Shikara's Journal


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19 entries this month

I am so upset right now.

19:25 Apr 30 2005
Times Read: 532

I made an adorable little bracelet from a fairly long lock of my hair, It was all braided and pretty and had a small chain link dangling from it. i made this article with one particular person in mind, And I go all the way to where he lives to give it to him and come to find out, hes in jail because he got into a fist fight, but apparently forgot how much weed and how many pills he had on him. So now my sweet little rodent will rot in a jail cell for gods only know how long. I miss you babe. Good luck.




Must sleep...

18:15 Apr 29 2005
Times Read: 533

But I am not. I dont know why. Perhaps this ghost in my home is slightly more troublesome than I thought...not dangerous yet, but it is very aggravating that the only reason she fucks with me is because i am female and she is a dead hooker. well, more power to her. LLLaaaa!!!





00:44 Apr 29 2005
Times Read: 535

Hey all, I am completely fuckin amped on energy drinks right now. Its fucking awesome. I am infatuated with a redhead....cant wait to see him again. why is he so far away? its damn depressing...oh well. It is my favorite pastime...to want that which I cannot have. It makes me remember what a futile rut I live in and how fucked up the human brain is. Its also quite lovely....hehe. And then, when things go right for the first time, I just cant wait to fuck it up...to put flaw to something beautiful. It pleases me greatly...maybe Im just odd, but hey, its all gravy, baby.




That aint kewl.

08:36 Apr 27 2005
Times Read: 536

No, honestly. What the hell do you think I am hiding from you? Do you think I am going to rob you and kill you? Not bloody likely. when I say that Im telling the truth, I usually am. I dont feel the need to lie to you over something so goddamn trivial as a map of how to kill someone that I hate, even if Im not going to do it. Do you really think I would go all that way just for some stupid shit like that just to spend the rest of my youth in a box? no, I dont think Im that dense. I can live with being hurt by that motherfuck, but I cant deal with living with someone that claims to trust me and care, when they turn around and get pissed off because I wont let you see one little fucking thing. thats not trust, thats some kind of unwarranted distrust and fear. what have I done to make you fear me? I'm not that bad, really. I dont need to hide shit from you and If I did, it sure as hell wouldnt go on the internet. or even written down. If I want to type about how fucking horny as a damn goat I am, thats my business, and if you want to read it, dont try it in front of me. If you want to hold this against me enough not to fix my tooth, like you said you would, fine. I'll just have to find another way. I will get it fixed, with or without you. you would just make it affordable enough for me. and a lot more convenient. but ifI have to find another way, I will.




oh my. again

21:05 Apr 26 2005
Times Read: 542

again and again. Why do I have so many problems making this choice? It should be so easy. Get away fro the bad folk, go the the nice folk, etc. But nooooo.....I have to have a fucking concience....goddam disney movies. they trampled the heartless nature of small children for so many years...Its a conspiracy. you stoopit fucking jackass!!!!!





04:00 Apr 24 2005
Times Read: 545

Why does everybody gotta be so fuckin stoopit? Why does drama exist in the drama hatred zone? i am so not interested in mortal angsts.I fucking hate them all.





06:32 Apr 23 2005
Times Read: 550

Oh my. I have touched spag. I must never wash my right hand again. I reek of sweat and gutterpunk, and could not be more turned on right now......





13:19 Apr 22 2005
Times Read: 552

I am going to see Mudvayne tonight. I dont care if the undead start a war with the angels. As long as that stage is up and Spag is on it, I will be in the front row. If given the opportunity, I would fulfill any sexual fantasy that man has ever had.mmmmmmmmmmmm uuuuuuuuuuuuu uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuudddddddddddddddddddddd ddddvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv aaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyy yyyyyyyyyyynnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn eeee eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




Suck it. Suck it dry.

10:23 Apr 22 2005
Times Read: 558

Im so fucking pissed off at my comuter right now. It keeps kicking me off. , Anyway. Fuck you, you fucking fuck. I fucking hate you. What right do you have to utter these words? Its not like your shit is together. you cum bubble covered cockroach feces. Anal mucus. pus dripping slime trail of a salt covered slug. Choke on cock!!!! you should have been wiped off on a napkin. You greasy vomit stain. syphylis infested afterbirth. Gangreen smelling gut rot. Writhing colon worm. donkey fucking brain anyurism. I am so sick of you trying to mindfuck me you little prick. suck it. suck it dry.




i loath the grotesque truth of humanity.

09:24 Apr 21 2005
Times Read: 561

i truly and honestly do. Humans are so simple to manipulate that I have lost interest in them. They believe what I tell them to believe because they either fear me, are infatuated with my nature, or they lust after me. and all I have to do is snap my little claws for my bidding to be done. I am bored with simpletons of average society, Undead will you please claim me? Spare me from the indignance of another hour that my i q is dropping at the hands of idiocy? how much longer must I wallow in this dimensional prison? Fuck it. I'll take care of the morons myself. This temper tantrum brought to you by, Shikara




the day has come to an end.

04:30 Apr 21 2005
Times Read: 562

and what a day it has been. Has everyone had a happy holiday? I certainly hope so. Have a ball, all. and dont skimp on the mint jelly when you eat the little ones......





08:27 Apr 20 2005
Times Read: 563

Today comes but once a year. And poor little shikara has not a thing to celebrate with. Save finally telling everyone where to get off...hahahahahahaha. That was fun. If you are reading this, you may or may not know, I have finally gotten my portfolio started. see description. la. have a pleasant evening all, and please check out my Favorite day of the year Gear. ; )




And now we wait for the messy end.

16:34 Apr 19 2005
Times Read: 566

I am quite pleased for my darling jen and her boy. They got married last night in the french quarter, right outside the cathedral. It was so ....well, it was just so. My stepfather was the high priest of the handfasting, and i believe it was the highest turnout for a ceremony i have ever seen. Congratulations, Jen and Billy. I love you guys.





15:36 Apr 18 2005
Times Read: 567

The abbreviated form of saying Fucked up beyond all recognition, dammit. I cracked my front tooth on an evan williams bottle. I got slap azz drunk and woke up in a squat the first time, and at my sisters house the second time. My sister is moving to mineral wells, so we had to have a going away party for her. I still have no idea whats going on, but I have some gigantic hickeys,( blood drawing competition between me and pup,) who can take the most blood and not leave any holes bigger than a pinpoint? That would indeed be the sweetness of shikara. Unfortunatley, he is not perturbed by me already telling him that he is nothing more than a pet to me. But he will go away, or I will just get sick of him and carry a stick wherever I go in case he doesnt get the message. Its all good.




oh hell yeah...

21:56 Apr 17 2005
Times Read: 569

I am in the quarter right now with my sister and we gettin drunk as all hell. I finaly beat up that little punk that was causing me problems. props to me, hugs and luvs to all vamps. Shikara.




so you think youre special? Maniacal rant.

19:56 Apr 16 2005
Times Read: 572

Do you actually believe yourself to be the only person to experience decay? So you have lost all faith in humanity. congradulations, you are starting to see the big picture. You already know what all of your people feel for you. you left without any goodbyes or explanations, specifically so people would worry about you. you worm filth. would you cast an innocent child into hell to save money? ye he he hes!!!! you already proved that to me you worthless troll. are you happy now? that you are all alone and noone loves you? was that what you were looking for all along? ways to hurt without purpose? Maybe when you want everyone to be happy again, you will finaly remove yourself from this world of ours. one can dream. Can you see it now? your remains heading for the bottom of the bayou? I have such a wonderful picture of it in my head. its beautiful. wild animals snapping at your severed limbs, you finally providing a use in this world. Gator bait. I am quite thrilled with this idea. If you dont like it, tough shit. Just wait till you cross my path on the quarter. Security will have so much fun with you. And no, i dont mean new orleans pd, either. I mean SECURITY!!!!!I could go on like this for days, but quite honestly, i am bored with you.





19:38 Apr 16 2005
Times Read: 573

If one is kind, even to the point of zen, should another spit that back in ones face? that is so impolite. why do some people feel the need to be a complete assole when the only things spoken were generous words? why do some feel the need to fuck me over time and again for one mistake, paled in comparison to what ive put up with? Yes, life is cruel and unfair. a knife in the back is probably better than i deserve, me this scum of humanity, animated people repellant, piece of trash, but though i may deserve it, do i have to listen to why? I fucking hate you Rhyndam. Eat shit and die slowly while i make you watch as i burn each inch of your flesh after ive torn it from you. I want your lungs to collapse. I want your bones turned to dust in my hands. Get cancer. feel your innards being eaten alive by sharp mandibaled insects. pour lye over your eyes before you cry for your pain and misery and the unfortunate events which have so tragically befallen your twisted little charcoal heart. *yawn* Die. miserably and alone. you waste of skin.




day jobs suck!!!!!

20:13 Apr 15 2005
Times Read: 574

I have to work a 16 hour day. fortunately, now that i have a computer again, I can sit online for a good part of it. I got MUDVAYNE TICKETS!!!!!!! And only sightly spastic for being awake for nearly 70 hours.....




Shikara has returned

08:35 Apr 15 2005
Times Read: 579

Greetings, all, I apologize for dissapearing without even so much as a fare thee well, But I was quite indisposed, what with my recent incarceration and release. I have returned, and look forward to the evenings to come. And thus is my triumphant return to New Orleans and the Rave. I have missed you all.



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