Rabynion's Journal

Rabynion's Journal


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2 entries this month

This Is For Keeps

03:25 Feb 18 2010
Times Read: 706

The streets are dark my pulse is flat-lined, as im running to you.

You sit completely unaware of what im about to do.

The air is this thick with tension much when like we are together.

My fangs are aching as im pondering about you and I forever.

As I round your corner, I am nervous that you won't be my lover.

I knock three times and hope that my pale complection wont blow my cover.

You answer the door with your inoccent face, would you like to leave this human race, tonight?

Eternity will never be enough for me.

Eternally we'll live our infallable love.

My brain is pumpin an unusual secretion of lust.

Your eyes are softer now and your chin, it drips a bloody color of lust.

I am raising up the stakes and this round I am playing for keeps.

Oh, would you like to leave this human race, tonight.

Eternity will never be enough for me.

Eternally we'll live our infallible love.

Follow me into the sea, we'll drown together and immortalize you and me.

Leave behind this lonely town.

We're both better than this, its not worth being down.

Eternity will never be enough for me.

Eternity we'll live our infallible love.

Follow me into the sea and we'll drown together and immortalize you and me.

Leave behind this lonely town (eternally)

We're better than this, its not worth being down (eternally)



04:44 Feb 18 2010

beautifully written kind of a vampy romeo and juliet love lust and depart in death together. Odd that you would want to drown in the sea with her. he desires her like life desires water for nourishment and to quinch thirst. He seems to be taken by her not just in a lustful way but moe than that as he wishes her to die with him. Or is it that he wants her to die FOR him to satiate his lust for her life giving fluids?

23:01 Feb 27 2010

great work hunni :)

23:54 Mar 07 2010

this is amazing and beautiful :]

02:47 Mar 12 2010

so beautifully written! :)

01:57 Aug 11 2010

i know that song mmmmmmm is the one u send to me


Shelly's Story

06:50 Feb 01 2010
Times Read: 727

~~~{~{@ Shelly’s Story @}~}~~~


Waves crashing upon the shore line, you can see the morning mist dissipating as the sun keeps rising. It glares through the palms that separate the front of the bungalow from the beach that they spend their lives together on. Surrounding the home is a luscious variety of forestry, vines, and shrubbery. Little forest creatures scurrying alike to attain their last bits of food before the heat gets to be to much. The homes backside butts up to a small slope leading to the brush that after about 3 miles leads to the nearest dirt road. The only sign of civilization. No one, and nothing around for a good, long, distance. They chose this place together for just this reason. Only two hearts beat, pounding out a rhythm of love and faith. This somber morning wakes as the sound of the blue-green tubes crest and roll in from the crystal blue sea. Birds singing their whimsical and tantalizing songs as they dance around ever so elagentely so as to claim the mate they swoon after. The scent of the freshest air and sea weed, blow through the uncovered open windows, stirring the two souls to wake. It’s a warm 80 degrees and only 9am.

He lies awake, yet, with his eyes remaining closed. Inhaling the smell of her smokey windblown hair scented from the hypnotizing dance of the bonfire at the beach the night before, he thinks back on the night previous. Rolling around with his true, one and only on a blanket of smooth silk and cotton. The stars gleaming bright, down upon them. The sky, he remembers vividly. It seemed as though someone had thrown a blanket of darkness over the atmosphere and poked holes in it so that the light of the sun could shine through, creating the most brilliant sky packed full of stars. Kissing, and embracing each other. Wishing that night would never come to an end, they fell asleep in each others arms. How they awoke in their bed, he could not figure out, but he didn’t care. All he could think of was her.

He allows his eyes to open slowly, as if protecting himself from the bright and brilliant rays of that big ball of light in the clear blue sky. Once his eyes adjust, he turns his gaze. Watching her as she continues to rest. For about 15 minutes he enjoys the sight of his passion lying in the buff, half uncovered beside him. Lifting his hand from under his head he ever so gently, begins to caress her cheek as he thinks to himself; “Soft as a porcelain doll.” He continues until she begins to stir. She is now awake enough to realize his intentions. She turns to face him. With a sun kissed smile, she welcomes him to the new day with a, “good morning my prince.” He responds with a loving, warm, and heart felt, grin. Followed by his own morning welcome. “Glad you could join me love.”

After a few moments of gazing deep, into each others glinting eyes, they move closer. Their lips touch. A flood of unbridled, and uncontrolled emotion rush to mind and transfer between the two of them. As if they can feel each others souls intertwining tightly, tighter than ever before, their kissing becomes more and more intense. She feels flush, dizzy, as if she were high off of the pleasure created between them. Shortly there after, she realized that that is exactly what is happening. She begins to explore his flesh with her hands. Lifting her body up off of the bed, she lays atop of him. Skin on skin has been their favorite past time activity lately. He can tell she’s definitely into him because her nipples have stiffened and are now pink as a virgin sky after a soft rain shower.

As they lust for each other, he makes his move. Holding her close to him and continuing to kiss her, he lays her back down on the bed face up. Now, between her legs, she can feel his member become erect. She can even feel the pulse of his heart beat from below. Moving down her jaw line with his tongue, she begins breathing heavily, raising her chin and allowing him to receive all of her in one swoop, she moans out of pure bliss and satisfaction. Toying with her pelvis with his hands he moves his tongue to her rock hard nipples. Nibbling, and teasing her erotically. She cant take it anymore. She tells him that she is ready to feel him inside her. Pleased to hear this, being the man that he his, he continues to take his time out of respect and admiration to make sure that she is fully pleasured and ready for him. Feeling her up, he can tell she’s ready. She has become so wet that her inner thighs are moist with her ever flowing love.

As he tries to regain control of himself, she uses one hand to spread herself, and the other to guide him in. Once inside, he slowly begins to move deeper, deeper, deeper. She can barely hold herself together, she inhales quickly as if surprised, and unexpecting. Her arms explode out to her sides. Her hands grasping onto what every they can find. This time the left hand found the sheets and the right hand accidently knocked the surf board over from where it leaned against the wall. But soon enough that hand found its place. His right butt cheek. ;) Moving slowly in and out he feels a pleasure he’s never felt before. His eyes fall shut and he rives for her out of lust. Both bodies move together, in a coiagraphed dance. This position didn’t last long before he pulls out and rolls her over and clasps her hips, pulling her back side to his pelvis. Now he can see what he’s doing and inserts himself, pulling her buttocks close to him and thrusting his hips forward, she lets out a small yelp and them turns to look at him with a smile of embarrassment.

Beads of sweat begin to pool on her back, and also rolls down his brow. Her body glistens with sweat. And he thought he loved her before... Seeing that she is at her maximum pleasure point he stops, they connect once again with a kiss, though he is still inside of her, they take a short break from the action to reassure each others love for one another. After a moment of catching their breath, he gets back to work, making her yell out his name. They can be as loud as they want since they are the only ones to here each other. She is getting close now. As is he also. From behind he lifts her upper body up, and holds her back against his chest. She has no control over what is happening anymore. He continues to move mountains with his pelvis. Taking his right hand he tilts her head back, laying it on his shoulder. Her smooth tan neck exposed. He moves in with a passionate series of kisses. As she begins to shake uncontrollably, he knows. He knows she’s almost there. She gets louder as every second passes.

His shaft, dripping with her juices moves faster and faster, in and out. In and out. Causing her to clench up and hold her breath. On the verge of passing out, she explodes with emotion. He’s never heard his name stretched out sooo long before. JOOOSSSSSHHHHHH followed by an UUUUUUHHHHHHHHHHHHOOOMMMYYYGGOOOODDDDDDAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! As she Screams she climaxes and shivers uncontrollably all around. Knowing that he has done his job well, he allows himself to releases nothing but his best varsity team. Ohh FUCK he hollers. OH MY GOD! UHH! UHHH! OOOOOHHH! Yea baby, YES! YESAHHHhhhhh! He releases her, and she falls limp on the bed, panting heavily. Her face red as a rose. As she falls he’s forced out. A bittersweet feeling. Looking down at her glowing body, he reminds himself that life cannot get any better than her. Laying down aside of her, he reaches out to her. They hold each other close. How? Neither one knows, because its now 12:30 in the afternoon and a scorching 96 degrees. No matter. All that is, is the two of them. Together. Once again, they wish this moment would never end, but after a short period of time, it does, as they both drift back to sleep. But only in their eyes does this moment end since they both are now snoozing the afternoon away. Though in real life, in their dreams and in their hearts, this moment will last beyond a lifetime, as Shelly’s story...



09:48 Feb 01 2010

This is a beautiful short story, they appear so much in love. To be loved like that is all most people want out of life. The fact that they get to be so in love far away from civilisation made me smile, that would make it even more beautiful. I hope to read more of your stories.


09:56 Feb 02 2010

Thank you so much Lolita for these kind words. They are very much appreciated.

04:34 Feb 07 2010

this is such a beautiful story. you are a really good writer, the story actually draws you in and makes you feel like your actually there watching them. would like to read more of your stories

12:40 Aug 13 2010

Not one to read at my work desk...but what the hell!

I loved it.

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