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supid fears

03:33 Jul 10 2006
Times Read: 807

Is it normal to fear such pathetic things?

I've had this fear of flamingos since the 8th grade. I think it

had something to do with the lawn flamingo in Mrs.Taylors

6th hour english class. First off it always made me ponder to

the thought of why someone would keep a plastic, pink flamingo

in a classroom when all it did was lean on the wall in the left front

corner of the class. Why? What was the point in that? But it frightened

the hell out of me. I never knew why. But I sat in the front left corner,

where that damn plastic nightmare stared at me menicingly for an entire

hour. The last hour of the day thankgod. I had begged the teacher to

move my setting when about a week went by and I was tired of being

scared shitless. I think it was the fear of an intimate object coming to life and somehow attacking me. God, that was a dumb fear. I'm glad the flamingo thing is over.

And then there is this fear I still have. Porcealin Dolls.Now this one can

be more easily explained.

1. You cant tell where the hell they're looking due to the handy craftmenship when making the glimmering glass eyes.

2. They always smile at you. Smile and stare. Sure barbie dolls do it,

but you dont get bitched at my parents or adults for ripping the head off a barbie. Because it can easily be re-attatched.

3. Because sometimes if you stare at them long enough, they look like they move/d. Like its not frightning enough with the other two. Now i have to acctually worry about this damn thing coming to life and stabing the life out of me with its tiny umbrella, in the eyes, while saying "I love you", or better yet, "Lets play!" Oh yeah, the thought of that makes me want to piss myself already.




he Bi trend

03:30 Jul 10 2006
Times Read: 809

I've noticed this trend going around that seems to be unmissable. The Bi trend. Now, for all people who are bi this doesnt apply to you. I have gotten numerous people asking me, "Are you really bi or is that just there for a turn on to others?" No, I'm not trying to impress anyone. I am bi, I am inlove with a beautiful girl named kat and she is very dear to me. But I have a boyfriends and we are in a relationship and I love him with all my heart and would never cross him. Yes, kat is dear but she is a bestfriend also. The thing bugging me most is that those people who put "Bi" for their sexual status and arent are making it more difficult for others to believe that those who are bi just arent following another trend.

It kind of resembles that stage and trend that went around a while ago. It was know as the, "Depressed suicidal goth trend". Everyone wanted to be a goth and kill themselves. Even those with absolutely nothing wrong in their life, had it way better than alot of others and no reason whatso ever to be that way, still wanted to kill themselves. ...you stupid fucks. When will people learn to stop following trends and try to look at themselves and say, "hmmm.. you know what, I think i really/ really dont apply to that" and leave it at that. Rather than thinking its alright to just tamper around and lie to others.

And here is a question I get ahell of alot when people ask me:

Q: If you say youre bi then why are you in a straight relationship?

a: Uh...the thing about being bi is that you are attracted to both sexs'

and would be in a relationship with eather one. That male or female, you dont matter what you end up with because you only base it on attraction and love. Kinda has to do with the Gay Pride. I guess once youre in a relation ship then for a while you become a sexual status but other than that.

So now you fucktarts who have been asking me can knock it off and understand. and those of you, using it for an attraction seeker, there are plenty of other ways to get attention. For instance, put honey on your body, roll in a pile of feathers, put on a fake beak and shove a feather duster up your ass. Then once youre done with that go walk down town/city and start squakin like a chicken. You'll get all the attention you've ever wanted and then some.




Im just too damn emo

03:30 Jul 10 2006
Times Read: 810

I like to hang out in no particular place.

I cry in the night because I think I don't fit in.

And to me my eye-liner is my personal jesus.

I walk around all day with a sharpe in my pocket.

I really like these girls pants, they fit on my ass better.

I also have a boyfriend that looks just like me.

I cry to other people and say I feel like dirt.

I walk around everyday with hellokitty wrist bands.

It's either just plain black or double colored in one place.

I have to paint my nails because I haven't found time yet.

And because I'm so depressed, I like to take zoloft.

Some just don't understand, I'm just so damn emo.



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