krave's Journal

krave's Journal


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15 entries this month


06:14 May 28 2008
Times Read: 617

I need to get online more :]





13:48 May 26 2008
Times Read: 621

I have not slept in the past 3 days :/




so so slow

13:47 May 21 2008
Times Read: 624

it my computer D:

it totally sucks bad. .

If only it would run faster . . .






19:08 May 14 2008
Times Read: 626

My dad started dialysis today :(





14:23 May 13 2008
Times Read: 629

At 5 am I had to race to the hospital... . my dad's sugar went WAY low and he was like . . dying

so went went and took him but I had to come back home to take care of my brother an sister.

:( I feel sad.




I just noticed.. ..

22:22 May 12 2008
Times Read: 638

That I am blocked by a lot of people.. . but I see that I have given them 10's

so.. . what the hell???


anyways w/e

I have now spent 146.58 hours on VR :]





19:39 May 12 2008
Times Read: 643

Well I'm home now.. .. only one person at a time was allowed to view my dad it was either me or my mom. . . I saw him for a few minutes. . . he looked good. .they said his blood pressure and sugar went down . .

anyways I had to leave and I took the truck so now I'm home watching my sister and waiting for my brother to get home..

good thing I got this Verizon connection it would have sucked to leave on my last day without talking to you guys :]

Thanks for your concerns I think he will be ok but I'm not sure when he will be back or my mom.




19:46 May 12 2008

*hugs* I hope he recovers soonest



17:22 May 12 2008
Times Read: 649

My dad collapsed .. . and I have to go walk to the hospital now :(

I'll talk to you guys later!!!

(the hospital is down the road of the campus I'm on :) )



18:55 May 12 2008

I hope all goes well for your Dad.


oh yeah. . ..

17:08 May 12 2008
Times Read: 651

I'm not suspended anymore :]

I had to take out the Venus section .. . but w/e

it was a lil too much anyways.






17:07 May 12 2008
Times Read: 652

VR is so so slow on dial up. . . it must be all the pages I have to view ect. . and all the profiles online at once.... .

but its great that I can still re-rate ppl and post a few. . .

I still can't be as active using the schools connection but something is something right???

I will probably only be one 1-2 times a week to check up on things . .





:( and :)

15:02 May 12 2008
Times Read: 655

I got a dial up modem for my b-day and am happy I can be more online


but. . .. now I'm suspended and I do not know what to do. . . .???






15:16 May 09 2008
Times Read: 668

its my birthday. . .I'm 19 now :]

isn't that sweet...

to tell you the truth I have always hated my birthday.. nothing good usually happen except the remembrance of the real friends I have which actually remember me.

p.s. my last day online in till august is monday.



15:25 May 09 2008

Happy Birthday

15:52 May 09 2008

Happy Birthday

18:27 May 09 2008

Happy birthday


soon . . . very soon

20:24 May 08 2008
Times Read: 669

it will be my b-day


i always hate it but this year may be different who knows? right?

anyways also monday will be my last day online this season and I will not be back in till the fall. thats in august

i use the internet reception from the school library and I have none at home or any resources while I am not at school so if you want my number (if I really really know you) I will give it to you and we can talk during the distance but if not then too bad i won't be seeing you guys till next semester :D

anyways in till my next entry X]





13:49 May 06 2008
Times Read: 670

Yes yes a few day till my b-day.

and a few day in till I go to summer vacation.





I leave on May the 12th.

13:45 May 02 2008
Times Read: 675

Yeah school ends that day.

I will be gone 3 & 1/2 months, Rest of May, June, July, and Beginning of August.

I wrote a really long explanation but my computer sent me back a page somehow and I lost it, so again I will write it.. . . V.V'

Anyways, here's the deal; I'm the oldest in my family and also the head of my family, you should all know I'm Hispanic, origin Mexican, Mexican Indian and Italian, and now American. (I was born in Florida)

Anyways in the Spanish culture it is strange for a female to be the head of the family, almost shameful.

(This is not true for all families depending on their geographical area)

I am the head of the family because my dad is the richest out of his brothers/sisters and my grandparents have giving him more land, I was born first so I have been suggested to be the head of the family, my younger brother was also suggested even if he was born second, but he really has not shown the family how he can be 'a man'. So it turns out I have more balls in me than my brother so I should be the head of the family blah blah blah.

Everyone on my dads side hates me here are some reasons why:

1. My mom is Spanish but looks white.

2. I was born first.

3. I was born a girl.

4. I was not married by 15yrs.

5. I went to school and graduated HS.

6. I'm still a virgin.

7. I'm going to college.

8. I have applied to universities.

9. I know how to drive.

10. I know how to defend myself (fight).

11. I'm not easy.

12. I speak 2 languages.

13. I speak my mind

. .. . . .. .I think you get the idea, women are treated like shit in Mexico (depending on the area) and I was born into the hell hole of a family.

But I still get everything my dad owns in the end.

. . So since I am the head of the family I have grown up almost the second in command in our family business which is produce, exotic or local, shipping and packing, retail and wholesale, growing and trading ect,. all that agriculture stuff.

And I go to work every after noon, some mornings, all my breaks, all vacations, when ever I am not in school.

And thats the problem I will not be here all summer, I will be working; I will be going to fields, checking on workers, paying, dealing, negotiating.. .driving shiploads, unloading semi trailers, talking to truckers, not sleeping, watching, always watching and hearing. Staying in competitions and yeah I think you kinda get if not ask me I'll tell you more.

I will not be online, and I will not be able to get online.

Last time I left,. . .Winter Break I was blinded then kicked out of my first coven since then I have been in 2 other covens and am now in a Great House.

I really hope I will not be kicked out of this one because I know inside that I really belong with them.

if you do just know you have broken my heart as everyone else has before.

I'm here for friends and I treat everyone how I would IRL.

I know this is used a lot but, Please understand that :

you do not know what I am feeling, you do not know the cultural differences, or the problems I face every day or how I really am and that is the wrong in online communications you can never really see me as me.

I work to feed my family, I work to go to school, I work for family I don't even know in other countries, I work and work and work and no one can stop me because I will never stop

some might think that I would want to but I really don't i will show everyone who doubts my ability to lead, I will prove myself as honorable

I didn't have to write this, I didn't have to say anything.

But I did because I love you guys and I want you all to know that I will miss you these almost 4 months of 'no internet'.

If you want to talk to me more just message me ok.




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