QueenLycoris's Journal

QueenLycoris's Journal


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20:09 Nov 30 2017
Times Read: 424

Just like day and night i know you are there but i may never meet you
Like to sides of one coin we go with our lives
Like stars in the sky
We live
We shine
And we die for others to live




The first p.1

17:35 Nov 29 2017
Times Read: 432

Do you ever thouch that maybe vampires was more magickal that you were thinking
Many says that Lilith or Cain was the first, but there are myths that are older than them. Lilith was also named the first witch in the bible
Blood magick and necromacy is so much older that whatever we know, so why so many are forgeting about the first thing people ever believed.
In my family that what made vampire is Blood Seal or Vampire sign, witches was always the biggest evil on earth for religion, and why was that?.....



13:54 Dec 22 2017

The first myth on vampires predates back to roughly 4000 B.C.E. from the ancient Sumer civilization. The ancient Sumerians existed in Mesopotamia and facts prove that by 3100 B.C.E., their culture brought the earliest archeologically proven dynasty; the first cities were built along with establishing the city and state religions were set up and practiced. The Sumerians is the first civilization to receive our attention as the first and oldest myth of a vampire-like being that is the Ekimmu.

The Ekimmu, like many vampires of folklore, was believed to have been created when someone died a violent death or was not buried properly. Although not referred to out right as a vampire, the way they are described as helps us to draw the conclusion that these creatures were real intentional psychic vampires. They were described as demonic in nature, severely rotting corpses, phantom-like entities that roamed the earth, unable to rest, in search of victims. In reference to The Devils and Evil Spirits of Babylonia, by R. Campbell Thompson, the creatures preferred the attack pattern of finding a helpless individual, then tormenting this victim until a priest or priestess could come and perform a ritual or exorcism to force the vampire off.


Another creature from the Mesopotamian that fits this role as vampire-like creatures is that of the Uruku or Utukku. The Uruku is actually referred to as a "vampyre which attacks man" in a cuneiform inscription. There is very little known about the Uruku, but, the mere fact that it has been referred to as a "vampire" deems it worthy to mention here.

The Seven Demons

Another "race" of vampires is also mentioned as a vampiric entity which was much feared: "The Seven Demons". These beings have been mentioned in many Mesopotamian religious texts and incantations, like the following excerpt taken from a Sumerian banishment (taken from The Devils and Evil Spirits of Babylonia, by R. Campbell Thompson):

Demons that have no shame,

Seven are they!

Knowing no care...

Knowing no mercy,

They rage against mankind:

They spill their blood like rain,

Devouring their flesh [and] sucking their veins.

Where the images of the gods are they quake...

They are demons full of violence

Ceaselessly devouring blood.

Invoke the ban against them,

That they no more return to this neighborhood...

The creatures described above clearly have attributes similar to immortal blood-drinking vampires. The blood drinking and vein sucking make it clear to assume that they are vampires of some sort indeed. The eighth line in the excerpt indicates that the creatures are afraid of the images of the Sumer gods, or of the temples in which most god images are kept.


16:52 Nov 29 2017
Times Read: 436

My name is Izabela or Isabella, its depends how people say it
Have you ever thought what your name really means. One day i was trying to find what my mean, and i find few facts no one ever told
Is - from norwegian ice, also one of the runes have the same name
IZAnami - japanese death goodness
IZraell - another name of angel of death
So basically not very religiouse name




16:55 Nov 27 2017
Times Read: 447

Like the death i was named after i cant find place to stay,
Place to call home or the person to call love.
Alone after hundreds of years my heart longs for the feeling.
If im the death i want my life,
If im the dark i want my light,
If im the moon i want my sun.
I m calling and calling but my woice is hard to hear in the dark.



05:53 Dec 15 2017

careful....sometimes the dark might answer you.



11:43 Nov 26 2017
Times Read: 464

Why is it so hard to find your rightfull heart,
Why do people try to hurt when your life is already a lie
All my life love was a crime, and the feeling to long for
With the heart shattered more than one time i cant find the one
Like the moon and the sun my love kan never find




Descendant of Elder

13:52 Nov 25 2017
Times Read: 486

My family have long history with vampires and witches, we have even the legend of who be come from
The first know vampires in my family was "Queen of blood and life" Meriada and her husband Elder. She was the first real necromanc (or just say most powerfull), her lover was killed and she was trying to bring him to life again. After many years she could use blood as the connection to other souls. That was beginning of one of three pure blood covens and Vampire Seal that still is inside her book of shadows.
Elder is still alive and I must find him

If there is someone who know him please write in the comments




08:05 Nov 25 2017
Times Read: 495

Ertus Morgoli

Who we are if not the children of the night
Who we are with a blood on our hands
Like the children of the star in the shadows live we life
Like the people from the dark we search the meaning of life

Artis Morti urtus Steli



12:02 Nov 25 2017

Nice read thanks for sharing


22:31 Nov 24 2017
Times Read: 510

With the blood of the beast and man i come to life in a time where good was bad and bad was good, in the time where black witch, my black witch was a queen and i was her first creation.
Which the sign of the first i live between the shadow and the light of the night.



06:07 Nov 25 2017

welcome sweet ladie

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