Sanguinepsychreborn's Journal

Sanguinepsychreborn's Journal


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4 entries this month

House of sweet teacher

19:42 May 16 2024
Times Read: 96

Down the bobcat trail I wish to walk,
Where a wonderful lady and miners stalked,
To see the houses of those who passed,
Still stand like echoes in the tall grass,
I hope to make it there and leave,
Flowers for those who came before me,

The lady who brought the children to learn,
To pay respect to the fore miners in turn,
The poor husband who lost his mind,
Witnessing the horrors of the massacre unkind,

I wish to walk and touch the trees the house the space they conceived,
Without them I never could be...

I wish to walk to the mine,
Where they broke their backs for a future to find,
I wonder if they could imagine this life,
Built so far from raids and hard fought strife,

To touch the stone and smile,
To touch the wood and grin,
What lovely thoughts to seek where you begin,

Cousin helps preserve the space,
The church now gone but plaques in place,

What a crazy thing in but two centuries time,
Built up to metropolises overnight sublime,

Problems of the past so sad yet true,
I wish to pay respects to you,
So hope these words sing sweet chirps in the trees,
Like the sweet prairie birds you heard on the breeze...

I tip my hat and give only love,
If this a way to give your spirits hugs...

Sean Stutzman




Inner War Ape

05:35 May 09 2024
Times Read: 114

Bloody plate of stone and sled,
Groves of trees dyed to red,
On laid back man obsidian dread,
In caves and peat plunge the head,

Collecting skulls and parts of bones,
We craft these weapons of stone,
If sacrifice can give us boon,
We'll slice our neighbors howl at the moon,
Hearts still beat as they're removed,
Not far from them as we assume,

Hanging pirates in the cage,
Burning witches screaming rage,
Inquisition and brutal crimes of war,
Leave ghosts in buildings evermore,
How many shadows can wait to consume,
Our destruction of other is our doom,

Collecting skulls and parts of bones,
We craft these weapons of stone,
If sacrifice can give us boon,
We'll slice our neighbors howl at the moon,
Hearts still beat as they're removed,
Not far from them as we assume,

Bombs level three cities doomed,
A future of terror cold War mushrooms,
Roman's causing mass suicides of jews,
Hitlers Reich evil renewed,
Tearing forests to consume,
To take from one another groomed,

Collecting skulls and parts of bones,
We craft the weapons of stone,
If sacrifice can give us boon,
We'll slice our neighbors howl at the moon,
Hearts still beat as they're removed,
Not far from them as we assume,

Could we just lay down the blade...
Could we just play a new game...
Or would it be the same...
Demons of a world wide pain...

So lift our mind to the side...
That evils always inside...
But we can choose to arrive...
At a better world a better time...

Incarceration and growing woes...
Bite onto the vein of cultures throat...
Can we drink deep yet not go mad...
Enders game a future of annihilation clad...

Maybe the primal dark can be embraced,
And risen over to see balanced face!

Sean Stutzman




Azazel's Roar

09:54 May 08 2024
Times Read: 127

Cast out these demons,
Hide my face,
Exorcize the folly of the human race,
Push back the calling of greed and space,
Demand peace and tax unchased,

I scream until blood comes from my throat,
We are no longer the holy people we are the scapegoat,
The many made problem by men on boats,
Who watch the world like vultures in suit coats,

Let's use freedom and challenge the damned,
Our elders locked up can't remember their land,
Lied to for value,
The bills kicked down to where we stand,
AI the future we create not obsolete we demand,

Or have they blindly stolen our futures planned!

I scream until blood comes from my throat,
We are no longer the holy people we are the scapegoat,
The many made problem by men on boats,
Who watch the world like vultures in suit coats,

What futures sits with no money to flow,
They tell us in charge you guys can bestow,
The next generation sacrificial corporate grow,
A pile of rot we will wrap the future with a bow,

Then down comes the tower it will implode!

So give science the chance to save our hides,
Not for profit or war but to make great strides,
Uneven is healthy but let the world ride,
And the future we'll see a shocking turbulent tide,

I scream until blood comes from my throat,
We are no longer the holy people we are the scapegoat,
The many made problem by men on boats,
Who watch the world like vultures in suit coats,

So bring on the world that makes water for all!
Bring on a world with energy for the small!
Bring on the world who worships our minds!
Not one that worships only cash signs!

Understanding of universe is ours to loose,
Don't let them rob us the men in suits,
They say it's for us fill their pockets with pursuits,
And send off the people of this rock to die in cold boots,

Let's send a cry that we wish to be brain cells,
Not parts of the pie democracy claimed we wouldn't be empty shell,
Part of the orchestrated motions to world we will swell,
Delete the cancerous they steal liberty from bell,
Not mitochondria for where their wealth dwells!

Sean Stutzman
Trying a song again hope it goes well




Perspective to perception now fly

09:02 May 08 2024
Times Read: 134

The sad man sings to the wind,
Friends worked with end,
Whistles to the spring,
The mad minds sing,

I'm sure the world would see me a hatter without trade,
A lunatic, a Charleton, a imposter of all grade,

What man can make things without knowing first hand,
What poet can write with no quill to land,
What grower can grasp from old books out of stand,
What mixer could make interest from only oddity ungrand,
What skater could hurl without impressing anybody,

Maybe missing is the effort painstakingly written on my body,
The stress carved out like a tattoo etched in gawdy,
The mental toll of every book and thought not hasty,
The frustration of error from each plant erased by me,

But a fool wraps his body on rails no one saw,
Plays symphonies to no ones applause,
Grows plants no one enjoyed,
Made things never employed,
Chased dreams yet hid from crowds,
Pushed away the pain by inhaling clouds,

So I am lost as I can't keep going,
In to circles of constant sting,
I search for wisdom yet cynically I destroy it,
I hope for dawn yet move never toward I sit,
I am a fool,
I am lost,
Maybe I have missed out on a world now found,
Maybe a ear to listen can help get me to ground,

And find the eternal sound...

I have never made anyone happy,
The people from my past most likely dispise me,
Fair enough a character a fraud they met and spoke,
On every word from then I choke,
I was not some fast talking smart sporty bloke,
I was silly need broke,
Who used knowledge of intoxication to provoke,
And heart out bleeding to girls I've broke,
I screwed up in deepest apologies I didn't know me enough to not choke,
And I made a mess of your and my lives on fires we stoked,

On the emotions of others I failed and in misunderstanding I left you cloaked,
I deserve my place I hurt those I provoked,

I've robbed myself of a happy life,
Worse I'll end up causing more strife,
When all I want is to bring peace,
My voice so hoarse I no longer speak...

Funny in dreams I can master it all,
But in reality I sit in stall,
Mistakes so far gone I can't reclaim,
I feel I am to blame,
Maybe I'll find new voice,
Until then I am a pendulum of choice,

Pinned to the clock by loose nail I'm held,
Never to push the hand along I failed,
Dancing skating taken by nail,
Recovery I hope to again sail...
Reclaim my confidence not for me I confess,
For my little bugs I'll keep pushing to be blessed,

Hopefully a small dent in their armor not bent,
And to the world a love note sent,
Might be my penance as I repent,

For I will always be of the freaks,
And will sing them praise and applaud their feats,
To scream my selfish heart to beat,
I understand I do nothing putting up my cleats,
Forgetting I revel in bdsm,
Forgetting I smile at gender bend,
Forgetting I feel for those held down,
Not because I want or they want pity just friendship unbound,

To broken hearts clung to horrid minds,
I hope peace for you to find,
Not from some religious haze,
Not from some arrogant self riteous praise,

No from bitten tongues holding back to pain,
To terrors in your past that still remain,
I would tip a glass to each one slain,
Until a new you remains,

Fuck this world its gone insane,
And kiss the night with no shame,

If everything and everyone stepped on you,
Told you to be small and staring they looked through,
Then when you rize your head up tall,
You won't even hear the cheer so small,
I want to finally call,
Maybe my words can help others at wall,

No pain should last an eternity,
Always blind I wish to see,
Thank you Darcie for listening,
And from a mess help sort a blessing...

All the lies have come to rooste,
I am not afraid of my untruths,

Can I preserve my world but burn its rot,
Maybe then it will be worth the times almost I lost,
Maybe my words might actually find me allies and understanding,
Something forced in this world as it never seems to come without reminding,
That it brought unraveling and misunderstanding,
Then to this world I'll sing...

Sean Stutzman



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