ShadowWolfGuardian's Journal


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5 entries this month

14:53 Jan 30 2006
Times Read: 659

How can I have grown so cold,

yet want so much to be embraced?

Love seems only something said,

not truly felt and then erased.

I've known pain and sacrifice,

behind me lies my darkest sins.

What lies ahead upon my path?

why can't I find that warm lit inn?

I want so little, or is much?

I wish one to share my heart.

Yet I suppose that's hard to find,

when I look inside to see it's dark.

When I was young my heart did sing,

and I set out to change the world.

Now my heart beats silently,

and in a corner I sit and curl.

I hide myself as best I can,

I want to reach and take a hand.

But is me or is it fate?

That placed love on that list that's banned.




For someone special

02:54 Jan 26 2006
Times Read: 668

The night was long and all throughout,

No moon, no stars would guide my steps.

The burden heavy as my heart,

and weighted down with all my debts.

My heart had stilled its listless pace,

to many times it felt the sting.

And in the night, a door was closed,

that listless heart would ne'er take wing.

Upon a city, stumbled I,

and glanced about at all the doors.

The warmth within cried out at me,

but not for me, for I was poor.

And yet one door, entreated me,

so, therefore, in I placed my head.

There you were, like a Princess stood,

and called for me to lightly tread.

My heart said yes, my mind said no,

and quivering my foot it fell.

Upon that floor, you took my hand,

into this place in which you dwell.

This heart began it's lowly pace,

but stronger, faster came the beats.

Your warmth, your smile and patient care,

broke through my wall and fell round my feet.

So here I stand, my shield aside,

my sword returned to it's place with care.

And though I might be burdened still,

I find that price for more than fair.

And here we are, two lonely souls,

both bared before the other's minds.

The door stands open for us to leave,

so what will come in the fullness of time?

We cannot know what future holds,

that mysterious lady holds her key.

And yet I have the strength to hope,

for you unlocked that door for me.




02:15 Jan 22 2006
Times Read: 673

The first drop falls upon the ground,

the first man dies by my own hand.

Another drop of blood doth fall,

a third then more throughout the lands.

Death is reaped and praise is given,

for the men that I've brought low.

The souls beyond the veil are driven,

like winds blow tufts of falling snow.

Then the soul that I had hidden,

deep within to ply my task.

Screams out to me, though unbidden,

and rips from me the blinding mask.

The moon is high upon this shore,

and crashing waves are rolling free.

Yet all the drops have pooled before me,

and all about is the crimson sea.

I stare in horror at the scene,

and scream that this cannot be me.

I bow my head and turn away,

and wonder, now, how this can be.

I plod, alone, along the path,

at first to wonder what I seek.

Then I know that what I want,

is my own humanity.




19:03 Jan 18 2006
Times Read: 677

The long road is before me,

stretching through my night.

My bloody feet to hold me,

No love, no life or light.

Behind me lies destruction,

of the path that I once tread.

Ahead of me redemption,

If I can keep my head.

The ghosts of former enemies

and friends cry out in plight.

A terror caused by actions,

in the times I stood to fight.

I know the candle in the window,

I know it gives it's light.

Yes it's small but comforting,

promising warmth and rest at night.

So I carry them on with me,

to give them thier respite.

They deserve no less than that,

Like me, they thought that they were right.

So many times I've stumbled,

that I looked down at my feet.

Then I couldn't see where I was going,

and got lost out in the sleet.

So once again I raise my head,

to see what is to come.

Yes I'm tired of the journey,

yet I won't succumb.

Yes I know there is a haven,

for me to rest my head.

I swear that I will find it,

before I join the dead.




08:44 Jan 15 2006
Times Read: 684

However lowly the trails I have trod

However unclean I may be

There's a little dog who thinks I'm a god

There's a child who places his faith in me

Oh lord keep me worthy

Oh lord keep me clean

Fearless and unbeguiled

Lest I lose caste in mind of a dog

Or the wide, clear eyes of a child

Lest there should come in the time to be

The blight of a withering grief

And a little dog mourns for his fallen god

And a child for his lost beliefs.



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