OneFinalGravenKiss's Journal


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4 entries this month

i was awake for 45 hours.

03:25 Sep 26 2005
Times Read: 565

i wrote this at 1130 last night. i was too tired to post it here

wow. friday i went to the haunted house from 630-830 then went to perkins from 845-930, then went to Parker from 945-1045. when we got back to the fair grounds Tom and Jeremy were there! oh my god...Jeremy is so beautiful. his eyes are the most gorgeous things i have ever seen! and his personality is fucking great! he kept making me smile it was great =) we were then at the fair grounds from 11-2am.

so then Denis, Tom, Ashley, Jeremy and I went back to Tom's house for the night....and were watching some movies. Freddie vs. Jason was what Denis picked. he slept on the chair. and on the couch was Jeremy, me, then Ashley, with her legs over me. and Tom was in a squeeky rocking chair then migrated to the floor. during the night Denis, Jeremy, and Ashley fell asleep. so yeah...Jeremy totally ended up using my shoulder as a pillow. it was sweet! =) Then Tom and I watched Eurotrip.

Tom and I were up all night. at 545am we went to his car and drove to the gas station up the street from his house to clean his car out. we ended up getting back to his house at 615am yes it took that long...Tom woke up Ashley and Denis, I woke up Jeremy =) he's so cute when he sleeps! i wanted to take his picture! at 630am we left his house and went over to mcdonalds for some foodage but they woudl'nt make ashley a mcflurry. bastards! i got to sit next to Jeremy it was so cool! he smells so good! *I actually smell like him right now cause i stole his cologne after a few things today o.O* i love it! its called Hugo! okay so then we went to Belmont =) and he used me as a pillow on the way to Belmont, so did Ashley. JEREMY'S CAR IS FUCKING RAD! HE HAS A COUGAR! with a body kit. its killer. then we went to the Belmont Jaycee's Punt, Pass, Football thing to help them out. then we drove back to Janesville.

Ashley and Tom in his car and Me and Denis in Jeremy's car. ooh he's so beautiful...thos eyes! okay Belmont is 1.5 hours away from Janesville. so when we were in brodhead *about 20-30 mins from janesville* we decided to turn around and go to Jeremy's house to hook up his subs =) so we were in the car another 1.5 hours hah. pretty much anyway. then we hooked that up but Denis ripped one of the adapters or some shit *wasn't paying attention* so we had to go to Walmart to get a new one because they were so close to being finished...even though they were hooking everything up in the rain! so they finished the installation in Walmarts parking lot. then we continued back to Janesville. *again*. we would have been back in town around oh 1130 had we not turned around...we didn't get back to Janesville til about 5 lol isn't that horrible?! SUBS WERE TOTALLY WORTH IT!

we had a little fun in the car. so on the way back to Janesville we went on a roadie. mmm that was so nice our conversations were great afterwards. since i had been up all night the backseat was killin me lol makin me wanna sleep. Jeremy kept turning around and was like "how's ashley doing?" it was funny. then Denis would complain about me being quiet. i think i fell alseep but woke up within five minutes if that. so we got to a stop sign and Jeremy was like okay Denis get out, Ashley get out and switch places! you're sitting in front so you will talk. and i did it was great....i totally kept geeking out and sounded fucking stupid as hell i'm sure. so it was raining right lol.

and out of nowhere Jeremy is like. Hey look guys its like a rain forest over there! Denis is like what the fuck are you talking about man? and i'm like DUH! its raining and theres a forest over there! me and him were having a ball! he's fucking stellar! gotta love the man! we stopped at Mcdonalds again, and ordered three mcchickens, and two double cheeseburgers. well when we got our food Denis was like. we only got two mcchickens! so Jeremy drove around the building and went through the drive through window and said we only got two instead of three...so they gave us our *third* mcchicken. turns out Denis put it under his seat and we really did get it so we ended up with four mcchickens it was so funny!

then when we were on Milton Ave. this guy next to us at the stop lights had this creepy child molester smile and kept staring at me. so i rolled down the window and waved so did Jeremy and he stopped lookng lol it was great!

so then we went to the fairgrounds after finally getting back to Janesville seven hours late hahaha....we sat and did nothing the first hour well we did a few things but you dont need to know what the group did hah. then we ate pizza and worked on the haunted house.

Ruth and I painted the kitchen floor, then cleared out the backroom for the cemetary. i carried shit that was fucking heavy as hell. Denis was like damn you carry heavy things like a man! lol...but tonight i think i pinched a nerve in my hip, i have a huge ass bruise on my right hand along my thumb/index finger..its swollen...then my left hand thumb is weird and swollen. plus i pulled a muscle in my bad shoulder.

My mom flipped out on me cause i said the only way i had a ride home was to get home at 11. she was pissed...and freaked...it made me cry...* Denis, Clark Jeremy, Ruth, Cindy and a few other Jaycee's i dont know where the only ones there* Denis came over right away and asked what was wrong and shit...then a while later after everyone but Clark and Denis left the room Jeremy came over and asked what was up and how i was. god..he's so cute! lol and so sweet. so his car doesn't have lights around the license plate so he couldnt' drive so we took Tom's car. Jeremy and Clark took me home =).

Jeremy forgot to grab water so when we got to my house i grabbed him a bottle of my Propel cause he loves the same kind as me! then i gave Clark one too. just to be nice...so i got back 'n gave them the propel. *jeremy 'n clark saw my dads crotch rocket* and were like can we take it for a test drive?! i kept saying no even though i would have let them had i known my parents wouldn't be getting home for a half hour...i got home at 1020 or so thought my parents would be home within 10...but its been over 30. ugh! he's gorgeous i tell you! i totally want to date him lol. he's so adoreable!

that was my weekend....40 hours with Jeremy and Denis was pretty sweet. Ashley left at 1130 her and tom actually made it to janesville on time lol

oh man besides my mom being lame i had such a great weekend! so far...Jeremy totally made it awesome!

i am so tired though..i'm going to bed. no sleep in 45 hrs. no caffine either.




party of togetherness

05:00 Sep 12 2005
Times Read: 570

so...saturday was my gathering of togetherness i guess....

it was pretty awesome for the first like five hours...or six. i dont know...but then i just got really depressed...and i'm really not going to explain why. because it doesn't matter...

started out with Graham getting here. he's awesome. missed that kid...i haven't seen him since april...awesome...thanks for coming hun.

then Alyx and Jacque showed up. love those girls to pieces! so it was pretty cool...

i dont remember who came next but Ethan, Tiffany, Blair, Kyle, Pat, Nick, Stanton, Kristin came it was great...

so Ethan totally dragged me through my fucking sprinkler....after Graham had like pushed me through it...

later on we went in the back 'n played badmitten crocket, frisbe, then Ethan decided to get the hose out and totally spray everyone i was fuckin soaked. the only ones who didn't get soaked were Kyle and Tiffany...but i totally got him back =)

yeah...we chillaxed in the basement for a while..then in my room...and outside...it was cool...

one of the best "parties" i've had in a long time....i though i could have made it without crying tonight...but that didn't happen...

anyway it was okay until i that one point.

i really dont know what to write...but i really wish i could stop being depressed right now....

Blair is awesome...a funny child he is.

anyway. my cake kicked ass. my aunt had the best idea.

it was frosted white. then had malibu barbie truck on top of it. with Jack Skellington and Zero driving it. then it had a rope attatched to the back of the jeep, with the other end of the rope tied around barbies neck! and she was all bloody....it was great...and then the cake said Want a Ride bitch! lol it was great.

and my cousin Zane is officially cool now. he told his mom she should buy me a car for my birthday so when i babysit for him they wont have to come pick me up. THE FOUR YEAR OLD IS GENIOUS!

kristin gave me a can of artichokes it was cool =) lol she's awesome.

jacque and i wrestled neither of us won though....

when we played red rover red rover i didn't want to move...so uh yeah. i was picked up and then carried through lol but totally didn't break the "chain" lol

good times...

i really think i'll remember today for quite a while...i really wish i would have been happy the whole time...

certain things just felt...really awkward...i dont think it will ever be the same...i really wish it could...i just dont like how things are...

other random things happend... it was cool...

i just miss...things

jacque officially sucks at giving birthday spankings instead of 16 she gave like 37 and they weren't spankings they were punches....and ethan had me like fucking pinned so i couldn't get out of it =( i have bruises on my ass......

then Pat went fishing in my pond and almost caught the fish..

oh yeah! and during our extreme sports most of us walked away being injured i have so many bruises and my lip is still swollen *thanks pat for nailing me in the face with a frisbee*

i totally ache.




Alex Has A Penis

22:12 Sep 09 2005
Times Read: 574


okay. at lunch today i was with my normal crowd. Alex, Kristin, Sam, Kat, Jesus, Kayla, Curtis, Michael, and hella other people.

well Alex is just one of the prettiest people i know lol. 'n looks gorgeous in his girlie pants =). anywho we discovered he had a hole in his pants right next to his penis haha....yeah...anyway

out of nowhere Alex is like. HOLY SHIT I THINK THERE IS A BEE IN MY PANTS! we all just looked at him like what the fuck are you talking about...'n he's like NO SERIOUSLY I SWEAR THERE IS A BEE IN MY FUCKING PANTS THERES SOMETHING THERE MOVING AROUND! HOLY SHIT.

okay so by this time he's so not standing still grabbing himself theres a bee in my pants theres a bee in my pants....so he totally starts running towards the cafeteria to the bathrooms. man he ran so fast...like Flash...RUN FOREST RUN. came to mind....man...he came out of the school....still grabbing himself haha...it was funny...anyway he got back...and was like

Dude....the bee fucking stung my penis...theres a red mark man...it stung my penis!...ooh god it stings...man it hurts.

i felt so bad for the kid....he called his mom on my phone and was like..."mom...me penis was just stung by a bee...'n she starts cracking up i could here her lol....anyway he's like mom seriously, there is a hole in my pants and it stung me. what if it swells and the hole gets bigger* then i'm like dude alex you could wear my pants haha...'n he's like "oh mom i'll just borrow one of my chick friends pants. 'n she thought he was in the bathroom with chicks haha it was great....she's like no penis and sex! haha

man i love that child haha he's fucking awesome =) band and lunch are amusing with him haha....cept like most guys he makes me feel short as hell cause well....i am haha...they just prove the point..anyways.

yeah..then some kid i totally forgot his name...stole a chair from the cafeteria...and brought it outside on the hill..then this other guy totally pushed the chair backwords with this guy on it 'n he rolled down the hill it was great!

OH OH! and we put the chair in a tree...and Alex climbed the tree 'n sat in the chair. and Kat and I took pictures of him posing with the camera i had in my purse...it was hott haha




my birthday

23:57 Sep 08 2005
Times Read: 576

so today is my birthday. 16. wonderful. no not really. i got a kick ass straw from my spanish teacher though.

but too many people were hugging...i dont do the hug thing...it was kind of creepy.

now i get to make my parents take me to any place i wish for dinner...mmm can you say italian?!



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