artemka's Journal

artemka's Journal


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21 entries this month

Vampling again ....

21:14 Sep 29 2006
Times Read: 869

LoL, you dizzy yet ?

Went off and annoyed some ppl on the forums, rated a few profiles - found one really epic one but forgot to bookmark it d'oh, I'll never find it now

Anyhow by the time I was done I had my vampling status pretty much nailed down, so I shouldn't slip back too fast




Bloodsucker again ...

14:11 Sep 29 2006
Times Read: 873

tsk there I was happy in being a vampling and I have sorta slid back into bloodsucker.

I thought that may happen because I had completed 0% of that level.

Anyhow I am putting in some time here in geography class - if anyone looks can y'all look like a rainfall chart of Africa please




Projectile vomiting

16:04 Sep 28 2006
Times Read: 880

can't be beat ... it gets you out of school and its entertaining, a mite painful its true but the benefits are great :)




I am vampling !!!!!

19:37 Sep 27 2006
Times Read: 889

On September 4th I said I wanted to be a vampling and, guess what, well I'm a vampling right now wooooooooooooooooooo

*does little vampling dance*

.... this place is just epic


(The Vampling)




What a great read

10:40 Sep 27 2006
Times Read: 891

I finished the profile I was talking about before, it's a bit gorey but its great. It's here

I've suggested that he adds it as a members article but he can't do that until he's level 16 :(




Another day

22:04 Sep 24 2006
Times Read: 906

I have spent waaaayyyy too much time in here again this weekend. I did go into town this morning and didn't get onto here until about 4pm then I spent nearly 5 hours rating everything in the vampire database - theres some real neat stuff in there but I don't think anyone is weeding it out - unless you need info on 2004 events. Still I done my bit by putting a suggestion or two forward for some more stuff to go in there

I have promised myself not to come in here tomorrow. I have swimming after school anyway so I can probably resist the urge LoL

Anyhow its an early night, I was up late yesterday so I had best hit the hay now -

Night night reader, wherever you are




RIP my thread

23:36 Sep 23 2006
Times Read: 911

My forum thread died, it got too long and was RIP'd by the system - it went out in a little blaze tho :)

I'm gonna miss it, it kept me busy for three days

I seem to be a Wraith now - I am spending waaaaaaaaaay too much time on this site

Dad had a look in earlier. I had upset someone with my simple look on life, he had to add a few words to explain what it was I was trying to say to put out the fire. It's all fixed now I hope

.... until the next time :)




Count Duckula

18:54 Sep 22 2006
Times Read: 923

LoL my thread is still going on the forum ... a few ppl are still answering my original question and not the thread that has grown

Two guys have kinda hijacked it to make a fight about 'real' vampires which was nothing to do with my question. I was going to close my thread :( because of this but saw that someone who had started to ask about 'true vampires' had had her thread closed cos it was being talked about on my thread. It seems that my poor thread is going to have to be the place where it is thrashed out

I should have asked ".... is Count Duckula a good TV image for a vampire" To be honest that's how the question started in my mind.

Anyhow I shared my post with my humanities class and started to answer with a sort of team effort, lots of research - links - big words - everything ... all that happened was one of the guys ignored the points where he was 110% wrong and ploughed on with statements that sound really made up. The other guy is making a good solid case based on what sounds like fact

Anyhow I became a Specter overnight, dunno when that happened I must have missed it

I had a trawl round the database and found a really cool belt. I clicked the link but it was broke, then I realised a lot of the links were broke ... :( dunno how to report it, oh well

I found a really kewl profile, I'm only about halfway down it right now and I'll post a link here if it carries on how it started.

Buh Bye reader, whoever you are :)





22:34 Sep 20 2006
Times Read: 928

My forum topic is still going strong !! I tell you what its really hard work to keep folk on track. I've had em chasing all over the place for definitions of what I meant - I thought they would have got the idea. Its been a few days but I am getting there. I wonder how these folks who just dump a question and run away keep their question on track.

I have had a bunch of spam mail on my new vampirerave eMail - I guess some webbot has crawled over the site and picked up my eMail while I was stupid enough to show it off on my profile. I now have 30 eMails telling me my penis is too small :(

I had an eMail from Lassat (not LordLassat, this guy sauys he's the real deal). Nice of him, you'd have thought that after hundreds of years of vampiring he would have something better than a hotmail account but hey times are hard. He says he's the real Lassad and I should add him to my MSN messenger - well call me sus, but I don't reckon he's Lassat at all. I sent him a 2GB movie file of Kermit the frog on his eMail - I hope he likes downloading it :)

Its real late, I had to go to swimming, then homework, so its bedtime ... night night reader





You can bite yourself !!!

20:48 Sep 19 2006
Times Read: 939

Oh yes you can .... LoL




Lurking the forums

20:57 Sep 18 2006
Times Read: 951

Unclean spirit now .... I mean just how cool is that! this place is really really epic - I have found one freaky guy but eh :)

.... Your question makes no sense. Several members have graciously tried to clarify it, but the issue of a proper answer becomes moot without a question. I am closing this thread .... so try to articulate what you mean and pose your question again, thank you

LoL this is forum administrator speak

I would have said ... what the hell are you talking about?





22:38 Sep 17 2006
Times Read: 958

How the heck was I meant to get that ?

(Playing hangman btw)




I've been soooo busy

22:11 Sep 17 2006
Times Read: 961

Went to town today, woooooooo - bought me a new pillow dontchaknow, if I had known that was what we were going in for, I wouldn't have gone LoL

Anyhow I bought me a DVD 'the Night Flier' its cert 18 and no-one seemed to notice or care that I was buying it - I have to go in that shop more often

Got onto 'the rave' properly late afternoon (I snuck in first thing too) , not a lot happening right now - my forum thread is still going strong though

Played with my profile a lot, managed to delete it completely at one stage - the way people rate things, I wondered if it would get a better rating as a blank page rather than me slaving over it

One kind person left me a simple comment '10' that was nice except they actually rated me 6 - must have been a typo - yeah right

Still I managed to get most of my profile back on, added a few lines of French, German, Russian and Ukrainian to try and get ppl to message me in English

I spent an age shading out my hoodie on my avantar pic, looks a lot more mysterious now - well, I like it and that's all that matters

So tomorrow is another school day. I left my timetable behind and i simply can't remember what is on Mondays. I've done all my homework but I do like to know these things LoL

Anyhow I saw that one, count em, ONE - person has visited my journal over the last two days - so I guess

I am NOT alone




I'm a fiend ...

16:09 Sep 16 2006
Times Read: 983

**does little fiend dance ...**

to celebrate I'm gonna stalk someone - don't know who, don't know why, but it's probably the only thing I haven't clicked yet

I also managed to get a countdown timer to my birthday, it wouldn't go into the middle of the thing at first - then, after I dumped it into a table and made that go into the middle, I had this huge gap above and below it

I spent an age fiddling with the html code (sorry to anyone who was trying to view my profile during this time) but I managed to figure out what was going wrong !!!! and I fixed it all by myself *faints*

Anyhow I now have a folder on the PC with all my profile pics and the code all copied to a notepad doc - I'm not going thru that again lol

It's just about midnight now and I really have to go to bed ...

night night reader, where ever you are




Today, so what's happened

14:28 Sep 16 2006
Times Read: 989

Well I have done sooo much today

First off I couldn't sleep, so all my homework got done before I would normally wake up - I might make that some sort of routine because it really adds so much time to the day

I washed Dad's car - one more and I've paid off my membership here woooooooo

I managed to add a nodding cat to my profile and I started a thread in the forum that wasn't RIA'd !!!

Rated a bunch of ppl and started to get irked. Some of the profiles are like same ole > same ole, skim ur way down thru a huge quiz and try and see if there is anything left worth rating ...

Then I found some newbies, who had no profile at all - I mean none - three people had rated them and they had 10, like d'uh how can they have rated a blank page 10

I found a bunch of profiles with lots of html code visible, in fact it made a nonsense of the whole thing, you couldn't read it ... so I leave a comment about it and move on - I go back to see if they fixed it or not to find they haven't, that's no prob but its the people who have rated AFTER me who have said stuff like 'great profile 10' - I am beginning to think I am the only one who is actually reading them before clicking the thingie

Going to cook my own tea tonight - so far I have peeled both potatoes and got them soaking in water - haven't decided what else to do but it will contain sliced lamb, gravy granules and string beans .... its 2:28pm, I have already eaten the ice cream





20:15 Sep 14 2006
Times Read: 993

I gave a talk about net communities at school today, so I did the rave

Now I don't want to brag but my school is for people who really want to learn, our lessons are all double lessons and we do a lot of subjects, most of us start sitting our GCSEs a couple of years before everyone else does [ sorry americans I don't have a clue how to explain that to you :) ]

This is usually all fine and dandy when we have our noses stuck in our books or glued to a screen somewhere, but some of the guys are really geeky

I start and I get as far as word #6 'vampire' and up goes a hand - I ran out of time because they were all asking such stupid questions

Anyhow I invited the brainiacs to watch me play Cancer's hangman game - I have more luck when I do it my own way (vowels followed by eenie meenie mineee moe) they didn't get one word right, not one single word

So why am I writing this, well when I logged on I had it all sorted out in my brain a really flowing piece of journal - but as soon as the window opened my brain went to mush. I thought if I just typed it might all come together but neh ...

OK OK I'm rambling now ... gonna lie down somewhere lol





20:58 Sep 12 2006
Times Read: 999

heheheh I can tell you that the jump from a phantom to a Shade isn't easy.

Its the amount of time you have to spend, I mean like I managed to do an hour at school (it was geography, so no-one noticed lol) - but I guess it gives u a greater sense of actually doing something.

I just realised that as part of the rating is a % of stuff that can be rated, and the amount of stuff that can be rated is growing every day - it was easier to get the higher levels when there were only wood-burning computers :)

I make sure now that I dash in each day and rate all the newbies - so I don't fall behind, it doesn't take long.

I am thinking long and hard on magic and vampires, it keeps getting dragged off towards satanism - once I have it all researched, I am going to post the most direct and debated forum post there ever will be ... watch errrr ... that space lol (knowing my luck it will be RIA'd within 10 mins, but I have a cunning backup plan)

anyhow that's enough for all you readers in journal land.





23:01 Sep 11 2006
Times Read: 1,006

In case I didn't mention it before I am now a premium member. The only bump on the process was Dad forgetting his paypal password - it is soooo good. Only four more car washes and I have paid for it woooo hoooo - $21 (£11.55) for a whole year, c'mon its got to be worth it

I made my own stamp thing:

Vampire Rave - The Ultimate Vampire Resource and Directory - http://www/VampireRave.com

So far in my quest to rate % of things that can be rated I have found



Members Articles, and



Anyhow .... here I am in Phantomdom, seems strange that I am up here rubbing shoulders with people that have been doing this for ages.

I was wandering around the house members list thing when I found a favor rating that I didn't seem to have.

A quick visit to the well-thumbed VR Manual send me crashing (as only I can do) into the contests page - met a couple of really nice people in there too - SeleneTremere and RYBAXXX - they showed me how to play 5x5x5 and I finally managed to win a game - that is NOT a quick game lol - still I managed to get some favor

Had a nice lady message to say she liked my music, so I guess the MP3 I spent an age embedding yesterday works :) - I don't have admin setting on the family computer so I can't instal the plugin to run my own profile :(

Anyhow I don't think anyone reads these journals, but I'll keep writing away ...




Penguin adoption

20:36 Sep 05 2006
Times Read: 1,016

Yesterday I adopted a virtual penguin

my pet!




Today is an EPIC day

21:16 Sep 04 2006
Times Read: 1,019

I really really wanted to be a Ghoul - it was a real chore but I DONE IT

I went off to celebrate in the forums, as ya do, and caused havoc

Noticed that when the forum threads die - so do your forum post stats - hmmmmm

then ....

then ....

I get a message from STABB666 who I have seen round moderating things here and there - he invited ever so nicely to look over a house and apply if I want.

I mean like how cool is that !!!!

I know no-one reads these things, but hey one day someone will dig up an old server and wonder what its all about :)

I next like to be a vampling, but don't like the steps in between, so that's gotta wait until my next school hols - I'm just gonna try and hover now lol

Stay tuned .....


(The Ghoul)




I'm a shadow !!

18:52 Sep 01 2006
Times Read: 1,027

LoL I know I posted only yesterday about becoming a mosquito, that lasted a day -

I kinda got carried away and next thing I know it was 1am and the next thing I knew, I was a shadow!

Its the last day of my school hols today, after the weekend I am back to same ole > same ole, so I spent most of the day reading thru the members articles to work out how to make my profile better and learn a lot about other ppl's views on stuff - how cool is that.

Also started hunting the site for the little bat that will win me a free premium membership. I haven't found it (yet) but it sure has given me an idea how vast this site is : and I haven't looked thru all the profiles yet

Still haven't bit anyone, gonna do that soon :)

Don't think anyone actually reads these, so I kinda think I'm writing a letter to myself here hehehe



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