amalia's Journal


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2 entries this month


v for vendetta based story

12:06 May 19 2007
Times Read: 591

here's another story I started writing a couple of months ago. please do read it and tell me what you think of it so far. thanks.


-Good morning London, it’s a bright new day and it’- the newsreader on the radio never got the chance the finish his sentence since a hand shot up from a pile of blankets and threw the alarm clock at the wall with a loud crash. The blankets sturred and a very sleepy looking woman sat up “bloody alarm clock” she mumbled to no one is particular. That was the fifth time this month she wrecked the stupid thing. She yawned and stretched, it was six o’clock: time to walk her dog. She bought a black Labrador puppy a few weeks ago, she saw him at the pet store and fell in love with it. Only she hadn’t realized she’d had the walk every morning around six for the next couple of months. And she lived by herself so she really had no choice. Mumbling a few colourful words she got dressed into a pair of grey sweatpants and matching grey wife beater. She grabbed her track shoes and Ipod. Since she had to get up early every morning anyways, she had decided to jog again, with her dog of course. It would give them both a good exercise. She pulled her hair back into a messy ponytail and slumped downstairs. Her dog, named Casey, already was waiting for her by the front door. She smiled to herself and opened the door, there was no need to lock the door. Casey ran outside and happily began sniffing everything. The woman turned her music on, it’s was all classical music, how she loved Beethoven. She started with some stretching first, a few minutes later she started to jog with her dog right beside her. They went to the local park to run a couple of laps. She loved to jog in the early morning, it was like she and Casey were the only one in the world. However, today would be different.

They left the park at seven o’clock, and the woman decided to get some freshly baked bread from town. She lined Casey and together they walked trough the town’s streets. They took the shortcuts trough the alleys. She knows she shouldn’t, but if she took the main street it would take 15 minutes longer to get to the bakery. The woman already removed her headphones to stay alert to the sounds around her. She turned another corner to another alley while suddenly she bumped into someone. She looked up and saw a tall man standing in front of her, she could tell from the look of his face that he was up to know good and the stench of alcohol didn’t flatter him. She shyly smiled up to him and apologized and proceeded to pass him by, but he wouldn’t let her “Well, well, well. What do we have here? What’s a pretty young lass such as yourself doing on the streets so early?” The woman replied, sounding as innocent as she could, “I’m on my way to get some bread, sir, so could you please let me pas?” She merely finished her sentence or Casey barked impatiently. The tall man glared at the dog and said “Well, be of with a warning this time. But the next time we meet you won’t be so lucky and teach your dog some manners or you will pay the price.” The woman took a mental note of never meeting this man ever again, and brushed by him without another glance. She took the main street the rest of way, afraid to run into the tall man again. She got her bread and went home, again walking the main street. As soon as they got home, Casey crashed on the couch and took a nap and the woman took a quick shower. She was supposed to be at work at half past eight and she didn’t want to be late. Finally, around eight, she chunked down her breakfast and gave Casey his. She wore a pair of jeans, a black sweater, fancy black pumps, a long leather coat and a pair of sunglasses as finished touch. She wore her long black hair down, her make up was simple but stylish. She had only applied mascara and eyeliner which made her electric blue eyes stand out.

She gave a last glance at Casey, which was snoring on the couch, before leaving for work. She took her bike, a Yamaha, out of the garage and raced off. She was there within 15 minutes. She worked at the newspaper office, as a column writer. She didn’t like the job all that much, because she wasn’t free to write whatever she wanted. Because of the present government, all articles were censured. This was very tormenting for her, but it paid well so she stayed.

“Like freaking finally” she muttered to herself at six o’clock, another working day in hell was over. She laid her column on her boss’s desk, checked out and left. She raced home, to find Casey still sleeping on the couch. She flopped down on the couch next to him and turned on the telly. Nothing interesting was on though, just some political things again. So she turned it off and decided to make herself some dinner. She’d better hurry, she had to go to her fencing lessons at eight. After dinner she changed into black sweatpants, a black shirt that said in white letters ‘anything you say can and will be used against you’ and black sneakers. She quickly walked a block with Casey and left her house at half past seven. She decided to walk since it was only fifteen minutes away. She got there at 10 minutes before time, so she decided to warm herself up and practise some moves she learned last time. Finally at five past eight her mentor walked in. She was the only student at the moment, due to the fact that the lessons lasted past curfew so you were in violation of the law. That didn’t matter to her though, she wanted to be able to defend herself and she really liked her mentor. He was like the father she never had. “Good evening Victoria” said a man in a white kimono. The woman, which we learn her name is Victoria, turned to the man, bowed and said “Good evening sensei”.

After almost two and a half hours of sparring, and mostly getting beat up, Victoria collapsed on the floor, panting hard. Her sensei smiled down her “You’re getting better every time we meet, you’re the fastest learning student I ever had Victoria.” Victoria looked up and blinked, this was the first time in six months her sensei gave her a compliment. Her sensei smiles at her response “Go take a shower Victoria and meet me back here in thirty minutes, I have something to show you.” Victoria bows to her sensei and takes of to the showers. She’s grateful for the warm water, it washes away the sweat and dirt. After the shower Victoria feels refreshed and as good as new. She changes into leather pants, black corset top, black girly combat boots. She also weares a silver cross necklace, a blond wig and brown contacts. She has to wear the wig and contacts to become unrecognizable. It was already past curfew and if she’d get busted for being out this late, there will be a high price to pay.

Victoria walks back into the dojo, to find her sensei sitting at a table. Sensei notices her standing in the doorway and gestures her to sit next to her. It is only then that she sees the object sprawled out o the table. There lay needles, ink, a set of keys, a gun and a couple of swords. Victoria looks up to her sensei with question written in her eyes. Sensei smiles and begins to speak “My dearest Victoria, today is the day you have finished your training. I have thought you everything I know. Today is the day the apprentice becomes the master” Victoria doesn’t reply and simply nods in understanding. “You are probably wondering what the object at the table has to with that. The needles and the ink are used for tattoos, I offer you the tattoo of the legendary Black Dragon which I believe its spirit flows trough your veins.” Victoria’s eyes began to shimmer in delight, she knows what a great honour it is to receive a tattoo from a sensei, especially the one representing the Black Dragon, the most holy symbol in the Japanese culture. A couple of months ago Victoria also received two tattoos on her inner wrist. It’s tribal, the one on her right inner wrist symbolizes psychical strength and the one on her left inner wrist symbolizes spiritual power.

“The other objects on the table are gifts from me. I had the blades and the katana custom made for you. The gun is an extra, since I want you to be able to defend yourself with firearms since the government also uses them. And the keys, well the keys belong to a hide out. After tonight you will assume a new identity, so you will no longer be safe in your old house. You can move in right away, all you personal belongings are there already including Casey of course.” Victoria looked up to her sensei with tears shimmering in her eyes, this man has done so much for her without expecting much in return. “Thank you sensei, I appreciate your gifts and care for me perhaps more than words can ever say.”

Another half an hour later Victoria left the dojo, complete with her gifts. Her new tattoo still stings a bit in her neck but it will pass in time. She strapped the katana to her waist, the blades are attached to her combat boots and the gun is tied to her upper leg. If anybody was to mess with her right now, they would surely regret it. With a content feeling Victoria walks trough the alleys heading towards her new home, not knowing that the next thirty minutes would change her life.





Los Angeles

14:47 May 15 2007
Times Read: 592

Hello, I have started to write a story (..again..) and I would love to get some ideas on it. feel free to message me!


Los Angeles.

The city of lost angels.

How ironic.

A lost angel I would seem to be.

The sound of my heels hitting the pavement echoes trough the deserted street. A rush of wind makes me shiver. You never know what roams on the streets on this time of night. I have got my fingers crossed. Not tonight. Not now. Just a few more blocks. I keep on walking in a steady pace, trying hard not to draw needles attention. A screeching sound from my right suddenly breaks the silence. I quicken my pace and focus my eyes on the street ahead. Damn me and my great ideas. I should have taken a cap home from the airport. No time for regrets now. What’s done is done. From seemingly out of nowhere a figure appears in front of me, blocking my path. I turn on my heel and try to walk of in the opposite direction, only to come face to face with another figure. Great, there’s more than one of them. I look the man in front of me directly in the eye, what I see frightens me. They say the eyes are the window of the soul and this man, well, he has no soul. The insanity shone largely is his bulging eyes. I quickly glanced to my left and saw an alley. Relief washed over me.


yes, I know; it's not even one page long...



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