VampiricDreams's Journal

VampiricDreams's Journal


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1 entry this month


Haunting Memories

05:25 May 21 2006
Times Read: 611

Chapter: 1

It was a breezy evening in the small town of Grimdar, and one of the most notorious warriors was nowhere to be found for role check. It was her turn for night watch, and a storm was coming in from the north. A few miles up the road was the rocky terian of the Tyrant Cliffs where Shylan loves to spend most of her time, stareing into the abyss wondering what's out there in the world and if she'll ever find her a prince to share her ideas and adventures with...

She takes in a deep breath of fresh air then let's out a heavy sigh. As she gazes into the sky watching the clouds roll in, a slight rumble and a luminious streak of lightening fills the air around her... Just as she was beginning to be at piece of mind a small female voice shouted out her name...

"Shylan! Shylan!"

She turns to see who was yelling out her name, and to her surprise it was her best friend Kena. Kena is a smaller type of creature than her. Shylan who's 5'5", 125 lbs., has long black hair that goes half way down her back with a silver streak going down each side, storm grayish blue eyes and pointed ears. While Kena's 4'6", 107 lbs. long medium brown hair that goes half way down her back, forest green eyes and also has pointed ears...

"Kena. What are you doing out this far? You could've been followed."

Kena tries to catch her breath, then looks up at Shylan.

"Relax. Besides everyone is looking for you, they're beginning to think you ran away."

Shylan grins. "Hmm, maybe I did."

She glances back into the sky as another bolt of lightening strickes, this time it hits in the general direction as their village. They both take notice and start running back towards home.

By the time they reach the village, to their horror they had arrived too late. The small place they had called home had been demolished into nothing but piles of ash, smolddering cinders and bodies mangled everywhere...

"Oh no..." whispers Kena. She then looks up at Shylan who was in deep shock. Shylan quickly snaps back to reality...

"We chould split up and look for survivers and supplies. Meet back up in a half hour at the town gate. Lightening couldn't have done this much damage."

Kena nods her head. "You take upper town."

Several minuets pass by as Shylan rumages through the dead bodies of people who she knew and loved and the remains of what was once her home. She spots something out of the normal as she looks over it carefully, then notices a marking that she couldn't make out... She clinches it tight, as she lets out a rageing scream she swings it against another piece of wood hard enough to snap it in half..

Kena walks up beside her and notices something is wrong.

"What's wrong Shylan?"

She looks down at her friend still gripping the object tight in her hand.. "Our home was attacked and I wasn't here to help defend it."

Kena places her hand on Shylan's back. "I hate to say, but by the looks of it. I don't think one or ten more people would have made the difference Shylan."

Shylan takes one more glance around then turns to her friend. "Maybe your right. We need to go incase there's more of who or what ever staying behind..."

With vengance in their hearts and determination in their eyes, the two set off on their journey not knowing what's ahead of them...

Hours passed and the morning sun began to peek over the moutians, when they arrived to a small lush forest.

"Shylan, is there any way we can rest for a bit? We haven't slept and I'm getting hungry."

"Good idea. I'm kind of hungry myself, I'm going to go look for some berries." She walks off to the east in search of some bushes, while Kena stayed behind to keep guard..

A few moments of silence go by except a few birds off in the back ground. Kena takes in a deep breath of fresh air, lays back and relaxes... Minuets later she hears some tiny laughter, not just one voice but several tiny voices..

Meanwhile, Shylan comes to a glazenberry bush and begins to pick the brightly blue and purple fruit. Suddenly, she too starts to hear the tiny laughter.... She looks up quickly not knowing where the laughter is coming from...

"Who's there? Show yourself!." She shouts into the air as she slowly begins to draw her sword...

Then a tiny voice spoke out of nowhere.

"Lower your weapon, we mean you no harm. We are just curious of why your here and where your headed...?."

With her hand still on her sword she looks around wondering where the voice is coming from..

"My name is Shylan and I'm just passing through. Now I ask again, show yourself."

The tiny being giggled. "Eat a berry then you'll see us, for we are the pixie guardians of the Shimdon Forest. My name is Zammy."

"Us? You mean there's more of you?"

"Yes, there are many of us in this forest.. So tell me Shylan, is there another, smaller one with you?"

She slowly draws her hand away from her sword. "Yes, my friend Kena..Is she ok?"

"Yes, she's fine.. My comrades are watching over her to make sure nothing happens to her."

Shylan carefully eats one of the berries, and to her surprise there infront of her ontop of the same bush where she just picked off of stood a tiny green glowing pixie. Her eyes were a luminious light blue and her hair was short and fluffy...

The tiny creature sat down on a leaf cross legged then giggled once again.

"Tell my Shylan, where is it that your from? You're in the sun without an affect so your clearly not of vampiric blood, but you apperantly know your berries..."

Shylan smiles. "I'm of elven blood, and my friend and I came from the small town of Grimdar."

Zammy stands up and tilts her head slightly. "Oh, your far from home then. What draws you out this way?"

Shylans smile fades slightly. "Our home was attacked and burnt to the ground, and we are going to find out who did it..."

Zammy thought for a moment. "I'm sorry to hear about your home, we know how you feel.. But I admire you and your friends courage... You both are more than welcome to what ever our forest has to offer, and the safest way out is to the north.. The nearest town is one days travel, you can sleep in our forest for the night so you can be well rested for the long journey.."

Shylan bows her head in respect. "Thank you Zammy, we are most greatful."

Zammy smiles. "The pleasure is mine Shylan and be safe on your journey for there are many dangers ahead. Please take this ring as a symbol of our kindered friendship..."

Soon after just as fast as they appeared the pixies dissappeared, and Shylan headed back to where her friend was waiting with a pouch full of berries.. When she got back Kena sat up and looked at her with shock...

"Shylan, am I glad your back!."

Shylan smiles at her. "Why you say that?"

She stands up and starts to wave her hands around. "I had the oddest feeling I was being watched the whole time you were gone."

Shylan grins. "You were.. This forest is inhabited by pixies, they were just looking over you to make sure nothing happens to their guests."

Kena gets a bewildered look on her face then scratches her head. "Are they gone?"

"Yes... We need to get some firewood so we can stay warm tonight and so you can make some of your berry soup.."

"Yea, we've already used most of the day looking for berries. I take it we're leaving in the morning?"

At the thought of berry soup both of their stomaches start to growl, and the day passes by. As night fall comes, Kena decides to start up the fire for the soup as Shylan sharpens her blade while sitting close by to keep warm..

After dinner Kena decided to turn in for the night early with a full stomach, but Shylan stayed up a bit longer and was looking at the ring that Zammy had given her earlier that day. She studied the markings on the top of it and somehow they looked familier to her, but yet she had never seen this ring before... Another hour had passed by when Shylan finally went to sleep for the night thinking of where to go from there...



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