Nightgame's Journal

Nightgame's Journal


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14 entries this month

What a pisser!

04:38 Feb 28 2007
Times Read: 961

I have no ideal who hacked my VR account or why they picked mine. I'd love to get my hands on the jerk though just for a few minutes. Thank goodness Cancer was able to "steal" it back for me. In other words, I have no ideal how he did it, just that he did. I owe him big time, wonder if he likes hillbilly moonshine? My uncle still makes it for medicinal purposes only, of course. It's pretty good *potent* stuff.

Anyway I still cannot access my message center to send or read my messages here on vr not even using the VR mobile link and while that sucks I'm so dang happy to have my account back, I could dance. Not a pretty sight by the way, the dancing that is.

The odd thing is I don't know why they picked my account. I've not shared my password and I don't share a computer so it's too weird. I haven't made any enemies here that I know of there's one person who might have been midly miffed at me but she's been gone quite a while and she had her "vengence" against me before she got suspended. So I'm very confused by it, I figured for someone to mess with you like that they should at least know you or have a grudge against you but I cannot think of anyone that would feel that way about me here. I keep a fairly low profile, I'm rarely confrontational in the forums nor say anything that someone could feel that strongly about. I play hangman and talk to my friends and mess about in my house. That's about it for me, real excitement I know. Even in my everyday life I don't make too many enemies these days. Since I retired the bad guys don't care and the good guys wouldn't do it. My ex-fiance might feel he was justified in doing it but it'd be a "save my soul" type thing for him. But then we don't talk and he's too "christian" to ever log on here even if he did recognize me. Lucky escape there, let me tell you.

I cannot tell that anything else I use on Yahoo or my pc has been messed with just my vr account. I'm still thinking of calling my buddy Sam to stop by and have a look for me. He's the head of the state electronics crime unit He's an old trekie buddie of mine and we had several years of fun working nights together before he got promoted. You'd call him a nerd if you talked to him but not if you ever saw him. Sam's a tall, handsome sweet talking guy and a hell of a good shot.

I don't know why I'm looking for logic in this at all anyway. Idiots who do this type of thing rarely use their brains for logic so I'm spitting in the wind there. Guess I'd best just be thankful it wasn't worse than it was 24hrs without vr. I can skip a day or more when I choose to but having the choice taken from me sure wrecked my mind. To whoever the butthole is who did it, I hope you find a blue screen popping up everywhere you log on until you learn your lesson. Maybe I need some of that "medicine" after all.




Getting there

23:41 Feb 25 2007
Times Read: 965

Your Status: Sire (Level 28)

You have completed 100% of this level.

Pages Viewed Score: 27 x .30 = 8.1

Time Spent Score: 29 x .50 = 14.5

Ratings Score: 28 x .10 = 2.8

Posts Score: 21 x .10 = 2.1

Score: 27.5

Referral Points: 2

Referral Modifier: 1

Mark Bonus: 15%

Mark Modifier: 1.15

Total Score: 27.5

Ratings Score: 28 ( 10008 of 12599 or 79.43% )

I don't know how they get the 100% of ratings, I keep trying but just can't seem to get there.

I guess it just keeps me something to aim for though.




A milestone

23:27 Feb 25 2007
Times Read: 966

Welcome Nightgame

Your Status:


Pages Viewed:


Time Spent:

75.30 days

You have completed

100% of this level.





05:07 Feb 24 2007
Times Read: 970

I feel as though I'm broken but when I try to put myself back together some of the parts are missing. Where did they go? Did someone take them when I wasn't looking? Did I throw them away thinking I'd never need them again. That must be it for no one would want the weak and useless bits I've lost over the years. Now I find myself wondering if I still had those things would I be stronger, more able to cope with my life or would they just drag me down faster.




Scrambled Brains

13:37 Feb 23 2007
Times Read: 973

The rave seems very quiet these last few days. I'm not really sure why but I'm guessing everyone's life is as crazy as mine seems to be right now. No time for the things I want to really do. Thus I've spent most of my time in lurking, not to avoid friends but because I don't have the time to properly talk with them. I feel very guilty to show up, start a conversation and run away within a few minutes, often before they can even reply. I hate doing that to people especially my friends here. So I lurk, I catch up on ratings, answer any messages I've missed and earn some favor. These things don't care if I run off constantly. I'm probably being too sensitive about cutting people off, most I'm sure would understand.

Anyway back to the forums, they are odd right now would be the best word, I think. A few threads that make sense to me but most are a little too out there for me to have anything to say about them. Most of the time I'm reading them to learn anyway but it's fun to occasionally be able to add something *I hope* to the conversation. The Sandbox has become for the most part something I no longer participate in at least the last couple of weeks. The threads are not even fun to play right now. One or two cafe's would be okay but not 2 dozen and even 1 or 2 abc games are fun but again not too many. That's all it seems to consist of right now. Yes I know if I don't like it do something to make it better. lol That's the most annoying part of it, I've racked my brains for an interesting topic of conversation and cannot think of anything that's not already being covered or has been in the past. I think part of it is I'm still learning so much about this world and the people in it that I'm unable and fearful of behaving like a fool. *shut up my friends, I know I do that all the time, already* So I guess all I'm really saying is that everyone seems to be busy right now and only sillyness reigns. I guess that's why I'm here, bring on the clowns.




What's the big deal!

03:35 Feb 21 2007
Times Read: 977

I was reading the thread about the new rules and enforcement in the forum. I'm not too sure why everyone is getting so wound up. It just seems to me some people just seem to have to complain even if it's not their profile being judged they want to rat on others. Okay if it's really nasty I can see it, but otherwise it just isn't my business to judge my fellow users. If something is way out of line, sure but just normal stuff, no way. Then there are the ones who are determined to drag the journals into it and I for one would like them left alone. No I have no content in mine that would be troublesome but I do have some I like to read that are like reading literature to me. VR journals are like my library, so much to choose from some good, some bad, some funny, some sad. The journals are a lot harder for visitors to access unless they are specifically looking for them. Most of the ones that have more adult writing in them also have it listed as such. To me that is warning enough to stay out if it offends you...

I like reading the rants even the ones I don't agree with and sometimes go off on one of my own, like this one. That's what the journals are for to me. A place to put you *feelings, emotions, life, love* I have no problem with slander or libelious entries being removed but then those writing them should have known better. But it's just my opinion and as we all know I'm crazy. *cackle*




Funny score

15:32 Feb 20 2007
Times Read: 980

Favor earned: 23333

Yes I know there's lots of folks with more I just liked all the 3's.

Wonder how long it's going to take me to make it to 25,000?





04:27 Feb 15 2007
Times Read: 987

I must confess I don't fully understand why some rules are broken. I admit I messed up several times and was lucky enough to find nice people here to point them out to me and where to find the right way to do things. I truly appreciate all of them for their kindness and willingness to share info. But in all the mistakes I made the forum was to me the place I paid the closest attention to not screwing up. Maybe it's just I don't like looking like a public idiot which is how I feel inside when it happens. Not calling anyone else an idiot just how I feel when I do stupid things. I have already admitted to being a bit of a perfectionist and somewhat anal, what do you expect? Anyway some things to me are just really obvious and questions about selling puppies and some of the other things showing up are just beyond my understanding. Right at the top of the forum is what goes in it so while I might think anything I post should go in the sandbox how so many others don't figure that out is weird. Okay I'm don't being weirded out now. The poetry contest has only 1/2 hour left and with over 150 entries it's shaping up to be a very hard decision. There are so many really good entries that narrowing it down actually hurts. Now I also have the problem of feeling bad for the ones who don't make it. It's so much easier when it's me not winnning, I know how to handle that feeling but I hate making anyone else feel that way. Damn I'm emotional tonight must be these new meds. lol




Random thoughts

20:13 Feb 11 2007
Times Read: 994

Was reading the thread on precog dreams and several hints were given to control them. That's where I differ the only 2 times I can prove I had precog knowledge came while I was wide awake or at the most tired. Since they both happened on over night shifts I guess the night could have something to do with it. *shrugs* But the thing that caught my attention was all these avenues to control and remember dreaming. My problem is the opposite, in my dreams I relive horrible, frightening times in my past. One in particular *yes guys the ax man*

It was so very hard to learn to direct my dreams away from those images. I have done this for years now and continue to do it every night. Before I try to sleep I compose a scene in my mind of something fun and peaceful so that my mind has somewhere good to go at night. I am more often than not successful but I cannot remember anything of the dreams themselves. The only dreams I ever remember anymore are when the nightmares make it past my dreamscapes. I guess I can understand wanting to control and remember dreams if they are pleasant or precog but I don't think I dare to try to remember mine.




Getting there

10:52 Feb 09 2007
Times Read: 1,000

Went to the Doctor on Tuesday just couldn't take the pain anymore and discovered I've got 3 different infections raging through different parts of my body. Along with a cold so miserable has been my name. Felt so bad I couldn't even set up to play hangman. That's sick for me. But the meds finally kicked in and I'm starting to pull out of it. Thank the Goddess.

While I was there my doctor insisted I get my flu shot and I had already tried to once before but they didn't have it yet. Then due to the chronic illness I have wanted to give me a pneumonia shot. I said ok since they're good for like 5 years or more. One in each arm, flu shot hurt like hell going in and got really sore the next day then it's over. Pneumonia shot went in painless then swelled up the next day, extremely sore, red and itching so I know it's a allergic reaction and it's still getting bigger. Have virtually crippled my right arm. When my nephew laid his head against me and hit it I managed not to toss him but I sure wanted to scream. I'm starting benedryl today to try and control this reaction without having to go back to the doctor. It's been 3 days and should have already gone away. Shaping up to be a crummy month already.





04:19 Feb 09 2007
Times Read: 1,003

Allright I've got a question. Why do I keep running across new profiles that either say I don't want to tell you anything or message me privately. Why did you sign onto this site if you don't want to tell about yourself and get to know the other members. This isn't a single person game site, it's a community, strange though it is at times.

Another thing, I wish so many didn't feel the need to add "bite me" if you don't like something they say or believe. Okay let's get it straight this is a vampire site for folks living the lifestyle or fans of vampire stuff. Bite Me is just not funny anymore. Yet so many seem to feel the need to include it.

Okay Rant overwith, we now return you to your regularily scheduled bathroom break.




Could it work?

19:28 Feb 04 2007
Times Read: 1,013

I was reading a thread in the forum on Chakras and I have to admit I'm wondering if there is a way to utilize meditation to aid my Angina. I know it is often triggered by stress or strong emotions. I have the nitroglycerin but I don't like taking so much of it. Back of my mind thoughts of bumping into something going boom, I suppose. lol

I've used meditation to control pain with some success in the past but I'm not real good at it. Too many distractions I suppose. It would be cool to try it though, I'd love to find a natural way to ease that chest pain. Nothing like sitting around a group of people that don't know you that well and without even thinking about it find them all looking at you like you're about to keel over just because you're holding your chest. I'd love to find another way to handle it. I'm going to try and find some research on it.




A test to see if you know me or if you care to :)

00:21 Feb 03 2007
Times Read: 1,024

Create your own Friend Test here




Running behind

04:11 Feb 02 2007
Times Read: 1,030

Went out with my best friends and coven sisters tonight. Ate out then had the ritual, great night for the snow moon, misty with a prediction of 2 inches. Might get it or not, never can tell here!

But we had a great time and laughed through most of the ritual, thank goodness the Goddess and God have a sense of humor. :) Anyway had a really good steak red and bloody, and a baked potato with real butter. It was so good, I'll need to skip a couple of meals tomorrow but it was way worth it even had a Strawberry Daquiri (virgin) that was great too. Last one I tried was way too bitter. Now it's getting late and I'm noticing I'm behind in earning the favor I pledged for this week. So I've got about 1 hour it's time to put on the mean music, not just fast country but fast bluegrass. That shit will make you work fast just to keep the beat and to turn it off too. lol

If I listen to good rock I end up drifting off in it.



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