afullmetalwar's Journal

afullmetalwar's Journal


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15 entries this month

The Hiding Death

01:16 Jan 29 2010
Times Read: 504

A war of teen,

with victims in between,

between the sides

we ignore our pride's.

With only blood on the floor,

we all done this before.

Bullets start to fly,

and people start to die,

a battle started with a laugh,

cost a lot on our behalf.

We awoke their wrath,

and this turned into a blood bath.

Too many have died today,

wishing it all away.

My mind is on fire

almost like i was touching a live wire.

My heart was racing,

and my mind was spacing.

Death was going to be here soon,

to me, it was a friendly tune.

Orders were being shouted

and my mind was doubted.

Someone else took control

and I had a new hole.

Blood running down my arm,

and someone sound the alarm.

At this point I wasn't myself,

when we really show ourself.

Watching this one spot,

and saw something I never forgot.

Someone with red hair,

and a fire like stare.

I pull to the side,

and then i cried.

The end result was slow,

almost like time stopped years ago.

The last of us pulled out,

no one heard me shout,

these words that remain forgotten,

in this soul that grows rotten.

A tear left my face

as we made it back to the base,

I hid my face in shame,

for I was to blame,

for the end results today,

I wish it ended in a different way.

It wasn't my life to call,

when all I wanted to do was stall.

This heart drops,

and my watch stops.

Wishing I never caused this fate,

I did everything I could to delete this date.

I now put on this mask,

and no one will ask,

what happened on that day,

now that's gone away.




The Final End

03:12 Jan 27 2010
Times Read: 515

A stab in the heart,

oh where do I start?

The beats slow down

as we race towards town,

a tear in the eye

as everyone starts to cry.

If this is my end,

I never had time to send

this old love letter,

and hope things would get better.

As things turn black

I figured out that I lost track

of those few that were near,

knowing that they wouldn't appear.

The blood start to flow

and soon I have to go.

My heart is at a crawl,

and I give it my all.

Some wishing to stop time,

but it doesn't stop on a dime,

my head starts to spin,

my blood goes thin,

I breath in my last breath

as I move closer to death.

I close my eyes

no one cries.

I reach out my hand,

no one stand.

one last tear falls from my face,

and all my hopes are erase.

my heart stops

and my pulse drops.

all I await

is for my fate.

The clock read late,

as I slipped to the gate,

at the end of this day,

only I walked away.




Dead to the World

23:24 Jan 26 2010
Times Read: 517

I feel alone,

i wish to die,

with all the stuff known,

it all just seems to drift bye.

With all the pain inside,

I want it all to end,

Just let me hide,

my soul will never mend.

The hope in my mind is a lie,

the pain grows in my mind,

please let me die,

and put all this pain behind.

I seek no one,

I reach into my mind,

with nothing done,

there is no one to find.

let me die,

so i can live,

let me lie

so i can be revive

With all the pain inside,

I want it all to end,

Just let me hide,

my soul will never mend.

I see the night,

with the people with no eyes,

I see the fight,

that caused people to cries.

Just let me die,

allow me cry,

let my body drift bye,

and see it slowly die,

With all the pain inside,

I want it all to end,

Just let me hide,

my soul will never mend



10:59 Jan 28 2010



Sleepless Mind (lyrics/poem)

19:57 Jan 25 2010
Times Read: 521

I can't sleep,

my mind is always drifting,

inside a shell called a body,

on the sea of thoughts.

My mind is always moving.

My body is always turning,

No time to rest in my mind.

I've been trying to put a stop to my mind

but there is no time for it to stop.

I try to fight it,

yet it fail.

My body is slowly dying,

because my mind refuses to stop.

My mind is quickly aging,

because my it is always going.

Slowly my body will be useless

and my mind will go on.

Well my body ages,

my mind is hunting

for what i couldn't tell you,

For my body is slowly dying,

soon there will no longer be any more,

and the only thing left to do

is to pick up that last gun.

and say goodbye.

I can't sleep,

my mind is always drifting,

inside a shell called a body,

on the sea of thoughts.

My mind is always moving.

My body is always turning,

No time to rest in my mind.

I can't sleep,

I am slowly dying,

for those who wish to know,

there are somethings out there

not worth dying for.

I am standing on the edge,

just moving back and forward,

Just go,

and let my body fall.

Just go,

my body is almost dead,

Just go,

and let my body rests.

I can't sleep,

my mind is always drifting,

inside a shell called a body,

on the sea of thoughts.

My mind is always moving.

My body is always turning,

No time to rest in my mind.

My body is only a shell,

because of that,

living forever will never work,

so before you find your eternal sleep,

keep in mind that life is just lies,

and no one can break them.

my body is now drifting into eternal rests.

I can't sleep,

my mind is always drifting,

inside a shell called a body,

on the sea of thoughts.

My mind is always moving.

My body is always turning,

No time to rest in my mind.




The Untold Story

13:17 Jan 22 2010
Times Read: 552

The falling rain

stains the streets

in the dark city.

The haunting air,

chills the night

making everything still.

Among the rain,

drops of blood fall,

no soul around

to hear the cry

of a man

left for dead.

As he stumbles

down the road,

rain overpowers

the red tears

that were falling.

Slowly he works his way

to the edge of town,

falling short as rays of light

break the dark.

A noice starts.

The ground shakes.

The light grows.

the rain falls harder,

a whistle sounds.

the light still growing.

The man stands

greeting the on coming light.

And then...

And then...

There was nothing.

The sound of rain

starts again,

washing away

the trail of blood,

like it never happened




A Poet Dream

16:28 Jan 17 2010
Times Read: 558

The grass was tall,

in this endless field.

As I wonder in it

with my dog at my side.

As we travel into the core,

we wanted to see more,

the grass was thick,

as we work our way deeper.

As we reach the core,

our hopes soar.

Tents and animals,

rides and clowns,

in this circus from hell.

We make our way to the gate,

just to see what the sign states.

Written in blood,

the sign reads,

Welcome To The Immortal Circus,

Where The Souls Of The Damned Stay.

Chills ran down my spine

as I look at my dog.

We turn around but can not leave,

we were being called in,

sucked in,

until we finally walk through that gate,

as soon as we look back,

we knew it was too late.

We traveled inward,

to see if we can find answers,

instead we came across a man

and called him sir.

The man laugh as his body shake.

By my eye,

eight feet tall he was.

and a gut to put a sumo to shame.

He brings me to his tent

and starts to strip down.

Dropping almost all 300 pounds.

I just watch and wonder,

until he was done,

and all I could say,

is that I was stunned.

He was nothing but skin and bones,

every last breath showed.

His tattoo looked alive,

as every breath out,

I saw his rib cage on his back.

His tattoo had two eyes,

that stare forever.

The man broke the endless stare,

by getting dressed.

His clothes were baggy,

his face looked different.

He looks at me with those empty eyes,

his voice caved itself into my mind.

He opened his mouth and spoke these words,

'there are the times,

that the heart want,

but the mind can't have,

when we are all dead,

someone will be laughing in the end.'

For some reason I still followed,

as we entered another tent.

One light was on,

and only one person could be seen,

and his talent was one

that I could never forget.

He was the juggler type,

and not just the standard kind,

every move of his hand,

burned into my mind.

He was a juggler of the dead,

and not just any dead.

It was of those who never had a chance to live,

young children,

up to a year in age.

He just laughed as he said,

'one dead,

two dead,

no mater how many die,

only those who died are damned,

in the end.'

I quickly left the tent,

as I make my way deeper

into this nightmare of mine,

what came next,

was shocking in my head.

A huge man with a hand shake

that I couldn't passed

he had no arms,

just floating hands.

He was a jolly man,

and laughed every time he talked.

'Welcome to our family,

you are now dead,

we travel through time,

as new member join.

We are the Immortal Circus,

and we show the souls of the dammed.'

He drags me along into a huge tent,

with a mirror and a cage full of beasts.

He said I was up next,

what that means,

I am not sure,

knowing in my mind,

that I should have never walked in the door.

The circus of the damned is now my new home.



13:33 Jan 24 2010

Really dark.. Why 8 feet tall, I wonder?


Haven't I been here before?

01:25 Jan 17 2010
Times Read: 562

Haven't I been here before?

At this cross road of life,

do I really care anymore?

Dancing around with a hand holding a knife.

Hopes soar too high,

come crashing down,

with a will to die,

doing the same dance around.

Haven't I been here before?

The feeling is the same,

do i really care anymore?

I am the one that is to blame.

I know the feeling,

the one that sinks into the soul,

my eyes are on the ceiling,

it seems like I am doomed to be alone.

One last dance,

one last night,

one failed advance,

almost feels like a trance.

One last hope,

one last breath,

slowly I slide to the end of the rope,

knowing only death.

Time heals all,

leaving only a scar,

a bitter recall,

shows who we really are.

Haven't I been here before?

Doing the same dance,

do I really care anymore?

Can I really advance?

Haven't I been here before?

Simply an empty shell,

Do I really care anymore?

Just welcoming the flames of hell.

Seeing the drop below,

all that is needed is one move,

knowing of trying it years ago,

I have nothing left to prove.

I move one foot forward,

knowing I have been here before,

the fall downward,

I don't really care anymore.



13:40 Jan 24 2010



A Dream River

04:43 Jan 16 2010
Times Read: 565

This river I see

Flowing in front of me

Bring back memories

From the past.

Those I wish

That I could forget,

Yet I need to accept,

For if I don't

I would be denying

Apart of myself,

A part that

I need to know,

A forgotten part,

A part that tells

Who one is,

Why they are there,

The river that I see,

Knows it path ahead,

For it knows where

It came from,

So it goes on,

In my dream,

It shows nothing,

Just a simple river

But there is more to it,

This flowing river,

It’s stained with blood,

An end to a life,

And beginning of another,

Only so much can be done

To keep life together,

But for so long

No mater how we try,

We will fall to it,

It twists and turns

It’s fate rests,

With the path

That has been

Carved out

Cursed to travel

The same path


We see the river,

We think nothing of it,

We know not how it,

Travels forever,

Down the same path,

Yet with every passing

Drop of water,

The river is different,

In a endless path



13:43 Jan 24 2010

"Yet with every passing

Drop of water,

The river is different,

In a endless path"

Love this part.. :)


Thoughts In The End

04:23 Jan 16 2010
Times Read: 567

To war we yell,

to war we march,

the blood not yet spilled,

to arm ourselves for the lost ahead,

to fight to the end ,

'till all are dead,

then it starts

and will never end.

The blood has been spilled,

the dead are buried,

the war is over.

No more kills.

too many dead,

the battles are done

but the suffering still goes on.

The memories are still fresh,

the wounds still bleeding,

for some there is no turning back,

for others it's too late,

for lives were taken.

Some died quickly,.

others suffered.

those who saw,

could not stop it,

it fueled the pain

that rests in their hearts.

The memories of it will never leave,

the memories are like scars

carved into the mind,

just fading

but never going away

until they are dead.

In the end...

there are no words...

there are no reasons...

there is only death




The Angel of Hell

16:28 Jan 15 2010
Times Read: 571

This tormented mind,

is slowly dying,

a rare kind,

that is living off lost time.

No tear falls from my eye,

with an end of a soul,

I can't cry,

for my heart is hard.

I lived so long trying to care

as it hurts me again

suicide is willing to share,

and become my friend.

I welcome death now

and embrace the darkness

as it drags me into the depths of hell.

I am tired of fighting,

I am tired of forcing,

I am tired of living,

I no longer wish to breath,

nor do i want to.

Let the flames of hell

rise up and welcome me.

Let the angel of fire and ice

rise up out of the depths of hell,

and rule the earth.

And those souls that ended

before their time was up,

be cursed to walk the earth,

let their faces,

be burned into my mind.

Let their screams,

be heard forever.

As I welcome the angel of fire and ice,

My body fades into dust...



13:47 Jan 24 2010

Angel of fire and ice.. I guess she appears when the world ends.. :)

Another beautiful poem.. Nice.


To The Gates of Hell [See personal entry to see a simple explation of this poem]

03:04 Jan 14 2010
Times Read: 583

The lost of a light,

so close to one's heart

as the beat fades,

Our life falls apart

as the tears start...

The world turns

time goes on

and no one said a word.

The light fades,

the grass dies,

into our minds,

we will hide.

To find comfort

in our own lies,

as the hopes in our hearts,

just fall apart.

As we look for answer

form books to bottles,

we are really searching

in our minds and hearts.

As we slip into our minds,

We step into the maze.

A maze of hate and doubt,

of confusion and death.

An endless maze,

that has no true path,

a maze that was made

with our own thoughts and blood,

made with our own body.

As I walk through my maze,

I feel myself ripped apart

every step I take.

I lose something,

the farther into this maze I made.

The pain I feel every inch I move,

every twitch stops my heart,

until I get to the point of no return.

I wake up and look around,

my hands are not my own

my body isn't mine,

yet it is,

I look around and see nothing but white

I close my eyes and breath,

Eyes open and I see the same white,

it is the same as before,

but different in a way.

A minor change that I can not tell,

no mater how close I look.

Almost like a box,

but not exactly,

every step I take forward,

I get thrown backwards,

the air is still,

yet fresh some how.

It looks like I am trapped,

in a place I know from somewhere,

but I just can't place it.

As I try to figure it out,

Before I can,

darkness seeps in,

tainting the white,

staining the pure,

eating away until there is nothing left,

Leaving only me.

I take a step forward,

and a path shows up.

This path is simple,

red tiles just leading a path

into the darkness that I follow.

As I walk down this blood stained path,

I am joined by myself,

this one is is different in a way.

We continue to walk,

as the path starts to drop

as the blood starts to rise.

Too late to turn back,

we start to swim,

then to drown.

I reach out to save myself,

but I can not,

I watch myself sink into the deep red,

and I soon follow.

What lies ahead,

I wish I knew.

Right before I go under,

I see the sun rising,

beyond the crimson sea.

This dream of dreams,

that I keep having,

or am I awake

and refuse to accept the truth?

In this world of worlds,

what can we call real

without defining fake?

If I can't see it,

does it mean it is fake?

Is this world that real...

or is it that fake?

In this world,

the universe,

with time standing still,

can I move on?

I try to,

but am stuck in place.

Walls show up,

squeezing me to death,

but stop short,

the walls turn to glass,

and air starts to run out.

As I start to think about death,

I see another me,

standing outside the box,

covered in blood.

We stare into each others eyes,

and the true horror sets in.

The earth starts to shake,

cracking apart.

Flames start to rise,

chunks of rocks start to fall.

Flames shoot higher,

shattering the glass box,

And I fall into the pit.

As I fall,

flames shoot pass me,

as I start my free fall,

into the unknown.

As I fall into the unknown,

the air heats up,

I see shadows,

just flowing around me,

flying through me,

duplicating memories,

and taking shape.

Turning into people,

people I hurt.

They are floating

around me as I fell.

They started shouting,

reminding me of my sins,

of my pain.

All shouting at once,

I cover my ears,

yet the voices are in my head.

More fire shoots up,

the heat burns my hair,

as the shouting grows louder.

They move closer,

and reach out to me,

I see all of them,

knowing that they aren't real.

They trapped me in,

and start pulling me apart.

Tearing at my flesh,

causing me to bleed,

as they attack.

I see the floor below,

I aim towards it

as I speed up,

Bracing myself for impact,

as I leave a trail of blood behind me.




To hell and back. [See personal entry to see a simple explation of this poem]

20:42 Jan 12 2010
Times Read: 596

Torn souls

wonder around,

walking forever,

until they find

what they are.

Confused people

question everything,

yet get no answers.

Humans are not that different,

we all do what we need

to find answers,

to questions that were never asked.

Why are we here?

Is the question of choice,

we all can't find,

so why look?

I see no reason,

but that is just me,

we each had to walk

our own path,

some can turn back,

others can't.

oɥʇǝɹs ɔɐu,ʇ˙

A mirror image,

shows us,

what we are,

you need to

find who you are,

A mirror image,

ɐ ɯıɹɹoɹ ıɯɐƃǝ'

doesn't show much,

poǝsu,ʇ sɥoʍ ɯnɔɥ'

just a copy

of what we are.

Mirror mirror on the wall,

ɯıɹɹoɹ ɯıɹɹoɹ ou ʇɥǝ ʍɐll,

the face you show me is lies

ʇɥǝ ɟɐɔǝ ʎon sɥoʍ ɯǝ ıs lıǝs.

how do I know that is me?

ʍoɥ po ı ʞuoʍ ʇɐɥɐʇ ıs ɯǝ

Am I afraid of the truth,

ɐɯ ı ɐɟɹɐıp oɟ ɥʇǝ ʇɹnʇɥ

or the lies that protect it.

oɹ ʇɥǝ lıǝs ʇɥɐʇ dɹoʇǝɔʇ ıʇ˙

Am i living a lie.

ɐɯ ı lıʌıuƃ ɐ lıǝ˙

What am I hiding

ʍɥɐʇ ɐɯ ı ƃıpıuƃ

in my mind,

ıu ɯʎ ɯıup'

blocked by walls

qloɔʞǝp qʎ ʍɐlls

like a maze

qloɔʞǝp qʎ ʍɐlls

no beginning,

uo qǝƃıuuıƃ'

no end,

uo ǝup'

just an endless maze

ɾnsʇ ɐu ǝuplǝss ɯɐzǝ

left, right, left, left, right,

lǝɟʇ' ɹıƃɥʇ' lǝɟʇ' lǝɟʇ' ɹıƃɥʇ'

yet i get nowhere,

ʎǝʇ ı ƃǝʇ uoʍɥǝɹǝ'



Mirror mirror on the wall,

ɯıɹɹoɹ ɯıɹɹoɹ ou ʇɥǝ ʍɐll,

Why am i being tormented

ʍɥʎ ɐɯ ı qǝıuƃ ʇoɹɯǝuʇǝp

mirror mirror




I look into you

ı looʞ ıuʇo ʎon

and you tell me lies

ɐup ʎon ʇǝll ɯǝ lıǝs

Mirror mirror on the wall,

ɯıɹɹoɹ ɯıɹɹoɹ ou ʇɥǝ ʍɐll,

the face you show me is lies

ʇɥǝ ɟɐɔǝ ʎon sɥoʍ ɯǝ ıs lıǝs.

Past the lies

that clouds your mind,

beyond the mirror

that shows nothing,

are gears,

turning endlessly.

They run everything,

yet nothing

at the same time.

Forever turning,

forever winding,

for ever spinning.

They go on forever

in the wall.

They seem to trap me

inside the maze of mirrors.

I run to get away

from the sounds

of breaking mirrors,

the whirling gears,

endlessly in my head.

There is always more.

Insanity takes control.

My mind is slipping,

running away

from the clanking gears,

and the the shattering mirrors,

Glass everywhere,

on the floor,

in the air,

on me.

After each mirror breaks,

more and more and more gears show,





Driving me more mad,

with no turning back from insanity,

I have lost.

The pain of it all,

builds up inside,

as the sound of the gears

go on forever.

As insanity starts into my mind,

my body becomes useless.

Trapped forever,

in my own mind,





Insanity takes effect,

and darkness crosses

my mind,

like a sun set

across an ocean.

The waves of darkness,

hit me,

like a wave in the ocean.

I lose my mind.

What way is up,

what way is down,

where am I,

who am I?

Insanity takes control,

I am not myself,

I would need to know,

who I am,

before I know what I am.

The darkness seeps in,

past the castle walls.

life has never been

what one has planned.

The lights fade,

darkness takes control,

with the darkness

comes insanity,

soon we become beyond help,


soon we all die.

In this world of lies

and insanity,

there is only one law,

that stands forever.

How that law is taken,

is the only thing that changes.

And then the world is doomed

Doomed to itself,

cursed to the dead,

blood dripping

from the blade

onto the floor.

A smile

on the face of the killer,

after the end.

We did not see it,

yet we know

what happened.

Two gun shots,

enter and exit the body,

blood splatters everywhere,

creating a pool.

Then comes the rats,

to eat the body,

then the cats,

to eat the rats.

An on going battle,

yet people are foolish.

With a bloody knife in hand,

or a gun missing two shells,

the blood is the same,

the body is the same,

everything becomes the same.

Insanity causes it,

the darkness feeds it,

facts fears it,

love harms it.

This world rotates

is the same way,


It never misses a moment,

to it,

everything is the same,

we are just a sickness,

on the face of the earth.

Our blood flows,

our minds scream,

our lungs burst,

blood flows everywhere,

our minds shut down,

our lungs become useless.

and everything,


will never be the same.

As the darkness backs off,

you become normal again,

you smell the body at your feet,

you see the blood on your shoes,

you feel the knife in your hand

you can taste blood on your lips,

you can hear the rats on the floor.

The pool of blood just grows,

and sucks you in,

and a smile grows on your face.

Eyes opened,

you are looking in a mirror,

no gears,

no maze,


Blood everywhere,

knife in your hand,

police at your door,

body parts everywhere.

Nowhere to run,

nowhere to go,

you see your reflection

in the mirror,

it doesn't look like you,

lies you think,

lies you know,

yet you can't

look away.

For you know

somewhere deep inside,

that is you.

Turn on the sink

to wash away the blood,

yet more blood comes.

Filling the bathroom.

The police are still waiting,

the bathroom is being filled with blood,

body parts start to float.

A laugh burts out,

a knife in your hand,

blood filling the room,

body parts floating,

police wating,

you do the one thing

you know how.

Beyond the mirror,

out of the maze,

past the gears,

beyond the walls,

back to the basics,

it's over,

and all you can do is laugh.

The room is full of blood,

cops are about to break down the door,

knife still in your hand,


and all you see

is yourself

in the mirror.

In the end,

we are just

torn souls




A ending thought

20:35 Jan 12 2010
Times Read: 600

Flames of war,

burns the flesh

of the innocent.

Upon the order

of those who were before us,

we follow our programing.

Women and children

being murdered without second thoughts.

The screams still echoing

through out the Immortal Mountains,

the spirits don't rest.

We only see shadows of the fallen,

cursed to walk in this world.

Knowing the past and future,

letting time play out

as we do our dance

We dance this dance,

we talk this talk,

but when we really look inside,

we are truly dead.

When hate grows,

the love shrinks,

and we look inside ourselves

for someone we thought we lost.

This feeling...

inside us,

is it love or hate,

is it war or peace,

is it life...

or death?

How do we know?

Is this mortal life real?

If we can define it,

do we really need to?

We dance the dance of life,

questioning everything...

as our body turns to ash.



13:49 Jan 24 2010



Tribute to a Deadman

19:20 Jan 12 2010
Times Read: 606

I see your hate,

I see your pain,

you can't hide

from deadman's eyes

Your soul is covered

by your mind's eye,

what rest inside

is no man's lie.

Your mind is weak,

your heart is lost,

you are being watched

by deadman's eyes.

I see your hate,

I see your pain,

you can't hide

from deadman's eyes

You reach out

but come short,

I want to help

but you pull back.

You want to run,

you want to hide,

No matter how much you try,

you are trapped by deadman's eyes.

I see your hate,

I see your pain,

you can't hide...

I see your joy,

I see your sorrow,

you can run

but you can't hide.

I see the truth,

behind your lies,

you can try

but you can't escape

from deadman's eyes.

When you finally come around

and embrace deadman's eyes,

you will see the truth

in my own eyes.

It will be too late,

you will be full of hate.

you tried to run,

to tried to hide,

but you failed to escape.

I see your hate,

I see your pain,

I see your joy,

I see your sorrow,

you can run,

but you can't hide,

from my deadman's eyes.

Behind my eyes,

is deadman's mind,

that no one can enter,

that no one can see.

Trapped outside

deadman's mind,

you poke and pry,

but you can't get in.

You long to see,

you want to know,

but i keep you out,

and i feed it to you

part by part.

You fight your way inside,

but every move I push you out,

you are not ready to see

inside deadman's mind.

At the center of your mind

in a place you refuse to access,

slowly leaking into your mind,

is the truth you you want,

but you don't really care.

You want all the answers,

without any questions.

I tried to teach,

you refuse to learn.

I try to help,

and you reject it.

You fight your way inside,

but every move I push you out,

you are not ready to see

inside deadman's mind.

I said it once,

and I'll say it again,

behind my eyes

is deadman's mind,

that no one can enter.

If you want to see

inside deadman's mind,

you have to learn,

but you chose to fight.

I tried to show you the way,

instead you walked away.

I tried,

but I failed.

You fight your way inside,

but every move I push you out,

you are not ready to see

inside deadman's mind.

You were young and foolish,

you chose to fight,

now you have to learn the hard way

on what's inside

deadman's mind.

I could do so much,

you just didn't care,

I tried to help,

and you just left.

Did I fail you,

or did you fail me?

there is only one person I can see

and he is turning into me.

I gave you all,

and you refused it,

I watched you grow.

My deadman's eyes

finally became clear.

My deadman's mind

is finally here.

For you it was too late,

but in the end you did learn.

I wish I could have seen it.

I could do so much,

you just didn't care,

I tried to help,

and you just left.

Did I fail you,

or did you fail me?

there is only one person I can see

and he is turning into me.

I know if you could,

you would turn back time.

If you did that

you would never learn.

Deadman's wisdom

comes from what you learn.

You wanted the power,

and none of the control.

You wanted the knowledge,

without the work.

I could do so much,

you just didn't care,

I tried to help,

and you just left.

Did I fail you,

or did you fail me?

there is only one person I can see

and he is turning into me.

All I can do now

is step back and watch,

you learned the hard way,

after I tried to help.

I wish I could tell you,

I wish you learned the easy way,

but you chose the hard way.

I could do so much,

you just didn't care,

I tried to help,

and you just left.

Did I fail you,

or did you fail me?

there is only one person I can see

and he is turning into me.

I can only step back

and watch you now.

maybe you will learn next time,

for we both know,

in the end,

you need the true power of

Only a deadman




The Aftermath

17:04 Jan 12 2010
Times Read: 612

Show me your eyes,

that hide the lies,

show me the pain.

that gets drowned out with champagne.

Drift back to days a new,

to the day that when you drew.

day in and day out,

you were full of doubt,

with nothing to fight for,

with nothing in your heart's core.

One gun in hand,

with your eyes locked on the sand,

waters hits your feet,

waiting for death to greet,

one thought crosses the mind,

and see what you find.

One person in your heart,

and they are only a memory part,

one view in your eyes,

filled with lies,

one step from death,

one last breath.

Show me your eyes,

that hide the lies,

show me the pain.

that gets drowned out with champagne.



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