SexyGothicAngel's Journal

SexyGothicAngel's Journal


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23:50 Sep 27 2013
Times Read: 354

This without a question of doubt can be one of the most sought after cases in which may prove without question that Vampires exist. This case takes place at Croglin Grange, which is an old family estate in Cumberland, England. According to the accounts documented by Augustus Hare written between the years of 1896 to 1900, The Fisher family owned the estate and decided to rent the ground level floor to the Cranswells. The Cranswells were three siblings comprised of one sister and two brothers.

Deciding to go to bed early one summer day, Amelia (the sister Cranswell), laid in her bed while looking out of her window. Then, all of a sudden, she noticed two flickering lights in the distance between their front lawn and a far away church yard. The lights were somehow gliding towards the front lawn. As the lights came into clearer view, Amelia noticed that these lights were really eyes of some horrible creature, a Vampire. Stricken by fear, Amelia remained there, unable to speak or move. The vampire then appeared to realize that someone was watching it from afar. It came in the direction of her bedroom window. Upon realizing that the vampire had found out about Amelias watching, Amelia jumped up and sped away in the direction of the door in order to get out. Just then, something started scratching at the window. On instinct she turned around to see an unspeakable brown face with fierce deadly eyes drilling right into hears. Amelia, becoming stupid with fear jumped right back into bed and watched as the creature clawed at the window and then reached inside to unlock the window. Upon letting itself in, the creature proceeding with uncanny speed to Amelias throat and with a ravish bite, sank its teeth into her throat.

Finally feeling pain and becoming aware, she then let out a scream for anyone to help. Upon hearing this plea for help, Amelias brothers busted into the room. They saw no vampire but Amelia of course. One brother stayed with Amelia while the other went through the open window to see what might have been the cause. The tracks however ended by the churchyard wall. A doctor was called and suggested a long vacation after treating Amelias wounds. The three siblings decided to take a vacation to Switzerland but soon returned. It was later thought that it might have been an escaped lunatic.

After a couple of months of ease, the vampire reappeared in March. One night, Amelia awoke to the window scratching. Being that the window was then blocked off after the last incident, Amelia approached the window to get a better view. After looking through the top pane of the window, she saw the very same vampire glaring at her. She screamed, her brothers who were prepared this time, ran through the front door and opened fire on the vampire. The brothers were sure they wounded it and gave chase. The creature fled to a nearby cemetery. The brothers returned home after this bizarre occurrence. They returned however with some of the townspeople. The brothers went into the coffins to find that all of the coffins were destroyed... save one. The corpse within this one coffin was then described as a brown mummified monster. Further analysis revealed a fresh wound on the creatures leg. The bullet was then removed and the vampire corpse was taken to be burned immediately.

Author William of Newburgh (William of Newburg) published between the years of 1196 to 1198 the Historia Rerum Anglicarum. This was to be believed as one of the most genuine "Legends".

This legend starts with a priest whom is not all that priestly and often participated in unceremonious activities. He was then nicknamed "Hundeprest" meaning "Dog Priest." This was given to him because he often hunted with his horse and dog.

Sometime after his death, it was said that he tried to enter Melrose Abbey. After being denied access to Melrose Abbey, he then roamed into the chambers of a woman who employed his services while he was alive. It was reported that he moaned and screeched at her and causing her much alarm, she summoned an elder from the Abbey.

The elder monk whom was summoned brought along an acquaintance along with two other men and began their investigation. They decided to watch the former priest grave. During the monks watch, the priest appeared to levitate out of the grave and began to approach the monk at an alarming rate. The monk finally recovered from the shock and smote the priest with his axe. The priest retreated back to the grave. Then the grave somehow opened up as if to swallow the priest, later to be called a genuine vampire, back into sanctuary. After the grave took back in the priest, it had then returned to normal as if nothing had ever happened.

The monk then told the three other men of what had occurred. They then agreed to open the grave at first light. After opening the grave, the vampire priest was found almost floating in a pool of blood. The blood was coming from the wound that the monk had reported giving the priest from the night before. They then removed the body, burned it and then scattered the ashes into the wind.




Blood On Your Lips

21:50 Sep 27 2013
Times Read: 357

He came to me so fast...

And when he was about to bite me, I slowly pushed my hair away to reveal my neck.

Taken aback by what I did, he stepped-back a bit, and asked...

"Why, aren't you afraid of me?"

"What is there to be scared of?" I whispered.

I felt his cold lifeless hands on my neck feeling the blood running under my skin.

"because I'm a vampire and I might kill you".

I felt his lips on my neck but he wasn't sucking blood, he was kissing me. Little did he know I loved him and that I would cross the fires of hell just to make him happy.

He suddenly grabed my arms tight and softly whispered "I love you so much Lily and I will NEVER hurt you."

"I've always wanted to be with you." Tears slowly filled my eyes, without me even noticing it. "I want to be with you forever, Alic!"

I love you too, Alic! and I don't care if you're a vampire.

He brushed my tears away with his cold lips...

"Do you really want that?" he said while holding me closer to his heart.

"Yes I want to be with you whatever it takes", I answered.

A sudden burst of pain hit me, an undescribable pain that stunned my body. I then realized that it's coming from my neck, it felt like dying for a moment but then it it suddenly turned into an unusual high.

He stopped sucking...

He then slit his neck with a knife and pulled me to suck on his neck.

It only took five seconds but it felt like forever, I felt an even better high and then I fainted.

When I woke up I was on a beach. Alic was lying next to me, my head, comfortably resting upon his naked chest! It was a dark gloomy night, the most beautiful night that I've ever seen.

Alic noticed a boy running by the shoreline.

"Go feed!" he whispered, without a second thought I preyed on the boy and sucked his blood.

Once finished, I turned and found Alic right next to me.

He licked the side of my mouth and said, "you had blood on your lips!"




bite me

21:47 Sep 27 2013
Times Read: 358

A hairpin turn, a flash of light, and a sickening crunch. There was a moment of nothingness and I could feel myself airborne. The sick feeling of lightness was overwhelming.

There was a sharp pain in my stomach, I tried to look down but didn?t manage to reach the degree because part of the front seat of the car thrusts against my head snapping it up with a painful jerk. Apparently the car was in the air because it hit the ground after a few seconds. I look up; my little sister Margaret looks up too. The car is still for a moment I turn to my right. There was a dark figure standing where we hit. I didn't see him for more than a few seconds when the car is thrown into the air. At least one-hundred feet.

My hair and clothes are being torn by broken glass, screams fill the inky black night I find as my own. My parents seem immobile in the front seat.

My hand reaches for the door handle, I make sure that the car is positioned with my side facing up before I open the door and throw myself out. The ground seemed to rush towards me with the speed of molasses. Everything has taken on an eerie glow from the Silver Moon.

I thought I wouldn't feel anything when I hit the ground from the lack of realness about the situation.

I was wrong.

The pain was unbearable. I lay without movement on the tar covered surface. I felt the glass in my stomach, near my right hip. I could feel how many bones I?d broken along with all the blood that pooled out from me from all sides of my stilled body.

And itchy feeling trekked into my eyes, I lifted up my head with, what felt like, a superhuman effort. Across the street lying in the ditch in a crippled form was the car. My sister, Margaret, had tried to get out of the car too, but her try was evidently short lived, because there she was, crumpled in a heap, staring at me with cold, expressionless eyes.

I waited lying in the middle of the road, waiting for the ending blackness to take my body prisoner forever. But it never came, it seemed that the longer I laid there, the more attentive my body became.

It seemed as good a time as ever to assess the damage inflicted upon my body.

It appeared that I had broken a number of bones, the glass dug right through my stomach, my hair was stinging, and my fingers seemed brittle when I tried to move them.

Wow. This is a shitty way to die. If only I could've had more friends, or joined more clubs, or volunteered more, or made something of my seemingly perfect life. Too late now, I guess.

Ugh! Why can't death come? I feel like a real version of Rosalie Hale from The Twilight Saga. Even now, near my death, I could remember that Rosalie had almost died in a street when Carlisle saved her. Only, I hoped no one would save me. It would be worthless to try and start a new life when my perfect old one was gone.

I willed my body over and over again to die, or even fall asleep but nothing seemed to work.

After what seemed like hours, movement captured my gaze.

There was someone standing to where my head was tilted, the right, and he looked like he was wearing the night on his shoulders?cool.

And, almost as quickly as he appeared, he was gone without a second thought.

Wow, I must look that bad, huh?

?Don?t worry love. I will help you.?

I meant to scream but the only thing that came out of my mouth was a bubble of air.

This will help. He lowered his hand to my eyelids and gently brought them down. And that, is the way I wished to die, If I?m lucky.

And sadly for me, I rarely am.




A True Rhode Island Vampire

22:49 Sep 16 2013
Times Read: 372

In Rhode Island in the late 1700s lived a 19-year-old girl named Sarah Tillinghast. Sarah was a dreamy girl, spending her days wandering small graveyards where Revolutionary soldiers lay. She was known to bring a book of poetry to these places and seat herself on a grave slab and read for hours on end. One day as she returned home from one of her visits she professed herself ill and took to her bed. Soon after she had a horrible fever and within weeks she was dead.

The Tillinghast family was still grieving some weeks later when Sarah’s brother, James, came down to breakfast looking pale, shivering and complaining of a weight on his chest. He claimed that Sarah had come to him and sat on his bed. Sarah and James’ parents thought it was nothing but his grief playing tricks with his mind.

The next day James was even paler and could barely breathe. Soon after, James was also dead.

But Sarah and James were just the beginning - shortly after their deaths two more Tillinghast children died, both saying beforehand that Sarah had visited them. These claims were quite frightening for the Tillinghast parents, for it meant that Sarah was returning from the dead to draw the life from remaining family members. The rumors spread through the town, all saying one word - Vampire!

Not before too long there were more deaths, and all of the victims claimed that it was Sarah that they saw right before the sickness took hold. Then finally Honour Tillinghast, the mother of all the dead children, too became sick. Honour lay in her death bed swearing that her lost children were calling out to her.

This was when Snuffy Tillinghast, the father, finally took a stand. With the help of his farmhand, Caleb, he went out early morning to the cemetery where Sarah was buried. He took with him a long hunting knife and a container of lamp oil.

The two men reached Sarah’s grave and together dug up her casket and opened its creaking lid. Even though she had been put to rest 18 months ago Sarah looked as if she were asleep, there was no decomposition. After seeing his daughter’s face flushed as if with blood he took his knife and cut out her bleeding heart. It is said her body gushed with blood. Snuffy Tillinghast then set his daughter’s heart on fire and burned it to ashes.

After the heart was burned the deathly ill Honour Tillinghast recovered fully and there were no more strange deaths or Sarah sightings in the Rhode Island town again




Queen of the damned

01:06 Sep 09 2013
Times Read: 380

My children. Warms my blood to see you all gathered plotting against me.

Maharet: Akasha.

Akasha: Maharet. You will address my king first.

Jesse: Lestat, what has she done to you?

Marius: Lestat, step aside.

Lestat: Never.

Maharet: The world has changed since you reigned.

Akasha: Then we shall change it back. Human are animals. Brute creatures. Their destruction can only make sense.

Marius: Akasha, please!

Akasha: You think you can change my will? I've had enough of this discussion. Join me or die!

Maharet: I will not.

Pandora: I will not.

Armand: I will not.

Marius: I will not.

Akasha: [to Lestat] Do you love me?

Lestat: Yes.

Akasha: Then prove it. Kill her.

Lestat: She means nothing to me.

Akasha: Just the same. I'd like for you to kill her.

Maharet: You will not touch her!

Akasha: You dare to challenge me, Maharet?

Jesse: No it's all right, Aunt Maharet. It's what I want.

Akasha: How sweet.

Akasha: [after Jesse is killed] See my children? Remember your real family, or join hers.

Marius: A vampire's life is a life of discretion.

Lestat: Discretion? Why should we hide, Marius? We are the powerful. We are the immortal. We should walk fearless in the open.

[They both stop to watch a girl playing a violin]

Marius: That cannot be. We are vulnerable during the day. Mortals must never know of us.

Lestat: So I could never know her?

Marius: Not unless you wanted to kill her.

Lestat: So I can never be known?

Marius: You must be dead to the world.

Lestat: With all my black little heart.

Lestat: There comes a time for every vampire when the idea of eternity becomes momentarily unbearable. Living in the shadows, feeding in the darkness with only your own company to keep, rots into a solitary, hollow existence. Immortality seems like a good idea, until you realize you're going to spend it alone. So I went to sleep, hoping that the sounds of the passing eras would fade out, and a sort of death might happen. But as I lay there, the world didn't sound like the place I had left, but something different.

Lestat: Better. It became worthwhile to rise again as new gods were born and worshipped. Night and day, they were never alone. I would become one of them.

Lestat: Whether it was that first meal, or a hundred years of rest, I'm not sure. But suddenly I was feeling better than ever. My senses so high they led me straight to the instrument of my resurrection, playing in my old house.

Jesse: Boo.

Lestat: Boo back.

Lifestyle Journalist: Do you have anything you want to say to the other vampires listening out there?

Lestat: As a matter of fact, I do. Come out, come out, wherever you are.

Lestat: I don't have time for this.

Jesse: All a vampire has is time.

Lestat: Not this one!

Lestat: [chained to a bed] More!

Marius: I don't think so, my little lord.

Lestat: Let me go!

Marius: No. You've drunk the purest of blood, seen the oldest of things. Far too much for one as young as you.

Lestat: Her blood is like liquid fire. Who is she?

Marius: She is your mother. She is my mother. Akasha, queen of all who are damned. And he is her king. Akasha and Enkil nearly drank the earth dry when they ruled over Egypt. They drank and drank until Enkil lost his will to drink. Without a mate by her side, she lost hers. They became living statues. She has no respect for anything, except for the taste of blood: human and immortal alike.

Lestat: No! Release me!

[breaks through his chains, but Marius stops him]

Marius: She has made you quite powerful.

Lestat: You'll not stop me!

Marius: I can hear her blood in your voice. In all those years I've kept them, not once have they moved.

Lestat: Until tonight, and she chose me.

Marius: I chose you!

Lestat: Boo! That was quite a performance. You should learn to be more careful.

Jesse: Thanks.

Lestat: For what?

Jesse: You saved me.

Lestat: How presumptuous.

Lestat: Well, that makes you a very clever librarian, Talamascan. I knew I left that journal somewhere. So, was it a good read?

Jesse: It touched me.

Lestat: Did it now? Don't worry, Jesse. Your kind never satisfies my thirst.

Lestat: You're beautiful to me because you're human. Your frailty. Your short years. Your heart. All that suddenly seems more precious than anything I've ever known.

Jesse: I'm not as precious as you think.

Lestat: A London goth. It's funny. I would have pegged you for a Talamascan.

Jesse: Maybe in another light.

LA Groupie: I'm an Episcopalian!

Roger: And I'm a friggin' Buddhist. Uh, Lestat...

Lestat: Roger, would you take our little Episcopalian back to church?

Lestat: From that moment on, they were my friends, my children, my band. Giving the world a new god... me.

[Teaching Lestat how to kill]

Marius: Appreciate your prey.

Lestat: So, you know Marius?

Jesse: I know a lot of things.

Lestat: Not how to stay alive, apparently.

Jesse: Oh, I guess we have that in common, though I think I'm a little ahead of the race, here.

Lestat: Well, I can fix that.

[reaches for her neck]

Jesse: [quickly] Your song "Redeemer" is about the girl with the violin? Right? Right?

Lestat: Right? What else do you think you know?

Jesse: [nervous] I...

Lestat: You're... shaking.

Jesse: I'm cold.

Lestat: Still cold?

[backing her up against a wall]

Lestat: So, go on, tell me more about me.

Jesse: You want...

Lestat: What do I want?

Jesse: You yearn...

Lestat: What do I yearn?

[pierces her finger]

Lestat: What do I yearn?

[sucks the blood from her finger]

Jesse: To walk with the living... out of the cold dark wasteland of eternity.

Jesse: [Lestat turns to walk away] I know something that wasn't in your journal.

Lestat: Oh. What is that?

Jesse: You still have the violin, don't you.

Lestat: Akasha!

Akasha: Why so surprised, my love? You've called, I've come.

Lestat: My love?

Akasha: Never fear me, Lestat. All of your wishes have come true.

Lestat: My wishes?

Akasha: For a companion. Someone to share eternity with. You're bold like your music. You live your life in the open like I did... long ago... when I had a king.

Lestat: Had a king?

Akasha: He is no more. Now you are my consort. That's why I kept you safe... alive!

Lestat: You?

Akasha: [smirks] You thought it was all you? The ego of a king as well. Yes! I know you, Lestat. I know you crave to have the world at your feet. So I've come to give it to you.

Lestat: Where are we?

Akasha: We are home. We live everywhere and anywhere we choose. The world is our garden.

Lestat: Many times I've called for Marius, but there was no answer. Just the endless procession of days, months, years... My teacher left me to my darkest lesson, that in the end, we are alone, and there is nothing but the cold, dark wasteland of eternity.

Club Vampire: Your host... what's his name?

Jesse: Marius?

Club Vampire: Marius... Never heard of him.

Jesse: Of course you wouldn't, he's an ancient.

Club Vampire: There aren't any ancients left.

Club Vampire: They all turned to dust.

Club Vampire: So unless you got him in a bottle somewhere...

Jesse: You know you're brave joking like that, I wish you could meet him.

Club Vampire: And why's that?

Jesse: Because you might learn something.

Club Vampire: Like him, do you?

Akasha: He reminds me of someone.

Club Vampire: All he's going to remind you of soon is a pile of bones. We're going to dismember him, bleed him dry.

Akasha: Really? Is that what you're going to do?

David Talbot: Can I ask...?

Jesse: What's it like?

David Talbot: Yes.

Jesse: Do you want to find out?

David Talbot: Me? No, no - I'm too old to live forever.

[Maharet has just become a living statue]

Armand: She drank Akasha's last drop. She took Akasha's death into herself.

Marius: She's not dead. She sleeps.

Journalist: Yes, but these other vampires, aren't they going to be pissed off at you giving away their secrets?

Lestat: Mmmmm... I imagine they are... Yes...!

Marius: Hello, David

Lestat: [in a TV interview broadcast worldwide - talking to all the vampires listening] Come out, come out, wherever you are.

London Groupie: I heard that Lestat keeps all his girls in his cellar, and it's really nice and they give you food and cable and weed.

London Groupie: Oh, please.

London Groupie: That's what I heard. But you have to let him suck you on your neck whenever he wants.

London Groupie: Doesn't sound too bad. I've done worse.

London Groupie: I'll say.

Roger: This way, girls.

Club Vampire: Hi.

Jesse: Hi.

Club Vampire: Come here often?

Jesse: All the time.

Club Vampire: [Inspecting Jesse's neck] I don't see any marks.

Jesse: Well, you haven't seen the rest of my body.

Club Vampire: Is that an invitation?

Jesse: Sorry, I'm taken.

Club Vampire: And, where is your host?

Jesse: Oh... he's here somewhere.

Lestat: [meeting for the first time in 200 years] So, after all this time, what's the occasion?

Marius: You've just become very hard to avoid these days, at least in conversation. What are you trying to prove Lestat?

Lestat: Oh please, it's a little too late to come over all paternal now Marius. Two-hundred years and not a word from you.

Marius: You almost cost me everything, and now you've done it again. This isn't the time to settle old scores.

Lestat: Vampires don't settle old scores, we harbor them.

Lestat: [after sensing Akasha has awoken] Akasha!

Marius: Arisen. She has taken the King's blood; absorbed his power.

Lestat: Good. Let her come.

Marius: Cancel the concert.

Lestat: Never.

Marius: You're no match for her Lestat, you're not a god. We were once mortals, too; it is our heritage we protect.

Lestat: Such reverence for mortals. Then you should have left me as one.

Lestat: Many times since, I have called to Marius. I howled into the night in loneliness and pain. But there was no answer, just the endless procession of days, months, years... My teacher left me to my darkest lesson, that in the end, we are alone.

Marius: [sarcastic] Impressive. Reminds me of old mad Druids running around chanting in the forest. A return to the primitive.

Lestat: Out there. My fans. Thousands and thousands. They worship me. Millions of arms reach out to embrace, beg me to come into their lives.

Marius: It's what you've always wanted.

Lestat: With all my black little heart.

Marius: Do you think of anyone but yourself?

Lestat: I only have myself. You taught me that.

Marius: It may be time to get ready for some company.

Lestat: What's that supposed to mean?

Marius: [referring to Akasha] Your music's woken a very old friend...

Lestat: [looks at Marius, trying to understand]

Marius: Can't you hear it? Or is the applause all you can hear now?




the dead garden

05:30 Sep 08 2013
Times Read: 388

Dead Gardens- includes plants that traditionally grown in cemeteries and graveyards. These funeral flowers where plant in order to awake the dead people from the depth of the ground. It was also offered as a gift to the spirits, which attract them to make prophecies about the future, and also to challenge them with questions and magical rituals. Some of the flowers that took place in those gardens are: anise, amaranth flowers and wormwood. what make these flowers special for araising the deads is their bitter taste, and also the sharp aroma. through these plants a unique atmosphere is being created, a sense of death and life together.

Most cultures in the universe tried to make the the passage between life and death easy, by including objects in the grave that would go with the dead person. These objects symbolized the nature of the deceased, and include personal artifacts, stones, food, and flowers. Remember that you dont need to be dead in order to create dead gardens and to admire these plants.

Lilies are a christian symbol of rejuvenation, Lilies at funerals are a reminder that the body will be resurrected someday when Jesus returns. Lilies are the symbol of rejuvenation, because they tend to bloom around the spring season.

Guayusa leaves used as a medicine to cure several diseases. But it also help to remember dreams and this is way it used for communicating with the dead spirits. To achieve this effect, you need to make a tea from the guayusa leaves and drink it early in the morning.

The Aztecs used colorines in when they sacrified people to the gods. If the gods werent satisfied they could punish the aztecs by prevention of rain and food.

Poppy is the best example of death myths. The opium that made of these flowers cause the human body to relax and symbolize eternal sleep, But its also has a red color, like human blood.



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