Vampirewitch39's Journal

Vampirewitch39's Journal


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1 entry this month

19:48 Mar 24 2009
Times Read: 1,030

Mirrors. Seems her whole life was lived inside of a mirror. The scared look on her face in the hall way mirror as the strangers took her from her bedroom that night when she was eleven years old.

The school room and classes she studied in, the gym where she learned how to fight was walled with them as well as the indoor shooting range. Even her own room in the compound had one. Always watched…always. It was only when she was on missions that she could be away from them.

But this time she felt the eyes, even without the mirrors. She smiled at the man next to her in the booth as the drinks was sat down on the table by the waitress in the Vegas casino. Was she being checked on? Had she given her comrades’ a reason to distrust her?

She felt the hand of the man beside her slide up the inside of her knee, his words spoken in perfect English. Looking at him you would never know the 42 years old was a spy turned double agent that the Russians wanted killed, to disappear.

She leaned forward and kissed the man, giving his a taste of the skills she had been taught, been shown to give pleasure to another, both female and male. “Why don’t we just move this upstairs?” she said in a perfect southern drawl of a Texan. Same she was not from there but from a very small town in Russia, her test results from a school personality test showing promise for a agent.

1961: Vegas was all lights and glam as they walked toward the elevators. Mirrors was everywhere- on the walls, ceilings, stepping into the elevator was like walking into a mirrored box. As the doors closed she still was feeling it- that cold stare of someone watching. She looked at the man she was here to kill, to see if he notice anything. But his edge had been lost long ago, the gap between her halter top and hot pants the only thing his attention was on. She leaned into his wondering hand, her laughter echoing off the mirrors as her eyes twinkled in desire.

She flipped him over, his look of shock at her strength replaced by lust of her on top. She ran her hands over his chest as she kept the pace of her hips, moving up and down on him. Looking up from him, his hands at her ass, squeezing her as he made comments on her body, she sees herself in the mirror.

For a second she lets her mask slip and the cold ice blue dead eyes she knew so well was there, showing her what she was. A flash of something moving. She glances over her shoulder into the dark shadows the suite had outside of the lone light on the nightstand. She swore someone was here… but could not see anyone. The man below her let out a moan, his hard thrust upward bringing her back to why she was here.

She let out a loud moan, her body shivering as she threw her head back, the long black hair back as she arched her back, faking an organism. Her hands moved up to the man’s neck, as her legs tighten around him, his hands moving to cup her breast…when she moved her hands to have one on top of his head, the other under his chin.

He might have been a double agent but he had not lost all his knowledge and skill. He flipped her over, pushing at her chest to try and lose her but she held on. She locked her feet at the ankles, and felt the punch to her face, at her check bone. She gave his adams apple a chop with the palm of her hand and he grab went white. A quick move and she used all her strength to snap his neck.

She followed him over, giving her the leverage to make sure his neck was broken. The sharp sound of the snap filled the room along with his harsh breathing, then just her panting.

She looked up in the mirror as she started to unwrap herself from the dead body when she caught a flash of darkness then it was on her. She felt the bed sink at her side, her upper body wrap in cold arms, the pain at the side of her neck. She screamed, pushing at the weight at her side, trying to get out of her arms…tearing open her neck. She saw the blood flowing…then she felt it back, the arms tighter…she felt a weakness coming over her like when she had been shot less then a year ago…loss of blood.

She felt coldness seep into her as she watched the dark form drink, the blood spilling from her wound under the blackness, over her breast. She stopped screaming and felt the walls of her vagina tighten, wetness and a heat. She lifted her hand upward to tangle into his hair as she started to move her hips, wanting more then the dead body inside her could give.

She felt a cold hand on her breast and she gave a gasp as he cupped her, twisting her nipple as she listen to the sounds of his drinking from her, his soft sounds of need. She spoke, her voice so unlike her own, the Russian accent faint “Please..” She was lifted, turned as he pulled his mouth away from her neck, facing him as he sat on the bed. She used her hand, reaching downward to find his hard thick penis. Without a thought about what she was doing she slide him inside herself.

He watched as she bite her own lip, closing her eyes as he slide into her hot body, her nails biting into his shoulders. He felt her moving, taking her hips in a circle as she worked him into her body and he started to feed again. She moved her hands up into his hair, this passion so strong. She flashed back to the day she was put into a room, a solider coming in and having sex with her, taking her maidenhood. Such pleasure that time, not caring or having to worry of a job, to watch you back.

That was before she had been picked for a more sexual side of the job, trained to please in way of old. She felt his bite tighten as she tighten her walls, going slowly up and down on his hard cock. One hand moved to his hair, holding on as the other moved to run along his collar bone, her nails leaving scratches on his skin. Black eyes and hair, she could just make out his nose… his hands drop off her hips and she started to move her hips forward and backward, giving a soft cry as her movements was limited by his hold on her neck.

He lean back, his body across the dead man’s legs as she moved her hand down to his lower back, giving it a harsh scratch of her long nails. His breathing turned deeper as she put her knees on the bed’s edge, trying to move more as she grinded herself on him.

His hand found her hair, holding her still as the other one found her ass, slapping it hard. She screamed, her hips lifted off him, jerking her neck away as she tried to lift but he bite even harder, used his hand on her lower back to slam her down hard back on his cock so that she lost her breath, stun by how strong he was.

Then it got dark in the room, the light fading as her breathing became heavy, feeling her lower body being lifted as he started a thrusting movement. She felt that pleasure- the force was making her rush to a climax even as her breathing was growing so heavy she knew she was going to die. While the climax was wonderful, the strongest she ever had, she was not able to vocalize it as this is when she took her last breath.

All of a sudden she was on her back on the floor, and he was beside her, his cock swollen and wet from her juices. He pumped his cock, using his other hand to make open her mouth…the bloody cum sprayed on her face. She wanted to twist away, but her eyes closed…and the blood filled her mouth… she felt like she was drowning…she drank. A sharp pain tore thru her body, making her back arch so much she felt like it would break. His hands held her down as she screamed, her legs kicking out at nothing, her nails breaking on the carpet as she clawed at the floor.

She felt every muscle in her body tighten..tighten even more…she looked up into his black eyes as she gave into the blackness that was always calling to her. She went limp in his hands, her body perfectly still.

She woke up in the darkness. She laid, trying to remember, to hear anything… coldness was under her. She did not hear anything, not even the air. She moved one hand just a little, so as to not alert anyone watching…and found a wall. She move silently and found she was in a box- a coffin. She found a latch in the lid but it was unlatched. She pushed and felt that the lid was locked in three places. She had moved her feet, her hands above her to see if she could find a way out there when she heard a sound from outside the coffin. She laid still, moving back to the way she woke up…waiting for her chance to escape.

The lid open soon after and he stood there, the man who did this to her. She tried to use her motion, sudden movement is the only way she would get out of this. In her minds eye she opened her eyes as she sat straight up, hitting the man under his jaw with a upper cut…but what happen was she barely lifted her upper body at all, the energy gone form her. Was she drugged?

Then the scent. Oh what a scent. Sweet with just a tingle of metal. He helped her sit up, and she found the source of the scent- a male and female was sitting on the couch, eyes closed. She saw what looked like bite marks on their necks, the blood just leaking our from the small wounds. She felt her lips curl back, a hiss sound coming from her as she tried to get up out of the coffin that she was in on the floor.

He lifted her and she looked at this man. Strong jaw, black eyes, tall. She needed to kill him…but not right now. Now she needed….what? He sat her between the two and moved the woman across her lap, holding her up so the neck bite was just below her nose. “Take her.” She looked from the wound, the skin torn into, into his eyes. “Drink.” he order her, his patience at a end. She grab the woman, pulling her to her mouth when she moaned, her eyes flutter open.

The woman started to scream as the man tugged at her hair, putting the open wound at her mouth. Fangs pieced her skin and he lean in to kiss the woman. Clothing was removed as she feed, the woman’s life gone as he sucked at her breast to share in the feeding.

He threw her dead body off the couch to the floor and reached in to kiss her, licking the blood off her chin and neck as they laughed. She felt alive, hearing the sound of the footsteps in the hallway, the heart beat of the man who was her next meal. She understood what was expected of her now. She spoke, her voice deeper and more sexy then before “Let me up, I want to move him.” He did as she asked, watching as she removed the robe she wore, lifting the man like he was a doll, walking around the couch to lay him across the back of it. She held out her hand to her maker and smiled, leaning over the man and started to lick at his neck wound.

Her maker walked to her, taking off his clothing as he did, standing behind her. He told her to think of her body, how to let blood flow to certain part. He used his finger to test her, helping her getting ready for his cock. She licked his finger, smiling at him as she sucked it, working her tongue up and down the sticky bloody finger. The man under her moved, waking up. He pulled his finger out of her mouth and she turned back around, her hunger growing in more then one way.

The man lifted his upper body up to see them. “What the hell hap..” was all he got out before her hand clasp around his neck, her nails long and sharp, pushing him down as she turned his head, her fangs tearing into the skin as her Maker filled her body with his hard cock.

She walked into the bathroom to take a shower as her Maker handle the bodies. She had no regrets about killing the two at all. In fact it seems to her like she had been given a peace she never had before. Well…only when she had killed. She turned the shower on and caught the mirror. She stood- this part of her chance making her weak, sliding down on her knees on the cold tile. She reached forward…her reflecting gone. She smiled… then busted out in a carefree laughter she had never done in her life. She was free from being watched and stared at.

“How did you find me?” “Little thing you gave away. As a whore you turned down three customers till he came along, sure sign you was waiting for him.” Him being the man she killed. “ But no one would of notice that.” He smiled, rolling over on top of her in the bed, spreading her arms out with his, hands claps. “I was. Seem he was wanted dead by more then one country.” “Now what?” “Now you train with me. When the time is right I will let you go.” She looked up at him, knowing he would never stay any place for long. “What is your name?” “I am called HD.” “HD is …?” “You don’t need to know that my dear.” He used his knee to move her legs apart, moving one hand to start using as a tease on her. She closed her eyes, the lust she has felt these last few night nothing like she ever felt before. “That is a weakness you have- this lust. You will need to block that off.” “Why? You tried of fucking me already?” She said, leaning up to bite at his shoulder, not breaking skin as he taught her. “Oh I can fuck you any place, any time my dear. But others would use it as a weakness. As I said..” His hand was in her hair, yanking it backwards till she arched her neck upward. “You will block that off. Understand?” “Yes” she said, fear in her voice at times when she felt his inhuman strength.

He smiled and reached up to run his fangs along her neck. She lifted her hips in need. “I will train you to control it. In fact…we will start now. Put your hips back down… I will take you when I am ready.” She did as he order her. “I will teach you to turn to ice.”

“You need a new name. What is your name?” “Sofia Alisa is what I was given at birth. You are the only one I have told that to.” He rolled his black t shirt and put it in the bag. “And when you was uncover?” “Janet Lynn” “Good solid American name. But you need another now.” He zip his bag as she pushed the clip into the handgun he gave her. “AJ?” “Why that?” “Always wanted a cool hip name so… why not?” He nodded yes, picking up his bag. “Then lets go start the rest of your immortal life AJ.”

**Wrote up for a RPG game coming up. I write a story to just flush her ( the lady I will be playing)out some...and always end with a lust story. lol Vampires- what can I say? ;) And no- we don't play it like this, just in my mind.



20:06 Mar 24 2009

And someone complaining that she was having trouble with her creativity. Wonderful story and I would love to see you, play this role lol.

21:11 Mar 24 2009

Hot diggity this is going to be a good game :) Great story sugar

21:55 Mar 24 2009

hmmm ok then.....

15:29 Mar 28 2009

Yeah, a Rat story!!!!

17:04 Apr 01 2009

This is excellent, just plain bloody excellent.

.. wish I'd written it, but I didn't: you did.

05:34 Aug 06 2009

awsome story i was in total trnsfixtion as i read

this story it had me in a total readiness to be taken and drained with your fangs deep in my neck as you drank long and deep my body shuddering

and slowly going limp as the darkness rolled over me making me totaly yours

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