kevil's Journal

kevil's Journal


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8 entries this month

Darkened night

00:44 Jan 27 2006
Times Read: 567

Will you take my hand and guide me through

The nightmare is over

The lights are shinning thru

Go on take a chance

Go on we all can dance

Reveal the side you hide from all eyes

Take this my love

You can't phathom how deep I love

Take the chance to find me

I hidding within the darkness of the night

Go on take a chance

Go on we all can dance

Reveal the side you hide from all eyes

Put me into a boxed up state

Oh well I guess it was always my fate

To have you dance with me on this darken night

Nothing to fear

Here comes the light

Go on take a chance

Go on we all can dance

Reveal the side you hide from all eyes

Keep this secret deep within

Hide it from the world

My love

My friend

this dance was ment to show the world we live

Go on take a chance we all can dance on this darkened night






02:58 Jan 19 2006
Times Read: 570

I washed away my face today

Dreams of all that's happened

Can't go on

Can't face the day

Sins of past passions

I can't walk away

I can't turn away

Here I stand trapped inside me


Things are catching up to me

Shadows I can not flee

Darkness falls upon me

Trapped inside and endless dream

Swallowed by my own hatered

Life has gone out of control

Vanished into my own past sins

Devoured by my tortured soul


Things are catching up to me

Shadows I can not flee

Darkness falls upon me

Trapped inside and endless dream

Now I can't go on

Can't face the past

This life of mine will not last

Trapped inside an endless dream

No where to run

No where to flee

The past has now caught up to me

Trapped inside

Somebody help me!





08:12 Jan 17 2006
Times Read: 571

Release unto me your burdens, so that you will never feel pain nor grief

I have hardened myself to protect you, so that your heart is mended

Give me all your fears, so that you can truly live without knowing the meaning


I'll take all that confines you

I'll take all that binds you

Let me take all that ales you away

I feel nothing so feel no sorrow for me

If I gave you this gift, would you let yourself go to me

I'll only take what you do not need,the hurt the pain the agony

Give me all that makes you cry, I can take it

The strenght of me is more than one can ever understand


I'll take all that confines you

I'll take all that binds you

Let me take all that ales you away

I feel nothing so feel no sorrow for me

I'll give you peace, so no worries ever bother you

I've hardened my self to always protect you

You ask me how I can handle it all

The answer is I was put here to take the fall

Descention of myself to take the pain, the agony that you can't bear

Your salvation is a promise to me

I'll leave you without any hurtful things

I'm the one to set you free

Give all that ales you unto me

Give it all just release





Can not stop

08:21 Jan 13 2006
Times Read: 575

Look at he way you've got me wrapped

I wish you could see the way you look at me

Bound to you never shall I be

The noose is to tight it's killing me


Can not stop a beating heart that's pounding full of hate

Can not cease the inside pain inside

I have no tears to fuckin' cry

All the darkness of the trapped inside

No more shall you harm me

This is my life I'm taking it back

The noose around my neck is tearing into me


Let you see me as i am

I shattered all my mask I faced you with

My face is now my own

It's time you saw the true thing that's me

Take it or leave it just let me go

Time has no face to me, and to me you are time


I can not stop this from happening

I've taken off the noose you had on me

Can not stop a beating heart from pounding

When it's filled with rage to be set free

No longer shall I be bound to you





The dance

07:35 Jan 13 2006
Times Read: 576

Now I take the chance to redue life again

(forever in this deadly dance)

Life is such a hallowed thing, I spend most of it as in a dream

(forever in this deadly dance)

I took a chance to free myslef

(forever in this deadly dance)

Why can we see past the shallowness of the mask we know everyone wears

How can we strive to be the a friend to those we think are unworthy


Why do we

Dance the around the world in a dream like state

Why can we see that this dance is such a deadly thing

Forever in this deadly dance

We are not who we seem to be

There are those who hope the dance will end soon as can be

Think to free themselves and this lunicy



Forever in this deadly dance

Give it's never going to make you whole again

Forever...........Now take a bow.....





A call from within

07:24 Jan 13 2006
Times Read: 577

Sitting waiting for the one to come

Why is life so hard for me

When will my day come


Days go on.........

Lifes a tragic game I play it well

Things would only be okay

If you could hear me screaming out your name

How is it that only you can break

Break the curse set upon me

You hold the key to undue this thing

I alone am strong enough to break myself free


Release me from this cross I bare

Does the world ignore the pain I'm in

Release me from my bondage

The world can go without me

No it can't says the call from within

The call from within






07:16 Jan 13 2006
Times Read: 578

The world beneath the star, is an endless possibility of life and time in vasness can you see is not all that it seems

Travel to the end of time undo all my past lifes crimes


Erase the pain that burns inside my mind

Endless melody taking over me can not stop the forseen in my dreams

You held me high to a path I wasn't ready for

I didn't deserve it, or did I wondering what the hell is going on

you held my hand I pulled away with the thought to save myself


Where did I go wrong

has the past lives paths that I treaded on brought me to a fate that can not be undone


Beneath me the world of hidden lies and spoken hate

Beneath me is a world that shadows walk in day

Beaneath me






00:44 Jan 10 2006
Times Read: 582

I'm crazy,crazy for loving one so truely

Not thinking about the way

You treat me

Treat my so harsh and so cruel

I looked for another

To keep me from losing my mind

But I was to far gone to realize

You tore out my heart

Crazy for loving you

Crazy for losing my life to you

I walk in a haze blinded by my rage

You kept me so dazed

I could not find a way to give up....on....you

Crazy for loving you

Crazy for losing my life to you

Jaded was I

You were my greatest high

Now I must rid my self

Can't do this to myself

Loving you was all just a lie

Cause I was crazy

Crazy for loving you


Crazy for losing my life to.....you

Jealousy clouded my mind

How I lost myself to this lie

Loving you was the hardest part

Letting you tear my damn heart apart

Crazy for losing my life to you


Crazy for loving you


For ripping my heart out for you

Crazy for ever falling for you



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