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Lets all pray for the peaceful passing of Stephen Norrington...

17:22 Dec 15 2008
Times Read: 560

I died a little inside when I read this... I hope this fool gets an earful of the outcry against his stupid idea....


Stephen Norrington to Reinvent The Crow

Source: Variety December 15, 2008

Stephen Norrington has signed on to write and direct a reinvention of The Crow, based on the comic created by James O'Barr, says Variety.

Ryan Kavanaugh's Relativity Media is negotiating with producer Ed Pressman to acquire the film franchise and finance the film.

Pressman produced the 1994 Alex Proyas-directed adaptation, in which rock musician Eric Draven (Brandon Lee) is murdered trying to rescue his girlfriend from thugs, and returns from the dead one year later to exact vengeance.

For Norrington, The Crow deal marks the end of a long screen sabbatical. After making his breakthrough with Blade, Norrington took on a big-budget comic transfer with The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. Neither the director nor his star, Sean Connery, has made a feature film since.

"Whereas Proyas' original was gloriously gothic and stylized, the new movie will be realistic, hard-edged and mysterious, almost documentary-style," Norrington said.


Write your congressma... write your President... write your assassin... tell them that this must not be!!!




Words words words...

16:56 Dec 12 2008
Times Read: 572

When I speak, I tend to use "foul" language. I know that makes me sound ignorant, but this is how I feel about words-

A word is made of letters. At least in English. In other languages, words are made of pictograms that are artistic representations of an object or idea. They are like it's manifestation that has evolved and changed over time… sometimes taking on less of a pictogram shape. Regardless of where our words come from, they are meant to describe what exists around us and within us. They are meant to convey our thoughts to others and create a work of art for others to see.

Some people condemn words. They are no less evil than those who would condemn an idea, a religion or even a race. They are closed minded people and fail to understand that what THEY feel when hearing a word is NOT what someone else might. That is the beauty of what words are. They are DESCRIPTIVE and meant to convey emotions and ideas. That is subject to the listener/reader's interpretation and not set in stone. Even if you are describing a rock, it's still your own version of what a rock is. Someone else may see it as something else and use different words to describe it.

I've always laughed at and been frustrated with those who use a word to describe itself… like those who would say a rock is a rock. They are morons and simply don't understand that a rock is so many other things, but it is NOT a rock. You only see it as a rock. And then you think the words you use mean something more than a description. You think they ARE the very nature of the rock.

But they are words. Made of letters. Like the word FUCK.

If you are going to condemn a word, then you are condemning those letters in that configuration... that makes no sense either. Is it the letter F that frightens you? That can't be. F can be for FUN and FREEDOM, which we all love. Is it the letter U that makes you uneasy because it reminds you that U are the one who is afraid? That can't be. We need U for UNBRELLA and UNIBOMBER, which are two things we need in life. Could it be the letter C that has got you uneasy? C is for CUNT and lots of women hate that word. But it's also for CREATIVITY and COCK and women seem to like those. (You know who you are ladies)

I know. It's the K. K makes you think of KKK and they are bad people. K makes you think of KIKE and the KOOL AID MAN, who frightened you as a child, busting through walls and being so loud. Well K is also for KITE and KANGAROO and those are fun.

Fuck is a word that people have labeled as "bad." You can't say it without earning polite society's ire. But really, it's a beautiful and versatile word that has more meanings than almost any other word in history. It is the feeling and intent BEHIND the word which has more meaning. If you say "Fuck you" to someone, you could be telling them that you want to mate, that they are an asshole or that they are your friend and they said something funny.

How could anyone deprive us of the ability to use a word that expresses one's self? That is censorship and it is wrong.

Even if you used words like "Shit dawg, I aint no fucking punk... muthafukka gotta be down if he sez he down... caint be no punk when you got gats in yo fukkin face. Gotta represent what's inside, you know, dawg?" I would still respect you for thinking.

If a great philosopher spoke to you about the wonders of life, but he did it in Chinese and you couldn't speak Chinese, you may think he's a moron. It's because you didn't understand him, not because he was actually a moron.

So if you fault someone for their words… for their expression… you are the one who is a moron. You just lack the creative vision to see what it is that they are trying to say.

Of course… there are just stupid people, as I said.. And they should never be confused with those who are trying to express themselves and simply lack the vocabulary to do so.



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