come back within a few days, and Jake was given a plane ticket to come to this house for his final interview.

A quiet knock at his door brought Jake from his thoughts. A young man with a German accent led Jake through the hallways and downstairs to the dining room. Light reflected from crystal chandaliers on the ceiling, danced off of replicas of dolphins, horses, and frothing waves. Paintings of nature scenes hung from the walls in soft wood frames between the doorways, as if to remind the viewer that there were places other than this tropical paradise. The room was long enough to accomodate the thin table that seated two dozen people. Though every place was set (and for a fairly formal dinner, if Jake's ettiquette was correct), most of the seats were empty. Three other men were seated at the table, all dressed much as Jake was and only one that was younger. Two women were seated as well, dressed in loose white skirts and a simple cloth band that fit snugly across their breasts. All of them, much like Jake, looked to be in good health, attractive and, if the looks that they gave Jake were any indication, fairly intelligent. As his guide led him to a seat near the head of the table, Jake began to wonder if these people were his competition for the job. Before he could begin a conversation to discover this, a series of chimes rang and several servants of the house flowed into the room. One stood forward and announced, "Your host, Mistress Jewel."

A tall woman strode gracefully and purposefully into the room, her long brown hair flowing unbound behind her. A long white skirt covered her legs, but the fabric was sheer enough that the taught muscles in her thighs could be seen as she walked to the table. Seemingly untouched by gravity, a thin white cloth wrapped around her torso to cover her breasts while leaving her sternum and flat belly exposed. A thin chain at her throat held a silver pendant depicting a woman embracing a dolphin. Jake's eyes were drawn up from the necklace to her face, and while the beauty in her face could not be denied, neither could Jake resist the passion in the woman sparkling green eyes. He and the others at the table sat speechless as Mistress Jewel took her place at the head of the table, gazing at each of her guests it turn. If her gaze seemed to linger on Jake for a moment longer than the others, he was the only one to notice.

Mistress Jewel greeted each of them in a breathy voice, asking if the estate was to their liking. From the blushing responses, Jake could only assume that the other guests' arrivals had been as enjoyable as his own. He didn't have the chance to think on the matter, because his thoughts were centered on the woman at the head of the table. His imagination ran rampant, thinking of the phrases he wanted to hear from that voice and of the few sights of her that were hidden from his eyes. Jake couldn't remember wanting a woman more. So focused was he on Mistress Jewel that he barely tasted any of the meal set before him, though by the cleanliness of his plate he could only assume that it had been more than edible. After the servants had removed the used platware, Mistress Jewel rose to say in her breathy voice, "Please enjoy the pleasures of my estate for the rest of the evening. We will discuss why you have come here tomorrow." As she glided out of the room, servants came to lead the guests back to their rooms.

Though he had only been in the house for a few hours, it was obvious to Jake that he was not being led back to his room. When he asked his guide, the young man answered quietly, "The Mistress wishes to speak with you privately." The servant left Jake in an outdoor parlor at the back of the house. Green ivy grew up the sides of the latticed trellises that made the walls of the parlor, granting the illusion of solitude. A pair of cushioned divans were placed at a small table, upon which rested an opened bottle of wine and two glasses. As Jake looked out at the estate grounds, including a large pool and a steep stairway that led down to a small bay, he heard a whisper of cloth behind him. Turning, he was once again laid speechless by the same pair of green eyes. Mistress Jewel smiled knowingly, moving to sit in one of the divans.

"Good evening, Jacob. Did you enjoy dinner?"

"Yes, I did. And my name is Jake."

He froze as those eyes turned on him again, piercing him with her annoyance. "Your name is Jacob. It is the name your mother gave you, and it is the name I will call you until and unless I decide you deserve a new one."

"Yes, Mistress Jewel," he muttered, not sure of the the turn this conversation was taking.

She nodded as though she had expected no less. "And how do you find my island?"

"It's beautiful. Paradise. I don't even think I saw a Starbucks when we came through the town."

"And you will not. Even I must admit that I cannot do without some modern amenities, but that does not mean that I have to deal with banal and greedy corporations to get them. We grow our own coffee beans, as well as most other foods that we consume, here on the island. The few needs that we cannot produce ourselves are shipped here by independant businessmen who value the quality of their product and their customer over the quantity of their sales."

"And is that the job you're offering here? Because I don't know much about farming."

She laughed throatily, pouring wine into both glasses and offering one to Jacob before answering. "Not exactly. You are here for a special position on my estate, one that I have not before had a need. It will require you to be available twenty-four hours a day, and though most of your duties will be adminstrative you will be asked to perform some more physical tasks as well. I can assure you though that the pay is generous and the benefits are..." She paused, smiling as she refelected inward momentarily. "The benefits are generally considered the best part of the package, and well worth doing the job for them alone."

"You still haven't told me what the position is," he said, trying to keep his eyes away from her chest.

"Marie told me you were a little shy, but once that thin shell was broken you were very...engaging."

Jacob fought unsuccessfully to keep the blush from his face. "She did, did she?"

Mistress Jewel laughed again. "Do not be upset with her, Jacob. I specifically asked her to take care of you when you first arrived. I had thought you would be very pleased by her."

"I was...I mean, I am...wait, you asked her to..."

"Jacob, calm down. Yes, I asked her to make you comfortable and welcome. She was also part of your interview. I needed to know how well you could perform when put on the spot."

A few moments passed as Jacob stared at the tall woman. Finally he managed to ask, "And?"

"And what?" She watched Jacob struggle inwardly, not wanting to ask the question that was plain on his face. Before he could embarass himself by asking, she went on. "Marie was very pleased with you herself. She believes that you will make an excellent addition to my estates."

"Was she the interview, then?"

"No, just part of it. Are you ready for the next part?"

"Now? Sure."

"Good. Stand up and remove your shirt."

She took his wine, setting both glasses on the table as he cautiously removed the thin cloth. She stood as well, directing him to stand in the center of the room as she began pacing around him, looking at him as though checking him over for identifying marks. At one point, as she walked behind him, he felt her breath upon his neck. "Your administrative skills will be tested later. Now, I'm more interested in your...other capabilities." One arm reached around, allowing her to caress his nippple with one finger. "For instance, I want to know how controlled you are. Can you stand there without moving?" As he nodded his assent (because he was afraid to open his mouth), her fingers moved, pinching his nipple between them. As he gasped, Mistresss Jewel added, "Silent too, Jacob. Show me how disciplined you are." Both nipples were being teased now, and her hot breath grew warmer as he mouth moved to his neck, caressing his skin with lips and tongue. Jacob forced himself to stay unmoving and rigid, though part of him was there already.

She continued to tease him, lips and fingers lingering on his skin, dancing around his torso. After several minutes, Mistress Jewel faced Jacob. "Very good, Jacob. But no less than I expect from you. Are you ready to move on? You may shake your head to agree." As he nodded, her manicured fingers slid down his stomach, coming to rest on the band of his pants. Slowly sliding her fingers underneath the cloth, the alluring woman slowly pulled his pants down revealing his penis, throbbing and glistening with desire. Mistress Jewel ran her fingers up and down the length of him, sending thrills through Jacob's body. He forces his hands to stay at his sides. As she stroked his testicles, she looked up at the young man. "You do not touch me, do you understand? I touch you, but you do not touch me unless I ask you to. You may still not speak or move, other than to let me know what you find most pleasurable with a low moan - but know that if your sounds annoy me or grow to loud I will stop. You may nod agreement." Jacob shook his head up and down quickly, ready to agree to anything she asked at his point.

With a wink, she licked along the length of his manhood, moaning slightly as she tasted the juices already glistening on his penis. Her tongue flicked at the head, licking wetness from every tiny crevasse. Her lips passed the engorged tip, sucking slightly to draw the first low moan from him. She slowly moved her mouth over his cock, taking in slightly more of him each time. As she reached halfway to the base, she released him, turning her attentions to his testicles. They received the same attention, slowly carressed and licked, only to be gingerly suckled until each and then both were held inside her moist mouth. As another moan escaped Jacob, she moved back to his cock, moving quickly back to the middle of his length before slowing again. A few more moans escaped as Jacob held his hips steady, not wanting to do anything to make this goddess abandon her work. Finally, she had taken all of him inside of her mouth, and she started to slowly rock back and forth, sliding his member past her lips as she did so. As Marie had told her, before long, his cock began to dance on her tongue. Like Marie, Mistress Jewel began to moan as though the act brought her as much pleasure as it did him. The movement and the vibrations brought Jacob to a crescendo of ecstasy, and he nearly cried out as his orgasm took him. Mistress Jewel slowly licked him clean, then rose to face him. She kissed him lightly, flicking her tongue against his and began to walk out of the parlor.

"I can see room for improvement, but I expected that. I'll see you tomorrow for the next part of your interview. Oh," she added, stopping at the doorway, "and you'll be going on a new diet to ensure that you remain up to my standards of taste. Raoul will show you back to your room."



06:16 Dec 01 2010

lol fuck starbucks... o.O

12:56 Dec 01 2010

hehehe yeah I hate them... I call them Star Craps normally... wasn't certain people would recognize it if I did it here.

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