crimsonxxtears's Journal

crimsonxxtears's Journal


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10 entries this month

00:09 Nov 27 2007
Times Read: 684

The fog is here

The fog traps me

Chains me

Bound and lost

Weary and broken

Here comes the fire

Here comes the pain

Trough the fog

People see light

People hear screams

They see the girl chained and bound

weary and broken

Scream in unretching pain

Hearts break

Stomachs turning

Screams heard throughout the land

Begging sobs

Weaping pleas

Help this child someone crys

Help this soul before she dies

Out of the darkness comes a light

Penatrating ending night

Water is splashed and thrown

Almost to late to save his mate

Hissing and shouts of joy

Turn to sorrow as he unchains her

A lost little girl is no more

In a lovers arms

She breaths no more

A scream of anger

A scream of pain leaves the lovers lips

Tear filled eyes

He brings her close to him

He looks upon her snow white face stained with smuges from the fire

Brings his lips on hers

Light rises in the sky

As a sound his heard

He looks upon his love

Torn between anger and sorrow

He lays his mates unmoving body on the ground

Stands to see the murdering retch

He moves to fight

You took my love from me

Brought unending night to my life

My heart is gone

My soul is dead

You foul beast

Your time is up

You will burn in hell as did my love

The fight was feirce

The fight was clear

The man cared not for mercy

The smell of death was all around

As was the strange scent of life

He bested the man and tied him there

Were is lover once was bound

He lit the torch and was ready to light

As a soft hand touched his shoulder

A small and gentle voice was heard

He droped the torch and spun around

There she stood weak but strong

Murdering another for the death of one is never the answer

Tho I am alive you were set to let him die

A life for a life is never won

Let him go

Set him free

You and I are meant to be

Let us to become as our souls have done

No loner chained and bound am I

Set to live a life with you

My heart

My soul

My world

My universe

Let us go to where we belong

And let this mans hate be done

The mates hands met

As they held and kissed each other

The time of peace was spent

The man broke free and tried to kill

But his life was taken

By the sword the man held

Set free to live

Now no longer two forever

But one heart

One soul

One world

One universe




Selfish Creature

02:47 Nov 08 2007
Times Read: 702

You selfish creature

Do you know who you hurt

Do you know what you do when you come around

You came and hurt me many times

You haunt my dreams

You beging to rule my world again

Do you only pick on me and my family

Do you really enjoy giving me pain

Do you enjoy seeing me cry

Do you know what you leave inside me when your here

Do you know I cry myself to sleep because of you

Do you know I fear you the most

You leave me empty and boken

You leave with words unspoken

I scream frightened and alone

So do others that i know

Do you searche us out

Is it all a game to you

Do you beat us and leave us for dead

In hopes that it will be us that you come for

I see myself after you take me

I see not many there to morn me

I see that you are no longer my friend

My constant companion

You told me lies

You deceived me

You selfish creature

Go to hell where you belong

You are no longer needed here

Stop hurting me

Stop hurting them

Come here no more

i dont need you anymore




00:31 Nov 07 2007
Times Read: 714

I was in darkness

I was lost

I was broken

I was chained

I was bound

To the only thing I knew


You broke through the door

You brought in the light

You broke the chains that held me bound to never ending pain

You showed me the way out

You fixed me

No longer shattered in a million pieaces

No longer screaming for help that would never come

No longer kept in fear

Months have passed

Somethings have happend

I laughed

I smiled

I cried

And all the while you were by my side

After i laughed I looked in the mirror

Nothing was different

After i smiled i touched my lips

Nothing was different

After I cried I whiped a tear drop away

Nothing was different

At least I thought nothing was

My heart started to beat to life

My soul started to shine

I have never felt so good before

All the while I thought all hope was lost

Now here you stand

Ready for anything

I am finding myself feeling things I have never felt before

I am finding myself wanting

I am finding myself needing

But what?

At night I turn and see you lying next to me

Your arms draped over me

Your warm breath one my skin

And I realize

Its you

I dont move

I dont blink

I dont even breathe

I feel your hold tighten

I feel your lips touch my skin

I see your eyes open

I feel your gaze on me

I suddenly feel scared

Is it all a good dream

Am I still in that dark place

You seem to know what im thinking

You pull me closer to you

You kiss me gently on my lips

Your words come out so softly

Baby its real

Im here

Your here

That was only a tragic nightmare

Now your hear with me

Where forever we shall stay

In eachothers warm embrace




00:09 Nov 07 2007
Times Read: 723

A candle burns for you

A candle burns for me

Does that mean we are two weprate flames?

Only when we are apart are we two

We do not touch

We do not see

We do not feel

But when we are joined together

Together forever that flame will burn

When we are apart

Our buning light will huide us home to eachother

To hold for a lifetime

To kiss for a lifetime

Our flames will soon be together as one

For your light is leading me through the darkness to you

Together forever we burn as one




14:21 Nov 06 2007
Times Read: 746

I hear a bump bump

I wonder what it is

I listen for it again

I hear nothing

I go back to my work

I hear it again

Bump bump

I freeze

What does it mean

I listen for it again


I go back to work

Bump bump

There it is again

This time something else happened

As it made that noise

I felt it in my chest

How strange

Bump bump bump bump

Louder it goes

I feel it go in my chest

A fast tapping

What is it

Whats wrong

Am I sick

Bump bump bump bump bump bump

Oh my god what is it

Then you walk in the door

The conitinuos noise settles

That feeling in my chest settles

You wrap me in your arms

Kiss me

I melt

For some reason

I feel ok

You tighten your hold

You deepen the kiss

And I know what that was

My heart

My heart ached for you

My soul cried for you

You were not here

But now you are

I know that im ok

Because you are near




14:04 Nov 06 2007
Times Read: 748

Nothing is good without you

Nothing has meaning without you

Nothing ever shines

Nothing ever dances

Nothing ever passes by

Exept one sorrowfull thing




Shattered dreams that hold no harbor now

Because without you

Nothing seems to matter

My heart aches for the touch of you

My lips ache for the taste of you

My soul shines for you

My eyes wish to see you

My ears wish to hear you

My arms wish to hold you

You give me so much

You are the reason I get up

You are the reason I walk

You are the reason I run

You are the reason I fight

You are the one that holds me above the water

You are the one that blocks the sea

You are the one that makes me see

That there are things to live for

You are my friend

You are my lover

You are my dream

You are my world

Without you in my life

I know that i would be nothing but a hollow shell

But I am with you now

I have everything I need

Tonight I hold you in my dreams

Tonight I hold you in my heart

Tongiht you are with my soul

Shining so bright

That it feels like heaven

Tonight I call you mine

Tonight I feel like I'm finally home

This is my heart saying

I love you

You are my everything




12:35 Nov 06 2007
Times Read: 751

I need you more then rain

I need you more then I need to breathe

I need you more then I need to see

I need you more then I need the sea

I need more then life

I need more then death

I need more then I need earth

I need you more then I need to bleed

I need you more then the man needs the moon

I need you more then the sun

I need you more then the stars

I need you more then the cold wind

I need you more then a broken heart

I need you more then a shattered world

I need you more then I need hope

I need you more then I need faith

I need to hold you

I need to kiss you

I need to hear you breathe

I need to hear your hear beat

I need to feel you next to me

Because I need to live

You give me life

You give me hope

You give me the rain

You give me a whole new world

You are my world

My sun

My moon

My skies

You are my dreams

Everything I need in life

You are my home

I will always need you

Even when you don’t need me




03:14 Nov 06 2007
Times Read: 763

When your gone

Someething dies inside me

That only seems to burn when you are near

When you gone

I feel so lost and empty

You dont realize what you do to me

You make my heart beat with joy

You make me laugh when everyone else fail

But when your gone

I have nothing, but the memory of you once being there

But when you are here

I feel so alive

I feel so happy

I just want to hold you

And I always do

When you are here

I laugh, i sing, I cry

No tears of sorrow are spilt

Only simple tears of happiness of having you near

When you are here

I sleep better

knowing your in my embrace

The only time I wake is when I want to look at you

Then soon after I know your sleeping well I join you in slumber

You whipe my tears of sorrow away

You hold me even after Im ok

The only time you leave me alone

Is when you have no choice

When you are here

I tell you I love you every day

I kiss you hard

I feel your warmth

I feel your love

When you are here

I never want to let you go

For I always fear

That you will somehow disapear




02:48 Nov 06 2007
Times Read: 768

I wake to a tapping on my window

I see a flash of lighting enter the room

I hear the roar of thunder

I hear breathing

I hear a heart beat

I feel an arm wrapped around me

I feel a body next to me

I turn and to see you there

Sleeping like a baby

A smile comes across my lips

As a thought comes to my mind

Am I really awake?

Is this just a dream?

If it is please never let me wake

But then suddenly another light flashes into the room

I hear the tapping quicken and beat harder

I hear the thunder roar louder

I feel you tighten you hold on me

I feel your lips on my skin

And I know

Im not dreaming

I turn to face you

I see your eyes meet mine

A simple kiss it passed

Two hearts beating as one

We are together at last

Is all I hear you say

As we fall back to sleep

In eachothers embrace




01:31 Nov 06 2007
Times Read: 797

You are the strgnth that keeps me walking

You are the hope that keeps me trusting

You are the light to my soul

You are my purpose..........

My everything

My love

I need you

I want you

You are my rock

You calm the storm when it is to hard to handle

You make it rain to wash the trouble away

You are my earth

You are my heaven

You are my galaxy that i could gaze into forever

All I ask is one thing my love

Let me keep you forever

Be by night

Be my stars

Be my light when it is dark

Be my blanket when it is to cold

Let me be yours

Till the end of time

I love you



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