RaynesAsylum's Journal

RaynesAsylum's Journal


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10 entries this month

Joke of the day

16:03 Jan 26 2017
Times Read: 448

Thinking of a new password can be dreadful. This morning I found it to be a hoot!

Guy says to me, "Part of your password should contain a fruit or an animal."

I say, "Mango."

"Good good, now pick a random word and add in some numbers", he says.

I say, "Nuts and **"

Guy says, "Now I am going to repeat your password to make sure I have it correctly. MANGONUTS**"

Before I could even say "yes or correct" they guy busts out laughing.

I think I made his day!



And no, had nothing to do with a password for VR or anything else personal. Its for school.



18:44 Jan 26 2017

Perfect for your line of work LOL

19:20 Jan 26 2017

Rat farts

06:08 Jan 31 2017



Just a dream?

12:46 Jan 23 2017
Times Read: 464

I was in an unfamiliar place, yet so familiar. I was exhausted from work so I went to what appeared to be my room. I slept, tossed and turned, shivering from the cold. He stood watching over me. Still asleep I rolled off the bed, he went to to catch me so I wouldn't get hurt. He held me, kept me warm. I smiled in my sleep feeling the heat of what once was so familiar. He growled....the growl turned into a roar....."I still love you!" Roar turned into a painful howl as he held me tighter. I awoke and he was gone.




A good day

21:41 Jan 21 2017
Times Read: 481

I heard from an old friend today. It was good to hear from him and to know he is doing well.

Work seems to be relaxed, none of the drama from last week.



21:29 Jan 22 2017

That's always a good thing! Happy for you ;)


Long night

17:55 Jan 15 2017
Times Read: 495

I admit when I first started VR many years ago, I could stay on VR for 10-12 hours at a time. But life gets in the way. I have always found time though to visit my friends here on VR. Last night was such a long night....didn't get home from work until 1030pm. And I was here until about 3am. Tired. But it was so worth it. I love my friends here. They mean the world to me, I would do anything for them. I know that this might not mean much cause it is a virtual world, but I was here for them and that is all that matters.

Love you all!!!

Voelk, BATS, my Angel, Nikki, Bloodstorm, Babyg1rl.....just to name a few



17:08 Jan 16 2017

aww hope today is a bit easier day for you... i wasnt on much either yesterday since Im visiting my daughter now. Got on to leave some honor tho and had baby bats in cam for a couple mins.


02:09 Jan 15 2017
Times Read: 506

Missing the sound of his voice




when there are kids involved

13:24 Jan 13 2017
Times Read: 532

First off let me Begin by saying I'm a huge child advocate. And not just because of my profession.

When you're in a relationship and you have kids or when you're married and have kids, it is important to always be mindful of what the kids see and hear.

When it is at all possible do not disrespect, name call, or talk shit about the parents where the kids can hear. The kids are not Pawns in a breakup or in a fight. Children are not ammunition to hurt the other parent. Children are smart and resilient, they know the truth, but they don't need outside people telling them or inadvertently disclosing negative things about their parents.

I don't care if the negative things are true, the kids do not need to hear it from you!!!!

Kids are smart they know when a parent loves them, they know when a parent is bad, they know everything that is going on, they're smarter than what you think,and they pick up on a lot of things.

So when you're in a relationship and you have kids, but it doesn't work out because of whatever, don't get the kids involved in the mess of it all. They have enough things to work through to process the breakup, they don't need to deal with the parents bickering.

And then when you move on to a new relationship don't let your new significant other talk shit about the parent either. Not only will this strain the relationship with your significant other but it will strain the relationship your significant other should want with the kids. The fastest way to lose respect of a kiddo is to talk shit about their parent.

When you involve kiddos in situations such as this, it's fractures the attachment and bonding that they should have with either parent. It can leave lifelong scars. So I don't care if you break up, I don't care if you date a million different people, but please tell the people you date to respect you, respect your kids,and respect their other parent because it's all about the kids. You don't have to like the other parent, a girlfriend or boyfriend don't have to like the other parent, but when the kids are around - play nice, show face, for the kids. When the kids are out of earshot you can say and do whatever the fuck you want to each other. When the kids are not around I don't give a fuck what you do. But when the kids are around respect the kids enough and love the kids enough to not let them get involved. It's not about ass-kissing, it's not about being fake, it's about the kids.

Too many dumb asses in this world think they are the better parent because they talk shit about the other one to the kids or that the kids will like/love them better, but that's not the case, 9 times Outta 10 the kids will lose respect for the parent who is bashing the other parent. And what does that do? It leaves the kid feeling like they don't have any parent because they're torn and conflicted and feel like they have to choose and they shouldn't. So stop the bickering stop the fighting be fucking real adults and be mindful of the kids. Even when they're babies they can pick up on all this shit. And unless less a parent is seriously doing harm to a child don't, be making false allegations and starting shit. All that does is traumatized the kiddos. The kids go through enough trauma when the Parents separate don't make it worse. And if you have a problem with what I'm saying confront me like an adult. I have no problems teaching anybody some parenting skills that will benefit their children and the parents.



14:58 Jan 13 2017

exactly. Me and my girl split, but our baby knows she is loved by both of us. All I do is wait to see he smie and hate when she feels bad. Too many assholes in the world and I want her to grow up loved, and strong, and confident. I have mental issues of my own since childhood and I do NOT want my baby girl having the sme thoughts I get. My girl is just gonna turn 2 and she uses smart phones swipes, scrolls finds youtube, watches vids, can make the vids goto TVs, things that even mom and grandma didnt know how to do yet til she figured it out..kids are much smarter than people think and always learning and taking in info around them..Kids come first, not the petty bs drama between the parents and or other significant others..gf/bf 's come and go that child is yours forever.

22:04 Jan 13 2017

That's right. I would have no problems with that either and have helped others in the past. Children require a LOT of patience, understand and love. The abuse that's been going on towards these children is absolutely disgusting. It's a shame. I can't even let my daughter play on cam anymore. She cries, I wanna play, but I just can't let her because of OTHER people who ruin it. And THEY have the nerve to point out pedophiles on this site???


Jury Duty

14:49 Jan 10 2017
Times Read: 547

Living in Florida I was called for Jury duty once. I was exempt because of having no one to watch my child. Cool. I wouldn't mind serving on a jury - but it just doesn't make up for the missed work.

Since living in Texas - I have been asked for Jury duty 3 times. The first 2 times, they exempt me because I was going to school. This last time....I completely forgot to call in and report that I am still in school. What happens? Well, I called and they want me to come in either today or tomorrow. I have my internship (school) plus my job....wft? Why are they giving me such a hard time this time? Why can I not be exempt this time? Finally the lady tells me to mail in proof that I am in school.

See that wasn't so hard now was it, miss court lady?

Now to get ready for my busy day.




Unspoken Rules

18:25 Jan 07 2017
Times Read: 601

VR will always have drama - that is a given.

It is an unspoken rule to ask for help with coding (do not steal codes). That being said, If someone like MARY offers you 1 code, that does not give you permission to take another codes.

And to post something with someone's real name (especially last name) is just wrong on so many levels!!!

It is a very personal attack that I cannot just be silent about.

I don't know Lana. Met her for the first time just yesterday. I read her journal - thinking ok lets give this lady a chance (everyone deserves a chance). But what I find is her talking shit. Ok so that is normal for VR. But what I do not like is how she put my friend's personal information in that journal! With all the fucking crazy ass people in the world - you go and share personal information?!!! You are wrong for that and should be banned or suspended from vr until you remove it. No amount of vr drama should lead to personal info being leaked out.

This one action has me not wanting to give Lana a chance. It shows that what people were saying about Lana is true. SMH

Lana needs to remove that journal entry!



18:28 Jan 07 2017

Thank you for that. :) Let's not forget about CAT who put her up to it. I promise you LANA does not have the attention span REQUIRED to sit in there all night and guess who has ALREADY messaged about this situation??? THat's right!! THE MASTERMIND!!! CAT!

18:35 Jan 07 2017

Benjamin Franklin once said that it is perfectly fine to insult someone in private, they may even thank you for it later, but it is never okay to publicly insult others.

I don't like it when a person tells someone something in confidence and then they screen shot it and forwarded it. That is such a betrayal of trust. It happens a lot on here.

18:39 Jan 07 2017

I do my best to avoid drama. I ignore it. But I cannot ignore that personal information was put out there. ID theft, Pervs....anyone can abuse that info. Thats fucked up and the journal better be suspended.

03:04 Jan 08 2017

I'm not sure what they did, but I know she moved it. You can't even read what's on there. lol The email is OLD AS FUCK. I have a 3 year old daughter and am a survivor of a kidnapping. That kind of thing exacerbates my PTSD to the point where I'm looking out my window and shit. That's not right. I have done nothing to that girl either. Just CAT using her like a sock puppet again. Either way, she's bringing drama to my door and I can't have that. Better to just cut them ALL off. I won't do it anymore.


If it isn't one - it's another

04:58 Jan 04 2017
Times Read: 621

Ending the year with a funeral - starting the new year with a funeral...Father-in-law died on Jan 2, 2017. Lung Cancer.

*smh holding back tears and remaining silent*

There is just nothing to say right now.



17:34 Jan 04 2017

aww Im sorry things are going so bad for you right now...Deaths are hard to deal with, people are ere if you care to talk. I hope things start going better for you

03:04 Jan 08 2017

I'm so sorry Rayne :*(


the hardest part

20:32 Jan 02 2017
Times Read: 632

I love my job. I think the hardest part about my job is seeing siblings separated...especially over the holidays. I can handle their life stories and try my best to help them heal what hurts. But how can I help them to cope with a separation that isn't their fault or in anyone's control? I so wish these.girls could have gone to the same Foster home. These girls are at terms with not being with their mother. They understand she is just not in a place to care for them....but now they have been separated cause the Foster home could not take both of them. I hope they have the strength to make it through this.



20:50 Jan 02 2017

Kids are very resilient. I understand and admire your empathy. Keep the faith, you are a great counselor!

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