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On Yoga

23:29 Jan 16 2012
Times Read: 537

Yoga means “union” it is as simple as that. Just as the word religion means a “binding together” so too does Yoga actually infer a spiritual practice meant to unite body and mind with consciousness or “soul,” if you will permit such a term. I prefer consciousness so as to remove this ancient tradition from its mystical connotations, which will surely distract one from its intended outcome, simply to increase your awareness of your body and to facilitate your mind to better control its organization. So please for the time being let us refrain from superstition and move onto a more scientific hypotheses.

Our first lesson in Yoga is with “Yama” or “Control.” It is the backbone of the Yogic tradition as it is a means to an end in most of the aspects of this art and it has been falsely translated as morality and has done much to cause confusion in its application by inferring some form of bodily denial on the participant, this is simply puritanical balderdash that somehow equates pain with good and pleasure with evil. “Parana” is the breath, that of which if you did not do, you would surely die, yet, as the sages of old have said, if you were able to control your breath, you would extend your life invariably. Modern science has even backed this up to some degree and great singers have always known that the more you breathe right the more you sing better. So combining these two words we get Paranayama or “Breath Control” and its use is simple controlling the flow of the breathe in a slow, deep and rhythmic motion. This can be done with the assistance of a metronome for those of you with a familiarity with music instruction. Or you can simply follow the rise and fall of your hand as you Breathe. This will take some getting used to but do not get discouraged, some take to it better than others, just remember that practice makes perfect.

The second Lesson is “Asana” or “Posture.”Again if we combine this with “Yama” we get “Posture Control” or Asana-yama. This is harder than Parana as our body does not like to sit still and will fight to go back into motion. This was the hardest for D as well as he has naturally been fidgety since being a young teen with a restless nature that refused to be still. Just as the silence breaks into the rapture the stillness breaks into being. Posture is all important in Yoga but do not be fooled by those that tell you that Yoga is posture alone and that it is simply a system of stretching exercises. Nothing could be farther from the truth and those that prattle about this nonsense need to reacquaint themselves with this truly arcane discipline. So once you have the breathing down and have found a somewhat comfortable posture to assume you combine your “Parana” with your “Asana” and gain “Yama” over them both respectively. Again Practice! Practice! Practice! Then will you achieve mastery over your body.

Before I go over the next lesson I want to touch upon “Niyama” a most misunderstood and misrepresented aspect of Yoga. It means “virtue” and like “Yama” above has been fallaciously translated and has caused much perplexity in its true application to this system of union. Virtue, what is this word? What does it mean? Virtue is complex and is defined differently by various institutions that think they have it all pinned down. To some it is like the misuse of the definition of Yama a restricting of the body of all the aspects of pleasure. Many orders of monks have took up this line of thought and in our modern times we have seen the repercussions of this by the heinous acts perpetuated by men on our children when they have failed in their virtue. So you should discount this approach as being not human. Man is a being of volitional consciousness and when you force him into something outside of his nature only abominations will ensue. So cutting off certain aspects of your natural desires is neither advisable nor necessary in this day and age now that we are in a more enlightened age. No I think virtue is of an entirely different character than we have supposed for centuries. We have also been told that virtue is in the denial or shedding of the ego, of the act of selfishness that is at the core of man. His sinful nature that must be expunged at all cost. But is this really good, is it healthy? Is not this ego like the desire we spoke of before just another part that makes us human. Is being selfish and wanting a better job, more money, a bigger house, more security for your family bad? Is selflessness better? Having no job, no desires, and kids without food on the table, living off welfare, hand outs, and whatever other scraps that happen to pass by like the wind. Is this virtue? Is this Moral? No it is not, they may have been able to fool people in the middle ages with such drivel but modern man is less likely to swallow such ballyhoo. With the economy going down the tubes and with people who have worked their butts off to put food on the table losing their jobs the idea that we are our brother’s keeper is wearing thin on our backs. No virtue or Niyama to modern man is more in alignment with a hard working ethic that produces tangible results that actually bring comfort to a species that came out of the dark cave of superstation so long ago. It is the same with the definition of Love; it is supposed to be selfless, divorced from want and desire, rooted in an act that becomes meaningless the more one tries to comprehend it. For what value or virtue could Love have for your life if it brought not increase but decrease? What would you gain from falling in love with someone who had nothing to offer you, nothing that you desired; it was only done as alms or charity? If your mate approached you and said you were a horrible wretch who meant nothing to them but they loved you anyway, wanted to marry you, and it would somehow better their nature by doing this, because anything otherwise would be selfish. No sane man or woman would accept this but this is what they want you to swallow, the Kool-Aid they want you to drink. No this cannot be what virtue truly is or means. The objectivist position is more correct in this matter so much more rooted in objective reality rather than self denial, for no apparent justification or evidence for this arrangement. Doing a hard days labor, bringing knowledge and goods into existence is a much nobler endeavor to strive toward. This is Virtue.

Now that certain facts have been cleared up and misconceptions corrected let us move on as enough has been said concerning virtue. Please refer to Mrs. Rand’s wonderful treatise “The virtue of selfishness” for a detailed account and more clarifying points to more elucidate this matter. The diligent student would do well to familiarize oneself with the body of her work so as to not fall in the chasm that has swallowed so many of the would be practitioner’s of this scared art of occult science. So many have died penniless, broke, addicted to drugs, addled with insanity, scourged with disease, and poverty of the mind because they have divorced themselves with the most valuable tools at their disposal. This ability to formulate thought through reason, the realization that there are only two choices possible to make in life, think or not think, so study the past of all these long gone masters and choose as the choice is yours.

“Pratyahara” is introspection and a deepening of the thought process, of focusing the thought process into a single stream of consciousness. This leads to “Dharana” or meditation proper, of controlling the mind and having it so focused that you are becoming singular in thought or being are enflamed by your very thinking process. This sounds confusing as it should because it is, yet it is no more confusing than the suburb athlete trying to explain to the novice how they hit that home run. That it is as much of a mental process as it is skill. Many athletes speak of a “zone” that they enter just before this homerun is achieved. Explaining how they got into this zone is as mysterious as “Dharana” and trying to bestow this same accomplishment is like asking the impossible. It just has to be experienced to be perceived, like a kid who has just discovered how to ride a bike; they just did it all of a sudden and got it. Trying to explain to them about the mechanics of balance and the proper momentum will tell them nothing about how to achieve this. This aspect of Yoga is very much like this it just has to be experienced and then you have it for life.




Bible Contradictions

23:21 Jan 16 2012
Times Read: 538

Some Apparent Bible Contradictions:

God is satisfied / dissatisfied with his works.

Gen 1:31 / Gen 6:6

God dwells / dwells not in chosen temples.

2 Chron 7:12,16 / Acts 7:48

God dwells in light / darkness.

1 Tim 6:16 / 1 Kings 8:12; Ps 18:11; Ps 97:2

God is seen and heard / invisible and cannot be heard.

Ex 33:23,11; Gen 3:9,10; Gen 32:30; Is 6:1; Ex 24:9-11 / John 1:18; John

5:37; Ex 33:20; 1 Tim 6:16

God is tired and rests / never tired and never rests.

Ex 31:17; Jer 15:6 / Is 40:28

God is everywhere present, sees and knows all things / not everywhere,

neither sees nor knows all things.

Prov 15:3; Ps 139:7-10; Job 34:22,21 / Gen 11:5; Gen 18:20,21; Gen 3:8

God knows the hearts of men / tries men to find out.

Acts 1:24; Ps 139:2,3 / Deut 13:3, 8:2; Gen 22:12

God is / is not all powerful.

Jer 32:27; Mt 19:26 / Judg 1:19

God is unchangeable / changeable.

James 1:17; Mal 3:6; Ezek 24:14; Num 23:19 / Gen 6:6; Jonah 3:10; 1 Sam 2:30,3

1; 2 Kings 20:1,4-6; Ex 33:1,3,17,14

God is just and impartial / unjust and partial.

Ps 92:15; Gen 18:25; Deut 32:4; Rom 2:11; Ezek 18:25 / Gen 9:25; Ex 20:5; Rom

9:11-13; Mt 13:12

God is / is not the author of evil.

Lam 3:38; Jer 18:11; Is 45:7; Amos 3:6; Ezek 20:25 / 1 Cor 14:33; Deut 32:4;

James 1:13

God gives freely to those who ask / withholds blessings.

James 1:5; Luke 11:10 / John 12:40; Josh 11:20; Is 63:17

God can / cannot be found by seekers.

Mt 7:8; Prov 8:17 / Prov 1:28

God is warlike / peaceful.

Ex 15:3; Is 51:15 / Rom 15:33; 1 Cor 14:33

God is cruel, unmerciful, destructive and ferocious / kind, merciful and


Jer 13:14; Deut 7:16; 1 Sam 15:2,3; 1 Sam 6:19; Deut 4:24 / James 5:11; Lam

3:33; 1 Chron 16;34; Ezek 18:32; Ps 145:9; 1 Tim 2:4; 1 John 4:16; Ps 25:8

God's anger is fierce, endures long / is slow and ends quickly.

Num 32:13; Num 25:4; Jer 17:4 / Ps 103:8; Ps 30:5

God commands, approves of and delights in burnt offerings, sacrifices and

holy days / disapproves of and has no pleasure in burnt offerings, sacrifices

and holy days.

Ex 29:36; Lev 23:27; Ex 29:18; Lev 1:9 / Jer 7:22; Jer 6:20; Ps 50:13,14; Is


God accepts / forbids human sacrifices.

2 Sam 21:8,9,14; Gen 22:2; Judg 11:30-32,34,38,39 / Deut 12:30,31

God tempts man / tempts no man.

Gen 22:1; 2 Sam 24:1; Jer 20:7; Mt 6:13 / James 1:13

God cannot lie / God lies by proxy, sends lying spirits.

Heb 6:18 / 2 Thes 2:11; 1 Kings 22:23; Ezek 14:9

God destroys / will not destroy man because of wickedness.

Gen 6:5,7 / Gen 8:21

God's attributes are revealed in his works / attributes cannot be discovered.

Rom 1:20 / Job 11:7; Is 40:28

There is but one God / there is a plurality of gods.

Deut 6:4 / Gen 1:26; Gen 3:22; Gen 18:1-3; 1 John 5:7

Robbery commanded / forbidden.

Ex 3:21,22; Ex 12:35,36 / Lev 19:13; Ex 20:15

Lying approved and sanctioned / forbidden.

Josh 2:4-6; James 2:25; Ex 1:18-20; 1 Kings 22:21,22 / Ex 20:16; Prov 12:22;

Rev 21:8

Hatred of the Edomite sanctioned / forbidden.

2 Kings 14:7,3 / Deut 23:7

Killing commanded / forbidden.

Ex 32:27 / Ex 20:13

Blood shedder must die / must not die.

Gen 9:5,6 / Gen 4:15

Making of images forbidden / commanded.

Ex 20:4 / Ex 25:18,20

Slavery and oppression ordained / forbidden.

Gen 9:25; Lev 25:45,46; Joel 3:8 / Is 58:6; Ex 22:21; Ex 21:16; Mt 23:10

Improvidence enjoined / condemned.

Mt 6:28,31,34; Luke 6:30,35; Luke 12:3 / 1 Tim 5:8; Prov 13:22

Anger approved / disapproved.

Eph 4:26 / Eccl 7:9; Prov 22:24; James 1:20

Good works to be seen of men / not to be seen.

Mt 5:16 / Mt 6:1

Judging of others forbidden / approved.

Mt 7:1,2 / 1 Cor 6:2-4, 5:12

Jesus taught non-resistance / taught and practiced physical resistance.

Mt 5:39; Mt 26:52 / Luke 22:36; John 2:15

Jesus warned followers not to fear being killed / Jesus himself avoided being


Luke 12:4 / John 7:1

Public prayer sanctioned / disapproved.

1 Kings 8:22,54; Kings 9:3 / Mt 6:5,6

Importunity in prayer commended / condemned.

Luke 18:5,7; Luke 11:8 / Mt 6:7,8

Wearing of long hair by men sanctioned / condemned.

Judg 13:5; Num 6:5 / 1 Cor 11:14

Circumcision instituted / condemned.

Gen 17:10 / Gal 5:2

The Sabbath instituted / repudiated.

Ex 20:8 / Is 1:13; Rom 14:5; Col 2:16

Creation / escape from Egypt reason for Sabbath.

Ex 20:11 / Deut 5:15

No work to be done on Sabbath under penalty of death / Jesus broke the

Sabbath and justified disciples to do same.

Ex 31:15; Num 15:32,36 / John 5:16; Mt 12:1-3,5

Baptism commanded / not commanded.

Mt 28:19 / 1 Cor 1:17,14

Every animal allowed for food / some animals prohibited.

Gen 9:3; 1 Cor 10:25; Rom 14:14 / Deut 14:7,8

Taking of oaths sanctioned / forbidden.

Num 30:2; Gen 21:23,24,31; Gen 31:53; Heb 6:13 / Mt 5:34

Marriage approved / disapproved.

Gen 2:18; Gen 1:28; Mt 19:5; Heb 13:4 / 1 Cor 7:1, 1 Cor 7:7,8

Freedom of divorce permitted / restricted.

Deut 24:1; Deut 21:10,11,14 / Mt 5:32

Adultery forbidden / allowed.

Ex 20:14; Heb 13:4 / Num 31:18; Hos 1:2; Hos 2:1-3

Marriage or cohabitation with a sister denounced / God blessed Abraham's

marriage to sister.

Deut 27:22; Lev 20:17 / Gen 20:11,12; Gen 17:16

A man may / may not marry his brother's widow.

Deut 25:5 / Lev 20:21

Hatred to kindred enjoined / condemned.

Luke 14:26 / Eph 6:2; Eph 5:25,29; 1 John 3:15

Intoxicating beverages recommended / discountenanced.

Prov 31:6,7; 1 Tim 5:23; Ps 104:15 / Prov 20:1; Prov 23:31,32

It is our duty to obey our rulers, who are god's ministers and punish evil

doers only / it is not our duty to always obey rulers who sometimes punish

the good and receive unto themselves damnation therefor.

Rom 13:1-3,6; Mt 23:2,3; 1 Pet 2:13,14; Eccl 8:2,5 / Ex 1:17,20; Dan 3:16,18;

Dan 6:9,7,10; Acts 4:26,27; Mark 12:38-40; Luke 23:11,24,33,35

Women's rights denied / affirmed.

Gen 3:16; 1 Tim 2:12; 1 Cor 14:34; 1 Pet 3:6 / Judg 4:4,14,15; Judg 5:7; Acts

2:18; Acts 21:9

Obedience to masters enjoined / obedience to God only.

Col 3:22,23; 1 Pet 2:18 / Mt 4:10; Mt 23:10; 1 Cor 7:23

There is / is no unpardonable sin.

Mark 3:29 / Acts 13:39

Man created before / after animals.

Gen 2:18,19 / Gen 1:25-27

Planting and harvest always / ceased for seven years.

Gen 8:22 / Gen 41:54,56

Pharaoh's heart hardened by God / pharaoh.

Ex 4:21; Ex 9:12 / Ex 8:15

All / not all cattle, horses died.

Ex 9:3,6 / Ex 14:9

Moses feared / did not fear pharaoh.

Ex 2:14,15,23; Ex 4:19 / Heb 11:27

24,000 / 23,000 died in plague.

Num 25:9 / 1 Cor 10:8

John the Baptist was / was not Elijah.

Mt 11:14 / John 1:21

Joseph's father was Jacob / Heli.

Mt 1:16 / Luke 3:23

Salah's father was Arphaxad / Cainan.

Gen 11:12 / Luke 3:35,36

14 / 13 generations from Abraham to David.

Mt 1:17 / Mt 1:2-6

14 / 13 generations from captivity to Jesus.

Mt 1:17 / Mt 1:12-16

Infant Jesus taken / not taken to Egypt.

Mt 2:14,15,19,21,23 / Luke 2:22,39

Jesus was tempted / not tempted in the wilderness.

Mark 1:12,13 / John 2:1,2

Two different genealogies of Jesus.

Mt 1:1-17 / Luke 3:23-38

Jesus is / is not son of David.

Mt 1:1; Luke 1:32; Rom 1:3 / Mt 22:43-46; Mark 12:36,37

Risen Jesus says touch me / touch me not.

John 20:27 / John 20:17

Jesus preached first sermon on the mount / plain.

Mt 5:1,2 / Luke 6:17,20

John in / not in prison when Jesus went into Galilee.

Mark 1:14 / John 1:43; John 3:22-24

Disciples to go forth with / without staff and sandals.

Mark 6:8,9 / Mt 10:9,10

Woman of Canaan / Greece besought Jesus.

Mt 15:22 / Mark 7:26

Two / one blind men besought Jesus.

Mt 20:30 / Luke 18:35,38

Jesus was crucified at the third / sixth hour.

Mark 15:25 / John 19:14,15

Two / one thieves reviled Jesus.

Mt 27:44; Mark 15:32 / Luke 23:39,40

Satan entered Judas at / before last supper.

John 13:27 / Luke 22:3,4,7

Judas hanged himself / died another way.

Mt 27:5 / Acts 1:18

Potter's field purchased by Judas / chief priests.

Acts 1:18 / Mt 27:6,7

One / two / three / more, women came to sepulchre.

John 20:1; Mt 28:1 / Mark 16:1; Luke 24:10

It was sunrise / before sunrise when they came to the sepulchre.

Mark 16:2 / John 20:1

Two angels standing / one angel sitting, at the sepulchre.

Luke 24:4 / Mt 28:2,5

Two / one angels in the sepulchre.

John 20:11,12 / Mark 16:5

Jesus was to be three / two days, nights in the grave.

Mt 12:40 / Mk 15:25,42,44-46; Mk 16:19

Holy ghost bestowed at / before Pentecost.

Acts 1:8,5; Acts 2:1,4 / John 20:22

Disciples to tarry in Jerusalem / go immediately to Galilee.

Mt 28:10 / Luke 24:49

Jesus first appeared to apostles in room / on a mountain.

Luke 24:33,36,37; John 20:19 / Mt 28:16,17

Jesus ascended from Mount Olivet / Bethany.

Acts 1:9,12 / Luke 24:50,51

Paul's attendants heard miraculous voice and stood / didn't hear and were


Acts 9:7 / Acts 22:9; Acts 26:14

Abraham departed for Canaan / unknown destination.

Gen 12:5 / Heb 11:8

Abraham had two / one sons.

Gal 4:22 / Heb 11:17

Keturah was Abraham's wife / concubine.

Gen 25:1 / 1 Chron 1:32

Abraham had one / six sons at 100, with / without providence.

Gen 21:2; Rom 4:19; Heb 11:12 / Gen 25:1,2

Jacob / Abraham bought a sepulchre from Hamor.

Josh 24:32 / Acts 7:16

God promised Canaan to Abraham and seed forever / Abraham and seed never

received promised land.

Gen 13:14,15,17; Gen 17:8 / Acts 7:5; Heb 11:9,13

Goliath / Goliath's brother was slain by Elhanan.

2 Sam 21:19 / 1 Chron 20:5

Ahaziah began reign in 12th / 11th year of Joram.

2 Kings 8:25 / 2 Kings 9:29

Michal had no / five children.

2 Sam 6:23 / 2 Sam 21:8

David was tempted by the Lord / by Satan, to number Israel.

2 Sam 24:1 / 1 Chron 21:1

Fighting men of Israel 800,000 / 1,100,000, Judah 500,000 / 470,000.

2 Sam 24:9 / 1 Chron 21:5

David sinned numbering Israel / never sinned except concerning Uriah.

2 Sam 24:10 / 1 Kings 15:5

Penalty for David's sin was seven / three years famine.

2 Sam 24:13 / 1 Chron 21:11,12

David took 700 / 7000 horsemen.

2 Sam 8:4 / 1 Chron 18:4

David bought threshing floor for 50 silver / 600 gold shekels.

2 Sam 24:24 / 1 Chron 21:25

David's throne to last forever / was cast down.

Ps 89:35-37 / Ps 89:44

Jesus is / is not equal to God.

John 10:30; Phil 2:5 / John 14:28; Mt 24:36

Jesus is / is not all-powerful.

Mt 28:18; John 3:35 / Mark 6:5

Law was / was not ended by Christian dispensation.

Luke 16:16; Eph 2:15; Rom 7:6 / Mt 5:17-19

Jesus' mission was / was not peace.

Luke 2:13,14 / Mt 10:34

Jesus did / did not receive testimony from man.

John 15:27 / John 5:33,34

Jesus' witness of himself is true / not true.

John 8:18,14 / John 5:31

Jesus died for friends / enemies.

John 15:13; John 10:11 / Rom 5:10

It was lawful / unlawful for the Jews to put Jesus to death.

John 19:7 / John 18:31

Children are / are not punished for parents sins.

Ex 20:5 / Ezek 18:20

Man is / is not justified by faith alone.

Rom 3:20; Gal 2:16; Gal 3:11,12; Rom 4:2 / James 2:21,24; Rom 2:13

It is impossible / possible to fall from grace.

John 10:28; Rom 8:38,39 / Ezek 18:24; Heb 6:4-6; 2 Pet 2:20,21

No man is without sin / Christians are sinless.

Prov 20:9; Eccl 7:20; Rom 3:10 / 1 John 3:9,6,8

Resurrection of the dead / no resurrection of the dead.

Cor 15:52; Rev 20:12,13; Luke 20:37; 1 Cor 15:16 / Job 7:9; Eccl 9:5; Is


Reward and punishment to be on this world / next world.

Prov 11:31 / Rev 20:12; Mt 16:27; 2 Cor 5:10

Annihilation for all mankind / endless misery for some.

Job 3:11,13-17,19-22; Eccl 9:5,10; Eccl 3:19,20 / Mt 25:46; Rev 20:10,15; Rev

14:11; Dan 12:2

Earth will / will never be destroyed.

2 Pet 3:10; Heb 1:11; Rev 20:11 / Ps 104:5; Eccl 1:4

Evil does not / does happen to the godly.

Prov 12:21; 1 Pet 3:13 / Heb 12:6; Job 2:3,7

Worldly good and prosperity / misery and destruction are the lot of the


Prov 12:21; Ps 37:28,32,33,37; Ps 1:1,3; Gen 39:2; Job 42:12 / Heb 11:37,38;

Rev 7:14; 2 Tim 3:12; Luke 21:17

Worldly prosperity a reward of righteousness and a blessing / a curse and a

bar to future reward.

Mark 10:29,30; Ps 37:25; Ps 112:1,3; Job 22:23,24; Prov 15:6 / Luke 6:20; Mt

6:19,21; Luke 16:22; Mt 19:24; Luke 6:24

Christian yoke is / is not easy.

Mt 11:28-30 / 2 Tim 3:12; Heb 12:6,8

Fruit of the spirit is love and gentleness / vengeance and fury.

Gal 5:22 / Judg 15:14; 1 Sam 18:10,11

Longevity enjoyed by / denied to the wicked.

Job 21:7,8; Ps 17:14; Eccl 8:12; Is 65:20 / Eccl 8:13; Ps 55:23; Prov 10:27;

Heb 36:14; Eccl 7:17

Poverty is a blessing / riches a blessing / neither a blessing.

Luke 6:20,24; James 2:5; Prov 10:15; Job 22:23,24 / Job 42:12; Prov 30:8,9

Wisdom a source of enjoyment / vexation, grief, sorrow.

Prov 3:13,17 / Eccl 1:17,18

A good name is a blessing / curse.

Eccl 7:1; Prov 22:1 / Luke 6:26

Laughter commended / condemned.

Eccl 3:1,4; Eccl 8:15 / Luke 6:25; Eccl 7:3,4

Rod is remedy for foolishness / there is no remedy.

Prov 22:15 / Prov 27:22

A fool should be / not be answered according to his folly.

Prov 26:5 / Prov 26:4

Temptation desirable / not desirable.

James 1:2 / Mt 6:13

Prophesy is / not sure.

2 Pet 1:19 / Jer 18:7-10

Man's life was to be 120 / 70 years.

Gen 6:3 / Ps 90:10

Fear of man put upon every beast / but not the lion.

Gen 9:2 / Prov 30:30

Miracles proof / not proof of divine mission.

Mt 11:2-5; John 3:2; Ex 14:31 / Ex 7:10-12; Deut 13:1-3; Luke 11:19

Moses was a very meek / cruel man.

Num 12:3 / Num 31:15,17

Elijah went up to heaven / only Jesus ascended to heaven.

2 Kings 2:11 / John 3:13

All scripture is inspired / some scripture is not inspired.

2 Tim 3:16 / 1 Cor 7:6,12; 2 Cor 11:17



05:33 Jan 17 2012

I find these interesting! I have always pondered the contradictions I have seen myself! I did not reaize that there were so many though! lol

06:15 Feb 13 2014

I believe the Bible is a man made book like all books or scripts of humanity. Thank you for the Info.

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