RogueStrigoiVii's Journal


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54 entries this month

20:12 Nov 30 2020
Times Read: 618

Depeche Mode - Enjoy The Silence (Official Video)




19:26 Nov 30 2020
Times Read: 628

A black swan is a person who donates their time etc to a vampyre. https://www.blackswanhaven.org/




19:09 Nov 30 2020
Times Read: 637

Whats a vampire feeder?




19:03 Nov 30 2020
Times Read: 640

The Cure - Voodoo Festival Live 2013 (Full Show HD)




06:43 Nov 30 2020
Times Read: 657

Riffles sour cream chips
Pressed against my lips
With a cheese tip
Inside a dip.




20:21 Nov 29 2020
Times Read: 697

I was giving two choices heaven or hell. I said I enjoy barbecues. She gave me a strange look and walked away. Maybe she will bring the potato salad.

Real vampires love Vampire Rave.



07:10 Nov 30 2020

Omg I so could commit the deadly sin of gluttony with this one:p

07:21 Nov 30 2020

( :


07:54 Nov 29 2020
Times Read: 716

A song is really impressive, when it comes from the heart, soul and energy. You can feel energy when it's played. It changes your emotions and how you think.




23:20 Nov 27 2020
Times Read: 738

Some are good and some are evil. I am beyond evil. Demons are my friends.




21:14 Nov 27 2020
Times Read: 747

Giving thanks to a gluttony Thanksgiving. Sinful homemade mash potatoes, gravy ,biscuits and cheesecake. Fun way to sin this holiday.




07:53 Nov 27 2020
Times Read: 766

People with down syndrome can be restaurant owners, dancers and models. Sky is only the limit when it comes to the heart.




19:24 Nov 26 2020
Times Read: 779

Master of Puppets (Remastered)




06:16 Nov 26 2020
Times Read: 800

Tic tok
Society worships the clock.




18:41 Nov 24 2020
Times Read: 815

True freedom or being in love?




21:21 Nov 22 2020
Times Read: 845

"They say popularity breeds contempt"
"It also breeds hate"

Haters gonna hate
Haters gonna hate
Haters gonna hate
All haters just wanna hate
Hate, hate
Haters gonna hate
Hate, hate
Haters gonna hate

You are the reason I look fabulous
You are the rot in my core
I'm feeding off your insecurities
And drink the jealousy from your pores
𝐇𝐚𝐭𝐞, 𝐡𝐚𝐭𝐞
I make the news that's breaking hourly
As you all rush to read some more
My exploits are all made up you see
After all, reality is quite a bore

Haters gonna hate
I can make them salivate
'Cause I'm an original not a fake
It seems to make them wanna
Hate, hate
Haters gonna hate
Hate, hate
Haters gonna hate

If you don't like me ask me if I care
Be true to myself I swore
I'm turning off to your obscenities
As the sticks and the stones
Don't hurt me anymor
𝐇𝐚𝐭𝐞, 𝐡𝐚𝐭𝐞
Now there's an army of us everywhere
And we're not gonna take your shit anymore
Don't waste my energy being in this war
Yes it hurts, it's the worst
Reason to be fighting for


Massive Ego
Haters going to hate



22:57 Nov 22 2020

Love those lyrics, thanks for sharing...


21:49 Nov 21 2020
Times Read: 869

Were tweaking on the media .
We Need multimedia.

Were bored
Looking to be adored.
Like one of the deplored.

Were tweaking on the media .
We Need multimedia.

Current Drug abuse
Anything for reviews.

Media is our drug
Putting lies under the rug.
A media thug.

Were tweaking on the media .
We Need multimedia.

Nonstop debating
Anything for a rating

Vomiting!! sick and tired
Whos getting fired
Whos getting hired

Whos evil whos good
Whos Protesting in the hood
Numbers!!rating!! false!! News!!!
Current rumors current drug abuse

Media Shoot it up in your veins .
Like a pill temporarily earsing your pain.
Its all a game.

Were tweaking on the media .
We Need multimedia.




19:12 Nov 20 2020
Times Read: 887

Blutengel & Massive Ego - Nothing But A Void



22:58 Nov 22 2020

I love this video,


20:36 Nov 19 2020
Times Read: 910

BlutEngel feat. Hocico - Obscured (Dark Dance version by Dulce Liquido..
You want to live and free your mind?
Just follow me to the dark side




19:48 Nov 18 2020
Times Read: 933

The UnxPlained: REAL VAMPIRES IN NEW ORLEANS (Season 1) | History




00:26 Nov 18 2020
Times Read: 947

Ascended masters are higher spirit guides that help you; for example Buddha.
You can contact them in various ways. Writting, talking, spells or pouring your heart out in pray like method.




00:11 Nov 18 2020
Times Read: 953

Automatic writing( psychography)
or spirit writing is when you can contact spirits through writing or drawing.




20:27 Nov 16 2020
Times Read: 979

Here's a idea;
Get a necklace and let the spirits answer your yes and no question.
If the string goes forwards means yes if it goes cross it means no.



21:37 Nov 16 2020

If it chokes you that means no too.

20:37 Nov 17 2020



21:32 Nov 15 2020
Times Read: 1,012

I have brain damage due to a traumatic event. It's considered a disability but I still work. I'm too greedy to live off the government. I need money to sin properly.



21:46 Nov 15 2020

I can’t stand those who use a disability as a damn excuse to be fucking lazy and worthless. For fuck sake I have a few mental conditions and I still fucking have a job matter a fact I have two. There are places out there who hire disable some people just would rather be lazy then get a job


20:03 Nov 15 2020
Times Read: 1,023

I may be Asexual, but I still want a dark occultists love in my life.




19:51 Nov 15 2020
Times Read: 1,028

We all are good and evil. Some show their evil more.




01:38 Nov 15 2020
Times Read: 1,048

Should cannibalism be legal?



01:39 Nov 15 2020

Yes and lets add the purge while we are at it plz


21:06 Nov 14 2020
Times Read: 1,057

Madness to some might be normal to others.




08:06 Nov 14 2020
Times Read: 1,064

Christmas is about giving me presents.




20:31 Nov 13 2020
Times Read: 1,088

Sinfully lust in every hot cheetos bite. The carnal aspects of it all. Foodgasm hell i shall go. Amen




20:17 Nov 12 2020
Times Read: 1,110

Here's a self esteem spell I created;
You need your voice
A mirror
Any candle will do..
Now go to the mirror for seven days.
And for 7 minutes repeat each day
I am amazing
I am strong
I am talented and successfully
I love myself and others
I am beautiful inside and outside or I am cute or handsome.
I have amazing features
I love everything about me.
Now light the candle for seven seconds and medicate on you.
After the seven day you should feel confident.
777 is a very powerful number..



03:43 Nov 14 2020

Medicate? Do you mean meditate?

08:07 Nov 14 2020

I meant meditate


08:02 Nov 12 2020
Times Read: 1,121

The asteroid Apophis was named after the Egyptian god of chaos .




21:32 Nov 11 2020
Times Read: 1,147

"In the Native American tradition, spirit animals are an embodied form of a spiritual guide. Spiritual guides can present themselves to us whatever way we are willing to see them, and it is natural for people to connect with theirs through the face of a familiar animal. You may find that you have one main power animal, or you could feel close to many animal spirit guides. ."
Emma Mildon




20:23 Nov 11 2020
Times Read: 1,160

Here's a hot cheetos Psalms verse" Dance drink and get high for it will be Monday soon."
Cheetos 6:12



20:30 Nov 11 2020

I saw "Cheetos" and that's all she wrote I'm in:)


02:22 Nov 10 2020
Times Read: 1,194

Voter fraud oh my God!!! Hamburglar was arrested for voting twice for biden. Kept Throwing burgers at the police. Antifa big macs everywhere. Were all doomed!!!!




20:34 Nov 09 2020
Times Read: 1,216

Here's how to make a ghetto Ouija board.
Step 1:
Cardboard box
Now use a box cutter and cut a square out of it.

Step 2:
Use a black marker;
And write old English on the cut out. You can get the ouija design on Google image.

Step 3: Get baby powder;
Now pour it on the cut out.

Step 4; You can use a beer bottle cap or a cut out triangle piece.
Now it is a ghetto ouiji board. Have fun.

You can make your own ideas too. You can use paper or any surface.




20:27 Nov 09 2020
Times Read: 1,217

"DIY Ouija Board!

by hauntedhousewife

I've always loved ouija boards, I've owned at least 4 of them. I like the look of the wooden handmade ones best; the most popular kind can be purchased at toy stores-- I don't know how I feel about that.

I've decided to make my own, again. My last board was wooden as well, but very plain. I decided to make this one a Halloween themed board. I am the "Haunted Housewife", afterall. Spooky is my style .


Plank of wood (Michael's, 13.99)
Wood stain $1
Large paint brush
Little paint brushes(any! even the cheap ones that come with water colors will do fine!)
Clear acrylic coating
Letter stencil
Carbon paper
Parchment paper
Masking tape
Black acrylic paint
For the planchette:

Brown acrylic paint
Super Sculpey
rolling pin (optional)
Add TipAsk Question
Use the parchment paper to trace the surface area of the board. You'll need this in a bit to start planning your board. I traced mine with a carbon pencil. A regular pencil is fine, too. Make sure to trace the surface area of the front. (I say this because the back actually has a bigger surface area than the front on my board).

Instead of tracing, you could always just take the measurements of the front of the board and make a rectangle that size on the parchment paper for your plans. That might be a little easier.


I knew that I wanted the pumpkin as my "sun" and a wolf howling at the moon as my "moon". You can use a regular sun and moon if you'd like. Have fun with it, this is your lovechild.

I used the old English stencil for the letters, and words. I made sure all of the letters were in order, and my spellings were correct. I also made sure I liked the way it looked.

As far as the designs at the top, I didn't really get into planning those completely because I wanted to be able to do to that with the paint, later.


Now back to your board. Time to stain your board. This part is super easy. Follow the instructions on your can of stain.

Use your big paint brush to apply the stain, in the direction of the grain. I let the stain sit for about 5 minutes before wiping off the access with a dry cloth.

I let it sit overnight outside to dry (minimum of 8 hours drying time).

Please do this in a well ventilated area, outside if you can or with a mask covering your mouth and nose. The smell is strong, and I'd hate for you to pass out, friend.

Add TipAsk Question
I didn't get pictures of this step, my apologies! After your stain of choice has dried, now it's time to transfer your ideas onto the board itself. This is the purpose of the carbon paper, of course. I wanted my plans to be exactly as I had them on the parchment paper.

You'll need to grab a sheet of carbon paper that's roughly the same size of your board or larger. I bought my carbon paper in a roll for this purpose. Place the carbon paper black side down onto the front surface of your board. This is the ink of the paper. Now put your plans (the parchment paper) over the carbon paper and make sure it's straight.

I had to tape the parchment paper to the carbon paper, and then tape it to the board to prevent it from sliding around.

Pro Tip: tape doesn't stick to parchment paper very well, as I've learned, lol. You may have to fight with it like I did.

Now you'll grab a pencil and trace your plans while pressing down hard. The carbon paper ink will transfer your plans directly to the board. Once you've traced everything, remove the parchment paper and carbon paper.


Using black acrylic paint and a smaller paintbrush, I created a border around my board. I traced over the letters and designs with my paintbrush and paint. I had completely forgotten numbers in my plans though, so I had to freehand those. Those came out better than I had expected.

It looks amateur and homemade, and that was the exact look I was going for. It super proud of how it came out.

Then: Let the black paint dry for a few hours. Check it after 4 hours and if its dry, spray it with a clear acrylic coating in a matte finish.

Once again let it dry overnight. You're done with your board, congratulations!

Last step is making the planchette!


I used Super Sculpey for the planchette (pointer). I rolled it into a ball, and flattened it with a rolling pin (much like play-doh). I made it into a heart shape, then found a cap to a spice I use in my kitchen and used that as a cookie cutter for the "window" circle in the middle. (You can definitely get yours to look better than I did, lol. Imperfections are welcome in my projects, it gives them character!)

Then, I rolled out three tiny balls for the "feet" and applied those to the underside as you can see in the photo. I flipped it over so that it was resting on it's legs and pressed down gently to ensure all three legs were able to rest perfectly on the surface of my table (important!).

After that, I put it in my toaster oven for about 20 minutes to bake and harden. Please look at the cooking instructions on your specific box of Super Sculpey, it could be different than mine.

When it came out of the oven, I let it cool. I sanded it down with some drywall sand paper that I use around my house until it was smooth. I wiped it down with a moist cloth to remove the specs of debris, and finally I painted it with two coats of a brown paint that I mixed myself.

I have yet to add felt onto the feet, but it would definitely help the planchette to glide on your board, so I recommend doing that. Let the paint dry, I let it dry overnight.

Congratulations, you now have a planchette to use with your new Ouija board! Please remember to be cautious when playing with spirit boards. Know the rules, and be responsible!

Thank you for viewing my tutorial, and as always, message me if you've got any questions. If you want to keep up with my daily life, please view my blog at www.thehauntedhousewife.com!

do it yourself , go to woodprix page and learn how . http://woodprix.com"




07:04 Nov 09 2020
Times Read: 1,236

I committed blasphemy by eating hot fritos and hiding sour cream chips in the cupboard. Shame on me! Dryers ice cream looks in disappointment has I food lust.



13:51 Nov 09 2020

Now all ya need to Cheetos :)


01:53 Nov 09 2020
Times Read: 1,246

Is it rigged when a person who you wanted to win doesn't win? History and war is never fair my darlings.




21:39 Nov 07 2020
Times Read: 1,264

Media displays beautiful from the outside
But real beauty from the heart comes from the inside.




20:33 Nov 07 2020
Times Read: 1,269

Dogs are faithful within the storm.
And inside the storm.
And faithful after the storm.




19:46 Nov 07 2020
Times Read: 1,271

In the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity
Sun-Tzu, A Arte da Guerra




19:32 Nov 07 2020
Times Read: 1,279

Even in defeat, a true gentleman acts in honor.




23:47 Nov 06 2020
Times Read: 1,313

Sinning is devilishly fun. Like idol worship over the new cheese factory in town. Oh mighty cheesecake bring me pleasure in my mouth and greatness in my stomach...




02:12 Nov 06 2020
Times Read: 1,329

My feelings are like sloths working at the election of 2020.



02:56 Nov 06 2020

:::raises hand::: I am Queen Slothy here hehehe!


22:13 Nov 05 2020
Times Read: 1,344

Only in America does a gator get better health care then most Americans.




20:19 Nov 05 2020
Times Read: 1,350

Our reality is our own. No matter the result of the election, we make our own life and decisions.




18:45 Nov 04 2020
Times Read: 1,368

Why not! Jerry springer for president. Lets bring everything out raw and uncut.




20:01 Nov 03 2020
Times Read: 1,397

The world map on here is fun to look at. There is someone on here who uses a boat, or may live by a boat. Technology is spying.




18:41 Nov 03 2020
Times Read: 1,421

With brain damage, I could of easily given up. But I choice a different path. Working and living life the best I could. I know I have Magik and power within me. I'm sure there are others like me that have the same...




18:36 Nov 03 2020
Times Read: 1,425

Crystal Meanings Chart, Crystal Healing and Metaphysical Properties Chart, Laminated Crystal, Gemstone, and Mineral Chart.

Real vampires love Vampire Rave.




20:41 Nov 02 2020
Times Read: 1,442

How to Do a Palm Reading | Palm Reading




19:59 Nov 02 2020
Times Read: 1,449

Aura color chart;

Real vampires love Vampire Rave.




19:47 Nov 02 2020
Times Read: 1,458

Important  Self-Defense Pressure Points;
The eyes:
The jaw:
Biceps :
Spleen 21(death touch) : most dangerous pressure point. Can cause serious damage be warned..

Real vampires love Vampire Rave.




19:33 Nov 02 2020
Times Read: 1,462

Here's some ways to manipulate energy;

Step 1; Now Close your eyes and visualize your body with veins.
Step 2; Visualize the veins caring energy. Instead of blood.
Step 3; Focus all your attention on one of your arms. Explain to the energy to focus on the arm. You should feel a tingling, warm or cold, prickly, sensation there. Now next focus on the other arm. Explain to energy to move there. Next have the energy go to the legs.
Step 4; Now let the energy move to whole body. Keep repeating till perfect..
If you are basic human it will take alot of mental strength and pratice to get it right...




08:03 Nov 01 2020
Times Read: 1,475

Snickers, Now & Laters, jolly ranchers
Are the answers...
To heavenly foodgasm and sugar magick.
Empty bag is a tragic.. .
So! Keep buying more candy
And always keep it handy..



08:44 Nov 01 2020

"heavenly foodgasm" oh yes please:)

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