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Vampires from around the world.

17:49 Aug 13 2010
Times Read: 713

In light of a thread in the forum,I thought I might post this information,for anyone who would like to research Vampires and folklore about them from around the world....

I fprgot I have put it in my journal under private and neglected to get the site address where I obtained the information.As soon as I remember I will certainly post the site.

origin→from were it was originated (city, or country, or continent)

name→the name of the TYPE of vampire. not individual vampires

[Breif Discription]

Origin: Albania

Name: Llugat

Becomes a vampire by being an Albanian of Turkish blood. This vampire is said to spread death and destruction. I’m not sure how to kill it yet.

Origin: Albania

Name: Sampiro

This vampire goes around at night, wrapped up in its shroud and wears shoes with very high heels. Supposedly its tomb is indicated by a “will o' the wisp”. Becomes a vampire by being an Albanian of Turkish blood. It is said to spread death and destruction.

Origin: Ashantiland

Name: Asanbosam

There are three varieties: men, women, and children.

All in human form except for a pair of books instead of feet. Becomes a vampire by sucking blood from the thumbs of a sleeping person.

Origin: Assyria

Name: Ekimmu

Becomes a vampire from not having had a proper burial.

Origin: Australia

Name: Pink Vampire

Pink Vampires are a species of vampires which live in the modern age. It has cold skin and fangs and when angered their eyes go a very bloodshot red colour. It can go out into normal daylight, they are way harder to kill than regular vampires.

How to kill them: VERY holly item, or a stronger mythical creature like→Dragon, a gorgon, etc.

Origin: Australia

Name: Yara-ma-yha

A little red man who sucks his victim's blood through his sucker-like hands and feet.

Origin: Bavaria

Name: Nachzehrer

Becomes a vampire by being born with a second skin or dying from drowning. To kill it, cut off the head with the axe used in ordinary executions.

Origin: Bohemia

Name: Ogoljen

The only thing i know about this one is to put a little earth from the tomb in its navel to cure it. Or to kill it, bury it at a cross-roads.

Origin: Borneo

Name: Buo

Becomes a vampire by being a warrior slain in battle.

Origin: Bosnia-Herzegovina

Name: Blautsauger

These vampires have no skeleton and are very hairy, have very large eyes and are able to turn themselves into rats, but usually they take on the shape of a wolf. Cure it by scattering hawthorn flowers along the road leading from its former home to the cemetery. Apparently they always hold a bit of earth from their tombs behind their back and try to make sleeping peasants eat it in order to turn them into vampires.

Origin: Brazil

Name: Lobishomen

This vampire is small in stature, stumpy and hunch-backed, resembling a monkey, but with a yellow face, bloodless lips, black teeth, bushy beard and plush-covered feet. It makes its victims (all women) into nymphomaniacs. Kill it by letting it get drunk on blood in order to catch it more easily, then crucify it on a tree while stabbing it.

Origin: Brittany

Name: Moribondo

It supposedly enjoys assaulting cattle. Not as much of a threat on humans.

Origin: Bulgaria

Name: Krvopijac

The physical appearance varies but is most commonly known to have only one nostril. Becomes a vampire by drinking wine. Prevent the corpse by becoming a vampire by chaining it to the coffin with a garland of wild roses.

Origin: China

Name: Ch'ing Shih

This vampire has red staring eyes, pointed nails curved like claws and long hair. They are greenish-white in colour, and it can fly very fast by being given strength from the moon light. When burnt it emits a piercing shriek.

Origin: Crete Rhodes

Name: Catac

It’s said that these vampires always have mouths that are always grinning, showing very white teeth. Kill it by burning its nails in flames, boiling its head in vinegar or isolating it behind a barrier of water, salted if possible. I’m not sure how one becomes a Catacano.

Origin: Croatia

Name: Pijawika

To cure this vampire, cut its head off and put it between the legs or under one arm.

Origin: Dalmatia

Name: Kuzlak

Becomes a vampire by being taken away before its time from the mother's breast. To cure, call a Franciscan monk who will transfix it with a hawthorn bough plucked from high in the mountains.

Origin: Herreros Land

Name: Otgiruru

This vampire looks like a dog. It supposedly makes anyone who answers its call die.

*NOTE: this one is possibly realted to the American myth of a dog howling at night and if the person answered its call it would die in a week. Howevert in this myth the dog isn't a vampire.

Origin: Hindu

Name: Vetala

A Vampire-like spirit that haunts cemeteries and inhabits corpses in order to move around.

Origin: Hungary

Name: Farkaskoldus

Takes on the characteristics of a werewolf when dying.

Origin: India

Name: Vetala / Punyaiama (pure race) / Veda

This vampire looks like an old woman. Specialises in cannibalism.

Origin: Ireland

Name: Dearg-dul

To cure this vampire you need to pile large quantities of stones on its presumed tomb.

Origin: Loango

Lies with its eyes open in the coffin. It becomes ten times as strong with the moon and can turn itself into a bat and if burnt, emits a long moaning. Becomes a vampire by being an ex-sorcerer. To kill this vampire, burn it by night when there is no moon, or else nail it to the ground with a nail. Carefully burn every little fragment, for even the smallest piece will be enough for the whole monster to be reborn again.

Origin: Mexico

Name: Ciuateteo ('Right honourable mother')

Supposedly this vampire’s face, arms and hands are painted with the whitest of chalk and it knows how to fly. Becomes a vampire by being still-born. Cure it by offering it bread and meteorites.

Origin: Moldavia

Name: Drakul

This vampire moves with the help of a demon. Supposedly it shows itself with its coffin on its head.

Origin: Moravia

This vampire goes around naked, leaving its shroud in the tomb.

Origin: Morlacchia & Montenegro

Name: Vrukolak / Vukodlak

This vampire is contagious feeds on relatives and friends and it shrieks when it is transfixed. It becomes a vampire by predestination or contagion. Or if it was murdered and no one sees the assassin. This vampire can easily turn itself into a wolf. It only goes out when there is a full moon and crows never go near its tomb. To prevent it turning, nail it to it's coffin by planting a nail through it's heart, or by cutting it's tendons and piercing it all over its body.

Origin: Philippines

Name: Manananggal

Takes the form of an older, very beautiful woman. Every night she seperates her torso from her lower body and leaving her lower body behind, flies off on big bat-like wings looking for her next prey, which is usually pregnant women.

Origin: Poland

Name: Upier (male), Upiercsa (female)

This vampire’s physical appearance is interesting: it has a harelip and the tip of the tongue is pointed like an insect's sting. Becomes a vampire by a baby being born with teeth. Prevent this person becoming a vampire bury them face down with heaps of dirt mounded on top... (supposedly to confuse it as to which way is up and down).

Origin: Polynesia

Name: Talamaur

This vampire sucks the life out of the dying, and sometimes devours the hearts of healthy men when they are asleep.

Origin: Pomerania

Name: Neuntoter

Becomes a vampire by being born with teeth or a silver spoon in its mouth and dying as a child, spreads plague.

Origin: Portugal

Name: Bruxsa

This vampire takes the form of a woman during the day, and becomes a bird at night. It becomes a vampire through witchcraft. It is said to suck the blood of children.

Origin: Prussia

Name: Gierach / Viesczy / Stryz

Not sure how one becomes a Gierach but to cure it, put poppy seeds in the grave to send it to sleep.

Origin: Rocky Mountains

Sucks the brain of the sleeper by putting its proboscis into the victim's ear.

Origin: Rumania / Romania

Name: Norferat

This one becomes a vampire by being the illegitimate son of two illegitimate parents, or by being the seventh son of a seventh son. Apparently this vampire makes husbands impotent.

Origin: Rumania / Romania

Name: Varcolaco / Murohy / Strigoi

This vampire takes on the aspects of a dog, a cat, or spider. Becomes a vampire by dying as an un-baptized person or death by suicide. Supposedly this vampire bites without leaving any signs of wounds. To prevent suicide victims from turning, the corpse should be put in running water as soon as they are dead or take out its heart and cut it in two.

Origin: Romania

Name: Moroi

They are the mortal offspring of Strigoi, they can either be killed, die of disease or grow old. However like most vampires they have a diet of blood, preferably human.

Origin: Russia

Name: Mjertovjec

Becomes a vampire by being a son of a werewolf or witch. To kill this type of vampire you will need to nail the body to the coffin or burn the body.

Origin: Russia

Name: Upierczi

Becomes a Vampire by Murder or Suicide. Only drowning in a lake of salt water is a “cure”. To kill, you drive the heart through with a stake. But not more than twice – you need to be accurate.

Origin: Saxony

Not sure of the name, but a butterfly called Alp sometimes comes out of its mouth. Put a lemon in the vampire's mouth to cure it. The Alp settles on the chest of sleepers suffocating them and sucking up all their breath.

Origin: Serbia

Name: Mulo

This vampire lives and is as active at the stroke of noon as it is at night. It becomes a vampire by natural causes, by being still-born or else by being murdered. It boils the women it likes the most in a great cauldron in order to de-bone them more easily and make them similar to itself.

Origin: Serbia

Name: Vlkodlak

Becomes a vampire by committing murder, perjury, incest or being killed by a werewolf or else eating lamb killed by a werewolf. To kill, cut off its toes and thumbs or put a nail in its neck. This Vampire is said to cause eclipses.

Origin: Silesia

Name: Sriz

This vampire makes those people die whose names it pronounces.

Origin: Slave Coast

Name: Wume

Becomes a vampire by being a criminal in life or else being the victim of a curse. Cure it by burying it in a secret place.

Origin: Spain

Name: Vampiro

This is one of the well known “Vampire Myths” – If you are bitten you become a Vampiro. You can kill it by putting garlic in the mouth or by piercing the heart with a stake.

Origin: Thessaly / Epirus

Name: Bruculaco

They become vampires by falling into catalepsies, the soul being momentarily separated from the body goes into that of a wolf, making it thirsty for fresh blood.

Origin: Vietnam

Name: (undecided)

This vampire has red antennae coming out of its nose with which it sucks. Sometimes it only consists of a head.

Origin: Wallachia

Name: Strigoiu

This vampire lives at night in abandoned or ruined houses. It becomes a vampire by having red hair. Blow up the body to kill it.



19:43 Aug 13 2010

Now there is an explanation why there are so many stones in Ireland! Well oldie proverb says.. Leave no stone unturned !

23:44 Aug 13 2010

No doubt!!

04:06 Aug 14 2010

shame there is nothing from arabia or egypt. great info tho.


12:34 Aug 14 2010

I know.That was what I was originally hoping for.In truth though LW there seems to be a bit of info ,it is just a bit more obscure.


I am

22:08 Aug 04 2010
Times Read: 741

REALLY glad I wasnt on that flight..



00:47 Aug 05 2010

holy hell was the pilot drinking

13:32 Aug 05 2010

Lol, 'shit' that's what I would of done if I had been on that flight!

18:15 Aug 05 2010

Ohhhh.Goin to the rodeo...

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