VenusFire's Journal

VenusFire's Journal


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6 entries this month

The Holly King and Oak King

01:33 Dec 07 2008
Times Read: 719

Sing we of a mystery, now as long ago.

Blood red holly berry, blood upon the snow

Oak King shall rise - The waxing year to bring

Therefore bid we farewell, To the Holly King.

In the bright Midsummer all seems in a trance

Comes the golden Oak King, In his age old dance

Comes he to slay, Yet honour he does bring

To his fallen brother, the darksome Holly King.

In the cold Midwinter, the year wheel's turned around

Then shall be the Oak King's Blood upon the ground

Ever it comes, once more the year's waning

Then shall be victorious, the darksome Holly King

Sing we of a mystery, now as long ago.

Blood red holly berry, Blood upon the snow

Oak King shall rise The waxing year to bring

Therefore bid we farewell To the Holly King



19:54 Feb 08 2009

i really like this it makes much sense to me


Yule Fire

01:32 Dec 07 2008
Times Read: 720

Kindle the Christmas Brand and then

Till Sunneset let it burne;

When quencht then lay it up agen,

Till Christmas next returne.

Part must be kept where with to tend

The Christmas log next yeare;

And weher 'tis safely kept the Fiend,

Can do no mischiefe there.




Yuletide Cheer

01:31 Dec 07 2008
Times Read: 721

The chill breath of winter touches us,

As blankets of snow cover the ground.

With the glow of moonlight upon them,

Its like diamond sparkles all around.

Inside the room is cozy and warm,

The scent of evergreen wafts from the fire.

Surrounded with love and family,

I've got all that I could desire.

Sleigh bells jingle from the front porch,

As my coveners decorate outside.

They've no need of blankets,

They have the warmth of love inside.

In my home we all gather round,

And with Pagan carols our voices ring.

Then we settle down to enjoy the tale,

Of the Oaken Lord and the Holly King.

For our holiday is quite different,

Than the cowan Christmas night.

We cast our Circle, join together,

And welcome the return of Light.

Then we sit and share the feast,

As we pass bread and wine around.

As blessings from mingled voices...

"Never hunger," "Never thirst" abound.

All too soon the rite is ended,

And we greet the newborn day.

As we clasp hands together,

This wish we send your way....

It's no matter your tradition,

Be you family, friend, or guest.

We wish you joy and peace,

And may your Yule be Blessed!!




The Yule Log

01:31 Dec 07 2008
Times Read: 722

Come, bring with a noise,

My merry, merry boys,

The Christmas log to the firing;

While my good dame, she

Bids ye all be free,

And drink to your heart's desiring.

With the last year's brand

Light the new block, and

For good success in his spending,

On your Psaltries play,

That sweet luck may

Come while the log is tending.




Yule Blessings

01:30 Dec 07 2008
Times Read: 723

Yule Blessings

Blessings to you from the Earth Mother.

She is the Moon.

She watches over all of us by.

The light that she casts over the blessed earth.

Walk her night lit path

And happiness you will find at every turn.

Blessed be!

Blessings to you from the Sky Father.

He is the Sun. He holds us up

And brings us strength. Carry his sword

To cleave the evil from your path

And you will be unmolested.

Blessed Be!

Blessings to you from the Great Spirit.

It binds us all together:

Man to womyn; beast to beast; all.

We are it and it is us.

Blessed Be!

May you have a wonderful Holiday.

The time has come for the sun to be reborn

He lies in his Mother's womb waiting...

Awaiting his reappearance on this plane.

Let us all rejoice in his rebirth and ours.

Blessed Be!




Blessed Mother

01:30 Dec 07 2008
Times Read: 724

Blessed Mother, full of grace

There is no smile across your face

You have just given birth to your Newborn Son

Who sheds his light for everyone

Raven my child you don't understand

How can I smile with such hatred in my land?

My children they fight and try to hurt themselves

But don't realize what they are doing to themselves

They wage wars with words full of murderous venom

Proud of the cause they think we have sent them.

They don't use the light I bore on this day

They take my love gift and throw it away

The birth of the Sun, your newborn king

Was decreed on this day to end your suffering

To help heal the world of all the pain

and draw our children back together again

I am sorry my Lady, I am at fault too

But I try to give Thanks for all that you do

Raven my son it is much more then that

Look out for the wee ones, and those great with age

That's what it means to be a great Sage

Tell the people both far and both near

You want to see God? "Go look in a mirror"

You are our reflection. Our pride and our joy

This is the secret of my Newborn Boy.



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